With almost half of the first round over, Jamie Fraser, Damon Salvatore, Jethro Gibbs, Barry Allen, Magnus Bane, Klaus Mikaelson, Cameron Black, Regina Mills, Leo Fitz, Olivia Benson, June/Offred, Rosa Diaz, Bellamy Blake, Sansa Stark, and Veronica Mars have all moved on to round 2. Most of the races were won by a big margin, with the biggest being Jamie vs Emily, but 2 were fairly close - Cameron (53%) vs. Brooke and Olivia (54%) vs. Villanelle. The biggest upset so far has been Magnus Bane’s triumph over April Kepler, but that’s more about his shockingly low number of nominations than a big surprise in the polls. Here’s hoping that today’s polls will be nail biters, but if not, the TV Talk Topics have produced great discussion. Thanks to everyone who has participated!
To ensure that every has a good time, please read the rules below. and don't forget to do your homework. Happy voting!
Round 1A
Round 1B
2018 Character Cup Rules:
1. Don't take it seriously! Have fun. Discuss a lot. Play nice.
2. Focus on characters, not people. Talking about what you like and dislike about a character is encouraged. Going after actors or fans is not.
3. The aliens have not landed. There's no conspiracy here. I will do my very best to keep the contest running smoothly, but just like with the original rankings, I do make mistakes. I apologize in advance for any technical difficulties, spelling errors, and general absentmindedness. Let me know and I'll fix it.
4. Comments are life. As you anxiously await the return of your shows, why not distract yourself with a little TV Talk? Each day is a new topic so even if your favorites are out, you can still discuss. While this contest is just a silly piece of internet fluff, the conversation here dives deep, so jump on in.
5. Nuts and Bolts - All polls are active for about 24 hours. The winners advance to the next round. In the case of a tie, both characters go to the next round. New polls should go up every day and polls may sometimes overlap each other. Any questions? Ask away in the comments.
Homework - Mini-Contest Topics:
Along with the prediction contest and the TV Talk Topics, the Character Cup is also different from other contests at SpoilerTV because we do a second mini-contest once we get further in the Character Cup. Basically, I found that people were disengaging after their favorites were gone so I pick a topic and we run with it. So far, we have done Favorite TV Vehicle, Favorite Villain, and Favorite Theme Song. Before my computer crashed last summer, I had an awesome list of future topics provided by the SpoilerTV community. However, they are now lost to the abyss. So if you would like to have future mini-contests, leave some topic ideas in the comments below. I will take nominations for this year’s topic later in round 2.
TV Talk Topic:
TV Talk Topic - Crossovers: When Characters Collide
While a frequent theme in fanfiction and fanvids, crossovers are getting more love in the TV world. From the ones that make sense (Chicago everything) to the downright bizarre (Sleepy Hollow and Bones???), crossovers are a way for networks to increase viewers and make money. Do you like crossover events? What makes a crossover work? What are the best and worst crossovers you’ve seen? If you could pick two characters from any show to interact, who would it be and why? What crossover fan work have you seen or read that you feel is well done? (Thanks to Bwhit for the topic suggestion.)
Note - Don't forget to leave mini-contest topics as well.