Day 3 was the toughest so far. Three polls ran neck and neck the entire time. Ghostfacers, Malleus Maleficarum, and The Kids are Alright won easily but Jump the Shark defeated Exile on Main St. by only 7 votes. Similarly, Sex and Violence beat Playthings by a mere 5 votes and Family Remains defeated Adventures in Babysitting by 17. This actually gives all three losing episodes a good chance of making it into the contests's last three spots. However, I expect today's polls to end up similarly close so who knows.
This is the last of the wild card polls so tomorrow we start the actual contest. I think voting will start off easy and get progressively harder. There are so many excellent episodes, choosing just one to crown as the Ultimate Supernatural Episode should be interesting. Please remember to pass the word. The more people we have participating, the more fun things will be. As always, comments are the cupcakes of life (of the non-beating heart variety of course). Happy voting!
List of episodes in contest
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Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
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