Monday, May 21, 2012

Supernatural - Favorite Season 7 Episode - Poll

In our attempt to make hellatus pass by, we are looking to do several polls/contests this summer. Today starts the poll for favorite season 7 episode. While based on comments it sounds like Death's Door will prevail, I wouldn't count out the 2 opening episodes. Or who knows? Maybe another episode will take the crown. Today we will do a poll of all episodes. The top 12 chosen will automatically make it into the round. The bottom 11 will compete in a wild card contest where 4 will make it in. (We do wild card placements because some fans were concerned that their favorites didn't have ample opportunity to get into our contest last summer. This hopefully will make it seem more fair all around.)

Like all polls (with the exception of ranking and nominations), this one will stay open for approximately 24 hours. You can only vote once per IP address but you can choose up to 4 episodes today. If you haven't participated in our ultimate episode ranking polls or quote nominations from the Pilot and Wendigo yet, you have until Saturday, St. Louis time to do so. (CST in the USA)

Nominations for best quote continue. Please nominate your two favorites each from Dead in the Water and Phantom Traveler. Nominations will remain open for one week.