Thursday, May 31, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Contest - Wildcard Poll #3 - Polls
Day 2 in our wild card polls was relatively uneventful. Nothing was even close. Proceeding on to the contest will be The Real Ghostbusters, Wendigo, No Exit, Are You There God? It's Me Dean Winchester, Houses of the Holy, and Time is on my Side. With the exception of Time is on My Side which defeated Shut Up, Dr. Phil, there were no upsets. Things should be more interesting today and tomorrow as the episodes are ranked closer together. As always, comments are lovely and favorite quote nominations are now open for In My Time of Dying and Everybody Loves a Clown. happy voting!
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
List of episodes in contest
Print your own bracket.
Contest results so far
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
My blog
SPN Asylum
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Contest - Wildcard Poll #2 - Polls
Day 1 for our wild card race ended with no surprises. The ranking episodes won each time. Heading to the contest are Everybody Loves a Clown, The Rapture, Dead in the Water, Salvation, 99 Problems, and Of Grave Importance. Everybody Loves a Clown trounced Bugs. The only one that was close was Of Grave Importance vs The Magnificent Seven. Magnificent 7 might qualify for one of the last 3 spots with 44.81% of the vote.
Today we have 12 more episodes competing for a spot in the Ultimate Episode Contest. It's the only time in the wild card race where I will have a hard time because I really like both episodes. Here's hoping voting is easier for you. As always voting lasts until 11:00 pm St. Louis (CST) time. One vote per IP address. Also don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes for Salvation and Devil's Trap.
People have been asking about how episodes were ranked. During the winter hiatus, we had a series of ranking polls for each episode. Episodes were in batches of 6 and people could vote for 3 of the 6. Then I put the percentage of votes each episode received into a spreadsheet. Below are links for the list of ranked episodes complete with what season they are from, a bracket diagram you can print out if you would like to keep track that way (it's the easiest way), and a page that shows results of the contest so far. There's also a link to all the season 1 quote nomination forms in case you missed nominating for an episode. Hopefully this will make things easy for you and still not clutter up the pages as we get going in this contest. If you have questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments below.
List of episodes in contest
Print your own bracket
Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
My blog
SPN Asylum
Today we have 12 more episodes competing for a spot in the Ultimate Episode Contest. It's the only time in the wild card race where I will have a hard time because I really like both episodes. Here's hoping voting is easier for you. As always voting lasts until 11:00 pm St. Louis (CST) time. One vote per IP address. Also don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes for Salvation and Devil's Trap.
People have been asking about how episodes were ranked. During the winter hiatus, we had a series of ranking polls for each episode. Episodes were in batches of 6 and people could vote for 3 of the 6. Then I put the percentage of votes each episode received into a spreadsheet. Below are links for the list of ranked episodes complete with what season they are from, a bracket diagram you can print out if you would like to keep track that way (it's the easiest way), and a page that shows results of the contest so far. There's also a link to all the season 1 quote nomination forms in case you missed nominating for an episode. Hopefully this will make things easy for you and still not clutter up the pages as we get going in this contest. If you have questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments below.
List of episodes in contest
Print your own bracket
Contest results so far
Season 1 Quote Nominations Form
Screencap by Home of the Nutty
My blog
SPN Asylum
Ultimate Supernatural Contest - Results So Far
Since we have so many episodes involved in this contest, I thought it might be nice to have one place where all the results are posted. This way you won't need to wade through each day's posts to keep up and the posts themselves won't be as long. You can also keep track yourself by printing a bracket and filling it in with the episodes by their rank.
List of episodes by rank
Print your own bracket.
Updated Sept 9:
Round 2 Results:
Winner: Lazarus Rising
Finale: Changing Channels vs Lazarus Rising
Winners heading to round 6:
Bad Day at Black Rock, Changing Channels, Lazarus Rising, The French Mistake
Episodes Exiting after round 5:
Swan Song, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, A Very Supernatural Christmas, In My Time of Dying
Winners heading to round 5:
Bad Day at Black Rock, Swan Song, Changing Channels, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Lazarus Rising, The French Mistake, and In My Time of Dying
Episodes Exiting after round 4:
Death's Door, Mystery Spot, The Monster at the End of This Book, The End, Lucifer Rising, What is and What Should Never Be, Meet the New Boss, and Point of No Return
Winners heading to round 4:
Death's Door, Bad Day at Black Rock, Mystery Spot, Swan Song, Changing Channels, The Monster at the End of This Book, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, The End, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Lucifer Rising, Lazarus Rising, What is and What Should Never Be, The French Mistake, and In My Time of Dying
Episodes Exiting after round 3:
Frontierland, No Rest for the Wicked, Devil's Trap, Abandon All Hope, Jus in Bello, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Dark Side of the Moon, The Pilot, Time After Time, Weekend at Bobby's, Appointment in Samarra, Faith, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1, It's a Terrible Life, Hello Cruel World, and Born Under a Bad Sign
Winners heading to round 3:
Death's Door, Frontierland,No Rest for the Wicked, Bad Day at Black Rock, Mystery Spot, Devil's Trap, Swan Gong, Abandon All Hope, Changing Channels, Jus in Bello, I Know What You Did Last Summer, All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2, Dark Side of the Moon, The End, The Pilot, A Very SPN Christmas, Time After Time, Lucifer Rising, Weekend at Bobby's, Lazarus Rising, Appointment in Samarra, What is and what Should Never Be, Faith, The French Mistake, All hell Breaks Loose - Part 1, It's a Terrible Life, Meet the New Boss, In My Time fo Dying, Hello Cruel World, Born Under a Bad Sign, and Point of No Return.
Episodes Exiting after round 2:
Heart, Home, Scarecrow, Yellow Fever, The Man Who Would Be King, On the Head of a Pin, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Song Remains teh Same, Simon Said, Croatoan, The Born-Again Identity, The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, Sympathy for the Devil, Monster Movie, Folsom Prison Blues, My Bloody Valentine, The Usual Suspects, Something Wicked, Crossroad Blues, 2 Minutes to Midnight, In the Beginning, Skin, Asylum, PPMM, Reading is Fundamental, Slash Fiction, Survival of the Fittest, Clap Your Hands if You Believe, When the Levee Breaks, Heaven and Hell, Hell House, and Tall Tales.
Winners heading for round 2:
No Rest for the Wicked, Scarecrow, Bad Day at Black Rock, Yellow Fever
Mystery Spot, The Man Who Would Be King, Devil's Trap, On the Head of a Pin
Swan Song, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Abandon All Hope, The Song Remains the Same
Changing Channels, Simon Said, Croatoan, Jus in Bello
The Born-Again Identity, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Girl with the Dungeons & Dragons Tattoo, The Monster at the End of This Book
All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, Sympathy for the Devil, Dark Side of the Moon, Monster Movie
The End, Folsom Prison Blues, Pilot, My Bloody Valentine
A Very SPN Christmas, The Usual Suspects, Something Wicked, Time After Time
Lucifer Rising, Crossroad Blues, Weekend at Bobby's, 2 Minutes to Midnight
Lazarus Rising, In the Beginning, Appointment in Samarra, Skin
What is and What Should Never Be, Asylum, Faith, Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie
The French Mistake, Reading is Fundamental, Slash Fiction, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1
Survival of the Fittest, It's a Terrible Life, Meet the New Boss, Clap Your Hands if You Believe
In My Time of Dying, When the Levee Breaks, Heaven and Hell, Hello Cruel World
Born Under a Bad Sign, Hell House, Point of No Return, Tall Tales
Episodes exiting after round 1:
Adventures in Babysitting, Bloody Mary (by 6 votes), Bedtime Stories, Hunted
Time is on My Side, There Will be Blood, Out with the Old, The Devil You Know
Ghostfacers, You Can't Handle the Truth, Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester, Mommy Dearest
The Real Ghostbusters, Shadow, The Kids are Alright, My Heart Will Go On
Sex and Violence, Live Free or Twihard, Dead Man's Blood, Nightmare
The Rapture, How to Win Friends & Influence Monsters (by 12 votes), Two and a Half Men, Like a Virgin
Jump the Shark, Party On Garth, Phantom Traveler, Caged Heat (by 3 votes!!!)
Hollywood Babylon, It's the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, Hammer of the Gods
Exile on Main St., Fresh Blood, The Mentalists, The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
No Exit, The Benders, Wendigo, Death Takes a Holiday
Of Grave Importance, Free to be You and Me, 99 Problems, Good God Y'All
Red Sky at Morning, Nightshifter, Dead in the Water, After School Special
Playthings, Wishful Thinking, Provenance, Family Matters
Houses of the Holy, Dream a Little Dream of Me, Malleus Maleficarum, Repo Man
Family Remains, Bloodlust, Everybody Loves a Clown, Sam Interrupted
Let it Bleed, And There Were None, Salvation, Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
Competition Placement So Far:
1. Lazarus Rising
2. Changing Channels
3. Bad Day at Black Rock
4. The French Mistake
5. Swan Song
6. In My Time of Dying
7. All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2
8. A Very Supernatural Christmas
9. Mystery Spot
10. Death's Door
11. What is and What Should Never Be
12. The End
13. Lucifer Rising
14. Point of No Return
15. Meet the New Boss
16. The Monster at the End of This Book
17. Weekend at Bobby's
18. No Rest for the Wicked
19. All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1
20. It's a Terrible Life
21. Born Under a Bad Sign
22. Frontierland
23. Pilot
24. Faith
25. Abandon All Hope
26. Jus in Bello
27. Appointment in Samarra
28. Dark Side of the Moon
29. Hello, Cruel World
30. I Know What You Did Last Summer
31. Devil's Trap
32. Time After Time
33. Survival of the Fittest
34. Something Wicked
35. Heaven and Hell
36. On the Head of a Pin
37. The Born-Again Identity
38. My Bloody Valentine
39. 2 Minutes to Midnight
40. Croatoan
41. Clap Your Hands if You Believe
42. Home
43. Yellow Fever
44. Skin
45. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
46. Tall Tales
47. Crossroad Blues
48. The Song Remains the Same
49. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
50. Slash Fiction
51. Folsom Prison Blues
52. When the Levee Breaks
53. Heart
54. Monster Movie
55. Hell House
56. Scarecrow
57. Asylum
58. The Usual Suspects
59. The Man Who Would be King
60. The Man who Knew Too Much
61. Reading is Fundamental
62. In the Beginning
63. Sympathy for the Devil
64. Simon Said
65. Caged Heat
66. Wishful Thinking
67. Dream a Little Dream of Me
68. Death Takes a Holiday
69. Bloody Mary
70. Nightshifter
71. Live Free or Twihard
72. After School Special
73. Provenance
74. Repo Man
75. Fresh Blood
76. Good God Y'All
77. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
78. And Then There Were None
79. Everybody Loves a Clown
80. There Will be Blood
81. House of the Holy
82. Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
83. Free to Be You and Me
84. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
85. Shadow
86. The Benders
87. The Rapture
88. Hammer of the Gods
89. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
90. You Can't Handle the Truth
91. Wendigo
92. Sam, Interrupted
93. Hunted
94. My Heart Will Go On
95. The Devil You Know
96. Party On Garth
97. 99 Problems
98. Bloodlust
99. Dead Man's Blood
100. Phantom Traveler
101. Malleus Maleficarum
102. Salvation
103. The Mentalists
104. Dead in the Water
105. Like a Virgin
106. Let it Bleed
107. Two and a Half Men
108. Mommy Dearest
109. Nightmare
110. Bedtime Stories
111. Playthings
112. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
113. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
114. Family Matters
115. Ghostfacers
116. Sex and Violence
117. No Exit
118. The Kids are Alright
119. Time is on My Side
120. Red Sky at Morning
121. Adventures in Babysitting
122. Exile on Main St.
123. The Real Ghostbusters
124. Hollywood Babylon
125. Out with the Old
126. Jump the Shark
127. Of Grave Importance
128. Family Remains
129. The Magnificent Seven
130. Long-Distance Call
131. Hook Man
132. Metamorphosis
133. The Third Man
134. Unforgiven
135. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
136. Slice Girls
137. Fallen Idols
138. Shut Up, Dr. Phil
139. I Believe the Children are Our Future
140. Swap Meat
141. All Dogs Go to Heaven
142. Defending Your Life
143. Criss Angel is a Douche Bag
144. Roadkill
145. Season 7, Time for a Wedding
146. The Girl Next Door
147. Route 666
148. Sin City
149. Bugs
If ranked by percentage instead of number of votes:
Lazarus Rising, Changing Channels, Bad Day at Black Rock, The French Mistake
Swan Song, In My Time of Dying, All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2, A Very Supernatural Christmas
Mystery Spot, Death's Door, What is and What Should Never Be, The End, Lucifer Rising, Point of No Return, Meet the New Boss, The Monster at the End of This Book
No Rest for the Wicked, Weekend at Bobby's, It's a Terrible Life, All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 1, Born Under a Bad Sign, Frontierland, Pilot, Jus in Bello, Abandon All Hope, Faith, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Hello Cruel World, Dark Side of the Moon, Devil's Trap, Appointment in Samarra, Time After Time
Something Wicked, On the Head of a Pin, The Born-Again Identity, Survival of the Fittest, Heaven and Hell, Croatoan, Home, 2 Minutes to Midnight, Skin, My Bloody Valentine, Yellow Fever, Clap Your Hands if You Believe, The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, Tall Tales, The Song Remains the Same, Crossroad Blues, Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie, Slash Fiction, Monster Movie, When the Levee Breaks, Folsom Prison Blues, Heart, Hell House, Scarecrow, Asylum, The Usual Suspects, The Man Who Would be King, The Man Who Knew Too Much, In the Beginning, Reading is Fundamental, Sympathy for the Devil, Simon Said.
Caged Heat, Bloody Mary, Wishful Thinking, Death Takes a Holiday, Dream a Little Dream of Me, How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters, Nightshifter, After School Special, And Then There Were None, Fresh Blood, Live Free or Twihard, Repo Man, Provenance, It's the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester, Good God Y'All, Everybody Loves a Clown, Rapture, There Will be Blood, Shadow, Hammer of the Gods, Are You There God? It's Me Dean Winchester, Houses of the Holy, Free to Be You and Me, Benders, Curious Case of Dean Winchester, Wendigo, Hunted, Sam Interrupted, You Can't Handle the Truth, My Heart Will Go On, Devil You Know, Bloodlust, 99 Problems, Salvation, Like a Virgin, Party On Garth, Malleus Maleficarum, Dead Man's Blood, Mentalists, Two and a Half Men, Let it Bleed, Phantom Traveler, Dead in the Water, Mommy Dearest, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, Bedtime Stories, Nightmare, Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things, Playthings, Family Matters, The Kids are Alright, No Exit, Ghostfacers, Sex and Violence, Time is on My Side, Red Sky at Morning, Adventures in Babysitting, Exile on Main St., Hollywood Babylon, Real Ghostbusters, Out with the Old, Jump the Shark, Of Grave Importance, and Family Remains.
Magnificent Seven, Hook Man, Metamorphosis, Slice Girls, Unforgiven, The Third Man, Long-Distance Call, I Believe the Children are Our Future, Swap Meat, Shut Up Dr. Phil, Defending Your Life, Roadkill, Criss Angel is a Douche Bag, Season 7 Time for a Wedding, Girl Next Door, Fallen Idols, Mannequin 3: The Reckoning, Route 666, Sin City, All Dogs Go to Heaven, and Bugs.
List of episodes by rank
Print your own bracket.
Updated Sept 9:
Round 2 Results:
Winner: Lazarus Rising
Finale: Changing Channels vs Lazarus Rising
Winners heading to round 6:
Bad Day at Black Rock, Changing Channels, Lazarus Rising, The French Mistake
Episodes Exiting after round 5:
Swan Song, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, A Very Supernatural Christmas, In My Time of Dying
Winners heading to round 5:
Bad Day at Black Rock, Swan Song, Changing Channels, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Lazarus Rising, The French Mistake, and In My Time of Dying
Episodes Exiting after round 4:
Death's Door, Mystery Spot, The Monster at the End of This Book, The End, Lucifer Rising, What is and What Should Never Be, Meet the New Boss, and Point of No Return
Winners heading to round 4:
Death's Door, Bad Day at Black Rock, Mystery Spot, Swan Song, Changing Channels, The Monster at the End of This Book, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, The End, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Lucifer Rising, Lazarus Rising, What is and What Should Never Be, The French Mistake, and In My Time of Dying
Episodes Exiting after round 3:
Frontierland, No Rest for the Wicked, Devil's Trap, Abandon All Hope, Jus in Bello, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Dark Side of the Moon, The Pilot, Time After Time, Weekend at Bobby's, Appointment in Samarra, Faith, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1, It's a Terrible Life, Hello Cruel World, and Born Under a Bad Sign
Winners heading to round 3:
Death's Door, Frontierland,No Rest for the Wicked, Bad Day at Black Rock, Mystery Spot, Devil's Trap, Swan Gong, Abandon All Hope, Changing Channels, Jus in Bello, I Know What You Did Last Summer, All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2, Dark Side of the Moon, The End, The Pilot, A Very SPN Christmas, Time After Time, Lucifer Rising, Weekend at Bobby's, Lazarus Rising, Appointment in Samarra, What is and what Should Never Be, Faith, The French Mistake, All hell Breaks Loose - Part 1, It's a Terrible Life, Meet the New Boss, In My Time fo Dying, Hello Cruel World, Born Under a Bad Sign, and Point of No Return.
Episodes Exiting after round 2:
Heart, Home, Scarecrow, Yellow Fever, The Man Who Would Be King, On the Head of a Pin, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Song Remains teh Same, Simon Said, Croatoan, The Born-Again Identity, The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, Sympathy for the Devil, Monster Movie, Folsom Prison Blues, My Bloody Valentine, The Usual Suspects, Something Wicked, Crossroad Blues, 2 Minutes to Midnight, In the Beginning, Skin, Asylum, PPMM, Reading is Fundamental, Slash Fiction, Survival of the Fittest, Clap Your Hands if You Believe, When the Levee Breaks, Heaven and Hell, Hell House, and Tall Tales.
Winners heading for round 2:
No Rest for the Wicked, Scarecrow, Bad Day at Black Rock, Yellow Fever
Mystery Spot, The Man Who Would Be King, Devil's Trap, On the Head of a Pin
Swan Song, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Abandon All Hope, The Song Remains the Same
Changing Channels, Simon Said, Croatoan, Jus in Bello
The Born-Again Identity, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Girl with the Dungeons & Dragons Tattoo, The Monster at the End of This Book
All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, Sympathy for the Devil, Dark Side of the Moon, Monster Movie
The End, Folsom Prison Blues, Pilot, My Bloody Valentine
A Very SPN Christmas, The Usual Suspects, Something Wicked, Time After Time
Lucifer Rising, Crossroad Blues, Weekend at Bobby's, 2 Minutes to Midnight
Lazarus Rising, In the Beginning, Appointment in Samarra, Skin
What is and What Should Never Be, Asylum, Faith, Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie
The French Mistake, Reading is Fundamental, Slash Fiction, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1
Survival of the Fittest, It's a Terrible Life, Meet the New Boss, Clap Your Hands if You Believe
In My Time of Dying, When the Levee Breaks, Heaven and Hell, Hello Cruel World
Born Under a Bad Sign, Hell House, Point of No Return, Tall Tales
Episodes exiting after round 1:
Adventures in Babysitting, Bloody Mary (by 6 votes), Bedtime Stories, Hunted
Time is on My Side, There Will be Blood, Out with the Old, The Devil You Know
Ghostfacers, You Can't Handle the Truth, Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester, Mommy Dearest
The Real Ghostbusters, Shadow, The Kids are Alright, My Heart Will Go On
Sex and Violence, Live Free or Twihard, Dead Man's Blood, Nightmare
The Rapture, How to Win Friends & Influence Monsters (by 12 votes), Two and a Half Men, Like a Virgin
Jump the Shark, Party On Garth, Phantom Traveler, Caged Heat (by 3 votes!!!)
Hollywood Babylon, It's the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, Hammer of the Gods
Exile on Main St., Fresh Blood, The Mentalists, The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
No Exit, The Benders, Wendigo, Death Takes a Holiday
Of Grave Importance, Free to be You and Me, 99 Problems, Good God Y'All
Red Sky at Morning, Nightshifter, Dead in the Water, After School Special
Playthings, Wishful Thinking, Provenance, Family Matters
Houses of the Holy, Dream a Little Dream of Me, Malleus Maleficarum, Repo Man
Family Remains, Bloodlust, Everybody Loves a Clown, Sam Interrupted
Let it Bleed, And There Were None, Salvation, Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
Competition Placement So Far:
1. Lazarus Rising
2. Changing Channels
3. Bad Day at Black Rock
4. The French Mistake
5. Swan Song
6. In My Time of Dying
7. All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2
8. A Very Supernatural Christmas
9. Mystery Spot
10. Death's Door
11. What is and What Should Never Be
12. The End
13. Lucifer Rising
14. Point of No Return
15. Meet the New Boss
16. The Monster at the End of This Book
17. Weekend at Bobby's
18. No Rest for the Wicked
19. All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1
20. It's a Terrible Life
21. Born Under a Bad Sign
22. Frontierland
23. Pilot
24. Faith
25. Abandon All Hope
26. Jus in Bello
27. Appointment in Samarra
28. Dark Side of the Moon
29. Hello, Cruel World
30. I Know What You Did Last Summer
31. Devil's Trap
32. Time After Time
33. Survival of the Fittest
34. Something Wicked
35. Heaven and Hell
36. On the Head of a Pin
37. The Born-Again Identity
38. My Bloody Valentine
39. 2 Minutes to Midnight
40. Croatoan
41. Clap Your Hands if You Believe
42. Home
43. Yellow Fever
44. Skin
45. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
46. Tall Tales
47. Crossroad Blues
48. The Song Remains the Same
49. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
50. Slash Fiction
51. Folsom Prison Blues
52. When the Levee Breaks
53. Heart
54. Monster Movie
55. Hell House
56. Scarecrow
57. Asylum
58. The Usual Suspects
59. The Man Who Would be King
60. The Man who Knew Too Much
61. Reading is Fundamental
62. In the Beginning
63. Sympathy for the Devil
64. Simon Said
65. Caged Heat
66. Wishful Thinking
67. Dream a Little Dream of Me
68. Death Takes a Holiday
69. Bloody Mary
70. Nightshifter
71. Live Free or Twihard
72. After School Special
73. Provenance
74. Repo Man
75. Fresh Blood
76. Good God Y'All
77. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
78. And Then There Were None
79. Everybody Loves a Clown
80. There Will be Blood
81. House of the Holy
82. Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
83. Free to Be You and Me
84. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
85. Shadow
86. The Benders
87. The Rapture
88. Hammer of the Gods
89. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
90. You Can't Handle the Truth
91. Wendigo
92. Sam, Interrupted
93. Hunted
94. My Heart Will Go On
95. The Devil You Know
96. Party On Garth
97. 99 Problems
98. Bloodlust
99. Dead Man's Blood
100. Phantom Traveler
101. Malleus Maleficarum
102. Salvation
103. The Mentalists
104. Dead in the Water
105. Like a Virgin
106. Let it Bleed
107. Two and a Half Men
108. Mommy Dearest
109. Nightmare
110. Bedtime Stories
111. Playthings
112. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
113. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
114. Family Matters
115. Ghostfacers
116. Sex and Violence
117. No Exit
118. The Kids are Alright
119. Time is on My Side
120. Red Sky at Morning
121. Adventures in Babysitting
122. Exile on Main St.
123. The Real Ghostbusters
124. Hollywood Babylon
125. Out with the Old
126. Jump the Shark
127. Of Grave Importance
128. Family Remains
129. The Magnificent Seven
130. Long-Distance Call
131. Hook Man
132. Metamorphosis
133. The Third Man
134. Unforgiven
135. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
136. Slice Girls
137. Fallen Idols
138. Shut Up, Dr. Phil
139. I Believe the Children are Our Future
140. Swap Meat
141. All Dogs Go to Heaven
142. Defending Your Life
143. Criss Angel is a Douche Bag
144. Roadkill
145. Season 7, Time for a Wedding
146. The Girl Next Door
147. Route 666
148. Sin City
149. Bugs
If ranked by percentage instead of number of votes:
Lazarus Rising, Changing Channels, Bad Day at Black Rock, The French Mistake
Swan Song, In My Time of Dying, All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2, A Very Supernatural Christmas
Mystery Spot, Death's Door, What is and What Should Never Be, The End, Lucifer Rising, Point of No Return, Meet the New Boss, The Monster at the End of This Book
No Rest for the Wicked, Weekend at Bobby's, It's a Terrible Life, All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 1, Born Under a Bad Sign, Frontierland, Pilot, Jus in Bello, Abandon All Hope, Faith, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Hello Cruel World, Dark Side of the Moon, Devil's Trap, Appointment in Samarra, Time After Time
Something Wicked, On the Head of a Pin, The Born-Again Identity, Survival of the Fittest, Heaven and Hell, Croatoan, Home, 2 Minutes to Midnight, Skin, My Bloody Valentine, Yellow Fever, Clap Your Hands if You Believe, The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, Tall Tales, The Song Remains the Same, Crossroad Blues, Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie, Slash Fiction, Monster Movie, When the Levee Breaks, Folsom Prison Blues, Heart, Hell House, Scarecrow, Asylum, The Usual Suspects, The Man Who Would be King, The Man Who Knew Too Much, In the Beginning, Reading is Fundamental, Sympathy for the Devil, Simon Said.
Caged Heat, Bloody Mary, Wishful Thinking, Death Takes a Holiday, Dream a Little Dream of Me, How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters, Nightshifter, After School Special, And Then There Were None, Fresh Blood, Live Free or Twihard, Repo Man, Provenance, It's the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester, Good God Y'All, Everybody Loves a Clown, Rapture, There Will be Blood, Shadow, Hammer of the Gods, Are You There God? It's Me Dean Winchester, Houses of the Holy, Free to Be You and Me, Benders, Curious Case of Dean Winchester, Wendigo, Hunted, Sam Interrupted, You Can't Handle the Truth, My Heart Will Go On, Devil You Know, Bloodlust, 99 Problems, Salvation, Like a Virgin, Party On Garth, Malleus Maleficarum, Dead Man's Blood, Mentalists, Two and a Half Men, Let it Bleed, Phantom Traveler, Dead in the Water, Mommy Dearest, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, Bedtime Stories, Nightmare, Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things, Playthings, Family Matters, The Kids are Alright, No Exit, Ghostfacers, Sex and Violence, Time is on My Side, Red Sky at Morning, Adventures in Babysitting, Exile on Main St., Hollywood Babylon, Real Ghostbusters, Out with the Old, Jump the Shark, Of Grave Importance, and Family Remains.
Magnificent Seven, Hook Man, Metamorphosis, Slice Girls, Unforgiven, The Third Man, Long-Distance Call, I Believe the Children are Our Future, Swap Meat, Shut Up Dr. Phil, Defending Your Life, Roadkill, Criss Angel is a Douche Bag, Season 7 Time for a Wedding, Girl Next Door, Fallen Idols, Mannequin 3: The Reckoning, Route 666, Sin City, All Dogs Go to Heaven, and Bugs.
Ultimate Supernatural Contest Episode List
We are starting our search for the Ultimate Supernatural Episode. The contest will be head-to-head with 128 episodes competing. The top 101 ranked episodes are listed here. The remaining 27 episodes will be added after we finish the wildcard position polls. Brackets for the contest will be done NCAA style. You can print a copy here.
1. Death's Door (season 7)
2. A Very Supernatural Christmas (season 3)
3. The French Mistake (season 6)
4. Changing Channels (season 5)
5. All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2 (season 2)
6. In My Time of Dying (season 2)
7. Lazarus Rising (season 4)
8. Mystery Spot (season 3)
9. Swan Song (season 5)
10. What is and What Should Never Be (season 2)
11. Born Under a Bad Sign (season 2)
12. The End (season 5)
13. The Born-Again Identity (season 7) - lost in round 2
14. Survival of the Fittest (season 7)
15. Lucifer Rising (season 4)
16. No Rest for the Wicked (season 3)
17. Bad Day at Black Rock (season 3)
18. Weekend at Bobby's (season 6)
19. Meet the New Boss (season 7)
20. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (season 7) - lost in round 2
21. Pilot (season 1)
22. Point of No Return (season 5)
23. Faith (season 1)
24. Abandon All Hope (season 5)
25. Devil's Trap (season 1)
26. Appointment in Samarra (season 6)
27. Heaven and Hell (season 4)
28. Dark Side of the Moon (season 5)
29. Croatoan (season 2) - lost in round 2
30. Slash Fiction (season 7)
31. Something Wicked (season 1) - lost in round 2
32. Frontierland (season 6)
33. Home (season 1) - lost in round 2
34. Time After Time (season 7)
35. All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 1 (season 2)
36. Jus in Bello (season 3)
37. Caged Heat (season 6) - lost in round 1
38. Hello, Cruel World (season 7)
39. Skin (season 1) - lost in round 2
40. On the Head of a Pin (season 4) - lost in round 2
41. The Song Remains the Same (season 5) - lost in round 2
42. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie (season 7) - lost in round 2
43. Tall Tales (season 2)
44. My Bloody Valentine (season 5) - lost in round 2
45. The Monster at the End of This Book (season 4)
46. Clap Your Hands if You Believe (season 6)
47. 2 Minutes to Midnight (season 5) - lost in round 2
48. Yellow Fever (season 4) - lost in round 2
49. Scarecrow (season 1) - lost in round 2
50. Crossroad Blues (season 2) - lost in round 2
51. Dream a Little Dream of Me (season 3) - lost in round 1
52. I Know What You Did Last Summer (season 4)
53. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (season 4) - lost in round 1
54. Hell House (season 1)
55. Asylum (season 1) - lost in round 2
56. The Man Who Knew Too Much (season 6) - lost in round 2
57. The Man Who Would be King (season 6) - lost in round 2
58. In the Beginning (season 4) - lost in round 2
59. When the Levee Breaks (season 4)
60. Sympathy for the Devil (season 5) - lost in round 2
61. Live Free or Twihard (season 6) - lost in round 1
62. Reading is Fundamental (season 7)
63. The Usual Suspects (season 2) - lost in round 2
64. Bloody Mary (season 1) - lost in round 1
65. Heart (season 2) - lost in round 2
66. Fresh Blood (season 3) - lost in round 1
67. Wishful Thinking (season 4) - lost in round 1
68. Simon Said (season 2) - lost in round 2
69. Party On Garth (season 7) - lost in round 1
70. Bloodlust (season 2) - lost in round 1
71. Free to be You and Me (season 5) - lost in round 1
72. You Can't Handle the Truth (season 6) - lost in round 1
73. Shadow (season 1) - lost in round 1
74. Nightshifter (season 2) - lost in round 1
75. And Then There Were None (season 6) - lost in round 1
76. Folsom Prison Blues (season 2) - lost in round 2
77. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters (season 7) - lost in round 1
78. It's a Terrible Life (season 4)
79. The Benders (season 1) - lost in round 1
80. There Will be Blood (season 7) - lost in round 1
81. The Devil You Know (season 5) - lost in round 1
82. Death Takes a Holiday (season 4) - lost in round 1
83. Repo Man (season 7) - lost in round 1
84. Like a Virgin (season 6) - lost in round 1
85. Hammer of the Gods (season 5) - lost in round 1
86. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (season 2) - lost in round 1
87. After School Special (season 4) - lost in round 1
88. My Heart Will Go On (season 6) - lost in round 1
89. Mommy Dearest (season 6) - lost in round 1
90. Good God Y'All (season 5) - lost in round 1
91. Sam, Interrupted (season 5) - lost in round 1
92. Monster Movie (season 4) - lost in round 2
93. Nightmare (season 1) - lost in round 1
94. Family Matters (season 6) - lost in round 1
95. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester (season 5) - lost in round 1
96. Hunted (season 2) - lost in round 1
97. Bedtime Stories (season 3) - lost in round 1
98. The Mentalists (season 7) - lost in round 1
99. Provenance (season 1) - lost in round 1
100. Dead Man's Blood (season 1) - lost in round 1
101. Phantom Traveler (season 1) - lost in round 1
102. Everybody Loves a Clown (season 2) - lost in round 1
103. 99 Problems (season 5) - lost in round 1
104. Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester (season 4) - lost in round 1
105. The Kids are Alright (season 3) - lost in round 1
106. Dead in the Water (season 1) - lost in round 1
107. Salvation (season 1) - lost in round 1
108. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (season 5) - lost in round 1
109. Two and a Half Men (season 6) - lost in round 1
110. Malleus Maleficarum (season 3) - lost in round 1
111. Wendigo (season 1) - lost in round 1
112. Out with the Old (season 7) - lost in round 1
113. Time is on My Side (season 3) - lost in round 1
114. No Exit (season 2) - lost in round 1
115. Houses of the Holy (season 2) - lost in round 1
116. The Rapture (season 4) - lost in round 1
117. Hollywood Babylon (season 2) - lost in round 1
118. Let it Bleed (season 6) - lost in round 1
119. Red Sky at Morning (season 3) - lost in round 1
120. The Real Ghostbusters (season 5) - lost in round 1
121. Ghostfacers (season 3) - lost in round 1
122. Of Grave Importance (season 7) - lost in round 1
123. Family Remains (season 4) - lost in round 1
124. Jump the Shark (season 4) - lost in round 1
125. Sex and Violence (season 4) - lost in round 1
126. Playthings (season 2) - lost in round 1
127. Exile on Main St. (season 6) - lost in round 1
128. Adventures in Babysitting (season 7) - lost in round 1
1. Death's Door (season 7)
2. A Very Supernatural Christmas (season 3)
3. The French Mistake (season 6)
4. Changing Channels (season 5)
5. All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2 (season 2)
6. In My Time of Dying (season 2)
7. Lazarus Rising (season 4)
8. Mystery Spot (season 3)
9. Swan Song (season 5)
10. What is and What Should Never Be (season 2)
11. Born Under a Bad Sign (season 2)
12. The End (season 5)
13. The Born-Again Identity (season 7) - lost in round 2
14. Survival of the Fittest (season 7)
15. Lucifer Rising (season 4)
16. No Rest for the Wicked (season 3)
17. Bad Day at Black Rock (season 3)
18. Weekend at Bobby's (season 6)
19. Meet the New Boss (season 7)
20. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (season 7) - lost in round 2
21. Pilot (season 1)
22. Point of No Return (season 5)
23. Faith (season 1)
24. Abandon All Hope (season 5)
25. Devil's Trap (season 1)
26. Appointment in Samarra (season 6)
27. Heaven and Hell (season 4)
28. Dark Side of the Moon (season 5)
29. Croatoan (season 2) - lost in round 2
30. Slash Fiction (season 7)
31. Something Wicked (season 1) - lost in round 2
32. Frontierland (season 6)
33. Home (season 1) - lost in round 2
34. Time After Time (season 7)
35. All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 1 (season 2)
36. Jus in Bello (season 3)
37. Caged Heat (season 6) - lost in round 1
38. Hello, Cruel World (season 7)
39. Skin (season 1) - lost in round 2
40. On the Head of a Pin (season 4) - lost in round 2
41. The Song Remains the Same (season 5) - lost in round 2
42. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie (season 7) - lost in round 2
43. Tall Tales (season 2)
44. My Bloody Valentine (season 5) - lost in round 2
45. The Monster at the End of This Book (season 4)
46. Clap Your Hands if You Believe (season 6)
47. 2 Minutes to Midnight (season 5) - lost in round 2
48. Yellow Fever (season 4) - lost in round 2
49. Scarecrow (season 1) - lost in round 2
50. Crossroad Blues (season 2) - lost in round 2
51. Dream a Little Dream of Me (season 3) - lost in round 1
52. I Know What You Did Last Summer (season 4)
53. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (season 4) - lost in round 1
54. Hell House (season 1)
55. Asylum (season 1) - lost in round 2
56. The Man Who Knew Too Much (season 6) - lost in round 2
57. The Man Who Would be King (season 6) - lost in round 2
58. In the Beginning (season 4) - lost in round 2
59. When the Levee Breaks (season 4)
60. Sympathy for the Devil (season 5) - lost in round 2
61. Live Free or Twihard (season 6) - lost in round 1
62. Reading is Fundamental (season 7)
63. The Usual Suspects (season 2) - lost in round 2
64. Bloody Mary (season 1) - lost in round 1
65. Heart (season 2) - lost in round 2
66. Fresh Blood (season 3) - lost in round 1
67. Wishful Thinking (season 4) - lost in round 1
68. Simon Said (season 2) - lost in round 2
69. Party On Garth (season 7) - lost in round 1
70. Bloodlust (season 2) - lost in round 1
71. Free to be You and Me (season 5) - lost in round 1
72. You Can't Handle the Truth (season 6) - lost in round 1
73. Shadow (season 1) - lost in round 1
74. Nightshifter (season 2) - lost in round 1
75. And Then There Were None (season 6) - lost in round 1
76. Folsom Prison Blues (season 2) - lost in round 2
77. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters (season 7) - lost in round 1
78. It's a Terrible Life (season 4)
79. The Benders (season 1) - lost in round 1
80. There Will be Blood (season 7) - lost in round 1
81. The Devil You Know (season 5) - lost in round 1
82. Death Takes a Holiday (season 4) - lost in round 1
83. Repo Man (season 7) - lost in round 1
84. Like a Virgin (season 6) - lost in round 1
85. Hammer of the Gods (season 5) - lost in round 1
86. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (season 2) - lost in round 1
87. After School Special (season 4) - lost in round 1
88. My Heart Will Go On (season 6) - lost in round 1
89. Mommy Dearest (season 6) - lost in round 1
90. Good God Y'All (season 5) - lost in round 1
91. Sam, Interrupted (season 5) - lost in round 1
92. Monster Movie (season 4) - lost in round 2
93. Nightmare (season 1) - lost in round 1
94. Family Matters (season 6) - lost in round 1
95. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester (season 5) - lost in round 1
96. Hunted (season 2) - lost in round 1
97. Bedtime Stories (season 3) - lost in round 1
98. The Mentalists (season 7) - lost in round 1
99. Provenance (season 1) - lost in round 1
100. Dead Man's Blood (season 1) - lost in round 1
101. Phantom Traveler (season 1) - lost in round 1
102. Everybody Loves a Clown (season 2) - lost in round 1
103. 99 Problems (season 5) - lost in round 1
104. Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester (season 4) - lost in round 1
105. The Kids are Alright (season 3) - lost in round 1
106. Dead in the Water (season 1) - lost in round 1
107. Salvation (season 1) - lost in round 1
108. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (season 5) - lost in round 1
109. Two and a Half Men (season 6) - lost in round 1
110. Malleus Maleficarum (season 3) - lost in round 1
111. Wendigo (season 1) - lost in round 1
112. Out with the Old (season 7) - lost in round 1
113. Time is on My Side (season 3) - lost in round 1
114. No Exit (season 2) - lost in round 1
115. Houses of the Holy (season 2) - lost in round 1
116. The Rapture (season 4) - lost in round 1
117. Hollywood Babylon (season 2) - lost in round 1
118. Let it Bleed (season 6) - lost in round 1
119. Red Sky at Morning (season 3) - lost in round 1
120. The Real Ghostbusters (season 5) - lost in round 1
121. Ghostfacers (season 3) - lost in round 1
122. Of Grave Importance (season 7) - lost in round 1
123. Family Remains (season 4) - lost in round 1
124. Jump the Shark (season 4) - lost in round 1
125. Sex and Violence (season 4) - lost in round 1
126. Playthings (season 2) - lost in round 1
127. Exile on Main St. (season 6) - lost in round 1
128. Adventures in Babysitting (season 7) - lost in round 1
Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Contest - Wildcard Poll #1 - Polls
The Best Comedy poll is done and our winner is......Changing Channels. Nothing like TV spoofs to make a SPN fan laugh. Written by Jeremy Carver, our new show runner, it was a perfect blend of comedy, surprise, and drama - a classic SPN episode.
We next turn our attention to the Ultimate Supernatural Episode Contest. This will be a comprehensive battle to crown 1 episode the best of Supernatural. With 149 episodes, there will be some tough choices made, some hair pulled, some disappointment when a favorite is out, much joy when a favorite makes it to the next round, and hopefully thousands of great comments to get us through the hellatus as one strong, happy-ish, united fandom. Since a head-to-head contest has to be in multiples of 2 to be even, only 128 episodes will make it into the actual contest. 101 of them have already ranked in. It's now time to pick the remaining 27. Each wildcard episode will go against another wildcard episode. The winner advances to the contest. In order to make 128 episodes, the top 3 losers by percentage will also be in the contest. We will have 4 days of wildcard polls before starting the official contest. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments below.
Don't forget that we are also nominating favorite quotes by episode for our Best SPN Quote Contest later in the year. Today we are at Provenance and Dead Man's Blood. If you are looking to nominate other season 1 quotes, go here.
My blog
SPN Asylum
We next turn our attention to the Ultimate Supernatural Episode Contest. This will be a comprehensive battle to crown 1 episode the best of Supernatural. With 149 episodes, there will be some tough choices made, some hair pulled, some disappointment when a favorite is out, much joy when a favorite makes it to the next round, and hopefully thousands of great comments to get us through the hellatus as one strong, happy-ish, united fandom. Since a head-to-head contest has to be in multiples of 2 to be even, only 128 episodes will make it into the actual contest. 101 of them have already ranked in. It's now time to pick the remaining 27. Each wildcard episode will go against another wildcard episode. The winner advances to the contest. In order to make 128 episodes, the top 3 losers by percentage will also be in the contest. We will have 4 days of wildcard polls before starting the official contest. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments below.
Don't forget that we are also nominating favorite quotes by episode for our Best SPN Quote Contest later in the year. Today we are at Provenance and Dead Man's Blood. If you are looking to nominate other season 1 quotes, go here.
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SPN Asylum
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Season 1 Nominations for the Ultimate Supernatural Quote Contest
We are looking to do a major contest of the best Supernatural quotes this year and we need your nominations. Please make sure you put it in the correct episode and please tell which character said it if you remember. For example, in the Pilot box I would put Dean: "Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cake hole." This makes it easier to tabulate nominations. Thanks for all your great nominations and remember that comments are lovely.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Supernatural - Best Comedy Episode Final - Poll
The results are in and the Favorite Season 7 Episode is.....Survival of the Fittest. With number of votes cast almost tripling any of the previous polls, things looked a lot different than they started out. Thanks to everyone promoting these polls through Twitter, FB, Google+, Tumblr, etc. The more people we have then more fun it is and the quicker hellatus seems to go. Remember that we will have a SPN poll daily (except during the SpoilerTV Best Show Contest, the STV Character Cup, and my vacation) sothere's a lot more fun to be had. Before we head into the big head=to-head to crown the Ultimate SPN Episode, we have another poll left from the winter hiatus. We had gotten all the way to the final choices in our Best Comedy contest when hiatus stopped. So without further ado, the choices for Best Comedy are Changing Channels and the French Mistake. Happy voting!
Tomorrow we start filling the wild card spaces for our Ultimate Episode Contest. 101 episodes have already made it into the contest. We have 27 spaces left to fill for an even 128 head-to-head contest. Make sure your favorites make it into the contest. Also don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes for Hell House and Something Wicked for our quote contest. Lots going on this hellatus so check in daily!
Season 7 Contest Results:
Season 7 Contest Results:
1 - Survival of the Fittest
2 - Death's Door
3 - Meet the New Boss
4 - The Born-Again Identity
5 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
6 - Hello, Cruel World
7 - Time after Time
8 - Slash Fiction
9 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie
10 - Reading is Fundamental
11 - Party On Garth
12 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Repo Man
14 - Of Grave Importance
15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
16 - The Mentalists
17 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil
18 - Slice Girls
19 - Season 7, Time for a Wedding
20 - Out with the Old
21 - Defending Your Life
22 - The Girl Next Door
23 - Adventures in Babysitting
My blog
SPN Asylum
Tomorrow we start filling the wild card spaces for our Ultimate Episode Contest. 101 episodes have already made it into the contest. We have 27 spaces left to fill for an even 128 head-to-head contest. Make sure your favorites make it into the contest. Also don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes for Hell House and Something Wicked for our quote contest. Lots going on this hellatus so check in daily!
Season 7 Contest Results:
Season 7 Contest Results:
1 - Survival of the Fittest
2 - Death's Door
3 - Meet the New Boss
4 - The Born-Again Identity
5 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
6 - Hello, Cruel World
7 - Time after Time
8 - Slash Fiction
9 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie
10 - Reading is Fundamental
11 - Party On Garth
12 - There Will Be Blood
13 - Repo Man
14 - Of Grave Importance
15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
16 - The Mentalists
17 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil
18 - Slice Girls
19 - Season 7, Time for a Wedding
20 - Out with the Old
21 - Defending Your Life
22 - The Girl Next Door
23 - Adventures in Babysitting
My blog
SPN Asylum
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Supernatural - Favorite Season 7 Episode Finals - Poll
It's the final showdown for the best Supernatural episode in season 7. The last two episodes standing are Survival of the Fittest and Death's Door. Its the finale with the shocking ending vs the best character death tribute on the show. While not the two I would chose to battle for the crown, I am good with either one winning. So who will it be? Get your votes in and don't forget to comment below. Who did you vote for? Who did you want to win at the beginning of the contest? What was the funniest episode? The most intense? The saddest? Sound off on all things season 7 in the comments. While you're at it, don't forget to add your favorite quotes for The Benders and Shadow. We are coming to the end of season one for quotes.
Remember voting for the best episode will be open for slightly under 24 hours (about 11 PM St. Louis time) but nominations last for one week. There's still time to get nominations in for most season 1 quotes.
My blog
SPN Asylum
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Supernatural - Favorite Season 7 Episode, Round 4 - Poll
Things are really heating up in our quest to crown one episode the best of Supernatural Season 7. I don't think we've ever had a vote as close as The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo vs The Born-Again Identity. 5 or fewer votes separated it every time I checked the poll. Generally I call the poll an hour early in order to make the new one but this one I couldn't. In the end, The Born-Again Identity won in the last hour with 12 votes. It joins, Survival of the Fittest, Meet the New Boss, and Death's Door in our final four. This round will take us to the finals so vote your choice and don't forget to comment and to add your nominations for the best quotes from Route 666 and Nightmare.
My blog
SPN Asylum
My blog
SPN Asylum
Friday, May 25, 2012
Supernatural - Favorite Season 7 Episode, Round 3 - Poll
We have finished the first level of voting and are moving into the Top 8. Winners from the last poll are: Meet the New Boss, Slash Fiction, Death's Door, and Hello Cruel World. No real surprises there. This weekend is a major holiday in the US so I expect there to be fewer votes than normal the next couple of rounds. That means your vote counts more. Happy voting!
Also, don't forget to nominate your favorite quotes from Scarecrow and Faith. There are some fabulous lines in these two awesome episodes. Just think of it as a reason to rewatch 2 of the best from season 1. "I hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it."
My blog
SPN Asylum
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Supernatural - Favorite Season 7 Episode, Round 2 - Poll
We're starting out strong in our quest to crown the best season 7 episode of Supernatural. Winners of round 1 are Survival of the Fittest, Time After Time, The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, and The Born-Again Identity. These episodes will move on to the next level. Today we have the preliminaries for the other side of the bracket. This round includes some of the most favorably reviewed of season 7 including the first 2 episodes and the critically praised Death's Door. Death's Door beat both of them in our midseason poll. Will it hang on to the lead to be crowned winner over all or will subsequent plot lines color the voting? Should be an interesting 24-hours of voting.
Don't forget to nominate your favorite episode quotes too. Nominations are open for a week so you can still nominate quotes for any episode from the Pilot to Asylum.
Screen cap by Supernatural Super Wiki
My blog
SPN Asylum
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Supernatural - Favorite Season 7 Episode, Round 1 - Poll
Today we start our season 7 episode poll. Winners of the wildcard placement were: There Will Be Blood, How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters, Of Grave Importance, and The Mentalists. Still it will be an uphill battle for any of these to take the top prize.
Contest rules are you can only vote once per poll. Polls will be up for around 24 hours, closing at 10 pm the next day (St. Louis, USA time). This will allow me time to put the new poll up. Episodes will go head-to-head, meaning that the winner of each poll will advance to the next round. Brackets are determined by where the episode placed overall in the original and wildcard polls and follow a similar format to NCAA basketball. Just remember, voting is fun but comments make hellatus pass by faster.
We will also continue nominating for our favorite quotes contest. This time we've got Hook Man and Bugs. I don't know about you, but I had a hard time finding quotes to nominate. Not the strongest episodes quote-wise. Of course, they are not the strongest episodes period.
My blog
SPN Asylum
Contest rules are you can only vote once per poll. Polls will be up for around 24 hours, closing at 10 pm the next day (St. Louis, USA time). This will allow me time to put the new poll up. Episodes will go head-to-head, meaning that the winner of each poll will advance to the next round. Brackets are determined by where the episode placed overall in the original and wildcard polls and follow a similar format to NCAA basketball. Just remember, voting is fun but comments make hellatus pass by faster.
We will also continue nominating for our favorite quotes contest. This time we've got Hook Man and Bugs. I don't know about you, but I had a hard time finding quotes to nominate. Not the strongest episodes quote-wise. Of course, they are not the strongest episodes period.
My blog
SPN Asylum
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Supernatural - Favorite Season 7 Episode Run-Off - Poll
Poll results are in and the 12 episodes already in the Best Season 7 Episode Contest include Meet the New Boss, Hello Cruel World, Slash Fiction, Death's Door, Time After Time, Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie, The Born-Again Identity, The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, Repo Man, Reading is Fundamental, Party On Garth, and Survival of the Fittest. Now it's time to select the 4 remaining for wild card positions. You can vote for up to 2 episodes and the top 4 episodes will be in the contest. Voting will end in about 24 hours and there is only one vote per IP address. We will begin the official Season 7 episode contest tomorrow night once the run-off poll ends. Episodes will go to head-to-head until one is declared the winner.
Don't forget to also nominate your favorite quotes from Bloody Mary and Skin. Nominations last for one week and we will start this contest in the second half of the hellatus.
Quote nominations for Bloody Mary and Skin:
My blog
SPN Asylum
Monday, May 21, 2012
Supernatural - Favorite Season 7 Episode - Poll
In our attempt to make hellatus pass by, we are looking to do several polls/contests this summer. Today starts the poll for favorite season 7 episode. While based on comments it sounds like Death's Door will prevail, I wouldn't count out the 2 opening episodes. Or who knows? Maybe another episode will take the crown. Today we will do a poll of all episodes. The top 12 chosen will automatically make it into the round. The bottom 11 will compete in a wild card contest where 4 will make it in. (We do wild card placements because some fans were concerned that their favorites didn't have ample opportunity to get into our contest last summer. This hopefully will make it seem more fair all around.)
Like all polls (with the exception of ranking and nominations), this one will stay open for approximately 24 hours. You can only vote once per IP address but you can choose up to 4 episodes today. If you haven't participated in our ultimate episode ranking polls or quote nominations from the Pilot and Wendigo yet, you have until Saturday, St. Louis time to do so. (CST in the USA)
Nominations for best quote continue. Please nominate your two favorites each from Dead in the Water and Phantom Traveler. Nominations will remain open for one week.
Like all polls (with the exception of ranking and nominations), this one will stay open for approximately 24 hours. You can only vote once per IP address but you can choose up to 4 episodes today. If you haven't participated in our ultimate episode ranking polls or quote nominations from the Pilot and Wendigo yet, you have until Saturday, St. Louis time to do so. (CST in the USA)
Nominations for best quote continue. Please nominate your two favorites each from Dead in the Water and Phantom Traveler. Nominations will remain open for one week.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Supernatural - Final Episode Ranking Polls & Favorite Quote Nominations - Polls
Over the midseason break, we ran preliminary polls to see which episodes would make it into the big Supernatural Hellatus Best Episode Contest. Since season seven was obviously not finished at that time, we still have 3 polls left to go. You can vote for your favorite 3 episodes in each poll. Below is the plan in more detail. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.
We will also be nominating favorite SPN quotes throughout the contest. You can nominate up to 2 quotes per episode and we will try to do 2 episodes per day. Nomination boxes should always be tagged on to whatever the current day's poll is. If for some reason there is not a daily poll, we will not nominate that day either. When you nominate, please put who said it and the actual quote to the best of your ability. This will streamline the tally process. Voting for a quote that doesn't appear in the episode will disqualify your nomination.
The plan: At the beginning of hellatus, once we have finished the ranking stage, we will have a head-to-head contest to see which episode will be crowned the Best Supernatural Episode. At the beginning it should be easy because more heavily nominated episodes will compete against the least nominated ones. We will take a break during Adam's STV Best Show Contest and pick back up where we left off when it is over. Towards the end of the hellatus, we will have the Best Quote contest, stopping for Adam's Best Character Competition and resuming when it is done. Hopefully that will lead us through the hellatus with something to talk about each day. We will of course also post all the new spoilers and have some other minor polls, reviews, and articles throughout the summer also. The goal is to keep everyone from getting hellatus fever and relive some of our favorite SPN moments with other fans.
Details: The top 100 episodes will be ranked by how they do in the ranking contest. The bottom 49 episodes will go head to head to see which ones make it into the contest. The reason for this is that the brackets only work with 128 episodes. This will still allow each episode to go head to head to determine the Best Supernatural Episodes. Unlike the actual contest in the summer, preliminaries will be open for at least one week each. Everyone still only gets 1 vote per IP address though. Voting will be in the order in which they aired and everyone can vote for 3 episodes per poll. Feel free to sound off in the comments about why you chose what you did. Here's to making the extra-long hellatus a bit more bearable.
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SPN Asylum
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
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