Monday, June 11, 2012

Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 1 - I - Polls

Round 1H saw the end of the first half of round 1, with another upset victory albeit not as exciting as the round before. Folsom Prison Blues (#76) knocked out It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (#53). ItGP,SW received 41.51% of the vote. My predictions for the round were 100% as the following episodes advance to round 2: The End, Folsom Prison Blues, The Pilot, and My Bloody Valentine. Leaving the contest is Hollywood Babylon, It's the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, and Hammer of the Gods.

Today we start on the other half of the contest where at least one poll should be a major blow out and another one very, very close. We might have a nail biter win again. We are also closing out season 2 in our quotes nominations with All Hell Breaks Loose parts 1 and 2. Definitely powerful episodes. Don't forget to comment below and happy voting!

List of episodes in contest
Print your own bracket.
Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
Season 2 Quote Nominations Form

Screencap by Home of the Nutty

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SPN Asylum