Sunday, July 7, 2013
Supernatural - Ultimate Quote - 2D - Poll
Note - Since the SpoilerTV Favorite Show contest begins tomorrow today's poll will start and end early. Polls will close at 5 pm central tomorrow. Don't forget to spread the word about the Fav Show contest. It is more fun with more people. Plus it is a great way to get the word out about your favorite shows and possibly get new people to try them. In the first contest, we got a lot of people to try Supernatural.
Today marks the last day of round 2, which will weed us down to 64 quotes heading to round 3 out of the 256 we started with. We've come a long way in such a short amount of time. Woo hoo! After today the voting should get harder as we chose from the best of the best. Those narrowly beaten last time include Ruby's short bus slam by 7 votes, Dean's "I full on Swayzed that mother" with 46% of the vote, and the Born Under a Bad Sign quote where Dean tells Sam he's going to save him no matter what (45%). Lots of good quotes in today's selection including what may be my favorite SPN quote of all. Happy voting!
Quotes Too Long for Poll:
Poll 50 - Dean: "Hey don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?" Sam: "Dude, I'm the one who's going to have to ride in the car with your extra onions." Dean: "Hey see if they've got any pie. Bring me some pie. I love me some pie." (AHBL1)
Poll 52 - Dean: "Here's the thing. When we were young, I pretty much pulled him from a fire and ever since then I've felt responsible for him. Like it's my job to keep him safe. I'm just afraid if we don't find him fast….please, he's my family." (The Benders)
Poll 54 - Dean: "Nothing. It's just an angel and a demon riding in the back seat. It's like the setup to a bad joke, or a Penthouse forum letter." Sam: "Dude, reality. Porn." Dean: "You call this reality?" (Heaven and Hell)
Poll 59 - Dean: "You cannot be in that crater back there. I can't…If you're gone, I swear I am going to strap my Beautiful Mind brother into the car and I'm going to drive us off the pier. You asked me how I was doing? Well not good. Now you said you'd be here. Where are you?" (Hello, Cruel World)
Poll 60 - Dean: "Sam, come on. Oh Sam. Sam, Sam hey. Hey come here. Come here. Let me have a look at you. Oh hey look. Believe me it's not even that bad. It's not even that bad alright. Sammy. Sam! Hey, listen to me. We're going to patch you up okay. You're going to be as good as new. Huh. I'm going to take care of you. I going to take care of you. I've got you. It's my job right. Watch out for my pain in the a** little brother. Sam. Sam. Sam. Sammy! No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh God. Sam!" (AHBL1)
Poll 62 - Dean: "Guess what you do next? 'Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive.' I mean I don't know how he's doing it but this guy is doing it. I can't see your face but those are definitely your brooding and pensive shoulders. You just thought I was a d**." Sam: "Guy's good." (The Monster at the End of this Book)
Poll 62 - Dean: "We hunt demons." Andy: "What?" Sam: "Dean." Dean: "Demons and spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here he's my brother." Sam: "Dean, shut up." Dean: "I'm trying. He's psychic kind of like you. Well not really like you, but see he thinks you're a murderer and he's afraid he's going to become one himself because you're all part of something that's terrible. And I hope the hell that he's wrong but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right." (Simon Said)
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
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