I wasn't able to finish my Perishable recap before Monstrous aired on Sunday, so it was too late to post on SpoilerTV. If you'd like to read it, find the recap here. Also you can find the official Bingo card for 1.11, links to 7 others, and directions for how to make your own Teen Wolf Bingo cards here. Enjoy! Let me know if you get a Bingo next week.
Teen Wolf Bingo - 4.11 | ||||
Someone mentions Greenberg | A new bad guy is revealed | DoucheDad flashes his badge | Someone kisses | Kira brings out a sword |
Someone bleeds on hospital floor | Deaton is no help at all | Someone lies | Someone's shirtless (Bonus if NOT Derek) | Liam gets wet |
Talk about money woes | Someone's eyes glow | Kira acts awkward or stutters | Recurring character bleeds | The vehicle Stiles drives breaks down or crashes |
Someone plays lacrosse | Someone dies in school, woods, or hospital | Awkward talk in locker room | A scene so dark you can barely see | Lydia finds something horrible |
Big plot twist | Scott is thrown against a wall | Malia looks confused and badass | Scott/Derek gives a stirring speech | A formerly "dead" person appears |