Monday, February 25, 2013

Supernatural - 8.15 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits - Podcast

Hey there all you wayward sons and daughters welcome to the latest episode of the Team Winchester Podcast. Lilith and Dahne will be breaking down episode 8.15: Man's Best Friend With Benefits. The girls had to laugh to keep from crying with outrage at how terrible this episode was. There was not a lot to love but tons to nitpick so come on in and join the discussion.

Reminder: After February 27th there will be no new episodes of Supernatural until March 20th so brace yourselves for the spring purgatorus. There will however be at least two new episodes of TWP, one them being the Castiel tribute, it's not too late to submit voicemail and audio submissions about why you love Castiel, get them in by March 8th and I will edited them in.

And of course my favorite special editions: Listener Feedback. Be sure to keep sending in your comments, suggestions, concerns and of course burning questions, you can direct message or tweet us @winchesterpod or leave something on the facebook page,

Disclaimer - As always the opinions on this podcast are merely Lilith and/or Dahne's opinions. They do not reflect the fandom as a whole or SpoilerTV.

Podcast Break-Down (All times are estimated):

Intro & Small Talk
News (Ratings, Fan Reaction, Critic Reaction) - 3:00
Contact Info - 11:40
Discussion Points - 13:05
Nitpicks - 15:15
WTH - 23:40
Favorite Things - 31:15
Least Favorite - 37:40
Music / Trivia - 47:15
Grade and Review - 48:50
Spoilers - 56:40

Podcast Links:

Voice mail - 502-233-1351

Lilith Links:
