Monday, July 18, 2011

Supernatural - 1 Vote, 24 Hours, and a Passionate Fandom

Update July 20: We didn't quite hit the 24 hour goal but we are at 7,600 votes. That's awesome! Let's keep passing the word! We will hit 10,000 votes. I know it. Because when Supernatural fans are involved, there is nothing that can stop us. Keep the rally going. We've got work to do.

Updated to add: For reasons unknown and likely to benefit Fringe, Adam has decided the poll will last 2 days instead of 1 day. That means we are now looking at 1 vote, 48 hours, and a passionate fandom. Nothing has changed. Let's get 10,000 votes in the first 24 hours! Let the campaigning begin. Vote here:

It's official! Supernatural is in the finals of the SpoilerTV Best Show contest against Fringe. It will be a tough round because it won't be Supernatural vs one fandom, but Supernatural vs everyone who doesn't want us to win a second time or is tired of us winning online polls. And yes, that's a lot of people.

However, I want to challenge us to go beyond a 2 show competition and raise the stakes. Let's make this Supernatural vs. the CW. There is a new sheriff in town so to speak and if the rumors are true, he's more receptive to Supernatural. I say we use this contest as a way to show Mark Pedowitz exactly what the Supernatural fandom can do. Let him see how devoted we are and how wide our network really goes. Let's make sure that the CW cannot ignore Supernatural and its fans any longer. This contest is perfect because it is only 1 vote per person so it's not about only a few making noise. If we've got 5,000 votes, in theory we've got 5,000 fans. Also, it is only 24 hours ( 48 hours), which shows how fast the Supernatural fandom can mobilize.

Nothing speaks louder than ratings for a network head, but on a network with bad ratings all around, a loud, aggressive, and passionate fan base may make a difference. Therefore, I propose a 2-prong battle strategy: win the contest and then get the CW's attention.

Win the Contest:

Goal #1 - Get at least 10,000 votes (Yes it will be hard but that's impressive.)

#2 - Contact Supernatural fans from all around the globe and get them to contact key Supernatural websites/fans in their countries. Have Supernatural fans from at least 100 countries rally and participate. (Quite honestly, we can't get 10,000 votes without the whole world voting.)

#3 - Flood SpoilerTV with positive comments about Supernatural. We want people from the CW to look at these comments. We want them impressed by how passionately we love this show and how much we want future seasons. We want them to notice Supernatural.

After the Contest:

Goal #1 - Have at least 3,000 people comment about the contest in the CW Feedback. Remind them to say something about winning the contest and how awesome Supernatural is.

2. Have fans comment about contest and Supernatural on CW FB page and in CW lounge.

3. Have at least 3,000 people comment on the Warner Brothers FB page. Remind them to say something about how they support Supernatural monetarily (DVD's, iTunes downloads, merchandise, cons, etc.) Warner Brothers owns Supernatural so emphasizing that we spend money on the show and also emphasizing the international fan base is a must.

Essentially, I say we take one of the many online contests Supernatural fans promote and turn it to our advantage. We need to impress Mark Pedowitz and short of finding a way for all of us to count in Nielsen ratings, there's not much more we can do. I want to watch season 10 of Supernatural, but that's not going to happen if we don't convince them we are mighty in number and willing to support our show. So let's show everyone what can happen with 1 vote, 24 hours, and a passionate fandom!