Sunday, March 31, 2013
Supernatural - 8.18 - Freaks and Geeks - Podcast
Hey there all you wayward sons and daughters! Welcome back to another episode of the Team Winchester Podcast. Up for dissection this week, episode 8.18: Freaks & Geeks. This week saw Dahne being the more upbeat one and Lilith was close to being 1000% done. But the gals did manage to strike the balance of nitpicking and finding the good in a filler episode (but what ended up on the cutting room was so much juicier, wish you could have been there). So come on in and see if you agree, disagree or fall somewhere in between with their final conclusions this week.
PS: The Summer of SPN Fan League will be forming soon. Stay tuned or email us for more information. Registration starts April 7, 2013. Tons of fun, games and prizes. Hope you decide to join us!
Disclaimer - As always the opinions on this podcast are Lilith and/or Dahne's. They do not reflect the fandom as a whole or SpoilerTV.
Alternate podcast link -
Podcast Break-Down (All times are estimated):
Intro & Small Talk
Discussion Points - 07:00
Nitpicks - 10:00
WTH - 20:15
Least Favorite - 30:15
Favorite Things - 44:05
Music / Trivia - 55:55
Grade and Review - 63:30
Contact Info - 66:55
Plugs & Wrap Up - 68:30
Podcast Links:
Voice mail - 502-233-1351
Lilith Links:
My blog
My Twitter
Supernatural - 8.18 - Freaks and Geeks - Quotes
UPDATED - To add the nomination forms for our quotes contest. Sorry about that. We are almost done nominating for season 5 which will only leave seasons 6 and 7. Woo hoo! Quotes contest begins during the summer hellatus.
Oh what to say about this episode. It was filler and not particularly interesting filler at that. The best part was that after the first half of the episode, Krissy was palpable. She was much better than in Adventures in Babysitting even if the ending is completely implausible. DFS would be harder to ditch than hellhounds. Beneath you will also find nominations for our quotes contest over the summer hellatus. You can vote for up to two quotes from each of the episodes.
Funny/Snarky quotes:
12. Dean: "Sounds vampy to me."
11. Sam: "So what was that all about G-Man?"
10. Dean: "Yeah I never trust a guy who wears a sweater."
9. Dean: "Okay so how does this work? Uh what after…after soccer practice and…and…and the bake sale they uh chop vampire's heads off?" Victor: "Well yeah. I think a balanced approach is best, don't you?"
8. Dean: "Just not what I expected." Krissy: "And what was that?" Dean: "A little more Lord of the Flies, less Huxtables."
7. Krissy: "You're all right for an old guy." Dean: "I'm really not that old." Krissy: "You keep telling yourself that."
6. Sam: "What happened?" Dean: "Teenager - that's what."
5. Dean: "Listen there's uh something I want to tell you about Krissy." Aiden: "Oh I know; I know. You'll kill me if I ever hurt her - blah, blah, blah." Dean: "No, no. No. She'll kill you."
4. Dean: "What - sneaking out in the middle of the night to go hunt monsters with the Apple Dumpling Gang? Is that what kids are doing for kicks these days?"
3. Aiden: "Hey how about we start a new tradition and before each job we give each other good luck kisses." Josephine: "How about I punch you in the throat instead."
2. Victor: "Oh come on guys. I know your friends. I mean Martin was insane and somebody obviously dropped Garth on his head when he was a baby."
1. Sam: "Alright so these kids are…" Dean: "Dangerous and off their meds. Yeah no kidding."
Story-moving quotes:
10. Dean: "I need to talk to you privately." Aiden: "You know this guy." Krissy: "Yeah, we have a past."
9. Victor: "Kids arrive home victorious only to find you…dead in their living room. It seems that nest of vampires they were hunting was seeking revenge and killed you. Thus inspiring them to hunt even more. I'm sorry Sam. I can't have anyone poisoning my kids' minds." Sam: "Other than yourself that is."
8. Victor: "It's complicated." Dean: "No actually it's not. See Blue Van here's been turning fresh vamps and setting them up for you kids as easy kills." Josephine: "But why?" Krissy: "Because they didn't kill our families, did they?" Victor: "No."
7. Sam: "Something's up. Victor says he has a surveillance photo of the vampire that killed Krissy's father but Dean…I'm not so sure." Dean: "Why's that?" Sam: "There's no time stamp on it." Dean: "Okay so you think he's lying?" Sam: "Well that or he's just wrong. It's hard to say."
6. Krissy: "I want the bloodsucker who killed my dad to pay." Dean: "And we're going to find out who that is but let's not be so bloodthirsty that just anyone will do." Josephine: "But Victor says it's her." Dean: "And I say it ain't. So we're going to pack her to go and we're going to ask Victor ourselves, okay?"
5. Victor: "They know the risks." Sam: "Yeah but why take them?" Victor: "Because the next generation of hunters has to be better." Sam: "Better than what?" Victor: "Better than us."
4. Dean: "They said they were hunting a nest right?" Sam: "Yeah." Dean: "Well let's hunt it for them. Well that way until we figure out what to do with Victor they stay safe."
3. Victor: "You needed motivation. I scouted each and every one of you and I knew it was the only way to get you to hunt." Aiden: "So you killed our families?" Victor: "I know that their deaths are tragic but think of all the future lives that will now be saved because you are now together."
2. Dean: "Vampires don't beg for their lives. They attack! Look last time I'm going to ask you nicely. Take the damn guns off me or somebody's going to get hurt."
1. Victor: "When I found them they were lost, confused, angry. I gave them family and purpose and you want to take all that away. Why?" Sam: "So they don't get killed."
Emotional quotes:
6. Victor: "It's always like that with kids. You got any?" Sam: "Me? Uh no." Victor: "You want any?" Sam:
"Uh I don't know." Victor: "Trust me, the answer is yes."
5. Dean: "Listen, if you want to take a knee on this one, if you're not feeling up to it…" Sam: "What?" Dean: "You know, the trials, what Cas said - that you've got what he can't cure." Sam: "Which means what exactly?" Dean: "Well I don't know. You tell me. Are you okay?" Sam: "I'm fine. What? Are you okay?"
4. Dean: "Me?" Sam: "Yeah uh Cas dinged you up pretty good." Dean: "And?" Sam: "And I just wanted to make sure you're okay." Dean: "What? Like my feelings." Sam: "If that's what you want to talk about sure."
3. Victor: "We are at war, a war that we are losing. That Leviathan fiasco was a wakeup call. We have to do what we can to survive but I wouldn't expect you to understand. You're not a father. You don't know what it's like to hear the cries of your children dying. But now I have a second chance to make it all right. To create the next generation of hunters, stronger, faster, smarter."
2. Josephine: "Three months ago this blood banger snuck into a house and killed 3 people in their sleep." Vamp: "What? No, I didn't do that." Josephine: "One was a woman…never hurt anyone. The other two…a brother and a sister." Vamp: "I don't know what you're talking about." Josephine: "I came home from a friend's house and I found them. They were my family."
1. Krissy: "If we want revenge for our families' deaths, he gives it to us." Dean: "We don't kill people. You don't kill people."
Quote Awards:
The "Yes the Writer is Canadian" Award: Aiden: "Then how come I couldn't find him in your celly?"
The "Why'd We Bring the Brat Back" Award:
Krissy: "Does it look like my bacon needs saving? Wait. How'd you find me? I paid cash everywhere."
Krissy: "Dead. Well let's do this again like…never. Now go. We've got this."
Krissy: "Look I don't need you to save me Dean. I'm not a little kid anymore."
The "This Anvil is Brought to You by the Letter H" Award -
Dean: "Hunting isn't all about killing and revenge. I thought we had this chat last time."
Dean: "She hasn't fed yet. We can reverse this if we find her maker and get his blood." Aiden: "And why should we care about her?" Dean: "Like I said, hunting isn't always about killing."
Dean: "We don't kill people. You don't kill people."
The "Oh No You Didn't" Award - Victor: "And I know you two loved that Bobby guy but he was a barely functional alcoholic."
The "Dumb Dean Strikes Again" Award - Vamp: "No shut them off. They're too bright." Dean: "Not until you tell me what the hell is going on here."
The "Do You Want Her to Kill Him, Sam?" Award - Sam: "Krissy this ends bad no matter what we do."
The "It Ain't Happening No Matter How Often You Push It on Me" Award - Krissy: "Garth?" Dean: "Yeah he's a little strange at first but you'll come to love him."
The "Shut Up Sam" Award - Sam: "Maybe they won't be the only ones."
Screencaps by Home of the Nutty and Supernatural Fans Online
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Oh what to say about this episode. It was filler and not particularly interesting filler at that. The best part was that after the first half of the episode, Krissy was palpable. She was much better than in Adventures in Babysitting even if the ending is completely implausible. DFS would be harder to ditch than hellhounds. Beneath you will also find nominations for our quotes contest over the summer hellatus. You can vote for up to two quotes from each of the episodes.
Funny/Snarky quotes:
12. Dean: "Sounds vampy to me."
11. Sam: "So what was that all about G-Man?"
10. Dean: "Yeah I never trust a guy who wears a sweater."
9. Dean: "Okay so how does this work? Uh what after…after soccer practice and…and…and the bake sale they uh chop vampire's heads off?" Victor: "Well yeah. I think a balanced approach is best, don't you?"
8. Dean: "Just not what I expected." Krissy: "And what was that?" Dean: "A little more Lord of the Flies, less Huxtables."
7. Krissy: "You're all right for an old guy." Dean: "I'm really not that old." Krissy: "You keep telling yourself that."
6. Sam: "What happened?" Dean: "Teenager - that's what."
5. Dean: "Listen there's uh something I want to tell you about Krissy." Aiden: "Oh I know; I know. You'll kill me if I ever hurt her - blah, blah, blah." Dean: "No, no. No. She'll kill you."
4. Dean: "What - sneaking out in the middle of the night to go hunt monsters with the Apple Dumpling Gang? Is that what kids are doing for kicks these days?"
3. Aiden: "Hey how about we start a new tradition and before each job we give each other good luck kisses." Josephine: "How about I punch you in the throat instead."
2. Victor: "Oh come on guys. I know your friends. I mean Martin was insane and somebody obviously dropped Garth on his head when he was a baby."
1. Sam: "Alright so these kids are…" Dean: "Dangerous and off their meds. Yeah no kidding."
Story-moving quotes:
10. Dean: "I need to talk to you privately." Aiden: "You know this guy." Krissy: "Yeah, we have a past."
9. Victor: "Kids arrive home victorious only to find you…dead in their living room. It seems that nest of vampires they were hunting was seeking revenge and killed you. Thus inspiring them to hunt even more. I'm sorry Sam. I can't have anyone poisoning my kids' minds." Sam: "Other than yourself that is."
8. Victor: "It's complicated." Dean: "No actually it's not. See Blue Van here's been turning fresh vamps and setting them up for you kids as easy kills." Josephine: "But why?" Krissy: "Because they didn't kill our families, did they?" Victor: "No."
7. Sam: "Something's up. Victor says he has a surveillance photo of the vampire that killed Krissy's father but Dean…I'm not so sure." Dean: "Why's that?" Sam: "There's no time stamp on it." Dean: "Okay so you think he's lying?" Sam: "Well that or he's just wrong. It's hard to say."
6. Krissy: "I want the bloodsucker who killed my dad to pay." Dean: "And we're going to find out who that is but let's not be so bloodthirsty that just anyone will do." Josephine: "But Victor says it's her." Dean: "And I say it ain't. So we're going to pack her to go and we're going to ask Victor ourselves, okay?"
5. Victor: "They know the risks." Sam: "Yeah but why take them?" Victor: "Because the next generation of hunters has to be better." Sam: "Better than what?" Victor: "Better than us."
4. Dean: "They said they were hunting a nest right?" Sam: "Yeah." Dean: "Well let's hunt it for them. Well that way until we figure out what to do with Victor they stay safe."
3. Victor: "You needed motivation. I scouted each and every one of you and I knew it was the only way to get you to hunt." Aiden: "So you killed our families?" Victor: "I know that their deaths are tragic but think of all the future lives that will now be saved because you are now together."
2. Dean: "Vampires don't beg for their lives. They attack! Look last time I'm going to ask you nicely. Take the damn guns off me or somebody's going to get hurt."
1. Victor: "When I found them they were lost, confused, angry. I gave them family and purpose and you want to take all that away. Why?" Sam: "So they don't get killed."
Emotional quotes:

"Uh I don't know." Victor: "Trust me, the answer is yes."
5. Dean: "Listen, if you want to take a knee on this one, if you're not feeling up to it…" Sam: "What?" Dean: "You know, the trials, what Cas said - that you've got what he can't cure." Sam: "Which means what exactly?" Dean: "Well I don't know. You tell me. Are you okay?" Sam: "I'm fine. What? Are you okay?"
4. Dean: "Me?" Sam: "Yeah uh Cas dinged you up pretty good." Dean: "And?" Sam: "And I just wanted to make sure you're okay." Dean: "What? Like my feelings." Sam: "If that's what you want to talk about sure."
3. Victor: "We are at war, a war that we are losing. That Leviathan fiasco was a wakeup call. We have to do what we can to survive but I wouldn't expect you to understand. You're not a father. You don't know what it's like to hear the cries of your children dying. But now I have a second chance to make it all right. To create the next generation of hunters, stronger, faster, smarter."
2. Josephine: "Three months ago this blood banger snuck into a house and killed 3 people in their sleep." Vamp: "What? No, I didn't do that." Josephine: "One was a woman…never hurt anyone. The other two…a brother and a sister." Vamp: "I don't know what you're talking about." Josephine: "I came home from a friend's house and I found them. They were my family."
1. Krissy: "If we want revenge for our families' deaths, he gives it to us." Dean: "We don't kill people. You don't kill people."
Quote Awards:
The "Yes the Writer is Canadian" Award: Aiden: "Then how come I couldn't find him in your celly?"
The "Why'd We Bring the Brat Back" Award:
Krissy: "Does it look like my bacon needs saving? Wait. How'd you find me? I paid cash everywhere."
Krissy: "Dead. Well let's do this again like…never. Now go. We've got this."
Krissy: "Look I don't need you to save me Dean. I'm not a little kid anymore."
The "This Anvil is Brought to You by the Letter H" Award -
Dean: "Hunting isn't all about killing and revenge. I thought we had this chat last time."
Dean: "She hasn't fed yet. We can reverse this if we find her maker and get his blood." Aiden: "And why should we care about her?" Dean: "Like I said, hunting isn't always about killing."
Dean: "We don't kill people. You don't kill people."

The "Dumb Dean Strikes Again" Award - Vamp: "No shut them off. They're too bright." Dean: "Not until you tell me what the hell is going on here."
The "Do You Want Her to Kill Him, Sam?" Award - Sam: "Krissy this ends bad no matter what we do."
The "It Ain't Happening No Matter How Often You Push It on Me" Award - Krissy: "Garth?" Dean: "Yeah he's a little strange at first but you'll come to love him."
The "Shut Up Sam" Award - Sam: "Maybe they won't be the only ones."
Screencaps by Home of the Nutty and Supernatural Fans Online
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Saturday, March 30, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
White Collar - Best Season 4 Episode - Final Poll
Here it is folks. We are down to the final two episodes in our quest to crown the best episode this season. The odds on favorite is In the Wind, having decimated its competition throughout. The lowest it has received is 83% of the vote. Gloves Off by comparison made poll history (for me) by ending in a tie in the second round. Both episodes are worthy competitors but only one can win. Vote your choice and don't forget to nominate your favorite Mozzisms for our contest this summer. Thanks to everyone who has participated. I am so glad you joined us.
White Collar Season 4 Episode Guide
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Monday, March 25, 2013
Supernatural - 5.15 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid - Quotes
Oh Bobby and Sheriff Mills, how I miss you. This is one of those underrated gems in season 5. While equally depressing as the rest of season 5's pit of despair, it also brings amazing family moments, action, and of course quotes. Clay the undead killer zombie was a riot! It had good flow and more insight into Bobby's head space. Most importantly we got to shoot zombies. What's not to love!
Funny/Snarky quotes:
15. Digger: "Heads up. Fargo."

13. Dean: "He's a monster." Sam: "He's a soccer dad."
12. Karen: "Whoops. I scare you?' Dean: "No, no, no. There's nothing scary about you at all."
11. Bobby: "Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?" Dean: "I'm making this stuff up as I go. Sue me."
10. Dean: "You know how many times we've called? Where have you been?" Bobby: "Playing Murderball."
9. Dean: "What…what about Benny?" Clay: "He killed me. He shot me in the back. I'm supposed to let him get away with that." Dean: "Hold up. Are you confessing?"
8. Karen: "I don't know what it is. Since I got back, I can't stop baking." Dean: "Hmm, when do you have time to sleep?" Karen: "I don't. Must be the excitement." Dean: "Or being dead."
7. Dean: "Remember the guy you said that was dead and couldn't possibly commit murder? There he is." Mills: "And?" Dean: "And? And you're welcome. For catching the undead killer zombie."
6. Dean: "You gave yourself your own nickname? You can't do that." Digger: "Who died and made you queen?"
5. Dean: "Oh I'm sorry. We're a little tense right now. Who's old lady Jones?" Bobby: "The first one to come up." Sam: "The first one to go bad." Bobby: "Oh she was always a nutty broad." Dean: "Nutty how? Nutty like the way she ate her husband's stomach? Was that the level of nutty she was in life?"
4. Dean: "You got anymore ammo? I'm running low." Bobby: "Yeah we've got plenty. Just run back past the zombies. It's in the van where we left it." Dean: "A simple no would have been fine."
3. Dean: "Are you crazy? What the hell?" Bobby: "Dean I can explain." Dean: "Explain what? Lying to us or the American Girl zombie making cupcakes in your kitchen."
2. Dean: "Awesome. Another horsemen. It must be Thursday."
1. Clay: "I can't believe you were going to kill me." Dean: "You're a zombie." Clay: "I'm a taxpayer."
Story-moving quotes:
12. Guy: "Uh you mind telling us who the hell you are?" Sam: "Friend of Bobby Singer's." Guy: "The town drunk." Sam: "No I…I thought he was the town drunk." Guy: "Who told you that?" Sam: "Bobby Singer."
11. Sam: "Okay. I'll head to town and rescue everyone. It should be easy." Dean: "Sounds like." Sam: "I'm going to need some help." Dean: "How about the sheriff?" Sam: "Uhhh. Last time I checked the sheriff was pretty pro-zombie."
10. Dean: "There's nothing to think about. I'm not going to leave Bobby at home with the Bride of Frankenstein." Sam: "Then what do you want to do? Just…just walk in there in front of Bobby and blow her skull off?" Dean: "If she decides that Bobby's face is the blue plate special I'd like to be there."
9. Dean: "Who is that?" Bobby: "Karen, my wife." Dean: "Your new wife?" Bobby: "My dead wife."
8. Mills: "Whatever he is or isn't, that don't give you the right to shoot him in the middle of the street." Clay: "Shoot me?" Mills: "You're free to go Mr. Thompson." Dean: "Free to go?"
7. Mills: "Agent Willis, this is Sheriff Jody Mills…Bobby?" Bobby: "Oh….excuse me." Mills: "Is this Bobby Singer?" Bobby: "Listen I don't know this is but this is Agent Tom Willis of the FBI." Mills: "Bull cr***."
Sam: "So uh….so you know Bobby Singer?" Dean: "That…that is a fun coincidence."
6. Dean: "So? I'm going to have to go back there and…and…and kill her. That's the only thing I can think of." Sam: "If he sees you, you're a dead man." Dean: "Well then I guess I won't let him see me."
5. Digger: "I saw Clay Thompson climb into Benny Sutton's trailer through the window. A couple minutes later Clay walked out and Benny's dead." Dean: "And uh is this the guy you saw?" Digger: "Uh he was all covered with mud but yeah. That's Clay." Sam: "You are aware that Clay Thompson died 5 years ago." Digger: "Yep."
4. Bobby: "Death came for me. He brought Karen back to send me a message." Dean: "And you? Why you?" Bobby: "Because I've been helping you, you SOB's. I'm one of the reasons you're still saying no to Lucifer, Sam."
3. Sam: "So what do you think?" Dean: "There's nothing to think about. I'm not going to leave Bobby at home with the Bride of Frankenstein." Sam: "Then what do you want to do? Just…just walk in there in front of Bobby and blow her skull off?" Dean: "If she decides that Bobby's face is the blue plate special I'd like to be there."
2. Dean: "Let me get this straight. You're Clay Thompson and you died 5 years ago." Clay: "Yes." Dean: "And 3 days ago you climbed out of your grave and you killed Benny Sutton." Clay: "Yes." Dean: "So you are in fact a dead guy."
1. Karen: "There's something else too. When I came back, there was a man." Bobby: "What do you mean a man?" Karen: "At the grave. He was so thin like a skeleton and he told me to give you a message."
Emotional quotes:
8. Sam: "So you knew about this?" Bobby: "Yeah." Dean: "I think what Sam meant to say is you lied to us?" Bobby: "Look I told you there was nothing here and there isn't. Not for you." Dean: "There's zombies here."
7. Dean: "Look Bobby I feel for you but you have got to acknowledge that you're not exactly seeing this straight." Sam: "Bobby whether you admit it or not, these things are turning. We have to stop them. All of them." (Bobby draws a gun on them.) Bobby: "Time to go." Dean: "What?" Bobby: "You heard me. Off of my property." Sam: "Or what? You'll shoot?"
6. Bobby: "You remember what?" Karen: "Everything - the demon inside me, you killing me. I remember." Bobby: "Then you know why I can't do it again."
5. Dean: "So this was like a hit on your life?" Bobby: "I don't know if they wanted to take my life or my spirit. Either way they wanted me out of the way." Sam: "But you're going to be alright. Right Bobby?" (Bobby doesn't answer, just looks back into the funeral pyre.)
4. Dean: "He's crazy." Sam: "It's his wife Dean." Dean: "So he goes Full Metal Jacket on us? We're his family Sam."
3. Dean: "And what would you do if you were us?" Bobby: "I know what I'd do and I know what you think you've got to do but I'm begging ya. Please. Please, leave her be."
2. Dean: "So then you know that Sam and I would never let anything happen to Bobby. He's like a father to us."
1. Dean: "Hey I don't know squat from shinola about love but at least you got to spend 5 days with her right?" Bobby: "Right which makes things about a thousand times worse. She was the love of my life. How many times do I got to kill her?"
Screencaps by Supernatural Fans Online
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White Collar - Best Season 4 Episode - Round 3 - Poll
Wow! The last set of polls were a first for me. We had a tie. The only fair thing I can think of is to have each episode advance to the next round so today we will have a three-episode poll. Also moving on by a fair margin are In the Wind, Shoot the Moon, and Compromising Positions. It seems I have no more luck on White Collar polls than I do with Supernatural ones since two of my absolute favorites are now out. To refresh your memory, there is a synopsis of all season 4 episodes above the first poll.
I've also included a nomination form for your favorite Mozzisms. If you know the episode title, please include it too. You can nominate up to 3 favorites. The contest will take place shortly before the new season begins. Happy voting and nominating and as always comments are most appreciated.
White Collar Season 4 Episode Guide
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White Collar
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Supernatural - 8.17 - Goodbye Stranger - Podcast
Welcome back all you wayward sons and daughters. Up for discussion is episode 8.17: Goodbye Stranger.
As much as both Dahne and Lilith didn't care for this episode, they sure did find a lot of things to like about the episode. Find out if you agree, disagree or fall somewhere in between with their opinions this week.
PS: TWP wants to start a summer SPN Fan League, sound off in the comments or shout an email if you want more information. Tons of prizes, contests and giveaways all Hellatus long.
Disclaimer - As always the opinions on this podcast are merely Lilith and/or Dahne's opinions. They do not reflect the fandom as a whole or SpoilerTV.
Podcast Break-Down (All times are estimated):
Intro, Small Talk , and Ratings
Discussion Points - 3:15
Nitpicks - 4:45
WTH - 11:25
Favorite Things - 29:45
Least Favorite - 41:50
Music / Trivia - 46:00
Grade and Review - 53:25
Contact Us - 58:25
Shameless Plugs and Promotions - 59:55
Announcements and Wrap-Up - 61:10
Podcast Links:
Voice mail - 502-233-1351
Lilith Links:
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Supernatural - 8.17 - Goodbye Stranger - Quotes
This was not my favorite episode. Actually this is not my favorite season so this episode is middling in a sea of SPN failures for me. 6 episodes to go or to turn things around. Let's get a serious reboot Supernatural writers. Please. On the plus side though we got Meg, Crowley and Sam vowing he will not lie anymore to Dean so it wasn't a complete wash.
Funny/Snarky quotes:

14. Cas: "You know I can hear you both. I am a celestial being."
13. Dean: "Lucifer had crypts?" Cas: "Dozens of them apparently." Sam: "But why the storage wars? I mean what the hell are they all looking for?"
12. Wendy: "Sam and Dean Winchester, oh the thoughts she had about you two. Mostly you Sam. What can I say? She has a thing for smutton-chops."
11. Crowley: "Just to be clear, you can't find a hole in the ground, your co-workers have met with an untimely demise, and you've lost my favorite chew toy. Brilliant. What's that old expression? If you want something done right…" (Crowley whips out angel sword and stabs the demon with it.) Crowley: "Blah, blah, blah."
10. Cas: "I don't know. I'm hoping the strange haired demon in the kitchen is more knowledgeable than the others I interrogated."
9. Dean: "What the hell is this? Spear of Destiny? What is this? God's toothpick. You know would it have killed these a**hats to label these boxes in something other than hieroglyphics? It's ridiculous."
8. Cas: "So what have they found?" Meg: "Bubbkus. Every crypt has been one Al Capone vault after another."
7. Dean: "So chupucabra? What have we got - power tools gone rogue? Wait, are we talking a…a Maximum Overdrive situation here?" Sam: "I don't know. Worth a shot though. I'll grab my gear. We should probably leave in five." Dean: "Mmm hmm." Sam: "Unless of course you need some more time with Miss October." Dean: "What? Oh. Yeah, yeah. Make it 10."
6. Dean: "A demonic decoder ring…in Crowley's hands. Awesome."
5. Dean: "So I've got to ask, um….what's up with the hair?"
4. Dean: "Hello. These men of letters weren't so boring after all. Konnichiwa. Hey check this out." Sam: "Dude. What is wrong with you?" Dean: "Wrong with me? Are you kidding? This is a first edition dude. You know what this would go for on E-Bay?" Sam: "No. Why? Do you?" Dean: "No. Maybe. Shut up."
3. Dean: "So somebody's killing demons. Well that is awesome. I feel like we should send a card or flowers. What kind of flowers says thanks for killing demons?"
2. Crowley: "Tart stole my move."
1. Sam: "Wait. So a bunch of innocent people died so you could buy yourself some time?" Meg: "Hi. I'm Meg. I'm a demon."
Story-moving quotes:
15. Cas: "What have you done to me Naomi?" Dean: "Who is Naomi?"
14. Sam: "Wait a second. You've been telling Crowley the location of Lucifer's crypts." Meg: "What can I say? I needed the break from the constant torture and I did visit them all in my time with Yellow Eyes but don't worry. I haven't exactly been giving them the Glengarry leads."
13. Dean: "Hey what did you mean back there about Sam?" Cas: "It's difficult to say. It's something on the subatomic level and his electromagnetic field…" Dean: "Okay bottom line it for me Bill Nye. Is it lethal?" Cas: "I don't know."
12. Dean: "He lied to us." Sam: "Yeah maybe but I can kind of understand why. I mean…an angel tablet. If the demon tablet can shut the gates of hell, what can the angel tablet do?"
11. Meg: "There, that's where the crypt was." Sam: "What's there now?" Meg: "Do I look like Google to you? None of these buildings were here way back in the day. Figure it out genius. Is there any booze in this dump?"
10. Sam: "I did..uh, dead bodies showing up all over the Midwest last week. Benton, Indiana. Downers Grove, Illinois…uh, Novi, Michigan and then again last night in Lincoln Springs, Missouri." Dean: "And how is this us?" Sam: "Because each of the victims had severe burns around their eyes, hands, and feet, puncture wounds through the backs of their hands, eyes and internal organs liquefied." Dean: "That sounds like us."
9. Sam: "So what happened? I mean Cas touched the tablet and it reset him to his factory settings or something?" Dean: "I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that he is off the reservation with a…a heavenly WMD."
8. Cas: "Well…this is news to me as well. Demons I interrogated, they must have been lying about their true intentions." Dean: "Really because I saw you Zero Dark Thirty that demon. You were more than persuasive."
7. Sam: "He's definitely off." Dean: "Off? He hasn't been right since he got back from Purgatory. We still don't know how he got out of there."
6. Meg: "Go. Save your brother and my unicorn."
5. Crowley: " I've got a bone to pick with you Moose. After what you did to my poor dog." Meg: "You going to talk us to death or get down to it already." Crowley: "There's my whore. I'm not here for my dearly departed dog. I'm here for the stone with the funny scribbles on it."
4. Dean: "You know, why don't uh….why don't Sam and I take it over to him and you can get back to your mission - finding the other half of the demon tablet. That is priority isn't it?" Cas: "I can't let you take that Dean." Dean: "Can't or won't?" Cas: "Both." Dean: "How did you get out of Purgatory Cas?"
3. Sam: "Yeah but who's killing demons and why? And by the way, since when does a demon possess someone then go all Beautiful Mind and…and…and start digging in the dirt. Does any of this seem right to you?" Dean: "I like the part about killing demons - that sounds right."
2. Crowley: "Timon and Pumba tell you their big plan? Did they share that little chestnut with you? They mean to close the gates of hell sweetheart. They mean to kill me and all the demons, you included." Meg: "You had me at kill you Crowley."
1. Sam: "Wait a second. Did you just say angel tablet?" Meg: "You know I get why Crowley calls you Moose now. Yes. Angel tablet. Crowley found out Lucifer had it. Figures it's stashed in a crypt."
Emotional quotes:
10. Dean: "Cas. Cas I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but if you're in there and you can hear me, you don't have to do this. Cas!"
9. Cas: "If you're referring to the pizza man, yes I remember the pizza man and it's a good memory."
8. Dean: "Oh. Cas. Cas. I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. Cas, it's me. We're family. We need you. I need you."
7. Dean: "But you heard what Cas said. That that first trial hurt you in ways that even he can't heal. Sammy I need you to be honest with me from here on out man." Sam: "You're right and I will be."
6. Dean: "Sam I saw your bloody rag in the trash can okay." Sam: "That wasn't…" Dean: "Stop. Just stop. Sam we don't know what's in there okay and you almost let a demon get the best of you back there." Sam: "I'm fine." Dean: "No you're not fine. You haven't been fine since the first trial. That's why I called Cas."
5. Dean: "Well he puts the a**in Cas huh?"
4. Sam: "Dean…I'm telling you I'm okay." Cas: "No you're not. Sam, you're damaged in ways even I can't heal. Dean's right. You should stay here and protect Meg." Meg: "Since when do I need protecting?" Cas: "Since you were held captive and tortured for over a year." Meg: "Touché."
3. Dean: "You want it, take it but you're going to have to kill me first. Come on you coward. Do it. Do it."
2. Dean: "Listen I may not be able to carry the burden that comes along with these trials but I can carry you." Sam: "You realize you kind of just quoted Lord of the Rings right?" Dean: "Come on man, that…it's…but it's…it's the Rudy hobbit. Alright Rudy hobbit always gets a pass. Shut up."
1. Dean: "Listen man I can't take anymore lies from anyone." Sam: "Yeah um…I know. I'm sorry. I should have told you. I..I…I just wanted to believe I was okay. I don't know."
Quote Awards:
"That's Season 8" Award - Meg: "Wait, that's how you spent your last year. With a chick? Lame."
-Way to say it Meg. I thought we were finally going to get some answers but no, the writers had to switch to the Dean-Cas mess instead. Urgh!
"That's Season 8, Part 2" Award - Dean: "What the hell just happened?"
-I have NO idea Dean. We started with out of character Sam and nothing has made sense in this season since. Canon is obliterated. Characters are caricatures. The mytharc pops up randomly. The pacing reminds me of a roller coaster that's broken down. It's all a hot mess.
"Proof Even the Writers Know Winchesters are Just Wallpaper This Season" Award - Sam: "Thanks for waiting."
-Nothing like having your main characters walk in after the demons are taken out. Or pinned to a wall. Or unconscious. Or standing around helplessly watching. (Deep sigh.) Season 8. (Eye roll.)

-You and me both honey.
"Question Since Season 4" Award - Meg: You know you're much cuter when you're shutting up. So which Cas are you now? Original make and model or crazy town?"
-Is there a character on any show that has flip flopped more times?
"Dean, You're Killing Me" Award - Dean: "Good times. Do you really think we can trust…uh, Megstiel?"
-What? Dean's a shipper now complete with stupid mash up name? Give me a break before my eyes bleed.
"Winchesters in Tandem" Award - Dean and Sam together: "Shut up Meg."
-And we get something that reminds me of classic Supernatural. Love this!
"Join the Club" Award - Meg: "Wait. So I took how many bullets for you guys and you didn't even look for me? Like once. Heh. My hero."
-Meg sweetie, I love your snarky demon self but if he didn't bother looking for his brother what makes you think you even registered in his mind?
"Voice of the Fandom" Award - Meg - "Wait, uh hold on. There's one part I don't understand. You hit a dog and stopped why?" Sam - "That whole story and that's your take away." Meg: "No I heard the rest. You fell in love with a unicorn. It was beautiful, then sad, then sadder. I laughed; I cried; I puked in my mouth a little."
-Oh Meg, thank you so much for trying to get us answers. I am firmly convinced that the writers and Jeremy Carver have no idea so that's why they keep trying to shush the outcry. I agree with your whole take. Well there was nothing funny about not looking or Amelia, but I cried at the character assassination and the whole beginning made me want to vomit.
So Much for Canon Award - Crowley: "Easy love. If you remember our time in Mesopotamia the way I do, you know I'm a lover not a fighter."
-That's another spot of canon blown. Crowley's back story has him as a Scottish tailor who lived a few hundred years ago. Not Mesopotamia. This is going to take some retconning.
Episode Grade = D
(Saved from an F by Meg and Crowley)
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
White Collar - Best Season 4 Episode - Round 2 - Polls
UPDATE - We will be taking a short weekend break in the polls due to family commitments. Please join us back on Monday once I figure out what to do with our tie. This is a first for me.
Welcome to round two of our quest to crown the best season 4 episode of White Collar. Yesterday saw no surprises, just like the first set of polls in round 1. The closest match was between Family Business and The Original, where the later won by 56%. Joining The Original in round 2 are Wanted, Compromising Positions, and Gloves Off. This leaves us with the elite 8 to see which episodes will advance to round 3. While I do not expect any close battles here it should be interesting to see what happens as we continue. It's about to get tough. Happy Voting!
Here's a brief synopsis of all the season 4 episodes:
White Collar Season 4 Episode Guide
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013
White Collar - Season 4 Episode - Round 1B - Poll
There were no surprises and no really close polls yesterday. The closest was Empire City and Vested Interest, in which Vested Interest won by 55% of the votes. That means that Vested Interest moves to the next round along with In the Wind, Most Wanted, and Shoot the Moon. I expect today's polls will run in a similar vein and things won't really start getting close until the third round. Thanks to everyone who voted. I would love to hear what your favorites were so sound off in the comments below. Happy voting!
Season 4 Episode Synopses
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
White Collar - Best Season 4 Episode - Round 1 - Poll
Welcome to the White Collar Season 4 Best Episode contest. All episodes have been ranked and the contest will run just like the NCAA basketball tournament. Every night new polls will be posted. Polls will remain open until 7:00 pm CST. The winner of each poll advances to the next round until we determine the overall winner. Along the way I hope we will have great conversations about the season as a whole and what we hope to see next season. Comments do make the contest more fun so don't forget to say what you voted for and why. Happy voting!
Below is a link to the episode synopses in case you forgot what an episode is about:
Episode Synopsis List
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White Collar - Season 4 - Brief Synopses
White Collar Season 4 - Episode Synopses:
These are meant to be just brief reminders of the episode and do NOT include everything that happened.
1 - Wanted
Peter tracks Neal and Mozzie to their luxury hideaway in Cape Verde. Unfortunately the ruthless Agent Collins gets there too and his mission is to bring Neal back to the United States alive or dead. Neal runs to Dobbs for protection but he turns Neal into Collins.
2 - Most Wanted
Collins shoots Neal in the leg but Peter, Mozzie, and Hector rescue him. They discover Dobbs is Robert McLeish, the FBI's #4 most wanted, so Reese arranges to reinstate Neal if he brings Dobbs in. Dobbs is caught and Neal's free to go back to New York but Peter is reassigned from the White Collar Division.
3 - Diminishing Returns
Peter gets transferred to the evidence warehouse right before he can re-open a serial burglar case. Neal gets Diana and Jones to take the case and Peter goes informally undercover to take down David Cook with Neal. One squash game and illegal fence later, David Cook is caught and Peter heads back to evidence. Mozzie however heads back to New York.
4 - Parting Shots
Neal is tasked with conning a widow to save her from her husband's scheming business partner and murderer. Peter is reinstated to the white collar division but Ellen is shot. She tells Neal to trust Sam before becoming unconscious.
5 - Honor Among Thieves
Neal attends Ellen's funeral and sees Sam, who runs away before Neal can talk to him. While working an art theft case, Neal is contacted by the thief who blackmails him into stealing a mobile in exchange for information about Ellen.
6 - Identity Crisis
Mozzie's jaunt with Storage Wars leads him to a secret society from Revolutionary War days and the search for the flag Washington took across the Delaware. In the process, we learn more about Mozzie's childhood through the puppet show he created when he was 8.
7 - Compromising Positions
Peter and Neal take on a fixer who is blackmailing a US District Attorney into letting a criminal go. In order to do so, they make it look like Peter and Sarah are having an affair. Peter learns Neal contacted Sam.
8 - Ancient History
Neal and Alex work with the FBI to stop a Greek politician from coordinating a heist of Greek antiquities - maybe. Neal watches Ellen's tape with Peter and Mozzie.
9 - Gloves Off
Peter and Neal go after a insider trader who only gives his tips to those brokers that win in the boxing ring. They end up in the ring together but the fight turns real when Neal learns that Peter violated their agreement about Sam right before they get in the ring.
10 - Vested Interest
In the middle of an FBI conference, Peter and Neal discover a plot to kidnap the designer of a bulletproof vest. They have to put aside their differences to stop it. Peter runs Sam's DNA only to find out that he is Neal's father, James.
11 - Family Business
Neal, Peter, James, and Mozzie go after the Flynn family for murdering Ellen. Neal and Mozzie pose as counterfeit whiskey producers while Peter poses as a member of a mafia family. Together they take down Dennis Flynn but he gets killed in prison, forcing James into hiding.
12 - Brass Tacks
Peter and Neal go after Senator Pratt, the former dirty cop behind everything. Pratt arranges to have Peter's brakes tampered with and Peter lands in the hospital. Meanwhile Mozzie and Jones track down the meaning of Ellen's key. Elizabeth tells Neal to lie to Peter.
13 - Empire City
Peter and Neal take down a crooked Taxi-Limousine Commission worker with the help of June and Diana. June sings in the Cotton Club while Diana works as a cigar girl. Neal and Peter both realize that the key leads to the Empire State Building.
14 - Shoot the Moon
Peter and Elizabeth are kidnapped by an escaped convict and his lover on their way out of town. The lovers are carrying out promises made to each other through prison love letters. The sympathetic Burkes help them change their lives. Neal and Mozzie figure out where Ellen hid her box.
15 - The Original
James returns just in time for Neal and Mozzie's scheme to scan the Empire State Building for Ellen's box. Meanwhile the team tries to convict an art forger and are now working under Agent Amanda Calloway. Neal, Mozzie and James find the evidence box and Neal insists on including Peter.
16 - In the Wind
The crew creates elaborate plans to get Ellen's box before the Agent Calloway or Senator Pratt. They are successful but James kills Pratt and leaves Peter standing over the body. Calloway arrests Peter for murder while Neal confronts James about killing his supervisor and leaving Peter on the hook for Pratt's murder.
Season 4 Best Episode Contest Rankings:
1. In the Wind
2. Wanted
3. Gloves Off
4. Most Wanted
5. Shoot the Moon
6. The Original
7. Compromising Positions
8. Vested Interest
9. Empire City
10. Identity Crises
11. Family Business
12. Diminishing Returns
13. Parting Shots
14. Ancient History
15. Honor Among Thieves
16. Brass Tacks
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Monday, March 18, 2013
Supernatural - Listener Feedback #3 - Podcast
Hey, welcome to another edition of the Team Winchester Podcast. While there is no food for thought on a new episode, there was plenty to be discussed in this episode entitled: Listener Feedback #3. It's dedicated to you the listeners and all of your wonderful comments, suggestions, concerns and burning questions. Thanks so much for listening and responding. Enjoy!
P. S. There's a rather big announcement about the future of TWP so please feel free to sound off in the comments.
Disclaimer - As always the opinions on this podcast are merely Lilith and/or Dahne's opinions. They do not reflect the fandom as a whole or SpoilerTV.
Podcast Break-Down (All times are estimated):
Mail Call - 2:10
Burning Questions - 21:15
Contact Us - 54:55
Shameless Plugs and Wrap-Up - 56:20
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Voice mail - 502-233-1351
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White Collar - Season 4 - Episode Contest - Nominating Poll
Welcome to the Best White Collar Season 4 Episode contest. It works a lot like the NCAA basketball tournament, with episodes going against each other and the winner moving to the next round. Before we can begin though every episode needs a ranking and that's where today's poll comes in. You can choose up to 3 episodes. The poll will be open until 7 pm CST and the actual contest will begin tomorrow evening. Comments are always welcome and they make the hiatus go by quicker. We'll also be doing a contest closer to the premiere of season 5 for best Mozzisms. A nomination form will be posted later for you to include your favorites.
Below is a very brief synopsis of each episode this season. It is meant to spark your memory not to be inclusive of everything. Thanks so much for participating. Hopefully it will pass the time quicker before the summer season begins.
White Collar season 4 episode synopses:
1 - Wanted
Peter tracks Neal and Mozzie to their luxury hideaway in Cape Verde. Unfortunately the ruthless Agent Collins gets there too and his mission is to bring Neal back to the United States alive or dead. Neal runs to Dobbs for protection but he turns Neal into Collins.
2 - Most Wanted
Collins shoots Neal in the leg but Peter, Mozzie, and Hector rescue him. They discover Dobbs is Robert McLeish, the FBI's #4 most wanted, so Reese arranges to reinstate Neal if he brings Dobbs in. Dobbs is caught and Neal's free to go back to New York but Peter is reassigned from the White Collar Division.
3 - Diminishing Returns
Peter gets transferred to the evidence warehouse right before he can re-open a serial burglar case. Neal gets Diana and Jones to take the case and Peter goes informally undercover to take down David Cook. One squash game and illegal fence later, Cook is caught and Peter heads back to evidence. Mozzie heads back to New York.
4 - Parting Shots
Neal is tasked with conning a widow to save her from her husband's scheming business partner and murderer. Peter is reinstated to the white collar division but Ellen is shot. She tells Neal to trust Sam before becoming unconscious.
5 - Honor Among Thieves
Neal attends Ellen's funeral and sees Sam, who runs away before Neal can talk to him. While working an art theft case, Neal is contacted by the thief who blackmails him into stealing a mobile in exchange for information about Ellen.
6 - Identity Crisis
Mozzie's jaunt with Storage Wars leads him to a secret society from Revolutionary War days and the search for the flag Washington took across the Delaware. In the process, Mozzie reveals more about his childhood through the puppet show he created when he was 8.
7 - Compromising Positions
Peter and Neal take on a fixer who is blackmailing a US District Attorney into letting a criminal go. In order to do so, they make it look like Peter and Sarah are having an affair. Peter learns Neal contacted Sam.
8 - Ancient History
Neal and Alex work with the FBI to stop a Greek politician from coordinating a heist of Greek antiquities - maybe. Neal watches Ellen's tape with Peter and Mozzie.
9 - Gloves Off
Peter and Neal go after a insider trader who only gives tips to brokers that win in the boxing ring. They end up sparring together but the fight turns real when Neal learns that Peter violated their agreement about Sam right before they get in the ring.
10 - Vested Interest
In the middle of an FBI conference, Peter and Neal discover a plot to kidnap the designer of a bulletproof vest. They have to put aside their differences to stop it. Peter runs Sam's DNA only to find out that he is Neal's father, James.
11 - Family Business
Neal, Peter, James, and Mozzie go after the Flynn family for murdering Ellen. Neal and Mozzie pose as counterfeit whiskey producers while Peter poses as a member of a mafia family. Together they take down Dennis Flynn but he gets killed in prison, forcing James into hiding.
12 - Brass Tacks
Peter and Neal go after Senator Pratt, the former dirty cop behind everything. Pratt arranges to have Peter's brakes tampered with and Peter lands in the hospital. Meanwhile Mozzie and Jones track down the meaning of Ellen's key. Elizabeth tells Neal to lie to Peter.
13 - Empire City
Peter and Neal take down a crooked Taxi-Limousine Commission boss with the help of June and Diana. June sings in the Cotton Club while Diana works as a cigar girl. Neal and Peter both realize that the key leads to the Empire State Building.
14 - Shoot the Moon
Peter and Elizabeth are kidnapped by an escaped convict and his lover on their way out of town. The lovers carry out promises made to each other through prison love letters. The sympathetic Burkes change their lives. Neal and Mozzie figure out Ellen's box is on the 50th floor of the Empire State Building.
15 - The Original
James returns just in time for Neal and Mozzie's scheme to scan the Empire State Building for Ellen's box. Meanwhile the team tries to convict an art forger and are now working under Agent Amanda Calloway. Neal, Mozzie and James find the evidence box and Neal insists on including Peter. Amanda calls Pratt.
16 - In the Wind
The crew creates elaborate plans to get Ellen's box before the Agent Calloway or Senator Pratt. They are successful but James kills Pratt and leaves Peter standing over the body. Calloway arrests Peter for murder while Neal confronts James about killing his supervisor and leaving Peter on the hook for Pratt's murder.
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Saturday, March 16, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
White Collar - 4.16 - In the Wind - Quotes
Hey Collars, I decided to try something different this time and make the quotes article more in line with what I do with Supernatural. Sound off in the comments below about how you would like to see the quotes go next season. Of course, also sound off about your favorite quotes too. White Collar has a lot of delicious dialogue so it makes discussion fun. Plus stay tuned this week for the beginning of our favorite season 4 episode contest. We will start by ranking the episodes and then do a head-to-head competition until we get to a final winner.
Funny/Snarky quotes:

7. Neal "Don't worry. We specialize in crazy."
6. James: "I'm Neal's dad. You must be Kate." Sarah: "Oh uh…Neal." Neal: "I haven't told him yet." James: "Oh sorry. Alex." Neal: "Dad." Sarah: "It's Sarah." James: "The insurance adjuster." Sarah: "He shoots. He scores."
5. Neal: "Mozzie you may be on to something." Moz: "Of course I am. What exactly am I on to?"
4. Moz: "Well it's no 18th century music box but really, what is?"
3. James: "Easy. You're pouring acid not gin." Moz: "Oh perhaps you'd rather punch the tile into submission."
2. Peter: "Oh good. You're all here. Who called Sarah?" Neal: "Okay how is it possible that 3 grown men don't understand what's going on here?"
1. Moz: "Drink more champagne. It improves cognition. That's a proven fact."
Emotional quotes:

10. Peter: "James, don't do this. I'll testify for you. Drop the gun." James: "Can't do it Peter."
9. Sarah: "Ah. Oh Neal, I'm going to miss this. I did like your speech." Neal: "I had something else prepared but uh, I meant that one." Sarah: "Another time, another place right?"
8. Pratt: "I'm going to be feeling much safer soon." Peter: "I'm not so sure that's the case." Pratt: "Why would you say that?" Peter: "Because any second now my people are going to find the evidence box that you're so eagerly searching for on the 50th floor, right below us, and then I can arrest you personally."
7. Sarah: "You b** that was a little too real and it was damn good." Neal: "Well make it look good. That's my job."
6. James: "Last time I saw you, you were disgracing a police captain's uniform." Pratt: "Now I'm wearing $3,000 suits. Go figure. Time has been good to one of us." James: "Well nothing can change the fact that you're still a piece of garbage."
5. Neal: "What else did I get from my old man?" James: "Well you got my height, my extraordinary good looks…everybody said you got my eyes." Neal: "When I was 5 mom told me that you were the blue in my eyes and I'd run upstairs and crawl right up next to the bathroom mirror and look so hard for you."
4. Neal: "The first time we had dinner you asked me what I wanted from you. And the first time we kissed, I realizes that I didn't want anything." Crowd: "Ah sweet." (Neal pulls out June's ring.) Neal: "Except you. Now I'm asking if you'll go on one more adventure with me. Sarah Ellis, will you marry me?"
3. James: "Hey I just realized why you want that box so bad." Neal: "Oh yeah Detective Bennett. Why is that?" James: "You think that what's in there will tell you who I am." Neal: "And if it does?" James: "Then you will finally know who you are….You know you're not me Neal."
2. James: "They'll cuff me Neal. Once they get me, I'll never get away." Neal: "You're going to testify and you're going to clear Peter's name. You show me you're better than this. You show me you're a decent man." James: "The things I've done…" Neal: "Are in the past." James: "I'm sorry." Neal: "Dad, please do this for me."
1. Peter: "Oh look, it's about justice. It always has been, from Kate to the evidence box. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. Plus he's your family." Neal: "Family doesn't show up on your doorstep after 30 years. They're the ones who've been there when you need them."
Other Notable Quotes:

11. Peter: "If this works, I can answer for all of it, but if not…we need it to work." Neal: "Yeah." Peter: "Plus I promised El I would take her to dinner tonight." Neal: "Then I better hurry."
10. Neal: "Yeah, yeah. The first time we met you were chasing me. The first time we spoke you called me a sociopath." Sarah: "Well it was at your trial and I'm not entirely sure I was wrong."
9. Amanda: "So, everyone with a life has gone home." Peter: "Everyone with a wife should have."
8. Moz: "It gets worse. Someone rented the 51st floor this morning." Neal: "Well go talk to them. Try to cut a deal." Moz: "I don't think he'll go for it." Neal: "Why not?" Moz: "Because I think we're the reason Senator Pratt is moving in."
7. Reese: "How bad do you want him?" Peter: "He tried to kill me Reese." Reese: "Well then do it the way you've been doing things for the past few years. Use Caffrey. Do whatever you have to do." Peter: "I can't go outside the law." Reese: "You are the law Peter. Pratt and Calloway are standing in the way of justice. Fight back."
6. Peter: "Oh Elizabeth Burke, have I told you lately that I'm the luckiest man on earth?" El: "Mmmm I know. I should get a crown."
5. Diana: "Neal, Peter's gun killed Pratt. There's gunshot residue on Peter's hands. It doesn't look good. Find James."
4. Neal: "What?" Peter: "Nothing - this, us. Corrupt senators. FBI moles." Neal: "Well no U-boats this time." Peter: "I don't know. The Empire State Building has a big boiler room."
3. James: "You think this is assault?" (James throat punches the bodyguard.) James: "That was assault."
2. Sarah: "Stay out of trouble Caffrey." Neal: "I will." Sarah: "No you won't. That's what I like about you."
1. Moz: "I pulled a swap. I don't have time to explain now." Neal: "You don't trust him." Moz: "If I'm wrong, mea culpa. Just go."
White Collar
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Poll: Favorite Scene from Grimm - 2.13 - Face Off
Woo hoo! After an interminable hellatus, Grimm is back. While much of this episode was fast forward worthy, it was definitely a game changer and we can see the end of the hideous Juliette/Renard subplot. Here's to the potion giving us all amnesia about it. Plus Renard being a royal and knowing about Nick's role as the Grimm is finally out too. Now we can concentrate on what's happening with the royals and why the key is so important. I cannot wait until next Friday to find some answers.
While Grimm was on hiatus, SpoilerTV started posting favorite scene polls for certain shows. 24-48 hours after each new Grimm episode, I will put the poll up. Hope you join me in discussing your favorite scenes. I try to limit the poll to 10-12 choices so if your favorite is not included, please leave a comment. Also if there are polls, contests, articles, or discussion points you would like brought up please let me know. I would love to do more with Grimm here on SpoilerTV now and through the summer hellatus. Thanks in advance for your great ideas.
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Poll: Favorite Scene from White Collar - 4.16 - In the Wind
Just like with all White Collar season finales, there was a lot to choose from when looking at best scenes. Vote your choice and then stay tuned to SpoilerTV for more White Collar fun. We will have the best quote poll later this week and then do a series of polls to determine the season's best episode. Then about a month before season 5 begins, we will start a Best Mozzism Contest. I hope you joy us for the fun. As always, adding your comment about what you voted for is the warm spring weather of life.
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Supernatural - Dabb and Loflin - Poll
It's no secret that I think this is the worst writing duo of Supernatural. I find them to specialize in out of character brothers and mega anvil dropping. However they sure have been prolific, writing the 4th most often after Sera Gamble, Eric Kripke, and Ben Edlund. That earns them their own writing poll. Two in fact since this year they decided to write separately after writing together for 4 seasons. You can only choose one in each poll, so sound off in the comments why you chose the ones you did. For me there is a hands-down winner in both, but neither will be the popular choice most likely. So without any further ado, Happy Hallelatus! Let the polls begin.
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