As we enter round 4, only 8 characters remain. Again polls went down to the wire, making this Cup one of the closest of all. Who will win is a mystery, especially with polls this close. In the last round, Marty Deeks defeated June Osborne by a mere 9 votes! With the defeat of last year’s runner-up Scylla Ramshorn, both Jonas Kahnwald and Marty Deeks are poised to be the character with the greatest increase in ranking for this Cup with Elizabeth Jennings taking third. Over in the prediction contest, things are just as wild. Paola takes the lead with 56 points, T4SOS has 54 points, and Amber and no name are tied with 52 points. Congrats to all! In other news, my predictions have gotten in the top 5 for the first time so I’m pretty proud of myself. Of course, the defeat of Scylla and Buffy pretty much blows my chances for any staying power. Darn.
Today also begins our mini-contest pilot episodes (woo hoo!), which includes LOST (the #1 seed), New Amsterdam, Fringe, The Walking Dead, This Is Us, Once Upon a Time, Galavant, and Wynonna Earp. I hope you have a favorite in there! The mini-contest will run exactly like the Cup. The winners will move to the next round until 1 prevails; only one vote per person per poll. If you are just joining us, please remember to read the rules. Otherwise, happy voting!
Round will end at approximately 1 pm CST on Friday, July 16.
Mental health is more frequently discussed today with the rise of self-care and the destigmatizing of mental health issues. TV seems to be taking a closer look at it these days, too. Have your shows added plot lines or characters that incorporate mental health? If so, how did they do? If not, are there topics that would naturally fit? (Thanks to TThom, Anjelique Alexander, and more for the topic.)
TV Talk Topic: Mental Health on TV
Mental health is more frequently discussed today with the rise of self-care and the destigmatizing of mental health issues. TV seems to be taking a closer look at it these days, too. Have your shows added plot lines or characters that incorporate mental health? If so, how did they do? If not, are there topics that would naturally fit? (Thanks to TThom, Anjelique Alexander, and more for the topic.)
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