“Genotype” is an episode on a mission. It needs to get the plot from point A to point B, and in that, it largely succeeds. It’s just not as much fun as some of the other episodes have been. In typical Teen Wolf fashion, it’s a race to pull all the plot elements together so the last two episodes can be dedicated to the big finale. The overall goal is to find Creepy Corpse Kid, figure out who Anuk-ite #2 is, keep the anuk-ite halves apart, and find a way to stop them. It goes about as well as any other non-finale plan on Teen Wolf. To accomplish this mission, the team pairs off. Malia and Lydia take the morgue, trying to figure out how the dead hellhound was still able to lead Lydia around last episode. Scott and Liam investigate who left a message on Faceless’ phone, although neither have any hacking skills. Not sure why they put Mason and Theo together to search the tunnels for Creepy Corpse Kid when Mason would have been much better on phone patrol. (Argent should always be consulted on their plans.)
While serviceable, the biggest issue I had with this episode was the lack of follow-up to last week and the pairings. It is a bit disconcerting to watch both episodes back-to-back and not hear one reference to how Mama McCall is doing, Sheriff’s situation, or an update on the London werewolves. Mason and Lydia obviously bounce right back but the best parts of last week’s episode are glossed over. The pairings are even worse. While Theo and Liam grumble and grouse about each other, they always provide a laugh or two. Theo and Mason are more a study on tired middle school insults. (Theo’s dumb; Mason’s weak.) Their conversation does get deeper for about 2 seconds before they are attacked, but that’s no tradeoff for Liam and Theo’s snarky barbs. Meanwhile, Scott and Liam partnering got old fast too, but only because Scott hands over every tactical move to Liam. Seriously every leadership position in their plans goes to Liam while Scott does important things like playing lookout by hiding in corners. It doesn’t help to have Liam constantly question whether he can handle the pressure or not either. Malia and Lydia are the only somewhat normal and fun pairing, even if Malia is a bit too aggro in her solutions.
Gradw: C-
Best Reason to Watch - tying up the plot to move towards the finale
Best Reference to the Princess Bride - Lydia’s take on mostly dead
Best Twist - Faceless backstory / alpha
Best Upgrade - ear coms
Best Worst Plans - dark and spooky, it is / chest compressions
Best Quote - “You can feel it right. It’s like it doesn’t want us here.” “That makes two of us.”
Worst Pairing - Theo and Mason
Worst Mating Ritual - anuk-ite
Biggest Gamble - hellhound
Least Tactful - Scott, blurting out some upsetting info
Least Missed - Shady Guidance Counselor #2
Most Missed - London werewolves, Mama McCall, and of course, Stiles
Most Dangerous Place to Hang Out - the hospital
Most Persuasive - Malia, who makes a good case for her decision
The “Floating Down Denial River” Award - the dead chick’s mom
The “Yeah, No Way This Could Backfire” Award - Gerard
The “Oh My Eyes, My Eyes, Make It Stop” Award - Scott and Malia
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