Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Supernatural - Ultimate Episode (Round 1-2) - Poll

Round 1-1 is off to a roaring start with over 400 people voting so far. That poll will close around midnight tonight CST so if you haven't voted yet go here. Round 1-2 will be open until tomorrow at the same time. I apologize in advance for posting these at all times in the day but I'm starting a new job and my schedule is wily-nily until I get settled in. Regardless there will be 2 polls going on at the same time and each poll will last for over 24 hours. Hopefully that gives everyone time to participate. Thanks to everyone who has supported this idea. Don't forget to nominate your favorite characters for the Best Character Cup. Nominations will end Saturday so get them in. Happy voting and remember comments are the gorgeous view from a NYC penthouse. (Just watched the amazing White Collar summer finale again so NYC is on my mind.)

Top 64 Ranking from Favorite Episode Contest:

1. The End
2. The French Mistake
3. Mystery Spot
4. Changing Channels
5. Lazarus Rising
6. What is and What Should Never Be
7. Born Under a Bad Sign
8. The Song Remains the Same
9. Skin
10. All Hell Breaks Loose, part 1
11. Abandon All Hope
12. Jus in Bello
13. Croatoan
14. Bad Day at Black Rock
15. On the Head of a Pin
16. Yellow Fever
17. Swan Song
18. Point of No Return
19. A Very Supernatural Christmas
20. My Bloody Valentine
21. My Heart Will Go On
22. Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
23. The Man Who Would be King
24. In the Beginning
25. Simon Said
26. Mommy Dearest
27. Appointment in Samarra
28. The Usual Suspects
29. Tall Tales
30. Dark Side of the Moon
31. Hammer of the Gods
32. Frontierland
33. Folsom Prison Blues
34. All Hell Breaks Loose, part 2
35. Heart
36. Faith
37. In My Time of Dying
38. 2 Minutes to Midnight
39. Monster Movie
40. The Monster at the End of This Book
41. Bloody Mary
42. It's a Terrible Life
43. Weekend at Bobby's
44. Fresh Blood
45. And Then There Were None
46. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
47. Good God Y'All
48. Provenance
49. Clap Your Hands if You Believe
50. Ghostfacers
51. Everybody Loves a Clown
52. Like a Virgin
53. Live Free or Twihard
54. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
55. After School Special
56. No Rest for the Wicked
57. Family Matters
58. Home
59. Caged Heat
60. Let It Bleed
61. When the Levee Breaks
62. Hell House
63. Free to be You and Me
64. The Pilot

Just missed the cut:

65. Nightshifter
66. Asylum
67. Real Ghostbusters
68. Sex and Violence
69. Wendigo
70. The Kids are Alright