Monday, July 28, 2014

2014 Character Cup - Final Four

Please Read: So far this has been one of my favorite internet contests I have ever run. It's been a joy listening to people's opinions on TV in general and how TV has inspired them. However this is the part of the contest where, in my experience as a contest creator and participant of far too many polls to count, things often get rough. As things head to a close, people tend to forget that this is a completely unimportant little contest that is meant to do nothing more than pass hellatus and get people talking about why they love TV. There is nothing at all worth getting riled up about here. So it feels like a great place to remind people of the rules.

The Rules Re-Posted: The goal of this contest is for us to pass the hiatus time with great TV talk and loads of fun. Alas in every internet contest ever, there are always things that come up and ruin the fun for everyone. In an attempt to shoot for the stars and miraculously avoid these, here are the rules:

1. The Aliens Haven't Landed. There's No Conspiracy Here - I have no hidden agenda. Everything is placed in brackets based on number of nominations and ranking polls. If your favorite show goes against a giant, it's nothing personal. There's also no secret underground of people cheating polls. Nobody gets paid for that so nobody has time for that. Especially since this contest means absolute squat. It's just for fun.

2. Leave Sour Grapes on the Vine - Yeah, it sucks when your favorite gets kicked off by a show you hate. Yep, the winning character will come from the most organized fandom that works the hardest to get the word out. Them's the facts of life and internet, folks. It doesn't mean we can't have fun. So discuss why you love your favorite instead of vetching about life's unfairness and bringing down the room. I promise we'll all have more fun that way.

3. It's Not 2048 and My Name's Not Dorian - I will do my very best to keep the contest running smoothly and let you know the approximate time each poll ends.  However, I occasionally do silly things like put the wrong date on a poll so it doesn't end the exact time I thought. Again see #1. Let me know and I'll fix it. I apologize in advance for any technical difficulties.

4. Comments are the Wellspring of Hiatus Life - Most of us anxiously await a favorite show's return and if you're like me, right about now is when I start feeling the wait the most. Why not distract yourself with a little TV talk?  So explain your voting choices. What is your favorite thing about a character? Your favorite character arc? What are your hopes for him or her? The conversation is endless as long as someone starts it.

****Now that business is done, we now return you to your previously scheduled contest.  :-) 

Congratulations to Patrick Jane (53%), Dean Winchester (53%), Vincent Keller (by 21 votes), and Kate Beckett (59%) for proceeding to this round in the overall tightest races of the contest. Only Beckett had a clear lead throughout as the others remained too close to call much of the way. What an exciting race for all characters! Thanks to everyone who passed the word and voted. Today as you comment please remember that the goals of the contest are to have fun through hellatus, to get people to try your favorite shows, and to start some great TV discussion. In that nature, please tell us why the characters you voted for are so amazing instead of sour grapes about the previous poll. I appreciate you keeping things light and fun. Until next time, happy commenting and voting!

Previous contest results - Final rankings for all characters out in the third round now up. Rankings for round 4 will come shortly. Final rankings have been moved to the top. Inital rankings below

Polls end - Tuesday around 5:00 pm CST

Prediction contest results - Janna, Dahne, Sharon Seymour, and It Depends on What Fails all had 100% correct. Janna remains in the lead with 11 misses. Great job!

TV Talk Topic - To be honest, I have pulled a Kira (Teen Wolf reference sorry) and hemmed and hawed about whether to go ahead and do this topic or change it. In the end I decided I really wanted to know, so please stick with talking about why you love a character and please do not put other characters down. Stay positive! Since today is the Final Four of our contest, today's topic is who would you have in your own Top 4...with a little twist of course. We're going to narrow it down. Who would you put in your top 4 of classic TV, as in characters who started out in black and white because there was no color TV at that time? Who would you pick during the post-color but still in the 20th century time period? How about the millennial age? Better yet, who are your top 4 characters of (fill in a genre of TV)? Please remember to keep it positive and NOT a discourse on the current competitors of the actual contest. Thanks! Can't wait to hear your picks.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts the Warehouse 13 "Endless Wonder", Sleepy Hollow "Headless," and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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