Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Supernatural - Midseason Polls - Part 6

It's the last round of the midseason ranking poll. (Sorry it is late.) We will pick up the last few after all season 7 episodes air. Thanks so much to everyone who commented and voted. Please don't forget to add your poll ideas in the comments area so we can get started with the nomination stages.

Polls still open for round 3 (closing soon), round 4, and round 5.

The plan: We will run the contest to see where episodes will rank over winter hiatus and the early part of summer hiatus. The top 100 episodes will be ranked by how they do in this contest. The bottom 49 episodes will go head to head to see which ones make it into the contest. The reason for this is that the brackets only work with 128 episodes. This will still allow each episode to go head to head to determine the Best Supernatural Episode.

Unlike the actual contest in the summer, preliminaries will be open for at least one week each. Everyone still only gets 1 vote per IP address though. Voting will be in 6 episode batches by order in which they aired and everyone can vote for 3 episodes per batch. Feel free to sound off in the comments about why you chose what you did.

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