Sunday, June 19, 2016

2016 Summer Pitch Your Show - Part F (Salem - You're the Worst)

With this segment, we come to the end of the 2016 Summer Pitch Your Show. I want to thank everyone who nominated the over 100 shows represented here. Your nominations were passionate, interesting, and persuasive. I had great fun reading them and was inspired to add several shows to my to-watch list. Again I wish we could have put all nominations in the articles. If you'd like to read them all, please click on the link to the spreadsheet below. As we end this article until next year, I hope you have found some good new shows to watch. Let me know how your summer TV viewing is going and as always, happy viewing.

Also, don't forget that summertime is when SpoilerTV focuses on all the major contests. We start with the Episode Competition tomorrow so come back daily to vote. Next up will be the Character Cup in July, which I run. It's a little different than the others because each day we have a new TV Talk Topic. I'm looking for topic suggestions so if there is anything you're dying to talk about with the SpoilerTV community, let me know. We'll end the summer with the huge Favorite Show Contest. I have a particular fondness for this one because it is what first brought me to SpoilerTV. So, as you can see, just because the regular season is done that doesn't mean SpoilerTV is taking a hiatus. Until tomorrow, here are the last of the pitches. I hope something grabs your interest today.

Part A
Part B
Part C
Part D
Part E

Salem (Netflix, Hulu Plus - season 1):

***Nominated by Gavin Hetherington - If you're looking for a show that delves so richly into the past, then you should definitely try out Salem. While the sound of it automatically has you thinking 'Salem Witch Trials', the show does incorporate that and so much more! It goes above and beyond to deliver an authentic, Gothic, genuinely entertaining piece of television that has, on occasion, made me cry with excitement. It may be about witches, but it includes so much about humanity that we can believe that it could be real - and that's the scariest part!

Schitt's Creek (Amazon Prime):

***Nominated by Folie-lex - Meet the Roses: Johnny (father, entrepreneur, and businessman), Moira (mother, former soap opera actress), David (eldest son, artist... of sorts... nobody really knows what David actually does except that he ran a gallery in Soho at one time), and Alexis (youngest daughter and professional socialite). Here are four people who take their privilege and money for granted... until they lose it all. An embezzlement scandal leaves them with nothing, except for a town Johnny bought under David’s name years ago as a joke. The name of the town alone is a joke: Schitt’s Creek and really the only reason that wasn’t part of the embezzlement was because the town is really worth nothing. So now the Roses, have got to move to the middle-of-nowhere, generic, small town and try to find a way to get back on their feet. They meet and interact with the typical array of quirky small town folk, led by Mayor Roland Schitt and his lovely wife Jocelyn. The show doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel. It plays on the “big city/privileged people in a small town / fish out of water / clash of ways of living” set up. However it does so exceptionally because between all the jokes and slapstick and satire and comedy, and despite all their flaws, these feel like actual real people. The main reason for that is due to the very tight writing and the excellent acting. It is truly one of the funniest comedies I’ve seen in a while. With veteran Canadian comedians Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara leading the troops, you just can’t go wrong.

Shades of Blue (Hulu):

***Nominated by Luana - At first, I wasn’t sold on this show. I’m a bit tired of so many procedurals and cop shows but soon I realized: first, that this wasn’t a procedural; and second that it was very, very worth my time. It has many awesome twists and turns. The acting is amazing all around but I can’t be more emphatic about how brilliant Ray Liotta is. It has been renewed for a second season and Jennifer Lopez is the protagonist and the producer so I’m pretty sure it will do just fine.

***Nominated by Preston Pagel - Jennifer Lopez glues this show together along with a great plot and other great stars as well.


***Nominated by Aimee Hicks - Stitchers was an anomaly when it premiered on ABC Family because it was promoted as a procedural but it ended up being so much more. Led by an extremely gifted cast and blessed with a powerful lead in Emma Istha, this show proved to be driven by the bonds of the characters. The cases of the week are a part of the story but they never overshadow the characters, who are the heart of the show. That’s the way I believe all procedurals should be but sadly most fail to find balance so characters get pushed to the backburner in favor of gruesome cases of the week. Stitchers still gives fans a procedural element while ensuring that they are fully invested in each character's wellbeing by delivering fully realized and relatable characters. It is the love and friendship that flows so strongly throughout this team that keeps these characters together. There are romances within the group too but they never overshadow the series. The show has cast chemistry in spades, which allows every emotional moment to have real pay off. Show runner Jeff Schechter is valiantly fighting for Stitchers' future right along with fans and along with the producers, writers, and actors often engages fans on social media. Stitchers is far more than a procedural and I believe new viewers won't need but a couple moments into the pilot to be hooked. Between the entertaining and engaging stories, the extremely talented cast, and the unique premise of this show, I think everyone should check it out. Stitchers just concluded its second season but has not been renewed yet so by trying it, you’ll not only find yourself part of an incredible fandom but you’ll help it get a much deserved third season.

***Nominated by Crystal - It's a fast paced, exciting murder mystery with a sci-fi twist, making it a different show. The more people watch, the better chance there is for a season 3 renewal. The seasons are only 10 episodes long so it takes no time to get through it. I know some people don't have the time to watch a 24 episode season, so this would be right up their alley.

Suits (Amazon Prime, Hulu - season 5):

***Nominated by Laura Markus - Suits is a legal drama based on the would-be partnership between the best closer in New York, Harvey Specter, and college dropout Mike Ross. The pilot offers everything to determine if you'll enjoy the show or not. The firm Harvey works for only offers jobs to those who went to Harvard, and as someone who got kicked out of Harvard, hiring Mike leads to some crazy shenanigans and stories down the line. All of the best stories and episodes involve his secret minus some in Season 4, but the relationship between Harvey and Mike is what the show is based on and Suits is at its strongest when it remembers this. In addition, we also have a bada** boss lady, played by the impeccable Gina Torres. Jessica Pearson is one of the only female characters they haven't screwed over. Think Annalise Keating without the murders, although I wouldn't put it past her if she did kill someone one day. There's also the insufferable Louis Litt, and although Rick Hoffman has some truly Emmy-worthy scenes, Louis is often tough to watch. However, it is his love of law and for the Pearson Specter Litt firm that gets him through, and that's sweet. There are a slew of romances, involving Rachel Zane, which aren't the best, but Donna Paulsen shines in earlier seasons. The legal cases, courtroom drama, hijinks and humor between all the characters are when the show really hits a high. Each season has great variety and after the setback of Season 4, Season 5 made a surprising comeback. It's definitely worth a try, with the pilot being one of the best episodes of the series. Suits has really quality writing when it tries, and the acting across the board is phenomenal. July 13th starts what looks to be yet another new spin on the show. Hope to see you in the comments for it!

***Nominated by Kingeba - If you're into the whole law thing and you want some drama but not that much action, then this show is the right one for you! It's got an amazing cast and crew working hard to make it great. The stories are amazing! You'll learn to love and hate every single one of the characters and this isn't just a show that focuses on ONE particular person or couple, nope! it focuses on all of the main characters, their battles and struggles and their love/hate relationships. Give it a try!


***Nominated by Rose - If you enjoy The Flash, then try this superheroine show! Featuring Kara Danvers (aka Supergirl), the show follows her journey as she masters her powers and works with her sister to protect Earth from criminals, human and alien alike, while also living a normal life as a personal assistant. It also showcases women supporting women, has great acting, and is filled with amazing and emotional plot twists. Full of humor, great fight scenes, and even a fan-favorite character from the Justice League, this underrated show is something you definitely don't want to miss.

***Nominated by Ezio - I'll start by saying what I always say to those I recommend Supergirl to: have patience. Like any new show, the initial episodes are very rocky and have a lot of wrinkles to iron out, which it pretty much does by episodes 7-8. Fans of Arrow and The Flash will recognize the same narrative and format in other hero shows by Greg Berlanti. That's not to say Kara is in any way trying to be like those other heroes. In fact what separates Kara is her hero journey. Like Oliver and Barry, Kara understands the pain of loss but it is more severe for her as she had family, friends, a life she was accustomed to that died along with Krypton. Also unlike Oliver, who witnessed countless loved ones die in addition to 5 years of traumatic hell, and Barry, who despite seeing his mother get murdered had a normal upbringing with the West's, Kara is essentially a foreigner in a foreign land and she's not perfect by any means. As she is new to the hero business, she makes her mistakes particularly in episode 2 and most notably in episode 16 where she does something that is a far cry from what you'd expect of her.

Lead star Melissa Benoist is perfect at playing quirky everyday girl Kara Danvers as well as her strong, plucky hero alter ego. Chyler Leigh is equally perfect as both the supportive and somewhat mother-hen adoptive big sister to Kara and it shows in their onscreen chemistry. Calista Flockhart as Kara's boss, Cat Grant, comes off as a sassy control freak, but is an actually well-intentioned woman and becomes a mentor to both Kara and Supergirl. She brings a lot of humor to the show since half of her dialogue is entertaining snark. Jeremy Jordan does a great job as Winn, Kara's confidant and resident tech-geek with a heart of gold. There's also David Harewood, who initially comes off as the jerk boss of the government agency Supergirl works with but who harbors a big secret. After a rocky start, the show picks up story-wise in episode 7 when another famous DC hero is introduced. In summation whether you're a fan of the comics or not, Supergirl is worth giving a look at.

***Nominated by AC - Supergirl is more than a superhero show with a female lead. It also has a different tone than other superhero shows on the air. While the likes of Arrow and Gotham are more on the dark side, Supergirl is full of hope. Kara is a superhero who inspires hope and she is happy and light and fun. Even more than that, Supergirl is also a feminist show. One of the characters even refers to another as a "personification of white male privilege". The show includes strong women in positions of power who also have their weaknesses. Because the characters on this show are well-built, women and men alike, I strongly suggest you catch up with Supergirl before she comes back in the fall.

Supernatural (Netflix):

***Nominated by Andrea - Hands down, this is the best show on TV. This series has been around since 2005, which in itself is quite remarkable. The story line is simple. It's about brothers caring for each other and the rest of us by fighting demons and devils and unspeakable uglies. It only takes about 3 episodes and you will be hooked. The actors are great and very focused on their roles. You begin to forget they are acting. They are also dedicated to their fans; they are one rare crew.

***Nominated by JB - This show is going into its historic twelfth season, where the Winchesters are apparently battling the Men of Letters. In all seriousness, the show's resilience and loyal following are milestones in and of themselves. This is the only show left from the original WB lineup that moved to the CW. It was sent to Fridays, only to come back swinging to the Monday-Thursday lineup. If you are new to the show, I suggest you start from the beginning, either on Netflix or on TNT four hours a day on weekdays.

The Thick of It (Hulu):

***Nominated by Milo BOK - This is essentially The UK version of Veep, only with Peter Capaldi in the lead role and he swears a lot. The show is consistently brilliant and incredibly funny, about on par with Veep in terms of its political humour. The cast is great. With a few short seasons and a movie, this series is probably one of the best things that the BBC has ever done. The Thick of It is a show that not many people outside of the UK have heard of but if you're liking Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and want to see more of his work, then this is the perfect show to watch.

Those Who Kill:

***Nominated by Luana - This show is so dark and creepy. At first it didn’t convince me, but if you like this kind of show you should give it a shot. It was canceled and it didn’t give many answers in the end, but if this is your type of show you should know it’s out there.


***Nominated by Kingeba - This show has been canceled and brought back quite a few times and I've actually not watched the whole thing, but I'd love for it to get a proper finale. If you haven't seen it, you should give it a try. In case you have, then you along with me most likely wish that it got a more proper send-off, right?

UnREAL (Hulu Plus):

***Nominated by JB - This is more than just a show that parodies what happens on a dating show. This is a show that is dark, gritty, edgy, and everything in between. Rachel, played by Shiri Appleby, is a reality television producer pushed by her boss Quinn, played by Constance Zimmer, to swallow her integrity and do whatever it takes to drum up show content that is not only salacious but also scandalous. In this season, the show is not only making history, but the show within the show is also making history. The themes of sexism and racial prejudice are beautifully drawn out in the setup of the second season. It's no wonder critics love this show. I hope more people tune in to see the beauty behind the madness.

***Nominated by Luana - UnREAL shows the backstage of a The Bachelor-esque reality show, and it’s so damn entertaining, but it doesn’t just stay there. It analyzes society and how the entertainment industry feeds off of the audience’s psychology. The acting is amazing and the characters are incredibly complex. Beware it has the potential to be pretty addictive. The second season is about to air and it has already been renewed for a third one.

Veep (Amazon Prime):

***Nominated by Milo BOK - This is probably the best comedy on television at the moment and has earned lead actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus multiple Emmy awards for a reason. It's just too good! Featuring an excellent cast that nails the comedy moments really well, this show is consistently the funniest series around, making use of some great moments. Veep focuses on Dreyfus's fictional Vice President Selina Meyer and her team of staff. It is a US adaption of the equally brilliant UK show, The Thick of It, from the same creator and even has Chris Addison direct multiple episodes. The show uses its HBO cable status to not hold anything back when it comes to jokes, and you'll find yourself laughing multiple times per episode. Really worth checking out if you can, this series is consistently awesome and is extremely hard to beat as even weaker episodes (which are few and far between) are still very good.

***Nominated by Chris - Veep is smart, realistic, and unbelievably funny. Don't just give up on the show because it's about politics. Give it a chance, or maybe two. I started liking it after watching the first season for the second time. What makes this comedy great is the writing and the cast led by the amazing Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She's incredibly good at portraying Selina Meyer. Alongside her is a team of various actors and actresses, whose characters are very likable despite their flaws. Although it's a workspace comedy, don't expect the usual stories from shows like The Office and Parks and Recreation, but, again, the characters are what makes this show great.


***Nominated by Milo BOK - This show might have fallen under most people's radar around the time of its release, but it's still worth going back and watching if you can. There isn't much catching up required at only ten episodes. The combination of Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger and legendary director Martin Scorsese (Goodfellas, The Wolf of Wall Street) makes for an interesting match with a great backdrop of 1970's sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Featuring an excellent soundtrack and even using famous figures like David Bowie and Elvis Presley, Vinyl is a must watch for any rock music fan or just anyone looking for a good show about music. It's captivating, raw, and really works, making use of some fascinating characters as the show continues to grow from strength to strength.

Warehouse 13 (Netflix):

***Nominated by Suzana - Warehouse agents are specialized in the retrieval of special artifacts that more often than not have ill side effects. So beware if you find yourself in possession of Gandhi’s sandals, Beatrix Potter’s tea set or Edgar Allan Poe’s notebook. Current Warehouse agents include Myka and Pete, who counterbalance each other perfectly and sometimes get on each other’s nerves. Claudia is as clever as she is witty and the youngest recruit of the Warehouse. There is also Lena, the keeper ,and Mrs. Frederick, the caretaker of the Warehouse. Finally, there is Artie, the senior agent with eyebrows more impressive than Peter Capaldi’s and a fondness for apples. He gives the sentient Warehouse a delicious steampunk touch. Every one of the relationships is well developed and so great. Myka and Pete are like siblings while Claudia and Artie end up having this warm father/daughter relationship. Warehouse 13 is heart and laughter, action and fun, and family and butt kicking.

***Nominated by Dahne - Warehouse 13 is a quirky little show that revolves around retrieving magic artifacts going haywire. All of the artifacts are connected to some famous person, which is one of my favorite things about the show. You learn about these people, often crazy stuff you never learned in school, but still based in fact. If you love history, you'll love this aspect. The whole show has a fun steampunk feel to it as well. Plus the pacing of the show is fantastic since they usually split up to neutralize 2 objects per episode. Fair warning though - skip most of the final season. It's awful, comes out of nowhere, ruins the series, and is not worth your time. If you end on episode 5.01, all cliffhangers are resolved and there's no need to finish the final 5 episodes.

You Me Her:

***Nominated by Jamie Coudeville - So little people know about this show. SpoilerTV doesn't even cover it. It's about a married couple who enters into a polyamorous relationship. It's basically a rom-com but with three people instead of two. Jarod Joseph from The 100 has a recurring role. It just finished its first season so it's very easy to catch up on.

You're the Worst (Hulu Plus - season 1):

***Nominated by Luana - I know I already pitched this one last time but given the changes it made lately I felt I had to do it again. It’s about two people who hate everything but each other. The acting and writing are absolutely brilliant. The second season really surprised me; it was nothing like the first. It took such a dark turn that I couldn’t even consider it a comedy anymore, but the way they handled it all, especially by the end of the story arc, I was convinced this deserves to be watched no matter what, not boxed as a comedy or as a drama. It has been renewed for a third season.

***Nominated by Milo BOK - I normally hate romantic comedies but like with unREAL, shows that put a twist on the genre really work. That's the case here with You're the Worst, which puts two people who aren't too keen on relationships together and the end result is absolutely hilarious. With great chemistry between the lead cast, this show is well worth a look if you can.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and/or creates polls for Teen Wolf, The 100, How to Get Away with Murder, The Librarians, and others. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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