Monday, March 25, 2013

White Collar - Best Season 4 Episode - Round 3 - Poll

Wow! The last set of polls were a first for me. We had a tie. The only fair thing I can think of is to have each episode advance to the next round so today we will have a three-episode poll. Also moving on by a fair margin are In the Wind, Shoot the Moon, and Compromising Positions. It seems I have no more luck on White Collar polls than I do with Supernatural ones since two of my absolute favorites are now out. To refresh your memory, there is a synopsis of all season 4 episodes above the first poll.

I've also included a nomination form for your favorite Mozzisms. If you know the episode title, please include it too. You can nominate up to 3 favorites. The contest will take place shortly before the new season begins. Happy voting and nominating and as always comments are most appreciated.

White Collar Season 4 Episode Guide

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