Saturday, September 29, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Winner
311 days in the making, we finally crowned the Ultimate Supernatural Episode.....Lazarus Rising. An epic game changer of an episode, Lazarus Rising has a long history in these SpoilerTV polls. It decimated all other competition in our favorite premiere poll by getting 51% of the votes. Its nearest competitor, In My Time of Dying, only received 22% of the votes. In the first episode tournament we had, Lazarus Rising ranked 6th overall, beaten only by The End, What is and What Should Never Be, All Hell Breaks Loose 2, In My Time of Dying, and Changing Channels. Its obvious popularity has held up well.
In this tournament, Lazarus Rising beat out Of Grave Importance, In the Beginning, Appointment in Samarra, What is and What Should Never Be, A Very Supernatural Christmas, The French Mistake, and of course Changing Channels to be crowned the ultimate episode. More to the point, compared to most other episodes in the later stage of the contest, it was never even close to being beat. The closest it came was with A Very Supernatural Christmas where it won by 43 votes and What is and What Should Never Be where it won by 35 votes. Four times it won by over 100 votes and it won against Of Grave Importance by a whopping 271 votes. Clearly it was a front runner from the beginning. A big thanks to everyone who voted and commented for helping hellatus go by relatively quickly this time around. I very much appreciate it. We wouldn't have a contest without you.
But what about those other episodes? You know, the ones that you thought left the contest too soon. The ones that you can't believe got defeated by that other episode. Below is a complete ranking of where every Supernatural episode thus far ended up in the tournament. Remember that a lot of this ranking had to do with what the episode was up against instead of the episode's own merits. For instance, I have no doubt that Faith would have ranked much higher if it hadn't come against What is and What Should Never Be relatively quickly. It's definitely higher than 24 in my book.
So how did your favorites do? Do you more or less agree with the top 10? Is their an episode you feel got shafted? Feel free to share all your thoughts in the comments section and definitely start making your top 20 and bottom 20 lists now. That's one of many fun discussions we will have over the winter hiatus here at SpoilerTV. Until then, discuss away at this list and of course.....ONLY 4 MORE DAYS until the season 8 premiere. Woo hoo!!! Only 4 days until we have new episodes to discuss. Hope you will all join us in that!
Competition Placement:
1. Lazarus Rising
2. Changing Channels
3. Bad Day at Black Rock
4. The French Mistake
5. Swan Song
6. In My Time of Dying
7. All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2
8. A Very Supernatural Christmas
9. Mystery Spot
10. Death's Door
11. What is and What Should Never Be
12. The End
13. Lucifer Rising
14. Point of No Return
15. Meet the New Boss
16. The Monster at the End of This Book
17. Weekend at Bobby's
18. No Rest for the Wicked
19. All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1
20. It's a Terrible Life
21. Born Under a Bad Sign
22. Frontierland
23. Pilot
24. Faith
25. Abandon All Hope
26. Jus in Bello
27. Appointment in Samarra
28. Dark Side of the Moon
29. Hello, Cruel World
30. I Know What You Did Last Summer
31. Devil's Trap
32. Time After Time
33. Survival of the Fittest
34. Something Wicked
35. Heaven and Hell
36. On the Head of a Pin
37. The Born-Again Identity
38. My Bloody Valentine
39. 2 Minutes to Midnight
40. Croatoan
41. Clap Your Hands if You Believe
42. Home
43. Yellow Fever
44. Skin
45. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
46. Tall Tales
47. Crossroad Blues
48. The Song Remains the Same
49. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
50. Slash Fiction
51. Folsom Prison Blues
52. When the Levee Breaks
53. Heart
54. Monster Movie
55. Hell House
56. Scarecrow
57. Asylum
58. The Usual Suspects
59. The Man Who Would be King
60. The Man who Knew Too Much
61. Reading is Fundamental
62. In the Beginning
63. Sympathy for the Devil
64. Simon Said
65. Caged Heat
66. Wishful Thinking
67. Dream a Little Dream of Me
68. Death Takes a Holiday
69. Bloody Mary
70. Nightshifter
71. Live Free or Twihard
72. After School Special
73. Provenance
74. Repo Man
75. Fresh Blood
76. Good God Y'All
77. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
78. And Then There Were None
79. Everybody Loves a Clown
80. There Will be Blood
81. House of the Holy
82. Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
83. Free to Be You and Me
84. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
85. Shadow
86. The Benders
87. The Rapture
88. Hammer of the Gods
89. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
90. You Can't Handle the Truth
91. Wendigo
92. Sam, Interrupted
93. Hunted
94. My Heart Will Go On
95. The Devil You Know
96. Party On Garth
97. 99 Problems
98. Bloodlust
99. Dead Man's Blood
100. Phantom Traveler
101. Malleus Maleficarum
102. Salvation
103. The Mentalists
104. Dead in the Water
105. Like a Virgin
106. Let it Bleed
107. Two and a Half Men
108. Mommy Dearest
109. Nightmare
110. Bedtime Stories
111. Playthings
112. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
113. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
114. Family Matters
115. Ghostfacers
116. Sex and Violence
117. No Exit
118. The Kids are Alright
119. Time is on My Side
120. Red Sky at Morning
121. Adventures in Babysitting
122. Exile on Main St.
123. The Real Ghostbusters
124. Hollywood Babylon
125. Out with the Old
126. Jump the Shark
127. Of Grave Importance
128. Family Remains
129. The Magnificent Seven
130. Long-Distance Call
131. Hook Man
132. Metamorphosis
133. The Third Man
134. Unforgiven
135. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
136. Slice Girls
137. Fallen Idols
138. Shut Up, Dr. Phil
139. I Believe the Children are Our Future
140. Swap Meat
141. All Dogs Go to Heaven
142. Defending Your Life
143. Criss Angel is a Douche Bag
144. Roadkill
145. Season 7, Time for a Wedding
146. The Girl Next Door
147. Route 666
148. Sin City
149. Bugs
Screencap by Home of the Nutty and I have no idea who did the 6 pictures one. If it is you, please leave a note in the comments section so I can properly credit you for doing such a fantastic job.
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Sunday, September 23, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Finale - Poll
We are finally here - the last day of the Ultimate Supernatural Episode Tournament. After today we crown our winner. It's been a long process. We started the ranking polls all the way back in November 2011 and finished them in May 2012 once season 7 had finished. All wildcard rankings were done by June 1 and the contest officially started on June 2, 2012, running pretty much daily except for during the STV Favorite Show tournament in July. Of 149 episodes, 128 made it into the contest and now 2 remain. Thank you to everyone who participated. It's been fun whiling away hellatus with you and hearing your wildly varying opinions. Thanks for sharing your passion for Supernatural and being a great group of people who understand that opinions differ and that's what makes things fun. I can't wait until October 3 when we can start sharing about new episodes too! Until then, thanks for making my hellatus more bearable and giving me a chance to discuss Supernatural every day without getting rolling eyes and deep sighs (my family just doesn't get it.) And now on to the finale....
In the left corner is....Changing Channels.
It earned its way into the contest by defeating Sex and Violence, Simon Said, Jus in Bello, The Monster at the End of This Book, All Hell Breaks Loose Part2, and Bad Day at Black. It's easiest win was over Simon Said with 86.69% of the vote. It's hardest win was against All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2 with 54.09%.

In the right corner is....Lazarus Rising.
It earned its way into the contest by defeating Of Grave Importance, In the Beginning, Appointment in Samarra, What is and What Should Never Be, A Very Supernatural Christmas, and The French Mistake. It's easier win was over Of Grave Importance with a whopping 92.74%, the highest of the contest. It's hardest win was against A Very Supernatural Christmas with 56.75%.
Let the voting begin!
Don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes from Fallen Idols while you're at it. I know many people didn't like this one as much as I did but there are some great quotes. As always, happy voting!
List of episodes in contest
Print your own bracket.
Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
Season 2 Quote Nominations Form
Season 3 Quote Nominations Form
Season 4 Quote Nominations Form
Season 5 (so far) Quote Nominations Form
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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Interview - Martha Plimpton and Greg Garcia
"I want to have a good time." - Martha Plimpton
The cast and crew of Raising Hope is dedicated to making sure we ALL have a good time and it shows. Raising Hope is THE laugh out loud comedy for me this year, marching past last year's winner, Community. Surprising since when I first heard the pilot synopsis, I crossed it off my viewing list. Luckily I stumbled across a promo of Virginia-isms, watched a full episode, and then immediately went to iTunes to catch up. Now on the eve of a new Raising Hope episode (FOX Tuesdays, 9/8C), we heard from executive producer Greg Garcia and lead actressMartha Plimpton about the characters, political correctness, and future of Raising Hope.
Virginia Chance is the first lead TV character Plimpton has played. She got on board because the character is really fun and she wanted to work with people who are "really smart and kind and funny and sweet." She worried that she would get bored playing the same character but is happily relieved that she hasn't "ever one time been bored at all." Part of that is working with co-star Garret Dillahunt, who plays her husband Burt. "Working with Garret is a dream, an absolute dream. He's wonderful. He's hilarious. He's incredibly smart." She loves the relationship between the characters and the fact that they have grown up together. "They're so familiar with each other that they're best friends as well as husband and wife. I love very much that they're not like the Bickersons. They're not like your typical sit-com couple….always fighting about who's right or wrong about something." This is one of my favorite aspects of Raising Hope also. In too many sitcoms, laughs come because people are disrespectful or downright rude to each other. However, Raising Hope writers find the best comedy when Virginia and Burt are working together. "I think it gives us way more room over the long haul just as characters to have fun and to get to know these people." Garcia agrees, "It's always better when we can have the two of them against something else as a team, as a nice married team. They may not agree about the way to go about whatever conflict they have, but it's nice to see them working as a team."
Plimpton has worked in acting since she was 8. Daughter of Keith Carradine and Shelley Plimpton, she preferred to perform in plays instead of go to summer camp. In fact, she received the best acting advice from her mother following one of those plays. "You really were excellent. I just want you to remember one thing. Even when you're not talking, you're still in the play." The advice stuck and soon she was starring in projects from The Goonies to Parenthood. She stayed busy after the 80's heyday in movies and TV guest roles as well as in plays. It was this career that made Garcia a fan and attracted his attention when casting Virginia. " of the things that Virginia has as a character is some balls and the things I watch Martha in, I just always feel that there's some balls there."
That's a good way to describe the show too which is not known for being politically correct. The rule on Raising Hope is that if it makes all the writers laugh, it goes in. Well, except those rare times when the network squashes a joke. Garcia: "They have their certain buzzwords and certain topics that they always want to stay away from, no matter what. So you kind of know what you can and can't put in a joke….There are all these rules, but I think…you just kind of have to go with your gut and see what makes you laugh. Occasionally you're going to offend some people, but hopefully, you're making more people laugh than you're offending." They're not above poking fun at Charlie Sheen or Katherine Heigl either. "..Sometimes using some pop culture references is a nice easy way to get a chuckle out of people."
In a show known for its humor, SpoilerTV viewers wanted to know how much of the show was ad libbed. Answering at the same time, Plimpton said, "Almost none," while Garcia claimed, "It's 99% ad lib, right?" Yep, their answers were ad libbed too. In fact, almost everything is scripted. Since they shoot 12-14 hours a day, 5 days a week, they don't have a lot of extra time to ad lib. Garcia: "As long as the actors are comfortable with what's on the page, we try to stick to it and get the job done and move on. That doesn't mean there aren't discussions before we shoot a scene. If something feels wrong coming out of their mouths or it just doesn't feel like the character then we'll talk about it and we'll make changes." Plimpton agrees although sometimes Cloris Leachman, who plays Virginia's grandmother Maw Maw, will go off script. "I think the rest of us are pretty confident that (we couldn't) come up with anything as funny as our writers come up with. " I'd say they are doing a great job so far because the funniest thing I've seen on TV this season was when they tried to get Hope out of the garage.
So what's up next for the show? In Tuesday's episode entitled Cheaters, Jerry Van Dyke guest stars. The story revolves around Maw Maw picking up a man at Hope's daycare and since she often lives in the past, thinks she is cheating on her husband with him. Virginia's upset although her grandpa is long dead. In the meantime, Jimmy, Virginia's son, drives his crush Sabrina to her fiancé's college, where Sabrina suspects some cheating is going on too. Garcia has worked with Van Dyke several times before and was pleased to have him on Raising Hope. "He's an extremely funny guy…I'd love to have him back more next season." Plimpton, who met him on the show, was star struck. "I really think he's a genius…he's one of the funniest people in the world."
Other guest stars will include Ethan Suplee and Jaime Pressley who worked with Garcia on My Name is Earl. They play a married couple in the penultimate episode, and there are many cameos in the flashback season finale. The flashback takes place 5 years earlier and has the characters in braces, overweight, or over decked in make-up. Well, except for Virginia. "I was a little bummed about that. I kind of thought maybe I should have shaved my head or something." While anyone can watch the episode and laugh, Garcia thinks, "If people have watched the whole season there's a lot of little fun things in there that call back from other episodes and questions about why people are where they are in their lives and stuff like that." Sounds promising. I love a good flashback episode.
In a vote of confidence, Raising Hope received a second season early renewal from Fox. So while the writers and TPTB decide what's in store for the Chance family and their friends, we get to sit back and choke with laughter for the remaining 5 episodes. Whether you have been watching all season, just got caught up like me, or are a Raising Hope newbie, don't forget to tune into Fox Tuesday at 9/8C and be ready to chortle and snort your way through one hilarious half hour. You won't regret it. Just remember that drinking and laughing can be bad for your furniture.
Raising Hope - Tuesdays - Fox - 9/8C
Screencaps by Right Celebrity,, and Premier Guide Miami.
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Virginia Chance is the first lead TV character Plimpton has played. She got on board because the character is really fun and she wanted to work with people who are "really smart and kind and funny and sweet." She worried that she would get bored playing the same character but is happily relieved that she hasn't "ever one time been bored at all." Part of that is working with co-star Garret Dillahunt, who plays her husband Burt. "Working with Garret is a dream, an absolute dream. He's wonderful. He's hilarious. He's incredibly smart." She loves the relationship between the characters and the fact that they have grown up together. "They're so familiar with each other that they're best friends as well as husband and wife. I love very much that they're not like the Bickersons. They're not like your typical sit-com couple….always fighting about who's right or wrong about something." This is one of my favorite aspects of Raising Hope also. In too many sitcoms, laughs come because people are disrespectful or downright rude to each other. However, Raising Hope writers find the best comedy when Virginia and Burt are working together. "I think it gives us way more room over the long haul just as characters to have fun and to get to know these people." Garcia agrees, "It's always better when we can have the two of them against something else as a team, as a nice married team. They may not agree about the way to go about whatever conflict they have, but it's nice to see them working as a team."
Plimpton has worked in acting since she was 8. Daughter of Keith Carradine and Shelley Plimpton, she preferred to perform in plays instead of go to summer camp. In fact, she received the best acting advice from her mother following one of those plays. "You really were excellent. I just want you to remember one thing. Even when you're not talking, you're still in the play." The advice stuck and soon she was starring in projects from The Goonies to Parenthood. She stayed busy after the 80's heyday in movies and TV guest roles as well as in plays. It was this career that made Garcia a fan and attracted his attention when casting Virginia. " of the things that Virginia has as a character is some balls and the things I watch Martha in, I just always feel that there's some balls there."
That's a good way to describe the show too which is not known for being politically correct. The rule on Raising Hope is that if it makes all the writers laugh, it goes in. Well, except those rare times when the network squashes a joke. Garcia: "They have their certain buzzwords and certain topics that they always want to stay away from, no matter what. So you kind of know what you can and can't put in a joke….There are all these rules, but I think…you just kind of have to go with your gut and see what makes you laugh. Occasionally you're going to offend some people, but hopefully, you're making more people laugh than you're offending." They're not above poking fun at Charlie Sheen or Katherine Heigl either. "..Sometimes using some pop culture references is a nice easy way to get a chuckle out of people."
In a show known for its humor, SpoilerTV viewers wanted to know how much of the show was ad libbed. Answering at the same time, Plimpton said, "Almost none," while Garcia claimed, "It's 99% ad lib, right?" Yep, their answers were ad libbed too. In fact, almost everything is scripted. Since they shoot 12-14 hours a day, 5 days a week, they don't have a lot of extra time to ad lib. Garcia: "As long as the actors are comfortable with what's on the page, we try to stick to it and get the job done and move on. That doesn't mean there aren't discussions before we shoot a scene. If something feels wrong coming out of their mouths or it just doesn't feel like the character then we'll talk about it and we'll make changes." Plimpton agrees although sometimes Cloris Leachman, who plays Virginia's grandmother Maw Maw, will go off script. "I think the rest of us are pretty confident that (we couldn't) come up with anything as funny as our writers come up with. " I'd say they are doing a great job so far because the funniest thing I've seen on TV this season was when they tried to get Hope out of the garage.
So what's up next for the show? In Tuesday's episode entitled Cheaters, Jerry Van Dyke guest stars. The story revolves around Maw Maw picking up a man at Hope's daycare and since she often lives in the past, thinks she is cheating on her husband with him. Virginia's upset although her grandpa is long dead. In the meantime, Jimmy, Virginia's son, drives his crush Sabrina to her fiancé's college, where Sabrina suspects some cheating is going on too. Garcia has worked with Van Dyke several times before and was pleased to have him on Raising Hope. "He's an extremely funny guy…I'd love to have him back more next season." Plimpton, who met him on the show, was star struck. "I really think he's a genius…he's one of the funniest people in the world."
Other guest stars will include Ethan Suplee and Jaime Pressley who worked with Garcia on My Name is Earl. They play a married couple in the penultimate episode, and there are many cameos in the flashback season finale. The flashback takes place 5 years earlier and has the characters in braces, overweight, or over decked in make-up. Well, except for Virginia. "I was a little bummed about that. I kind of thought maybe I should have shaved my head or something." While anyone can watch the episode and laugh, Garcia thinks, "If people have watched the whole season there's a lot of little fun things in there that call back from other episodes and questions about why people are where they are in their lives and stuff like that." Sounds promising. I love a good flashback episode.
In a vote of confidence, Raising Hope received a second season early renewal from Fox. So while the writers and TPTB decide what's in store for the Chance family and their friends, we get to sit back and choke with laughter for the remaining 5 episodes. Whether you have been watching all season, just got caught up like me, or are a Raising Hope newbie, don't forget to tune into Fox Tuesday at 9/8C and be ready to chortle and snort your way through one hilarious half hour. You won't regret it. Just remember that drinking and laughing can be bad for your furniture.
Raising Hope - Tuesdays - Fox - 9/8C
Screencaps by Right Celebrity,, and Premier Guide Miami.
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Supernatural - Ultimate Episode (Round 1-3) - Poll
We have our first episodes advancing to round 2: The End, Tall Tales, Swan Song, Croatoan, My Heart Will Go On, No Rest for the Wicked, The Monster at the End of this Book, and Lazarus Rising. Just like with the Favorite Episodes poll, only half of what I voted made it. It looks like round 1-2 will meet with similar results. Oh well. :-P Today we start with the other side of the bracket and it will go until midnight tomorrow, St. Louis time. The next few days should be interesting. I expect at least one poll will give people pause on which way to vote. Remember comments are that clear, cool summer night after weeks of record-breaking heat. (It was gorgeous last night in St. Louis.) Happy voting!
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Episodes Going to Round 2 (so far):
The End
Tall Tales
Swan Song
My Heart Will Go On (to round 2 - Sorry. Couldn't help it.)
No Rest for the Wicked
The Monster at the End of this Book
Lazarus Rising
Season 5 Nominations for Ultimate Supernatural Quote Contest (so far)
We are looking to do a major contest of the best Supernatural quotes this year and we need your nominations. Please make sure you put it in the correct episode and please tell which character said it if you remember. For example, in the Pilot box I would put Dean: "Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cake hole." This makes it easier to tabulate nominations. Thanks for all your great nominations and remember that comments are lovely.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Season 4 Nominations for Ultimate Supernatural Quote Contest
We are looking to do a major contest of the best Supernatural quotes this year and we need your nominations. Please make sure you put it in the correct episode and please tell which character said it if you remember. For example, in the Pilot box I would put Dean: "Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cake hole." This makes it easier to tabulate nominations. Thanks for all your great nominations and remember that comments are lovely.
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Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 6 - Polls
Welcome new voters! We are glad to have you. Yesterday saw the biggest voter turnout of the tournament. 80+ more people voted than we've averaged for the rest of the polls and with those new votes came a very unpredictable turn of events. For the majority of the voting time the dramas were winning, but everything changed in the last 4 hours. We now have 3 comedies in the final four, giving comedy better odds at winning the overall prize than drama. Who knew? That means all bets are off for picking the winner.
Results were fairly close in all polls with Lazarus Rising winning by the biggest margin at 56.57%. Both Bad Day at Black Rock and The French Mistake won by a little over 51%. It's definitely at the point where every vote counts. Only two episodes can go to the finals. Will it be 2 comedies or will Lazarus Rising represent the drama side of Supernatural? The battle begins now. Happy voting!
Don't forget that we are also collecting quote nominations for The End. Having just rewatched this episode, I found it packed with great quotes. In fact, I had a hard time narrowing them down since I ended up with 2 pages. It constantly amazes me how I know that The End is in my top 5 episodes but every time I rewatch it, it still blows me away with its awesomeness. So sad it isn't in the contest today.
PS - For an episode all about the brother relationship, there are very few screencaps of both brothers together in Swan Song. I wanted to get the scene where Sammy takes over from Lucifer and reassures Dean but they are never in the same frame. Sorry folks. This is the best I could get that wasn't a flashback to a different episode.
List of episodes in contest
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Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
Season 2 Quote Nominations Form
Season 3 Quote Nominations Form
Season 4 Quote Nominations Form
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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Friday, September 21, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 5 - Polls
There are only 8 episodes left and while I don't agree that all of them are the ultimate of Supernatural, I do agree they are pretty spectacular for the most part. Only 2 episodes don't make my top 25 list. As we enter round 5, I think this one will determine who wins the overall tournament but round 4 knocked 2 major contenders out for me so who knows. Speaking of round 5, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Lazarus Rising, The French Mistake, and In My Time of Dying join Bad Day at Black Rock, Swan Song, Changing Channels, and All Hell Breaks Loose 2. Saying goodbye are Lucifer Rising, What is and What Should Never Be, Meet the New Boss, and Point of No Return. Coincidentally today is the last hard choice for me too. No matter what wins or loses, I know which side of the bracket I am voting either way. Funny how some sections of the bracket were so much stronger than others.
Also up today are quotes for Free to be You and Me, the only episode where the brothers are separated for the entire episode and one of only two episodes where the brothers do not speak a single line of dialogue with each other. I will be getting a season 4 quotes form up soon. As for the rest of the quotes, we will continue nominations over winter hellatus and do the huge quotes contest next summer. So far we have thousands of entries so weeding things down is my big winter project. It's been fun seeing what people nominate and remembering the scenes the quotes come from. There has been some awesome snark in the last 7 years! If you would like to nominate anything from the first 4 seasons,click the links below to add your favorites. And as always,happy voting!
List of episodes in contest
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Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
Season 2 Quote Nominations Form
Season 3 Quote Nominations Form
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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Thursday, September 20, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 4B - Polls
Consider my prediction brackets busted. Yesterday's polls were brutal on me as the hardest choice I made went against me. Moving on to round 5 will be Bad Day at Black Rock, Swan Song (by 8 votes), Changing Channels and All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2. This means we say goodbye to Death's Door, Mystery Spot (sniff), The Monster at the End of This Book, and The End (sniff). Today's polls are bound to cause some difficulty to both my predictions and my hopes too as again some of my favorite episodes are competing against each other. I guess either way I'll win in those polls, but the final four is going to look wildly different than what I expected. How are your predictions going? Hopefully better than mine as we get ready to head into round 5. Don't forget quotes for Good God Y'All, an often overlooked season 5 episode and as always happy voting!
List of episodes in contest
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Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
Season 2 Quote Nominations Form
Season 3 Quote Nominations Form
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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SPN Asylum
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 4A - Polls
Our vote to see when the contest ends once I added my vote, albeit late, tied between ending it the quickest and the latest. So as a compromise, we are going to do the first 4 polls today and the second four polls tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far. Our last polls of round 3 resulted with In My Time of Dying demolishing Hello, Cruel World and Point of No Return easily beating Born Under a Bad Sign. Should be quite the round tomorrow. Today will see some big hitters going down also. It's bound to happen when there are mostly big hitters left. I anticipate some groaning over these polls, including me. With the exception of two episodes, all of these are in my best of Supernatural list. Quote nominations for Sympathy for the Devil begin today too. Happy voting!
List of episodes in contest
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Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
Season 2 Quote Nominations Form
Season 3 Quote Nominations Form
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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SPN Asylum
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 3H - Polls
Today marks the last polls of round 3. Forgive the numbers nerd in me but our last polls netted almost identical results. The French Mistake beat All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1 with 136 to 102 votes. Meet the New Boss beat It's a Terrible Life 135 to 102. Can't wait to see how they do against each other. Of course that also made it hard to determine which losing episode would be spotlighted today. In the end I went with It's a Terrible Life because it had a slightly bigger percentage of votes.
Today's polls marks the third time in this short round where I would rather see both episodes in one poll advance than any in the other poll. It's going to be a tough ender for round 3. Speaking of round 4, I've added a general poll to the end. Originally I was going to do each poll separately from round 4 on so there would only be one poll per day instead of 2. Lately however I've been thinking about combining round 4 like we have been (2 polls per day) and starting single polls in round 5. I wanted to get your feedback. If we do single polls from here on out, the contest will last 15 more days and end on October 3. If we double up this round, the contest will last 11 days and end on September 29. We could also speed round it with all polls for a round being on the same day. This way the contest will last 4 more days and end on Saturday. Voice your choice and don't forget to nominate Lucifer Rising quotes. Happy voting!
List of episodes in contest
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Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
Season 2 Quote Nominations Form
Season 3 Quote Nominations Form
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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SPN Asylum
Monday, September 17, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 3G - Polls
In overwhelming victories that leave no doubt that round 4 will be brutal, Lazarus Rising and What is and What Should Never Be trampled Appointment in Samarra and Faith. I can't be the only one to wish these two episodes were on opposite brackets. I would have loved it if both were in the final four but alas only one can progress beyond round 4. So many great episodes are leaving the contest these days. (Huge sigh.) Today's episodes don't inspire near as much passion from me but there's not a bad one in the bunch. I expect one to be a total blow-out. As for the other, well it won't shock me if it's a blow-out or somewhat close. Don't think it will be a nail biter though. I guess it will depend on the 30 extra voters we've picked up and whether they like meta or not. By the way, welcome new voters. Glad to have you with us.
We're up to When the Levee Breaks for our quote hunt and I have to say this was by far the worst episode to get through transcribing so far. Way, way, way too depressing for me. Who knew the Apocalypse would be more joyful than the year before it and it was sunk it the pit of despair too? Anyway, glad to get this episode over with. Nominate your 2 most depressing quotes and we'll all emoangst together. But then, happy voting!
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Sunday, September 16, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 3F - Polls
We're one more day closer to crowning a winner and A Very Supernatural Christmas and Lucifer Rising will be moving on to round 4 having defeated Time After Time and Weekend at Bobby's. Today is the toughest day for me because it contains 3 of my favorite episodes. This is by far the most competitive section of the brackets and it will be sad to see one worthy contender leave the contest too early. But the tournament must go on so happy voting and don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes from The Rapture.
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Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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Saturday, September 15, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 3E - Polls
Another day of our tournament completed and we are half way through round 3. The previous polls saw both All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2 and The End make it comfortably into the fourth round. We now say goodbye to Dark Side of the Moon and the Pilot. Choices are getting harder as we progress. As we move on to the second half of the round, it's a flash back, a time travel, a finale, and a character study episode going head to head. I'm pretty sure one will be a blow out but the other poll is tougher to pick. Depends on who shows up to vote so pass the word and happy voting! Today's quotes nominations are from Jump the Shark, an all-around terrible episode that doesn't even have many great quotes to save it. Oh well. There's only 3 more season 4 episodes left in our quote hunt after this one. By the way, I chose the pilot picture today because it was the first time the brothers did anything in tandem and a great sign of the amazing brother connection that would be the foundation of the series. However, I pulled it out of my picture archive so I'm not sure where the screen cap came from. If it's yours, let me know so I can credit you.
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Screencap by...I don't know. I pulled this one out of my SPN photo archive. If it's yours let me know so I can credit you.
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Friday, September 14, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 3D - Polls
Well looks like I was wrong again. Neither poll was close at all. Changing Channels and The Monster at the End of This Book blew away Jus in Bello and I Know What You Did Last Summer. In fact they got nearly an identical number of votes. Should make their poll against each other one to watch. Today we continue with more heavy hitters. Again the results ought to make for an interesting round 4. Don't forget to nominate quotes from TMatEotB today too. In fact, you can still nominate for any season 1-4 episode. Just click on the links below. Happy voting!
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Thursday, September 13, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 3C - Polls
The last polls were blowouts with Mystery Spot and Swan Song definitely overtaking Devil's Trap and Abandon All Hope respectively. I think today's polls will be closer. Changing Channels and Jus in Bello are almost universally loved in the SPN fandom. I Know What You Did Last Summer and The Monster at the End of This Book will battle it out for longest title still left in the contest. (Well there's Wi&WSNB too I guess.) Should be a good set of polls. Don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes from It's a Terrible Life, one of my personal season 4 favorites.
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Screencap by Mediacdn - thanks Lilith Hellfire for posting it
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 3B - Polls
In polls that were closer than I thought they would be, Death's Door and Bad Day at Black Rock advanced to round four while we said goodbye to the western Frontierland and another finale, No Rest for the Wicked. Things are definitely heating up! While many will probably find today's polls very easy, for me today and tomorrow are the hardest of this round. Heart's going to hurt either way on these days but at least I'll know what I'm voting for in round 4. On the quote hunt, we are up to On the Head of a Pin. Easily the hardest episode to transcribe due to Alastair's raspy lisp, it does have great dialogue. Don't forget to nominate your 2 favorite. Happy voting!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 3A - Polls
Welcome to round three as we get closer to naming one Supernatural episode the best of them all. Of the 149 episodes that have aired so far, 128 made it into the contest through a nominating and wildcard poll process. Of those 128, only 32 remain including Born Under a Bad Sign and Point of No Return which beat Hell House and Tall Tales.. Hopefully many of your favorites made it to round 3. In eight days, we'll know which 16 will be in round 4. Voting is likely to be harder from here on out as the best of the best remain. Today is no exception. Thanks to all who have participated and to everyone who has commented. The goal was to pass the hellatus together talking about Supernatural and boy have we had some great discussions. Hellatus ends 3 weeks from tomorrow - yippee! - and by then we will have crowned our winner. Happy voting and don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes from Death Takes a Holiday.
PS - The results page is now updated with where episodes ranked after round 2.
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Screencap by Supernatural Fans Online
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Monday, September 10, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 2P - Polls
We've come to the last two polls of round 2. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far. Joining the third round will be In My Time of Dying and Hello, Cruel World which beat When the Levee Breaks (the episode I am currently watching by the way) and Heaven and Hell respectively. We've got quite the mix of episodes for round 3 and for these last 2 polls. Should be interesting to see which episodes join the 32. Happy voting and don't forget to nominate your quotes for Sex and Violence.
Episodes Going to Round 3:
Death's Door, Frontierland, No Rest for the Wicked, Bad Day at Black Rock, Mystery Spot, Devil's Trap, Swan Song, Abandon All Hope, Changing Channels, Jus in Bello, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Monster at the End of This Book, All Hell Breaks Loose 2, Dark Side of the Moon, The End, Pilot, A Very SPN Christmas, Time After Time, Lucifer Rising, Weekend at Bobby's, Lazarus Rising, Appointment in Samarra, What is and What Should Never Be, Faith, The French Mistake, All Hell Breaks Loose 1, It's a Terrible Life, Meet the New Boss, In My Time of Dying, Hello Cruel World and whichever episodes win these two polls.
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Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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Bonus: Caption This - I saw this picture (also from Home of the Nutty) and laughed, which I sorely needed. If you didn't know what it was a picture of, there could be a lot of great possibilities. Therefore as a little fun to end round 2, caption this picture as something completely outside of this episode. Be creative but remember this is a family friendly site.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 2-O - Polls
Results are in and another season 7 episode is heading for round 3. Meet the New Boss took an early lead over Clap Your Hands if You Believe and never turned back. Things were a lot closer between Survival of the Fittest and It's a Terrible Life, tying in votes several times. In the end, IaTL eked by with 16 more votes. Today the final season 7 episode will try to make it to round 3 along with a premiere, character study and mytharc episode. As always pass the word to make sure your choices move on. We're also hunting quotes from After School Special, one of my very least favorite episodes. Nominate your top 2 choices and happy voting!
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Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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SPN Asylum
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 2N - Polls
Yesterday was another double blow out day with The French Mistake trouncing Reading is Fundamental and All Hell Breaks Loose 1 handily defeating Slash Fiction. Today we have 2 more season 7 episodes trying to get to round 3. Round 2 has not been kind to the latest season with only two moving to round three so far. We'll have to see what happens to these last 3. Just a reminder - We are also collecting favorite quotes from Criss Angel is a Douche Bag. Happy nominating and voting!
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Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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SPN Asylum
Friday, September 7, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 2M - Polls
In a very rare double blow out in this round, both What is and What Should Never Be and Faith trounced their competition, Asylum and Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie. I know I'm not looking forward to these 2 big episodes coming against each other in the next round, but I'm happy they made it through. The results of today's polls will make me a lot less happy I think.
Speaking of, we enter the final side of round 2 today. 4 more days and we will start round 3 where everything gets harder. Coincidentally there are 5 season 7 episodes out of 16 still in this section - the largest of any. I'm excited to see how these episodes have held up over the hellatus given that most of them were nominated right after the season ended. Guess we will know on Tuesday. Don't forget to nominate quotes for Family Remains and happy voting!
PS - I decided we needed to pictures to capture the essence of the brother scene in PPMM. I couldn't find a picture of them both together at the end and it seemed like a crime to choose another scene to capture. Brothers laughing and smiling together is not to be missed on this show. It's far too rare.
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Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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SPN Asylum
Speaking of, we enter the final side of round 2 today. 4 more days and we will start round 3 where everything gets harder. Coincidentally there are 5 season 7 episodes out of 16 still in this section - the largest of any. I'm excited to see how these episodes have held up over the hellatus given that most of them were nominated right after the season ended. Guess we will know on Tuesday. Don't forget to nominate quotes for Family Remains and happy voting!
PS - I decided we needed to pictures to capture the essence of the brother scene in PPMM. I couldn't find a picture of them both together at the end and it seemed like a crime to choose another scene to capture. Brothers laughing and smiling together is not to be missed on this show. It's far too rare.
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Season 3 Quote Nominations Form
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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SPN Asylum
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Round 2L - Polls
Wooo hoooo!!!! We finally got a real promo for season 8 from the CW and it's one of the best yet. So excited for the premiere on Oct. 3. If you haven't had a chance to check out the new promo, here it is.
back to the contest - As expected Lazarus Rising took a big lead over In the Beginning in the last polls. The Appointment in Samarra vs Skin poll was closer but Appointment in Samarra got the victory. Today has some other fan favorites in the running as well. Personally, I like all the episodes and love 3 of the 4. So happy voting and don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes from Heaven and Hell.
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I'm not sure where I got this screen cap from so if it is yours, let me know in the comments so I can credit. Thanks!
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