Friday, December 30, 2011

Supernatural - Midseason Poll - Season 7 Round 1 and Song Nominations

Votes are in for favorite episode of season 7 so far and 8 episodes have advanced to the head-to-head. (The Girl Next Door and Defending Your Life did not make it in.) They are ranked in order of the number of votes received so things should get harder the farther we get into the contest, unless you already know your favorite of course. Each poll ends at midnight St. Louis time and it's one vote per IP address. Pass the word and don't forget that comments are lovely.

We are also gathering nominations for favorite Supernatural songs. This will be a straight up favorite poll so yes, Carry On Wayward Son is the odds-on favorite. Later on (like tomorrow probably) we will nominate songs for best use of a song to fit the scene. I would imagine things will be quite different in that poll. Nominations will last approximately 3 days and a complete song list for seasons 1-6 can be found at If you have not nominated your favorite comedy episodes, you still have time. The diversity in the nominations so far have been surprising and a lot of fun. You can also still vote in the summer ranking polls for round 4, round 5, and round 6. Enjoy!

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