Saturday, July 19, 2014

2014 Character Cup - 1G

Congratulations to Tyrion Lannister, Cristina Yang, Walter White, and Damon Salvatore for advancing to round 2. Nothing was even very close this time. Today's polls contain a fun mix of very popular and smaller shows, network and cable, and US vs British productions. It should be interesting to see which characters emerge victorious. Except for one poll which should be a blowout, this may play havoc on people's brackets. Thanks as always for the great TV discussion. If you have something you'd like to address as the TV Talk topic, let me know. Until then, keep the conversation flowing, play nice, and happy voting!

Previous contest results

Polls end - Sunday around 4:30 pm CST

Prediction contest results - Rob F, Dahne, Janna, and Famous 4 It all predicted 100% correctly today so Janna is still in the lead. Congrats to all!

TV Talk Topic - Today it is all about new characters. Thanks Emma for the suggestion. How do you feel when a new major character comes into shows that have been on the air for a long time? Who is your favorite new character in a recurring show from last season or this summer? Who is your least favorite? Has a new character coming on ruined a show for you? Made it better? How do you feel when a new character replaces a character that has been killed off or left the show? How would you prefer shows handle a character leaving? Have you ever watched a show that kept the same character but changed actors? What is the best way to ease a new character into an established show? What was the strangest way a new character was introduced? What was the worst way?

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts the Warehouse 13 "Endless Wonder", Sleepy Hollow "Headless," and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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