Sunday, June 3, 2012

Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 1A - Polls

Woo hoo! The Ultimate Supernatural Episode Contest begins right now. We've voted for which 128 episodes made it into the contest and now we're ready to get started. Rules are simple - 1 vote per IP address. The episode with the most votes moves on to the next round. The episode that doesn't, doesn't. All polls end at 7PM St. Louis, USA time. Play nice. Have fun.

Below you will find some links that might be helpful as the contest begins. There is a list of episodes in ranked order. This list also tells what season each episode comes from. There's is also a link to the bracket system we are using. It was particularly helpful for me to print it out and track which episodes were going up against each other. May help any visual learners out there. Since this contest will take a few weeks to complete, I've also added a separate results page which I will try to update every day. This will make it easier to find information than trying to remember what day an episode was in a poll. Finally there is a page that has all the season 1 quote nomination forms. These nominations will help determine what quotes go into our Ultimate Supernatural Quote Contest later in the year. We are currently on The Usual Suspects and Crossroad Blues. If you have any questions about the contest, please leave your comments below. Also comments about why you voted for the episodes you did are always welcome.

So let's get to it. Happy voting!

List of episodes in contest
Print your own bracket.
Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form

My blog
SPN Asylum