2018 Character Cup Winner
Lucifer Morningstar
63+ polls later and we have a winner! Congratulations to the Lucifer fandom for voting Lucifer Morningstar to the top in a super close finale to end the 2018 Character Cup. While Magnus Bane from Shadowhunters led for most of the 24-hour poll, Lucifer started gaining in the last few hours and pulled off the victory by less than 300 votes. It was yet another very close finale, capping off an exciting Character Cup! It just goes to show how each vote matters. To become the winner, Lucifer defeated Lorelai Gilmore, Jack Pearson, Oliver Queen, Sherlock Holmes, Andy Flynn, and Magnus Bane. He also had the most votes in a single poll with 7,241 and finished the contest with 22,335 votes altogether.
As the winner, Lucifer joins Jack from LOST, Dean and Castiel from Supernatural, Root and Shaw from Person of Interest, and Alex Danvers from Supergirl in our Hall of Retired Winners. In our bronze place poll, Buffy Summers defeated Andy Flynn to take third place again. Congratulations to Lucifer, Shadowhunters, Buffy, Major Crimes, and all other fandoms who supported their favorites. Our breakout character this year was Magnus Bane from Shadowhunters, who jumped a whopping 55 ranks to land in the #2 spot. Over in the Favorite Animal Contest, our winner was Scooby-Doo with Salem from Sabrina placing second.
Interested in other stats about the 2018 Character Cup? Check out the stats page here.
Prediction Contest and Wish Lists:
By correctly predicting Lucifer as the winner, we end in our first technical tie for our weighted prediction contest. Randi and Srothie both received 143 points, which took them to the tiebreaker. Since Randi Rezendes guessed 46/63 polls correctly and Srothie guessed 44/63 polls correctly, the bragging rights go to...Randi. Congratulations and great predicting in a contest that went topsy turvy right from round 1. In 3rd place, was Monica with 139 points. Awesome job to all of you! I am impressed! Fun fact - If we had run the Prediction Contest the same way as last year, where each round was worth the same number of votes, then we would have had a 3-way tie between Randi, Bradley, and Amber.
Over in the wish lists, Randi also took the top place with Ellie and Joanna in second and third. However, if we go by number of polls where a favorite won, Joanna was in first with 37 happy polls and Caomoyl came in second with 36 happy polls. Congratulations for having the most positive results of the contest.
First and foremost, thanks to Andy for running SpoilerTV and hosting this contest every summer. If you haven’t been to SpoilerTV before the Character Cup, I urge you to stick around and try it out. Not only are hundreds of shows covered but the people who make up the STV community are knowledgeable, thoughtful, passionate, respectful, and eager to discuss. You will not find better, balanced conversation about TV anywhere online. It is my privilege to be a part of the STV team. Next up in our summer roster are the STV Awards, which you get to decide, and the Favorite Show Competition, always an intense ride. You don’t want to miss them.
Special thanks also go out to Richard A. Murray. He spent countless hours editing many of the pictures used in this contest to create higher-resolution images. He even spent his weekend making sure that we had great pictures for the later rounds. I very much appreciate all your work, both this year and last. Thanks also to ALL the people who found pictures, not only for their favorites but also other characters in the contest. I didn’t have to worry about finding pictures, which saved me hours. By being the awesome people you are, you cut my work in half and I can’t thank you enough.
Everyone who knows me knows that the TV Talk Topics are my favorite part of this contest and you didn’t disappoint. I appreciate everyone who shared their thoughts, whether it was every time, just once, or somewhere in between. You are the reason why so many people are drawn to SpoilerTV. A special thanks also to everyone who nominated topics. I’m sorry if we didn’t get to yours, but we now have a great mix of topics to start us out next year.
Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who participated in any capacity. There is no contest without you. I appreciate your nominating, voting, discussing, mini-contest ideas, spreading the word through social media, and sharing your thoughts on the topics or characters. Once again, I had a blast during this contest and I can’t wait to see you next year for the 2019 Character Cup.
Character Cup Fun Facts:
Since this is the 5th year that I have run the Character Cup, I thought I’d share some stats from the contest as a whole. Data from the first 2 years of the Cup are not included because it was run differently. (More than 1 character per show is the primary difference.)
Shows represented: 125
Characters represented: 173
Shows that have only been in the Cup once: 40
Characters that have only been in the Cup once: 98
Shows that have been in the Cup all 5 years: 17
The 100, Arrow, The Blacklist, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Criminal Minds, Doctor Who, Fringe, Game of Thrones, Grey’s Anatomy, LOST, Once Upon a Time, The Originals, Sherlock, SHIELD, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, The X-Files
Characters that have been in the Cup all 5 years: 5
Raymond Reddington, Buffy Summers, The Doctor, Sherlock Holmes, Dana Scully
Shows that ranked in the Top 5: 17
Lucifer, Supernatural, Person of Interest, Supergirl, Shadowhunters, Outlander, Arrow, Castle, Shameless, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Agent Carter, Beauty and the Beast, Major Crimes, The 100, The X-Files, The Mentalist, Once Upon a Time
Shows with the most characters representing it:
Grey’s Anatomy - April, Cristina, Derek, Meredith
The 100 - Bellamy, Clarke, Lexa
Arrow - Felicity, Laurel, Oliver
Game of Thrones - Jon, Sansa, Tyrion
Once Upon a Time - Emma, Hook, Regina
Orphan Black - Cosima, Helena, Sarah
Person of Interest - Finch, Root, Shaw
SHIELD - Daisy, Leo, May
Supergirl - Alex, Kara, Lena
The Walking Dead - Carol, Daryl, Rick