Previously - Theo kills a chimera and ensures Stiles' silence by claiming to know Stiles accidentally killed Psycho, Hayden is a chimera, and Kira's inner kitsune is out of control. Shortest previouslies ever.
Picking up where the last week ended, Stiles is shocked that Theo knows he accidentally killed Psycho so he shoves Theo against the chain link fence. Stiles: "You don't know anything." Theo flips around to pin Stiles instead and says he was at the library looking for him after Malia found the book. Hearing the scaffolding fall, he saw the dead body and Stiles leave but didn't say anything because of the cop. He also knows about the vanishing body but not Parrish's fascination with the dead. Their tête à tête is interrupted by police sirens and Theo wants to flee but Stiles can't leave the body. Theo would rather stay out of jail and appeals to Stiles' need to figure out who corpse stealer is by suggesting they take it themselves. Stiles: "You killed him." Theo: "In self-defense. He was gonna kill you and me." I have to agree. Theo may be a world-class psychopath but he has the right to defend himself. Theo: "If we stay, we're either going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story. It's your choice. I'm not gonna ask you to lie to your dad." Stiles: "Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice." This is also true and very, very sad. Stiles goes to the body and they both pick it up. Since Beacon Hills Memorial has zero security, they have no problem getting a bloody, dead teen corpse out of the hospital without anyone seeing or questioning them. They take the body to the Deaton's (where Tracey's body disappeared - hmmm) and Stiles proceeds to co-sign on Theo's lie that steampunk scientists killed him. Scott continues to ask the pertinent questions like if cane dude did it. He does not, of course, question why this chimera has no silver goo and a slit throat, having been clawed to death unlike the others. Come on, Scott. At least Stiles remembers that no body is safe in the clinic. Stiles: "Someone's got to stay here with him." Theo: "I'll do it. It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned." Ha! Neither do I, buddy.
While Scott calmly accepts another teen death, Hayden freaks over Liam's lack of tact. I'm not sure there's a good way to break supernatural news but however Liam did it, she was not impressed. Hayden: "Get away from me." She heads to her car when Liam decides show is far more effective than tell. He full on wolfs out instead of just making his eyes glow or his claws come out. Hayden freaks and punches him square in the nose, laying him out. BWAAHHH!!! Best Liam scene ever. I'm starting to like Hayden so she can move instead of die this season. She drives off but stops to watch her hand magically heal. Nothing at all weird there. The steampunk scientists decide it's a perfect time for a progress report so they kill the car's electricity and hijack the radio. Good news is she's improving so no terminal failure for her. Bad news is they're coming for her, locking her inside her car. Liam pops by to rip out the sunroof, which should be difficult to explain to insurance, and they run to…someone's house. With all this redecorating I don't know whose room is whose. She barricades herself in the bathroom while Liam calls Scott and Stiles. Scott: "She's definitely a chimera?" Liam: "She said she heard a voice saying, 'Your condition improves.' " Stiles: "Okay, that's unsettling." Understatement much? Stiles tries the family co-workers bit but Hayden doesn't care that her sister and his dad work together so Scott tries once more. "We just need to tell you the truth, Hayden, and that kind of thing usually is better face-to-face." Stiles looks down in guilt as Scott continues: "Listen. Either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open. It's okay if you don't want to talk or if you're not ready to believe us, but I just…I gotta know that you're okay in there." Awww, I love how he makes this all about her safety. It works. Hayden unlocks the door to reveal her own glowing eyes and claws. "I believe you."
With everyone else on chimera babysitting detail, Kira schleps boxes for her dad…at school…on a Saturday. Yikes. What is she being punished for? Her dad thanks her for volunteering. Kira: "Not like you gave me a choice, but sure." Ha! As HistoryDad fetches another box, Mama Fox flies in from the back drawing her sword. IT IS AWESOME!!!! She goes on the attack while Kira remains shocked. Finally kitsune training! Woo hoo! Mama Fox asks where Kira's sword is but she lost it again so Mama Fox throws her one. Kira: "Mom, this isn't what I would call quality mother-daughter time." Mama Fox: "Kira, defend yourself." Again, AWESOME! What proceeds is the best action sequence so far, complete with cool overhead shots and plenty of gymnastics. Sadly it's over too soon. Mama Fox calls out the kitsune and I'm too into the stunts to facepalm over what a terrible idea that is. Sure enough fire Kira comes out and breaks Mama's sword. She's about to behead her own mother when HistoryDad returns and slams down a tail to refocus her. Kira: "I could have killed you." Mama Fox: "Not you. The fox inside you." At this point, there's really no difference. Could you please fix your daughter, Mama Fox? The steampunk scientists broke her. For no reason at all, we leave this fantastic scene to watch Mason find library books. Sigh. Um, okay? Screamer, the ex whom Scorpio bit, is there too so Mason tries to avoid him. I try to avoid filler but it is impossible this season. They blather about Scorpio with Mason lying through his teeth until he dramatically sees a book on miraculous healing Screamer reshelved. Duhn, duhn…oh whatever. We know he's yet another chimera. Chimeras are this season's blonde teen assassins - a bunch of new people I don't give squat about clogging up my main character screen time. Go away Screamer and take Mason with you.
At the library tables, Scott exposits their latest terrible plan to Stiles. By the way, either Beacon Hills teens are the most studious on the planet because the library is packed on a Saturday or Theo's been on corpse watch all weekend. That corpse must reek by now. So does the plan to hide Hayden all night. Pulling out Argent's 3A telluric current map, Scott explains that Beacon Hills High is a prime current hotspot. Stiles: "You want to hide her in the high school?" So much is wrong with this plan already. When has anything good happened there? Basically Parrish remodulates cell phone jammers to hopefully keep the steampunk scientists from grabbing Hayden. Oh boy. 1. Messing with telluric currents got them in trouble at Eichen House. 2. What keeps the steampunk scientists from taking Hayden in the day? To quote Supernatural's Crowley: "Maybe you should try plan "D" for dumba**." At least Kira's smart enough to walk away. Scott, the dummy, wants her at school with her nifty sword belt. Kira reiterates AGAIN that it is missing, making it actually important. Scott wants to look for it but Kira sad eyes and says it's better for her not to go. At least someone remembers Eichen House. Kira: "I think I need to figure out what's going on with me before I try helping anyone else." Agreed! The two kiss and for no reason a montage of their greatest romantic hits plays. She said she wasn't going to be part of this shaky plan, not moving to India. Why the drama? Kira asks what happens next and Scott reveals that they want to trap a steampunk scientist. Oh Scott, you're 2 episodes too early for that to actually work. Over in the Clinic of Rotting Corpses or Non-Fun Saturdays (still not sure), a steampunk scientist bug chats with Theo, who suspects that they know about Parrish. That's a given, buddy. Theo: "Did you forget that you're supposed to be keeping me in the loop on everything?" Say what? Does Theo report to some other Big Bad? Hmm, things just got more interesting.
The scientist disappears as Stiles enters to product place his phone to video any potential body snatchers and then camps out in the Jeep with Theo. Why? Stiles is the new Lydia and cannot be near the pack this season. You know, for reasons. He also stole an Apple watch or borrowed one from Mason, the only kid on Teen Wolf with any money. Theo: "You want to take shifts watching?" Stiles: "No. No, I want to spend some quality time with you." Sarcastic Stiles returns! Woo hoo! That's the only good thing here. Theo mentions him not telling Scott about Psycho: "You think I've got some kind of ulterior motive?" Stiles: "More than likely." Theo: "Would you believe me if I said all I want, all I've ever wanted, is for you guys to trust me?" Stiles and me: "Nope." Theo: "So you're here because you're never gonna trust me." Stiles: "Yep. Glad we had this talk." Ha! Stiles smirk smiles while I laugh. Theo: "You know who you remind me of?" Stiles: "Theo, I don't care." Look at Stiles speaking for me tonight. Like Psycho before him, I don't care about Theo's sob story. Theo: "My sister. She was smarter than everyone too and a pain in the a** like you. She always looked out for me…the same way you look out for Scott." At least Theo realizes Stiles is smart and therefore should probably NOT be on corpse patrol. He could watch that video anywhere. Theo exposits his sister's death from hypothermia when she broke her leg in a creek. Sad, yet I still don't care. Theo: "You know when I found her, all I could think was that I should have known, that I should have been looking out for her." Stiles and me: "Why are you telling me this?" Theo: "I'm telling you because even if you don't trust me and even if you don't like me, I'm still gonna be looking out for you." That I do believe only in a different context because it's in Theo's best interest to watch the person who sees right through him. Suddenly in a flashback, Theo's sister shivers in a creek, calling out his name while Kid Theo watches her die! WHAT?!?!?!? Theo was a sociopath way before he was bitten. Yikes!
Meanwhile Kira cries over her lost love (I think) or her new split personality (I hope) while her mom does acupuncture to realign her Kira and fox selves. Don't ask me. It's filler but at least there's more Mama Fox, whose parenting skills suck here. She realizes Kira's crying but doesn't push for why. If she did perhaps Kira wouldn't disappear a couple hours later, possibly under fox control, leaving the number 115 stuck in pins on her headboard. Ugh! Time for the rest of Team Parent. Woo hoo. Sheriff brings the Dread Doctors book to Mama McCall. He's obviously read it but isn't having hallucinations so again I question the "books to blame" theory. Instead of looking from a scientific perspective, he thinks the doctor part of the title is important. (Still not calling them dread doctors as they are still more scientists than doctors given that's what Triclops called them too.) Sheriff thinks the chimeras may have a common medical condition. Mama McCall: "You're not asking me to hand over medical files without a court order, are you?" Sheriff: "I would never ask you to do that." Mama McCall: "Good because they may take away this key card, which allows me access to medical records. Do you want to see how the key card works?" Sheriff: "I would love to see how the key card works." Bwaaahhh!!! These two are adorable and totally rock my world! Go Team Parent! They take the files back to Sheriff's office, while Mama McCall warns that a full moon is coming. Of course it is. It wouldn't be a finale without one. They chat about Psycho, who Sheriff actually feels sorry for. Me, not a bit. He mentions Psycho was in a motorcycle accident on the night his dad was paralyzed, allowing Mama McCall to make the chimera connection. They all had transplants of another's DNA via either skin grafts or a cornea implant. Mama McCall: "They were all genetic chimeras to begin with." Thanks, Teen Wolf. I'll never look at organ transplant the same way again.
Over at the high school, Parrish unloads the jammers. Malia is unimpressed. "We're betting our lives on these?" Yep, get out now while you can. Lydia: "I think we're betting Hayden's life on them." Parrish: "Yeah well I'm glad I brought my gun." Which does them no good since Parrish has parking lot duty. Huh? What's up with that? That's where monster fodder redshirts go. Inside, Lydia confronts Scott on NOT sharing the whole plan with Liam. Not good when the moral center of the whole freaking show keeps secrets from the pack too. The steampunk scientists show up and start messing with everything electric, yet absolutely no one realizes something's wrong, even with their nifty werewolf hearing. Ugh, Teen Wolf. Liam's excuse is reassuring his still freaked out friend. Hayden: "I'm not like you. I wasn't bitten by a wolf. I was somebody's science experiment. This is so bizarre." Liam: "I know but you're gonna be okay. I promise." Hayden: "What am I?" Liam: "You're Hayden." Awww. Okay, that is sweet. Even Hayden agrees because she promises not to hold a lame sixth grade grudge if she makes it out alive. More creepy than sweet, Scott watches the whole interchange wistfully until he gets distracted by a leash dragging on the ground, similar to his asthma attack-producing memory last time. Lydia snaps him out of it by realizing that cell phone jammers mean they can't use their phones to check on Stiles. Head meet desk. Lydia is not this stupid. Neither is Stiles. I refuse to believe neither figured this out before. Lydia: "So we're standing here waiting for guys in masks and breathing tubes to show up, but who or what are Stiles and Theo waiting for?"
Cue the Jeep and Theo blathering about wendigos. He's offended when Stiles explains that legend says a cannibal's punishment is to become a monster consumed by wanting human flesh. Theo: "That's a pretty judgmental myth." Stiles: "Well I didn’t make it up." Theo: "What if it was the only way to survive. I mean you ever hear of the Donner party? I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into wendigos." Stiles: "Well they didn't live in Beacon Hills." Bwaahhh!!! Truer words, Stiles. Theo agrees. "So what's the punishment for killing a chimera?" Stiles: "You get to spend 5 hours in the car with Theo Raeken." Ouch! Stiles is really bringing his A snark game tonight. Things turn serious quickly though as Stiles contemplates the question. "I think I know what my punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend. I'm gonna lose Scott." Ugh! Just ugh! This is what, the fourth episode in a row where my heart breaks for Stiles? Just tell him the truth, honey. Theo agrees and it's kind of scary when the sociopath makes the most sense throughout the entire episode. Theo: "If Scott really gave up on you for some piece of cr** like Donovan, then he wouldn't be a true alpha, would he?" Um, perhaps you mean true friend. We still have no idea how this true alpha thing works. Stiles: "Maybe that's the definition of one. Somebody who doesn't put up with murder." Except it wasn't murder. Theo suggests he look up justifiable homicide, bringing out Stiles' unamused face. "Did you seriously just say that to the son of a cop?" Ha! Theo tries to prove it was self-defense with his still yellow eyes but Stiles retcons canon by suggesting it isn't a dead person's innocence but a werewolf's guilt that causes the eye change. I'm not sure I buy either but I'm glad Stiles isn't buying Theo's bull. Theo: "Okay. Then here's my interpretation of what happened with you and Donovan. Not guilty." Agreed. He asks Stiles if he felt bad when he killed Psycho and this time Stiles goes full on stink eye." Theo: "Not now. I mean right then, right when it happened. What were you thinking the moment you knew he was dead and there was no saving him?" Stiles: "One word - good." If it helps, I'm glad he's dead too. Theo just smiles and I'm not sure if he thinks he has more to hold over Stiles or he's reliving his own psycho kills.
Back in the Locker Room of Awkward Talks, Hayden sleeps while Super Special Liam gets a sixth sense about Scott's gym bag. He opens it up to find chains and Scott hedges on answering his questions. Lydia, tired of the secrets and lies like….oh, the entire viewing audience, tells him they are to catch a steampunk scientist. Scott: "If we can't make the school a fortress then made we can make it a trap." Liam is so not okay with that because it means Hayden is bait. Hayden is iffy too, although Lydia stresses that their #1 priority is protecting Hayden. Scott: "No one's bait but we can't be bodyguards to everyone every night." Good point. Liam whines that their current plan bites, which is currently too little too late although valid. I certainly hope they told Sheriff that Hayden is another chimera but there isn't much he could do either to be honest. Scott points out that none of us are any closer to understanding what the steampunk scientists' purpose is. "They're winning and we don't even know what the game is." AND there's only 3 episodes left before break. Just a reminder, Jeff Davis. Let's get this plot on the road. Finally tired of Liam's whining, Scott lays it on the line like a dad. Liam: "This plan sucks." Yep. Scott: "You got a better one?" Good point. They can't stand around and do nothing. Scott yells, "Kids are dying and she's next so somebody has to do something. Somebody has to save everyone. So somebody's got to be the bait." I am a fan of this more forceful, less naïve Scott. It is hard truth but it is truth none the less. Liam reluctantly agrees but wants assurance that Hayden is priority #1. Liam: "Scott, promise me that you'll do everything you can to save her." Of course he will, kid. Sit down. Hayden interrupts this not-so-touching moment to say she's an idiot. She left her pills in her locker and apparently cannot go one minute longer without them. Those are some demanding time-sensitive pills. Scott goes to get them while Lydia stands watch outside the locker room.

Meanwhile out in his car Parrish finds the Queen of Diamonds card and drifts into a totally inappropriate sex dream about Lydia, who turns into a burned monster. It's gross on so many levels and ends up with me throwing several socks and Parrish driving away. Malia hears him leave and goes to check it out, but ends up caught in 2 coyote traps that come out of the floor before being stabbed in the throat. Oh Hale no. You do NOT kill Malia! Good thing Lydia's season premiere foreshadowing and steampunk scientists entering the school make me think something is going on or else I would be rioting. Out in the hallway, Scott sees the leash dragging on the floor again and that can't be a good thing. Looks like he's back into his asthma-inducing dreams. He follows it to the science classroom, only to get stabbed in the chest by Kira with her currently missing sword belt. Not one for too little kill, Fox Kira also chokes him with the dog leash while reminding us that she is the messenger of death. Not cool, Hallucination Kira. Killing your boyfriend, even in his own head, is dodgy. And yes, this is definitely all in his head which is why Lydia's next. She sees Dead Tracey at the top of the stairs and as she's an idiot tonight, goes to meet her instead of returning to the locker room and bolting the door. Aye caramba, folks. Dead Tracey says she wants Lydia to scream, but really she wants to rip Lydia's tongue out. Why yes, this is the most disgusting and gross Teen Wolf ever and that includes dead Peter in season 2. Since Stiles can't be left out of the pain even if he's not with the group, Theo smells burning. Suddenly a flaming fist clocks Theo hard enough to spray Stiles with copious amounts of his blood and drags Theo from the Jeep before flipping the entire Jeep over onto its roof. An unbuckled Stiles lands hard, unconscious as Parrish sets the Jeep on fire and takes the corpse from the clinic.
With 3 of our heroes bleeding out on the high school floor and one about to be incinerated, this is of course the perfect time to return to the CLUB FROM HELL THAT WON'T DIE!!!!! Seriously, Jeff Davis. I've begged. I've pleaded. I've headdesk-ed more times than I can count. ENOUGH! Now I am asking you oh so politely to please get rid of this set before I take matters into my own hands. I will pay Parrish to burn the whole place to the ground. I can use the leftover dead pool money to as payment. Instead Mason and Screamer meet again (oh for the love of my sanity) so that Mason can reconfirm what we already know. Screamer is a chimera. Just kill him already. I do not care. I do however care that Theo puts out the Jeep fire because I need it to be fixable. She's a character, darn it! She needs to live. Stiles cannot drive some generic product placement car. Theo also pulls Stiles to safety but drops his head on the ground again. Next stop, Beacon Hills Memorial? Back at the school, the steampunk scientists trash the cell phone jammers, which aren't on the right frequency and kidnap Liam and Hayden. Could you take Mason too? Please? No…well, at least he snaps Scot out of his delusion by using a scalpel to slice his hand. It's actually a smart plan since Liam told him that werewolves use pain for control. Mason gives Scott the headlines about Screamer but Scott's preoccupied with the

First, I need to grieve for that poor, poor Jeep. I hope you're fixable because it won't be Teen Wolf without you. I'm praying for a Metallicar ressurection here.
(moment of silence) Again the odd numbered episodes are the best this season. Mostly it comes down to these being better paced with less filler. That's not to say that there wasn't filler because everything Mason and Screamer could totally be skipped. As for the freaking night club, well the less said the better for my blood pressure at this point. The pacing was odd because there was too little action but it still really worked. I love how Stiles and Theo's chats are segmented throughout even if I was originally concerned that Stiles is once again separated from the pack, a la season 4 Lydia. Surprisingly Stiles-Theo interactions became my favorite thing about the episode. The acting was superb and each segment had enough heart or surprise to keep me interested. I particularly loved the reveal that Theo was a psychopath well before the steampunk scientists turned him. That means no redemption arc and I am very good with that. There are too many characters already and Theo needs to go. While keeping Stiles and Scott apart irritates me, I do love Scott's character growth as a leader in this episode. I often criticize his too-naïve outlook but when he halts Liam's whining by telling him like it is, I cheered. I love how at first he says no one is bait but then reverses himself not 1 minute later. Someone does have to be the bait for them to get anywhere and I'm glad Scott realized it. This plan might have sucked but at least they tried something in full knowledge that if it went wrong something terrible could happen to Hayden. It was an adult leader decision that hopefully shows the first of many tough choices Scott will have to make as leader. It puts a tiny chink in his squeaky clean armor and makes him more interesting. I would like Teen Wolf to be slightly more like The 100. Not the desperately bleak outlook where there is never a good answer and all consequences are worse than the ones before. That's too depressing for Teen Wolf, but I would like to occasionally see times where there's no good choice but they have to make a decision and deal with the results. They're moving in the right direction with Scott here and with Stiles accidentally killing Psycho. This cast is ready for more challenging material and morally grey choices provide that. I don't want Scott to stop being the true hero nor do I want a Teen Wolf that loses its sense of humor but I think they can go deeper like they did in 3B and I'm looking forward to that happening.
Grade: A-

Best Scene - Kira's mom comes out of nowhere to attack her and practice fighting
MVP - the directing with a variety of different shots that made it visually appealing (including the shot of Hayden through the puddle and the overhead shots during the Kira-Mama Fox fight
Best Character Interaction - Stiles and Theo (best acting of the night too)
Best Reaction - Hayden to Liam wolfing out
Best Action - Mama Fox vs. Kira
Best Career in Beacon Hills - mechanic, what with all the cars breaking down
Worst Radio Station Ever - 91.5, the steampunk scientist channel. It's all prognosis updates and weird bug noises all the time.
Biggest Heartbreak - the Jeep may be dead
Biggest Aww Scene - Liam tells Hayden that she's just Hayden
Biggest Filler - Screamer and Mason
Biggest Mystery - since I've given up on ever finding out what the steampunk scientists want, I'm going with what the 115 Kira pinned to her headboard means
Biggest Shock - the traps coming out of the floor to pin down Malia
Least Helpful Foreign Language - Theo speaks Bug, which probably won't help his college admissions
Least Realistic Teens - the assortment of teens in the Beacon Hills library on a Saturday. Is there nothing to do in Beacon Hills that everyone decides to study?
Least Necessary Montage - Kira and Scott's greatest relationship hits
Least in Character - Lydia, who suddenly got so dumb that she didn't realize that using cell phone jammers would mean they couldn't use their cell phones
Most Interesting Reaction - Theo smiles when Stiles admits that in that moment he was happy Psycho died
Most Effective Team - Sheriff and Mama McCall
Most Squicky (Always) - the Lydia-Parrish thing they are pushing
Most in Need of an Arsonist - me to burn that freaking club to ashes and never go back to it again
Most Improved - the music
Most Creepy - Kid Theo watching his sister die
The "Give Me a Break" Award - No way a high school library not run by Giles has that many old, leather-bound books. Plus miraculous healing does not go in the historical essays or poetry sections. Use a freaking shelf marker, folks. These books are badly misshelved and use a combination of Dewey and Library of Congress cataloging, which are not at all compatible. Let me guess. They laid off the librarians.
The "SAT Lesson of the Night" Award - allogeneic means tissues or cells from an outside donor of the same species
The "There's Still No Cone of Silence" Award - Scott and Stiles freely talk all things supernatural in the middle of the library like there's no one walking right behind them
The "Say What?" Award - How the heck old is Psycho? He was already driving a motorcycle at the time of his father's accident? I call shenanicanon because this is the only non-parent actor who actually looks younger than what he's supposed to be on this show.
Best Quotes -
1. Kira: "Mom, this isn't what I would call quality mother-daughter time." Mama Fox: "Kira, defend yourself."
2. Theo: "You still want to know why I haven't said anything to Scott?" Stiles: "Maybe." Theo: "You think I've got some kind of ulterior motive?" Stiles: "More than likely." Theo: "Would you believe me if I said all I want, all I've ever wanted, is for you guys to trust me?" Stiles: "Nope." Theo: "So you're here because you're never gonna trust me." Stiles: "Yep. Glad we had this talk."
3. Mama McCall: "You're not asking me to hand over medical files without a court order, are you?" Sheriff: "I would never ask you to do that." Mama McCall: "Good because they may take away this key card, which allows me access to medical records. Do you want to see how the key card works?" Sheriff: "I would love to see how the key card works." Mama McCall: "Follow me."
4. Scott: "We just need to tell you the truth, Hayden, and that kind of thing usually is better face-to-face. Listen. Either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open. It's okay if you don't want to talk or if you're not ready to believe us, but I just…I gotta know that you're okay in there." Hayden: "I believe you."
5. Theo: "You want to take shifts watching?" Stiles: "No. No, I want to spend some quality time with you."
6. Theo: "So what's the punishment for killing a chimera?" Stiles: "You get to spend 5 hours in the car with Theo Raeken. I think I know what my punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend. I'm gonna lose Scott."
7. Hayden: "I'm not like you. I wasn't bitten by a wolf. I was somebody's science experiment. This is so bizarre." Liam: "I know but you're gonna be okay. I promise." Hayden: "What am I?" Liam: "You're Hayden."

9. Theo: "You know who you remind me of?" Stiles: "Theo, I don't care."
10. Theo: "It's the cannibal one, right?" Stiles: "Native American. It says that if you eat human flesh, your punishment was to turn into a creature who constantly craved it." Theo: "That's a pretty judgmental myth." Stiles: "Well I didn’t make it up." Theo: "What if it was the only way to survive. I mean you ever hear of the Donner party? I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into wendigos." Stiles: "Well they didn't live in Beacon Hills."
Screencaps by Teen Wolf Source, Forever Young Adult, Tumblr, Piclist, Entertain This, Teen Wolf Meta, Telefilm Addicted, TV Equals, Buzzfeed, Team TSD, and Tumblr.