Tuesday, May 15, 2012

ABC Upfronts - Press Conference Call

Paul Lee, President of ABC Entertainment Group, is leading the upfronts press conference call today. We will be updating as that goes on. Probably not many surprises since they have already released info on what was renewed and canceled last week and posted the schedule. Stay tuned for news as it is given.

Updated: Last Resort - Have faith there is an audience for action in Thursday slot. Tested very well with women. Not just action but strong emotional component.

Updated: Coming up with new tagline captures the emotion behind the added value of ABC. No decision if it will be the official season tagline though.

Updated: Revenge will have 22 episodes. Looking to stagger launches to get maximum launch support and helps cut down on repeats. Not as many repeats for Revenge next year. Not locked into a starting date for any show yet.

Updated: Body of Proof is coming back for 13 episodes mid-season.

Updated: Not looking for anymore midseason shows right now but not impossible.

Updated: Tuesday night - Dancing has a huge audience even if it trends higher in age than Happy endings and Don't Trust....does. Think that passionate audience for Happy Endings and Don't Trust... will move with the shows. Also gives Nashville a good place to launch.

Updated: Pleased with how ABC is building for the future. Wednesday is very strong. Once Upon a Time was a big pay off for the big risk they took. Revenge sells superbly around the world. Looking at long game more than short game.

Updated: Already have core audience tuning in for Shark Tank so want to capitalize on that. That's why they chose Last Man Standing and Malibu Country for Fridays.

Updated: AKA Jessica Jones is not picked up. Picked up Red Widow instead.

Updated: All shows have a massive social media plan before the show even launches. It's vital to launching shows and gives them critical insight to how people are responding. Literally get feedback immediately and crucial for promoting.

Updated: Moving Revenge to Sunday is a win-win because it follows the strong OUaT and gives Nashville the best shot.

Updated: Can't say who the all-star cast will be for Dancing with the Stars, but in negotiations right now.

Updated: Heavy on drama but opening up Friday for comedy. Strong year last year but still feel important to have midseason projects to solidify success.

Updated: Hulk in development but not ready to go for this season.

New tagline - Why Just Watch When You Can Feel
-great characters, be bold
Had a very good year with Wed. night the destination for comedy
Revenge #1 buzz show, Grey's Anatomy #1 drama, and Once Upon a Time #1 new show
Still have work to do.

Using Once Upon a Time to build upon Revenge - both appointment TV
666 Park Ave. - fabulous cast with really dark twist to it.

Monday - keeping it intact

Tuesday - ALL STAR Edition of Dancing with the Stars
Edgy, sophisticated, incredibly inappropriate comedy block with Happy Endings and Don't Trust the B....

Moving Private Practice and Scandal works very well for both shows.

How to Live... is best tested new title this year

Wednesday - Continue to do sophisticated family comedy
Lots of praise for Modern Family (best showcases ABC brand)
Immensely proud of Suburgatory
The Neighbors - they are ALIENS
Nashville - powerful and brilliantly executed drama, watch the whole pilot
-very proud of it

Thursday -
Last Resort - big tent show
Grey's Anatomy - number one drama
Scandal - fast paced, intense, sits in brand sweet spot, great strong show

Friday -
In November, put family comedy back on Friday night. Lee has been wanting to do this since he was hired. Wants it to be a destination night for families

Malibu Country - Lily Tomlin is a break-out
Shark Tank - very patient with it and it became a huge asset

Mid-season - want tremendously strong programming for whole season

Mistresses starts after Bachelor
Red Widow - woman caught in criminal underworld (brought by woman involved in Twilight)
Zero Hour - little like Da Vinci Code