Round 2A ended up a CW powerhouse with Lena Luthor, Sara Lance, Sam Winchester, and Oliver Queen all advancing to the next round. Kick butt women also prevailed with Scylla Ramshorn, Colleen Wing, and Nicole Haught joining them. The only CW character not moving on is Caitlin, who went against the highest ranked character. If you haven’t already nominated your favorite series finale for our mini-contest, please make sure you do so by the time these polls end. The mini-contest will start in round 4. Also, as you nominate, please do NOT nominate shows currently airing. Motherland: Fort Salem is not eligible for the mini-contest on 2 fronts. One, it is getting a second season - congrats, fans! Two, it will still be in the main contest next round. Please nominate only shows that have completely ended so that your nominations are not invalid. If you are just joining us, please click on the rules link and for geeks like me, the stats will be updated shortly. Thanks, and happy voting!
Stats and Brackets
Character Videos - Round 2
Prediction Contest Leaders / Wish List Contest Leaders
Round 1 Polls
Round will end at approximately 1:30 pm CST on Sunday, July 19.
Mini-Contest Nominations:
For those of you new to the Cup, we added in a mini-contest 5 years ago to keep people engaged after their favorite characters were out. This gives everyone a fresh start and something new to root for. The mini-contest always starts in round 4 and you have until Round 2B is finished to nominate. You can nominate up to 3 shows, by putting the show names in the form below. Any show still in the contest at round 3 is ineligible and normal nominating rules apply. Only one submission per person please. If you have questions, head for the comments.
This year our theme is...Best Series Finale. Thanks to LauraLoo for suggesting it. To qualify, a show must be completely finished with no upcoming episodes or movies. It also cannot still be in the Cup in round 3. When nominating, only put the show name, not the episode title. I can't wait to see your choices!
TV Talk Topic:
TV Talk Topic: Lovable Idiots - A staple of especially the comedy genre, the lovable idiot bumbles his or her way onto our screens to make us laugh or shake our heads. What memorable TV dunces have caught your attention? Do you enjoy this character type and their role in TV? (Thanks to Abby Crofton and That Which Dreams for the suggestion.)
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