Phase one of our 2018 Character Cup is now closed and almost 550 characters have been nominated. It's shaping up to be a great contest. However, with so many nominations, we're bound to need a couple of tie breakers. The polls today come in three types:
A. Show-specific nominating polls: One character from each of these polls is guaranteed to be in the Character Cup. However, fandoms need to choose which character will represent their fandom.
B. Mixed show nominating polls: These are the characters that narrowly missed the cut to be guaranteed a spot in the Character Cup. Therefore, only the characters with the most votes will get into the contest. These characters will make up the remaining slots to get to the 64 needed.
C. Ranking polls: All of these characters are already in the contest, but they had the same number of nominations. Since they are also in the top 10 characters nominated, where they are ranked will determine which shows they go up against.
After voting ends, I will post the complete bracket. You will then have 2 days to compete in our Prediction Cup. It's a fun way to stay engaged in the contest even if your favorites are out, so tune in tomorrow for it. After the prediction contest closes, the Character Cup will begin. Until then, talk up your favorites and tell us why you love them.
IMPORTANT INFO (please read):
1. If you don't see your favorite characters, that does NOT necessarily mean that they didn't make it in. Many characters are already set and don't need a poll.
2. You can only vote for 1 character per poll and no voting results will be shown until after voting ends. Yeah, I know that's mean. I'm having a hard time choosing only 1 too.
3. Polls will stay open for a little less than 12 hours and close around 2 pm CST.
4. Don’t forget to say who you voted for in the comments. It’s a great place to talk up your favorites too. Also, if you have additional ideas for our TV Talk Topics, post them here. Happy voting!