Friday, December 31, 2010

Supernatural - Weekly Poll - Best One-Shot Antagonist/Monster (Season 5)

Best One-Shot Antagonist or Monster (Season 5)

Happy New Year to all of you. I hope it is full of peace and happiness and, of course, good TV. We have almost finished this week's question on best antagonist or monster and while some were runaway victories, a couple have been extremely close. Season 5, thanks to Hammer of the Gods, has the most choices so it should be interesting. I did take Cupid out of the running here and will put him in the angels poll instead. I felt he didn't fit as an antagonist since the brothers weren't hunting him and he had nothing to do with the deaths.

I'm posting the season 5 poll a bit early because I am going to close it at 7:00 pm Sunday (mid-USA time). I've enjoyed my break but work calls on Monday and I want to post the results on Monday when we start nominating for the next weekly question. Speaking of which, we are doing favorite episode next week. However, instead of nominating by season, we are going to be nominating as a whole. After all, some people enjoy certain seasons more than others. This will make the nominations truly people's favorites. Probably the hardest thing about next week will be picking your top 12 episodes of all time (well in seasons 1-5). Something to think of while you're nursing that new year's hangover.

As always, comments are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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