Today kicks of the Supernatural convention in New Jersey. I will be compiling tweets and updating this blog post as new tweets come in. Fair Warning - This will contain SPOILERS for season 7. Proceed at own risk. Also, since I am writing this for various venues it will contain information beyond just the TV show. (Credit goes to Adinarj and Jessie Reed for photos and the many people who are tweeting from this event. See #njcon on Twitter to follow them.)
Corin Nemec (aka Christian Campbell) Panel:
Nemec was jetlagged since he just arrived back in the US.
Talked about working on The Stand, his co-workers there, and Stephen King.
His dad worked on The Goonies, which inspired him.
He's 6 ft tall but felt short on Supernatural and Stargate SG-1 sets.
Defended Christian as standing up for himself.
Had no idea he was a demon until got the script.
Wasn't pranked on set but hopes to come back and prank them.
Has a movie called Sand Shark coming out.
Likes to paint, especially graffiti style painting.
Claims he and Christian are both demons - black eyes and all
Wants a movie where he defeats alien zombies from Mars (Can't be worse than OctoCobra)
Talked about his most interesting scars and how the hospital knew his name as a kid
Kim Rhodes (aka Sheriff Mills) Panel:
Sheriff Mills will return in season 7. Heads to set July 29.
If her character dies, Rhodes wants it to be bloody and not just her blood.
She thinks Bobby needs a woman who can handle a gun.
Supernatural is the only TV show she was on that she asked to come back.
She compliments Jensen Ackles as a director.
Jim Beaver's daughter loved Suite Life.
She loves working with Jensen and Jared. They were very supportive during an emotional scene.
She'd rather work with zombies than kids. ha!
Wanted to do Sheriff Mills with a Minnesota accent but TPTB said no.
Her sister is a huge Supernatural fan and showed her the video of Jensen doing Eye of the Tiger.
Took training in how to handle a shotgun.
Hasn't been pranked on set yet because her character always carries a gun. May be targeted this year.
Can be seen as a mom in Beethoven Christmas movie later this year.
Gabriel Tigerman (aka Andy Gallagher) Panel:
Started con by Vogue-ing on stage.
Was on Punk'd. Doesn't like pranking people because it makes him feel guilty. Made Jesse McCartney cry.
Wants Andy to return so he can get payback on the demons.
Recently joined Twitter. His followers are now named Gabie's Babies.
He has a man crush on Michael C. Hall.
Thinks Andy would hang out with Bob Marley and Einstein in heaven.
Combined his honeymoon with a Supernatural convention in Birnmigham.
Never had a successful pickup line but thankfully hasn't needed one in a while. Married.
He would try his pickup line on Richard Speight, Jr. (Trickster) if had to choose.
His guilty pleasure is Teen Mom - (say it isn't so)
Disappointed the audience didn't look like the cast of Jersey Shore (BWAH!)
Photos by @adinarj and Jessie Reed
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