Welcome back to the final set of polls in round one. 64 characters entered but only 32 can progress. Who will join our previous winners? We saw our tightest finishes yet in the last set of polls with Klaus vs Daryl and Walter vs Walter, exciting contests the entire time. Because the votes were so close we will need to wait for the votes to be checked to declare official winners, but it looks like Klaus and Walter Bishop pulled off the win along with Jake Peralta, Caitlin Snow, Kate Beckett, Sarah Manning, Gregory House, Alex Danvers, and Sara Lance. This was a tough round for many in the prediction brackets with a 4-way tie now in first. With only 4 wrong poll predictions, Chestal, Panos, Agent of Space, and Felip pull in the lead. In second are Dahne, Missions, and Lbt. The whole contest is super close so good luck to all. Don't forget to participate in the TV Talk Topic of the Day and as always, happy voting!
If you have already read the rules and how the Cup operates, please skip to the polls below. If not, to ensure that every has a good time, please read the rules below. While they are written to be less stuffy than rules usually are, it is important that everyone be kind and fair to make this the most fun for everyone. Rules will be posted throughout round 1 and then a link will be provided to them. There are also links below to the list of character rankings and official bracket. Once round 1 is over, I will hopefully be able to provide stats there as well. The daily TV Talk Topic will also be found above the polls each time.
Rankings / Bracket
2017 Character Cup Rules:
1. This is a Silly Internet Contest, Not the Fate of the Nations - This contest is meaningless. The results are meaningless. No one in TV cares who wins. It will NOT change the fate of any show anywhere. Don't take it seriously. Have fun. Discuss a lot.
2. Focus on Characters, Not People - Anyone can vote however they want for whatever reason they want and can give their opinion on a character, favorable or not. Talking negatively about a character is NOT the same as attacking fans or the actor. If you don't like what someone says about your character, tell what you love about them.
3. Cheaters Suck - There is nothing more frustrating then having a bunch of cheaters ruin the fun for everyone. Please remember that it is one vote per person per poll. Trying to circumvent that is cheating, plain and simple. It slows down the contest and makes people grumpy.
4. Leave Sour Grapes on the Vine - Yeah, it sucks when your favorite is kicked off by a character you hate. Yep, the winning character always comes from the quickest, most organized fandom. It doesn't mean we can't still have fun. Don't vetch about past polls or life's unfairness and it will be more enjoyable for everyone.
5. Surprise, No Westworld Plot Twists Here - I will do my very best to keep the contest running smoothly, but I'm only human. I apologize in advance for any technical difficulties, spelling errors, and general absentmindedness. Let me know and I'll fix it.
6. Comments are the Wellspring of Hiatus Life - As you anxiously await the return of your shows, why not distract yourself with a little TV Talk? Each day is a new topic so even if your favorites are out, you can still discuss. While this contest is just a silly piece of internet fluff, the conversation here dives deep so jump on in.
Nuts and Bolts:
1. All polls, even the final one, will be about 24 hours long. A new poll should go up every day with a short break between rounds after Round 3 to filter out any cheating.
2. Everything is head-to-head competition unless there's a tie and then both go to the next round.
3. One vote per person per poll. Please do not try to cheat the polls. Please do not encourage other people to try to cheat the polls. It's annoying, stupid, pointless, and wastes everyone's time. It makes you look bad. It makes your fandom look bad. It makes your character look bad. It makes your show look bad. Just don't.
Today's TV Talk Topic:
And the Award Goes To… - With Emmy nominations rapidly approaching, who do you think deserves a nomination? What shows, actors, and genres do you feel get snubbed annually? Which ones are overly lauded? Are there any categories you'd like to see added or taken away? What are your favorite awards - Emmy's, Oscar's, Golden Globes? How do you feel about awards that are voted on by fans instead of people in the industry? For international commentators, what kinds of TV and film awards does your country have? How are they similar/different from the Emmy's? Are the winners usually diverse or are some shows more awarded than others? Has a favorite of yours won? Who are the big TV stars in your country?