Round 2 will consist of 3 overlapping polls, so if you haven't already voted in round 2A, you can still go here and vote. Round 2C will start later this afternoon/evening. Also, don't forget to nominate your favorite TV animals. We've gotten some great choices already. That competition will start in round 4. Until then, don't forget to comment and happy voting!
Round 1A / Round 1B / Round 1C / Round 1D
Round 2A
Mini-Contest Nominations:
For those of you who weren't with us previously, we added in a mini-contest 2 years ago because a lot of people no longer had anyone to vote for after the third round. This gives everyone a fresh start and something new to root for. This year's topic will be....Favorite TV Animal. What were your favorite furry (or not-so furry) animals to grace your TV screen? Nominations open today and will end after round 2B so get them in quick. Like always, ANY show that is still in the main contest when the mini-contest begins is NOT eligible for the mini-contest since it is designed to spread the voting love. Also, only one submission per person please. If you have any questions, head for the comments. Until then, may the votes be close and your favorite squeak through. Happy voting!
TV Talk Topic Favorite Character Wishes:
Think of a characters you like that is on a TV show is still airing - no dead characters or shows that have ended please. If you could give this characters one piece of advice going into the new TV season, what would it be and why? (Thanks Bwhit for the question.) What story lines would you like to see this character have in the upcoming season? Which other characters should they interact with more and why? Is there an aspect of their personality/background/life that you would like to see explored more? Are there other skills that the character should develop or be allowed to use more often?