Wednesday, July 8, 2015

2015 Character Cup - Nominating Polls, Part C

With the close of the first nominating polls, our first known contestants are in. Welcome to the contest Skye Johnson (SHIELD), Oliver Queen (Arrow), Job (Banshee), Vincent Keller (BatB), Kate Beckett (Castle), Sherlock Holmes (Elementary), Jethro Gibbs (NCIS), Ichabod Crane (Sleepy Hollow), and Sydney Bristow (Alias). The second set of polls close at 5:45 pm CST today so go vote here if you haven't already. Like yesterday, here's another little teaser of other shows that qualified for the Character Cup but did NOT need a nominating poll: Empire, Fargo, The Flash, Fresh Off the Boat, Forever, Game of Thrones, Gray's Anatomy, Grimm, House MD, In the Flesh, iZombie, Law and Order: SVU, LOST, and Madam Secretary.

After the 8 remaining polls close, we will finally be ready to create our brackets, finalize predictions, and get this contest started. Woo hoo! I'm looking to start the first round probably on Sunday to give everyone ample time to get their prediction brackets in and to put the final touches on our TV Talk Topics. Until then, I'm assigning homework. Ugh, I know. What do you expect? I'm a teacher. I need good headshot pictures of the characters that are in the contest. Otherwise your favorite character is stuck with the first picture I find on Google. Since the first contestants are now revealed, it's a great time to start looking. The guidelines are below. We'll start using pictures in the second round. You can send them to me via Twitter @dahne1 or simply put them in the comments below. Thanks in advance for your help in this.

Picture Guidelines:

1. Must be clothed and PG please!
2. Clearly shows the character's face
3. Is just the character and not a group thing
4. Must be the character and not the actor (no premiere party or tabloid photos)
5. No gifs - jpeg or png only please

Nominating Polls - The first polls today are the last of the nominating polls. Characters in the nominating polls had to meet the following criteria:

1. They had to have at least 5 nominations.
2. They had to be within 5 nominations of the most nominated character on that show unless they got over 20 nominations.
3. If 2 or more characters got over 20 nominations, they went in the nominating poll regardless of the difference between them.

Ranking Polls - For most shows, the number of nominations a character received determined their ranking as voted on in the policy poll. However some characters had the same number of nominations so for those I did total show nominations as a tiebreaker. For those characters in which the characters/shows both got the same number of nominations, we have ranking polls. Consider them the last ditch tiebreaker.

Nuts and Bolts - All polls are 1 vote only. Polls will close roughly 24 hours after they start. There is no option to change your vote so please choose carefully. As with all SpoilerTV polls, it is 1 vote per IP address so trying to vote multiple times will not count. Happy voting!

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and/or creates polls for Teen Wolf, The 100, Grimm, How to Get Away with Murder, The Librarians, and others. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts The 100 "Red-Shirted", Sleepy Hollow "Headless" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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