Tuesday, March 22, 2011

White Collar - Favorite Season 2 Episode - Poll - Part 1

Hey all and welcome to our second White Collar Tuesday. In an attempt to get more people on SpoilerTV talking about White Collar, I am going to post a recap of a season 1 episode each Tuesday for viewers new and old alike. We'll also continue with a season 2 poll. If you have other things you would like to see, leave a comment below. We've already had ideas on character mannerisms and Mozzie conspiracy theories. Any other suggestions?

Last week's poll included who people thought stole the treasure and what they thought Neal would do with it. Alex was the most popular choice of who stole the treasure with 119 votes out of 311. Neal's dad came in second with 54 with an unknown person at 49. Out of 230 votes, 153 people thought Neal would keep the treasure in the storehouse until he figured out what to do with it. No other option even came close.

EDITED to add: For some reason, PollDaddy is only allowing me to show the first poll, so we will vote on the second half of season 2 later. Don't forget to make 2 choices.

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