Sunday, August 23, 2015

Teen Wolf - 5.09 - Lies of Omission - Recap / Episode Awards

Previously - everyone lied. The end. Well and Parrish snatched corpses, steampunk scientists made monsters, silver bleeding chimeras died, Kira left, and Scott self-doubted. All around, depressing.

In a twist, Scott opens with a monologue 5 days after the last episode. There's no sign of steampunk scientists or new chimeras but Scott is still falling apart. His asthma's worse so he keeps an inhaler on him at all times. The teens of Beacon Hill aren't doing much better. No one talks or laughs or even much looks at each other in the sparsely filled hallways. Perhaps a bunch of families decided it was prime vacation time. Smart move. Everyone is spooked but in all honesty, shouldn't this be the default setting for Beacon Hills? Bad things happen once a month in this school. Scott is of course focused on saving everyone but no one has a plan and it pulls the pack even further apart. Stiles and Malia walk right behind each other but don't even notice. Scott: "I think some of us are okay with that because not talking makes it easier to keep secrets." At last, someone notices how shifty they all are being. Malia studies up on the Desert Wolf while Stiles checks out the nifty palm mouth scar on his shoulder. Scott: "I don't know if anyone's really lying about things. Maybe it's more like lies of omission." Um Scott, lies of omission are still lies. It's right in the phrase. Perhaps the problem is the pack doesn't get that or they're still using Stiles' definition of the word. For instance, they haven't told Sheriff or Parrish about his corpse snatching hobby. They say it's for Sheriff's own protection but that hasn't exactly worked well for them so far, now has it? Instead Lydia and Stiles march through the woods looking for the nematon. Say what? The nematon is missing? When did that happen? You'd think they'd maybe keep track of the biggest evil in town? Does the freaking things move on its own in the middle of the night? At the station, Sheriff and crew break about 300 profiling and HIPAA rules to question any potential chimera so it's a race to see who finds them first. Deputy Red Shirt freaks that her sister is on the list. Hayden and Screamer are doing well but Scott misses his girlfriend and boss. "I know something's coming and all I can think about is how good am I going to be if I can't even breathe."

Scott's monologue ends as he puts his inhaler on Deaton's operating table and Theo's face pops up in the reflection. Theo? Really? For the love of your sanity and mine, everyone stop confiding in Theo! Still I no longer want him to die in the midseason finale. He is fascinating, always capably selling his story. He can be defeated 5B, but absolutely NO redemption arc for this sociopath. Theo: "You sound like you're trying to apologize." Scott: "You came back looking for an alpha. I guess I'm sorry that you found me." Oh Scott, time for some therapy and a bit more self-esteem. He's shocked Theo isn't fleeing. Scott: "You still want to be part of the pack?" Theo: "Scott, I'm with you for better or worse." Grrr! Scott: "Trust me, there's gonna be worse." Theo: "I'm counting on it." Oh you devious psychopath, Theo. I have no idea why only Stiles is suspicious of you. I guess Scott's look last week meant nothing. Too bad because I really need it to be Scott and Stiles against Theo soon. Theo, on the other hand, is determined to have Hayden in his pack for…reasons? Who knows. He gets snippy with a steampunk scientist who uses tank guy's fluid to instantly heal his arm. Apparently the steampunk scientists only have until the perigee-syzygy (full moon closest to the sun aka supermoon) to succeed. Not sure why they're wasting time rounding up failures then instead of just snatching more teens. Also it's not like perigee-syzygy is rare. Just wait a year. Triclops implied that they've been around long enough that a year should be nothing. Theo keeps pushing the issue, saying he was promised a pack, and Cane Scientist finally has enough whining. He advances and for once Theo looks scared. I love it. Not so much Sheriff working with Parrish. They examine where Hayden and Liam were held but nothing's there. Since their current efforts are useless, Sheriff's equipping cops with UV lights to find traces of mercury instead. Sure. Why not?

Over at the School of Death and Despondency, Liam takes one step closer to fully becoming Scott 2.0 as he and Hayden cute between buses. They plan to meet after every period. I don't care. She starts bleeding mercury; suddenly I care again. Not enough to stay in this scene though. Time for Lydia and Stiles in the forest again. Lydia is cranky because they haven't gotten one iota closer to the vanishing tree stump. It's like the anti-Room of Requirement. Since they keep walking in circles, I don't blame her. She wants to tell Parrish the truth but of course Lyin' Stiles is against it. Stiles: "Well hang on. If the nematon's covered in bodies, shouldn't you be able to find them?" Lydia: "Me?" Stiles: "Yes, you. That's what you do. You're the banshee. You find the bodies." Lydia: "Well the banshee's having an off day so how about we talk to Parrish?" Stiles tries to create a plausible reason and almost confesses about Psycho, but no. He rambles about bodies being clues. Lydia and I are unimpressed. If you're going to keep lying at least point out that Parrish might go crazy fire monster insane if they confront him. Lydia walks away bent on telling Parrish the truth. Lydia: "It's always better when they know." Amen and 100% approval for that! Stiles: "Well then he should know he owes me a Jeep." Bwah! I approve of Parrish getting the Jeep fixed too. If he could fix Scott, who is mid-asthma attack again, I'd appreciate that as well. At least his werewolf senses work again and he sees Liam packing to run away with Hayden. Because everyone needs to be shifty, Liam doesn't include Scott in his plans. Scott brings up the supermoon, in case we don't speak Scientist Bug language, but Liam brats out. He knows everything already. (Sock launch commences.) Scott wants them all to stick together to protect each other. "Just remember I'm here for you." Liam takes offense for reasons I do not get and snarks, "You can't protect anyone." Ouch! Puppy bites hard.

Theo the Snake prefers a more subtle approach. He chats to Stiles about Psycho's death in the middle of the library and for once Stiles realizes there is no cone of silence. It's about time. They both realize that Parrish finding the nematon means he also finds both Psycho and the chimera Theo killed. That gives them pause. Theo cites Scott mind raping Corey as an example that Scott is no longer as innocent as before and says he won't blame them for self-defense. Bizarrely, Stiles now starts hallucinating himself as an impaled chimera like Psycho. I have no idea what to make of this. Is it guilt transference? Is he worried he might become a chimera himself? Obviously Teen Wolf doesn't care to explain because the scene switches to Screamer breaking his combo lock as I catch my breath after a dead Stiles close-up. Do I care about Screamer? Why no I don't, but Mason must fill his pointless filler scene quota. Mason believes he's getting stronger so Screamer lifts weights (not shirtless - shocker) while Mason, aka Stiles 2.0, defends Scott's actions. Like anyone can take Stiles' place. I'm happy Screamer spews mercury all over himself and Mason since it means he'll no longer take up valuable screen time. Luckily Sheriff is already on the scene, having brought a UV light to the library. He finds blood on the floor and 64 recapitations later, decides Theo killed someone there. It's a leap but I'm good with it, especially since Theo tries to rat out Stiles to Scott during their class. Screamer's new silver look halts him mid-confession as everyone converges on the ambulance and Scott looks overwhelmed. Again. Theo: "Scott, we have to follow him. We have to protect him, right? Scott, come on. Scott, this is what you do." Coming out of his trance, Scott and Theo head to the hospital. Liam and Hayden head to that freaking annoying club to run away together. Good. Go. Take the club scenes with you.

On the way to the hospital, Scott asks what Theo wanted to tell him as inwardly I scream. Theo says it can wait but Scott insists. "Something's wrong. You…you should tell me. We've all got to start talking to each other again." Good sentiment, wrong person. Very wrong person. Theo kept in his glove compartment the bloody wrench Stiles used to escape Psycho and proceeds to tell Scott a very different story from what actually happened. He reminds Scott of Stiles' hurt shoulder and says that Psycho attacked him, not the Jeep like Stiles claimed. For the record I don't buy any of this because if Scott saw Stiles hurting, he would have taken the pain away like he did with Stiles' hand. Theo, admitting to seeing the attack but saying he couldn't stop it, claims Stiles started out defending himself but then flew into a homicidal rage when Psycho threatened Sheriff. Scott: "That's not possible." Darn right it's not! Continuing, Theo claims Stiles bashed Psycho's skull in until he was unrecognizable. Theo: "It didn't even look real. I kept telling myself that it was self -defense. It was self-defense but Scott, I'm sorry but I've never seen anything like it and I've never seen anyone that angry." He tells Scott to talk to Stiles while I plot painful ways for Theo to die. He will not get away with besmirching Stiles like this. It was self-defense! Still, Stiles has no one to blame but himself for not talking to Scott earlier. He could have avoided this whole mess. Big kudos to Cody Christian, who sold scared to Scott and sociopath to me. It was a great scene. It just wasn't a great lie because once the body is recovered the evidence will disprove it. I expect more from such an accomplished liar, Theo. At the hospital Screamer takes out half the hospital staff, which surprisingly does NOT include Mama McCall. He also has a new invisibility superpower. Nice. Sadly it doesn't work on the steampunk scientists, who stab him right before Scott and Theo can save him. I say make it a two-for. Stab Theo next!

With one chimera down, of course a new random chimera must appear. This time in ScienceMom's class. Guess she's only a part-time counselor. Chimera #493 bites off her own fingernail while researching the perigee-syzygy in case the first 3 times went over your head. (Still NOT stupid, Teen Wolf writers.) Malia tries to go after her but ScienceMom stops her. Malia: "She needs help." ScienceMom: "Not from you." Malia: "You know what's going on, don't you?" Huh? Say it's not so. Malia blue wolf eyes her and she's right! ScienceMom steps back but she's clearly aware of the Beacon Hills supernatural. Again Malia gets the most interesting storyline of the night. What kind of shady business is ScienceMom hiding? Why is she so intent on them not pursuing the chimeras? Sadly, Malia doesn't care. She goes after Chimera #493 and asks if she's okay only to get thrown into the lockers for her trouble. Malia: "Are you kidding me?" Bwah!! That's what I've been saying for 3 episodes now. It's the real theme of the season. Malia runs after her only to watch a steampunk scientist snap her neck. Oh poor Malia. She's the new Lydia, always finding the bodies. Shocked and dazed, Malia walks down the hall just as Stiles comes out of class. For once our close-knit pack stops focusing on their own lies and realizes someone is else hurting. Stiles: "Malia? Hey, hey, what happened?" Malia: "I hate this. I hate losing like this. I'm not like Scott. I can't deal with another body, another failure." She walks off and Stiles just watches her leave. Excuse me? What kind of crummy boyfriend are you? I'm not quite sure what she's implying here either but if always loyal Malia ditches the pack, I am breaking into the evidence locker, stealing Kira's sword belt, and causing some mayhem myself. Fair warning. A finale without Malia kicking butt by the pack's side is NOT acceptable!

Meanwhile Stiles leaves a message for Lydia to avoid Parrish now that there are 2 more bodies for him to claim. Too late. Parrish drives them towards the nematon on instinct. Perhaps they should put up stadium lighting around it when they find it this time. Better yet, have Parrish burn it to ash…if he can find it. He has no clue where the nematon is hidden either and Lydia suggests he's over-thinking it. (Enter your own snarky remark on how at least someone's thinking.) She decides the best way to keep him from thinking is to kick him in the face. Um, what? They spar and I'm impressed by how much Lydia has learned in a few short weeks. Eventually Parrish's eyes go orange, revealing that by just turning around no sparring would have been necessary. Oh, Teen Wolf. The nematon is decorated in unburned teen corpses, delicately posed to be both gruesome and artistic. Blech! Sadly, Beacon Hills' lone crime scene photographer cannot immortalize the forest décor because he's busy documenting Chimera #493's body. Luckily Theo's back from the hospital so Sheriff can question him about Psycho. In an award-worthy performance, Theo claims that Psycho cornered him in the library to force him to give up Stiles' location. He declares that Psycho intended to kill Stiles in front of Sheriff. Nice touch, little liar. Theo, crying: "I tried to fight him off but all I kept thinking was I can't let him kill me and I can't let him kill Stiles." Then he takes Stiles' real story and claims it for his own. It works. Theo: "I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do so I…I…" A sympathetic Sheriff falls hook, line, and sinker. He hugs a teary Theo but in that instant, the camera pans to Theo. His eyes, no longer filled with tears, smirk in victory. Another fantastic scene by Cody Christian. This kid is going places….and it better be soon, because Theo must die.

And I don't mind if Hayden does too. Then we'll have no reason to come back to this loathsome club, but a girl on the run must eat so she needs her paycheck. She can't live on product placed Aquafina alone. She's also smart enough to see the holes in Liam's shoddy plan. First, Deputy Red Shirt doesn't deserve the worry and second, Hayden might become a frothing at the mouth rabid monster. Liam doesn't care. He's in love. Awww, isn't that special? I've never been so happy for a steampunk scientist appearance. Lights flicker, a horror film comes on, but thankfully the music does NOT blast. I'm appeased by their game of throwing Liam into walls, once again confirming he's Scott 2.0, while Hayden can't outpace the granny walking of a steampunk scientist. Thank goodness Scott is there to roar. He proceeds to do some fabulous yet stupid gymnastics fighting. Seriously folks, did we not learn from berserkers? Why hit them in their armor? Go for the breathing tube or yank the helmet off. Liam and Theo also punch their armor to similar ineffective results. Hayden just watches although chimeras have been tossing people left and right. Still it is action, which has been sorely missing this season. Nicely choreographed action to boot. This is the happiest I've been in this club. Sadly action ends as the steampunk scientists shoot Hayden up with mercury and Theo Bug talks a scientist under the guise of getting his butt kicked. Liam fills Scott in on Hayden's mercury shot so it's off to the clinic. Theo tells Liam to keep Hayden awake and hints that Scott should turn her into a werewolf. In the whole history of Teen Wolf bad ideas, this one comes close to the top. They don't even know what a werewolf-bit chimera would be capable of. She could go psycho and they wouldn't be able to stop her. Nope, no more betas for Scott please. Liam is far more than enough, unless we can trade them.

In the Forest of Disturbing Fauna, Parrish plans to turn himself in to keep from harming anyone else. Lydia and I protest for converse reasons. Lydia says he's good; I want him to be evil and end the creepy flirting. Besides, logic says Parrish can just burn through the bars to get out but logic never was Teen Wolf's friend. Parrish: "I'm a very good deputy and I'd like to stay that way. Flipping over Jeeps and attacking colleagues doesn't exactly fit with protect and serve." True, but fugue state doesn't fit crazy killer either and I really need you and Deaton to be evil together. It would make you both more interesting. Parrish: "I'm covering up the bodies of murdered teenagers." Lydia realizes he's covering the supernatural up instead. I've no idea why that distinction is important but Lydia thinks it is. Parrish counters that in his dream hundreds of bodies lie on the nematon. Man, the steampunk scientists better step up the pace then. Apparently, they do have a quota to fill. Sheriff is simply confused. He has no clue why his main deputy has locked himself in a cell. Lydia says it is for their protection and the "why is everyone in my town a freaking supernatural" look covers Sheriff's face. I deep sigh for him. It's like Wesen in Portland around here. Determined to get answers, Sheriff heads to the cell to unlock Parrish, who protests for him not to. "I get why you set me at a desk for 6 months now." Um, please share because I still don't. Sheriff talks 2 more corpses and since they won't let him be evil, Parrish is the only one telling the truth these days. He admits to taking the bodies but swears he doesn't remember doing it. Parrish: "Okay you can't let me out, Sheriff. You can't." That's good enough for Sheriff. He puts his key card back into his pocket. I wince. Not because I care one way or the other if Parrish is locked up (it's not going to last anyway) but because it seems like a terrible idea to keep the literal "get out of jail" card in your pants pocket. Shouldn't it be somewhere safer?

No time to ponder that terrible choice since my heart must break into a thousand pieces now. Outside the animal clinic in the rain, Scott waits to confront Stiles. Ouch! Stiles pulls up in his Jeep and I'm comforted at least by knowing it still lives, even if Stiles says she's barely hanging on. Nothing new there. He can't find Malia or Lydia either. None of it matters as Scott brings out his bloody wrench and it's immediately clear this will be agonizing. Stiles takes it and confirms it's his to Scott's despair. Scott: "Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles: "I was going to." Scott: "Why didn't you tell me when it happened?" Stiles: "I couldn't." Scott: "You killed him? You killed Donovan?" Stiles: "Yeah but he was going to kill my dad. Was I supposed to just let him?" Scott: "You weren't supposed to do this. None of us are." Stiles: "You think I had a choice?" Scott: "There's always a choice." Stiles: "Yeah well I can't do what you can, Scott. I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would have just figured something out, right?" Scott: "I try." Stiles: "Yeah because you're Scott McCall. You're the true alpha. Guess what? All of us can't be true alphas. Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human." Scott: "So you had to kill him?" Stiles: "Scott, he was gonna kill my dad." Scott: "The way that it happened…there's a point where it's just…it is not self-defense anymore." Stiles: "What are you even talking about? I didn't have a choice, Scott. You don't even believe me, do you?" Scott: "I want to." Stiles: "Okay right, so…so believe me then. Scott, say you believe me. Say it. Say you believe me." Scott: "Stiles, we can't kill people that we're trying to save." Stiles: "Say you believe me." Stiles steps towards Scott, raising the wrench, and Scott backs away like he fears Stiles will attack him. Egads! Stiles looks down at the wrench and realizes his worst fears are coming true. Scott: "We can't kill people. Do you believe that?" Stiles: "What do I do about this? What do you want me to do, okay? Just…Scott, just tell me how to fix this, alright? Please just tell me what do you want me to do." Scott: "Don't worry about Malia or Lydia. We'll find them. Maybe…uh, maybe you should talk to your dad."

And Scott walks away as Stiles stands alone, crying in the pouring rain. Well, except for the hundreds of fans crying with him. It's the fall of the perfect bromance. Nothing has ever been more painful on Teen Wolf, not even Allison's death. Scott, Stiles, and the fans are left reeling from the fallout. You can see the absolute despair and rejection on Stiles' face as Scott walks away, but Scott is aching too. It's in the way he walks and in the defeated, hopeless, shocked visage he's sporting. This is the second most important relationship in both of their lives (most important without a doubt on the show) and it's never fractured like this before. To make matters worse, the camera pans in on a worsening Hayden and a horrified Liam. No, just no. My broken heart has no more sympathy left and I'd rather they take Theo and get the heck off my screen. I need to wallow. I need to watch Scott-Stiles bromance fanvids and the Motel California and MRI scenes. I need solace that my beloved Scott-Stiles bond is strong enough to make it through. That they will stop talking at cross-purposes and find that easygoing, natural friendship that sustains the whole show. I do not need Liam and Hayden. I especially do not need Liam whining for Scott to turn Hayden into a real werewolf. Shut up, kid. Scott's grieving. Luckily Scott says no. I know the fandom is down on Scott right now, but that is 100% the right call. It might be the smartest, hardest decision Scott has ever made…if they let it be for the right reasons. If it is because he still doubts himself, it won't generate much sympathy and Scott really needs that now. If it is because he's afraid she'll turn on him and take his powers, that's simply not Scott. If it is because giving Hayden the bite might turn her into the strongest monster they've ever faced, he's right. They have no idea what a chimera with additional werewolf powers will be like. What if Hayden goes rabid like the others? What happens if she kills people? It would be solely on Scott's head and that's not a chance he needs to take right now. They are already overwhelmed. Best to let Deaton save the day at the last minute and not have yet another beta running around. After all, Liam's whining has been quite enough this episode.

And thus ends the single most depressing episode of Teen Wolf ever. It tops Argent seeing Allison dead in Scott's arms. It tops Derek's despair after being forced to kill Boyd. It tops all the times the characters felt they couldn't hold on another second and the tears flowed. Scott's out of hope, the bromance is broken, and everything hurts. Perhaps this is worse because in all those other moments, the pack still held them together with the absolute trust that the others would come when they were needed most. There was a hand to hold and a wise parent's words to hang on to. This episode leaves us with nothing, which makes it as powerful as it is painful. Hugs all around as the Teen Wolf fandom goes into therapy courtesy of the evil that is Jeff Davis. We're at the very bottom of the barrel so it's time to turn this thing around and put the pack back together again. For me the first step comes in seeing Scott's point of view. Many blast him for breaking up the bromance but in truth, it was Stiles who first took a hammer to it. Don't get me wrong. Stiles is by far my favorite character but pinning the blame on Scott is going too far. It was Stiles who chose to let his anxiety cancel out years of friendship and all they've been through together. Scott stuck by Stiles even when the nogitsune inside him killed Allison. That's not the kind of friend that'll dump you if you're defending yourself and the monster trying to eat you dies in the process. Stiles did not give Scott enough credit because he let guilt outweigh how much Scott cares about him. Stiles created this mess, not Scott. He perpetuated this deception by covering for Theo. He lied to every single person he is close to. He doesn't get a pass because of his self-fulfilling prophecy. By allowing a sociopath to create a chasm in their bromance when they needed each other most, Stiles is the one who has to live with the consequences. He took away Scott's chance to show him the support he needed because he didn't trust in their brotherhood. Add to that , he didn't even try to explain what happened. He kept talking about Psycho wanting to kill his dad but never mentioned that he was also trying to eat him! So much pain for lack of a phrase change.

Scott doesn't get a pass either by the way. He needed to clarify too and have much better timing. Mostly though, his betrayal lies in that step he took back. He can't possibly believe Stiles would ever willingly hurt him so to see Scott move away from Stiles in fear, as if he thought Stiles would beat him with the wrench next was the single most painful moment of the series. I can see Scott believing Stiles lost control. He's already slammed his fist in anger on the Jeep hood and anyone can lose control when adrenaline spikes. However to think that Stiles would attack him, his best friend and brother, is going too far. Scott has gone from the most optimistic member of the pack to someone willing to see the worst even as he hopes for the best. While that makes sense in a lot of leadership situations, it doesn't work for family and Stiles is family. Somehow the hopelessness and lack of control Scott feels is starting to color his relationships and he has to turn it around. It may not be fair to place the pack's breakdown at his feet like he keeps doing and it sure isn't fair to blame him solely for the bromance collapse, but Scott is responsible for reconnecting the pack. That can't happen until they communicate and get rid of Theo. Strangely though, Theo is growing on me. No, he can't be redeemed. Yes, he needs to die. I just don't think he's played all his cards yet and I'm afraid they'll rush it in the finale. That's not enough time for me to savor the fall of Theo Raeken. He's finally an interesting villain and I wouldn't mind playing around in his devious sandbox a couple more episodes IF and only if the steampunk scientists are sticking around. I'd gladly sacrifice Theo to get rid of them. Currently Theo is Peter-light, which makes him a thousand times more entertaining than last year's assassins. I never wondered what they were planning next. I just wanted them gone. I always want Theo gone too but it's in the full knowledge that things would have been far more dull this season without him.

Grade: B (but could change based on the fallout)

Episode Awards:

Best Scene - none
MVP - character reaction shots
Best Acted but Horribly Painful Scene - Scott and Stiles break up
Best Moment - Theo actually looks scared as the cane scientist approaches him
Best Character Interaction - Theo and Scott / Theo and Sheriff
Best Actor - Theo the crying psychopath, who tells 2 different stories and gets away with both
Best Action - Scott, Liam, and Theo take on the steampunk scientists at the club
Best Return - the Jeep
Best Reaction - Malia to being thrown into the lockers by Chimera #493 / Theo when Sheriff hugs him
Best Entrance - Scott during the steampunk scientist fight
Best New Talent -Screamer's invisibility wall meld
Best Plan - NOT turning Hayden
Worst Plan - Trusting Theo is always the worst plan. Putting the literal Get Out of Jail Free card in your pocket comes in second though. No, actually lying to your friends comes first.
Least Promising Décor - nematon corpse art
Least Likely to Win at Track and Field / Biggest Damsel in Distress - Hayden seems incapable of outwalking the sloth-slow steampunk scientists. She also seems incapable of helping in the fight at all even though these chimeras have been tossing people right and left. Princess, step up or ship out because we have no time for dead weight on a show with kick butt females.
Biggest Shock - ScienceMom knows. What does she know? I'm not sure, but she definitely knows something
Biggest Workout - recapitations, which do more reps than Screamer this episode
Biggest Huh? - Why is Stiles suddenly seeing himself as a chimera? Tell me that's not foreshadowing? Stiles has been screwed over by the supernatural way too often.
Most Sensible - Lydia, who is for truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
Most Pessimistic - Scott, which is a huge surprise
Most in Need of a Translator - steampunk scientist Bug language
Most in Need of Dying (in 5B) - Theo
Most Empty - the halls of Beacon Hills where 70% of the students are smartly AWOL
Most Improved - The club where there is zero obnoxious music and no half naked slutty dancers. It's much better closed…or even better, burned down.
Most Confusing - Why do the steampunk scientists look like they've Frankensteined a new arm?
Most in Need of a Gibbs' Slap - Stiles, who still doesn't tell Lydia or Scott the truth until confronted
The "Stop Right Now" Award - Again, we don't need replacements for Scott and Stiles. We have Scott and Stiles. In fact, there is no Teen Wolf without Scott and Stiles so stop trying to give Liam and Mason their roles and recreating their scenes from earlier seasons.

Best Quotes -
1. Lydia: "It's always better when they know." Stiles: "Well then he should know he owes me a Jeep."
2. Malia: "Are you kidding me?"
3. Stiles: "Well hang on. If the nematon's covered in bodies, shouldn't you be able to find them?" Lydia: "Me?" Stiles: "Yes, you. That's what you do. You're the banshee. You find the bodies." Lydia: "Well the banshee's having an off day so how about we talk to Parrish?"
4. Malia: "She needs help." ScienceMom: "Not from you." Malia: "You know what's going on, don't you?" ScienceMom: "I know that I'd like to see you get through senior year with passing grades." Malia: "You know more than that."
5. Parrish: "I'm a very good deputy and I'd like to stay that way. Flipping over Jeeps and attacking colleagues doesn't exactly fit with protect and serve."
6. Scott: "No one really knows what they're looking for. Some think it's a serial killer. Some probably know it's worse."
7. Scott: "Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles: "I was going to." Scott: "Why didn't you tell me when it happened?" Stiles: "I couldn't." Scott: "You killed him? You killed Donovan?" Stiles: "Yeah but he was going to kill my dad. Was I supposed to just let him?" Scott: "You weren't supposed to do this. None of us are." Stiles: "You think I had a choice?" Scott: "There's always a choice." Stiles: "Yeah well I can't do what you can, Scott. I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would have just figured something out, right?" Scott: "I try." Stiles: "Yeah because you're Scott McCall. You're the true alpha. Guess what? All of us can't be true alphas. Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human." Scott: "So you had to kill him?" Stiles: "Scott, he was gonna kill my dad." Scott: "The way that it happened…there's a point where it's just…it is not self-defense anymore." Stiles: "What are you even talking about? I didn't have a choice, Scott. You don't even believe me, do you?" Scott: "I want to." Stiles: "Okay right, so…so believe me then. Scott, say you believe me. Say it. Say you believe me." Scott: "Stiles, we can't kill people that we're trying to save." Stiles: "Say you believe me." Stiles steps towards Scott, raising the wrench, and Scott backs away like he fears Stiles will attack him. Egads! Stiles looks down at the wrench and realizes his worst fears are coming true. Scott: "We can't kill people. Do you believe that?" Stiles: "What do I do about this? What do you want me to do, okay? Just…Scott, just tell me how to fix this, alright? Please just tell me what do you want me to do." Scott: "Don't worry about Malia or Lydia. We'll find them. Maybe…uh, maybe you should talk to your dad."

Screencaps by Tumbler, Really Late Reviews, Pinterest, Princess Haley Eve, Paneladeseries, Teen Wolf Season 5, and We Heart It.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and/or creates polls for Teen Wolf, The 100, Grimm, How to Get Away with Murder, The Librarians, and others. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts The 100 "Red-Shirted", Sleepy Hollow "Headless" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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