Friday, May 31, 2013
Supernatural - Fvorite Season 8 Episode - Finals
Starting with 23 episodes, we are down to the final 2. Sacrifice has decimated every episode that has come in its path. Can it hold on to win the whole thing or will the steady LARP and the Real Girl with favorite guest star Felicity Day make a surprise win? Voting ends at 7 pm CST Saturday. Happy voting.
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Thursday, May 30, 2013
Supernatural - Favorite Season 8 Episode - Round 3 - Polls
Round two has left us with 4 remaining episodes - Sacrifice, which got a whopping 90% of its vote, Goodbye Stranger (84%), LARP and the Real Girl (75%), and A Little Slice of Kevin (67%). Exiting the contest are Everybody Hates Hitler, Trial and Error, Taxi Driver, and Pac-Man Fever, which had the most votes of the episodes leaving. Once this contest is over and we crown Sacrifice (probably) the winner, we will continue our writer polls. We have already done the most prolific writers: Sera Gamble, Ben Edlund, Eric Kripke, and Dabb & Loflin. Therefore we will probably start with the least prolific writers and work our way up. If we still need time before the big quotes contest can start, I will be doing some specialty quotes articles. Just a reminder that all contests will cease during the Best Show contest, although I am not sure when it will take place this summer. After we finish our quotes contest, we will be looking at doing a complete ranking of all 173 episodes. As I unveil my ranking, I would love if you would have your rankings done too. It's not as easy as it sounds, especially with the middle episodes and yes, mine changes with my mood as well so don't worry about it if yours does too. I expect there will be a lot of discussion in this article set since no one's list will be the same. Not even close.
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Supernatural - Favorite Season 8 Episode - Round 2 - Poll
Our Supernatural season 8 episode contest is well under way as Everybody Hates Hitler (82% of the vote), Sacrifice (87%), Trial and Error (66%), Goodbye Stranger (41%), LARP and the Real Girl (51%), Taxi Driver (55%), Pac-Man Fever (50%), and A Little Slice of Kevin (40%) all proceed to round 2. A special shout out goes to As Time Goes By which got more votes than A Little Slice of Kevin, but did not win its poll. Surprisingly for me, there are still 3 episodes I like in this contest so I am already doing better than I thought I would. Easy voting for me today. I hope it is for you too. Happy voting!
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Sunday, May 26, 2013
Supernatural - 1.01 - The Pilot - Classic Podcast
Hey there all you wayward sons and daughters, you know Dahne and I just couldn’t leave you hanging for the Summer Hellatus 2013. We’re back and we’re going to be discussing classic Supernatural. That’s right seasons 1-3, with seasons 4-5 to come next summer. Come on in and have a listen as we wax nostalgically about how we fell in love with Supernatural. This episode is jam packed and brimming with positivity, love and of course some nitpicks and what the heck moments that the podcast has become known for. Lilith has a reverence for the pilot that stymied her ability to really be negative which is OK because you’ve heard enough during season 8 but never fear Dahne strikes a good balance as a veteran fan between likes and dislikes. As always, this podcast is merely the views and opinions of Lilith Hellfire and/or Dahne and do not reflect the views and opinions of Spoiler TV or the Supernatural Fandom as a whole. Enjoy!
OUR EMAIL HAS CHANGED! It is now As of June 1, 2013, the old email will be closed. Please make note of that if you plan to send in listener feedback.
Podcast Break-Down (All times are estimated):
Intro & Small Talk
Contact Info - 2:00
Basics - 4:20
Discussion Points - 6:40
Nitpicks - 10:40
WTH - 15:45
Favorite Things - 20:35
Least Favorites - 40:20
Grade and Review - 54:45
Listener Feedback - 58:15
Wrap Up - 59:45
Podcast Links:
Voice mail - 502-233-1351
Lilith Links:
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Supernatural - Favorite Season 8 Episode - Round 1 - Poll
Welcome! The SpoilerTV Annual Supernatural Summer Hiatus Breaker starts now. As always, we start with the hunt to crown the best season episode. Things will be a bit different this year because SpoilerTV is undergoing a slight philosophical/focus change to incorporate more spoilers, videos, and articles and to reduce the number of polls on the site. Therefore instead of having daily polls, we are going to have new material 3-4 times a week throughout the hiatus. Sometimes these will be articles, but mostly they will still be polls. Polls will still only be open until 7 pm the following day, CST time, though. No extra day to vote. The general thought is to do miscellaneous polls and articles until all nominations for the huge quotes contest we are doing this summer are done. Then we will go directly into that contest, taking a break as always during the Best Show contest Adam runs.
The biggest difference you should see, besides of course there not being a poll every day, is that each post will be longer. So don't forget to scroll to get all components in. Also in lieu of doing nominating polls for this contest, I took the episode rankings based off the index SpoilerTV posts from the "What Did You Think of..." polls. Since 23 is an odd number, one poll only has 2 episodes instead of 3. Brackets were made using a modified version of the NCAA basketball tournament. Articles/polls will come first with quote nominations directly after them. In order to get the quote nominations sorted and ranked, I will be closing them a week after they are posted so don't forget to make your nominations early. We will also be doing multiple episodes per post so that we can get the quotes contest running mid-June hopefully. Thank you in advance for your participation and cooperation in making this hiatus fabulous. It is my last hurrah in the Supernatural fandom and I am looking forward to many great discussions with you as you count down the days until season 9. Until next time, comments are the perfect brother moments of the internet. Happy voting!
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Friday, May 24, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Supernatural - 8.23 - Sacrifice - Quotes
And season 8 is done. That just leaves our summer hiatus fun - contests, polls, articles, etc. I am not sure how our SpoilerTV Supernatural hiatus is going to start. We will either begin with our typical mini contest to crown the best season 8 episode or we will jump right into the writer polls again. I am just waiting to hear from Andy. Attached to each poll will be nominations for our quotes contest. We need to finish season 6 and do all of season 7 still. Today finishes season 8. All season 8 nominations that have not already closed, except for the last two, will close early this week to give me time to collate all the quotes. Clip Show and Sacrifice will close next week to give people plenty of time to nominate. I will not be doing daily polls until next week as I will be in meetings this week, but I will try to have at least one thing up by Thursday at the latest. Until then, happy nominating.
Funny/Snarky quotes:

motivate me…Magic cards, Skyrim, Aziz Ansari…" Dean: "What? Yeah I don't know what those words mean."
5. Crowley: "Hmmm, you're miles out of your league Moose. See you in an hour."
4. Dean: "Metatron, the guy who was full on crazy, cat lady hoarder angel yesterday…now he wants to save heaven."
3. Crowley: "I deserve to be loved. I just want to be loved." Sam: "What?" Crowley: "What?"
2. Crowley: "You really think injecting me with human blood's going to make me human? Did you read that on the back of a cereal box?"
1. Dean: "You hid the demon tablet underneath the devil? Seriously?" Kevin: "What? I was delirious."
Story-moving quotes:
10. Crowley: "Eh, eh, eh. Nice try Squirrel. Moose is doing these trials. Moose signs."
9. Crowley: "You know what that boy's trying to do right? He's trying to shut the gates of hell." Abaddon: "Right now you and I are going to talk about a regime change."
8. Naomi: "Metatron isn't trying to fix anything. He's trying to break it. An act of revenge for driving him away." Dean: "Break it how?" Cas: "Dean." Naomi: "Expel all angels from heaven just as God cast out Lucifer." Dean: "Cast you out? To where? Hell?" Naomi: "Here. Thousands of us walking the earth."
7. Crowley: "That'll do. Undo these. I'll kill him myself." Abaddon: "That was an order, was it?" Crowley: "I am your king." Abaddon: "About that."
6. Cupid: "Hello brother." Cas: "About that…" (Cas pulls out the angel blade.) Dean: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. Talk first. Stab later."
5. Sam: "What is happening?" Dean: "Angels. They're falling."
4. Crowley: "What's he mouthing on about?" Sam: "You're the third trial Crowley."
3. Sam: "I got this. And if you guys can lock the angels up too…that's a good day."
2. Abaddon: "You know what I find the most shocking about time travelling through a closet and landing in the year 2013? Somebody thought it was a good idea to make you the King of Hell."
1. Crowley: "I want the demon tablet. The whole demon tablet." Dean: "Fine, but then the angel tablet comes to us." Crowley: "On what grounds?" Dean: "On the grounds that you're a douchebag and no douchebag should have that much power. Deal or not."
Emotional quotes:

11. Dean: "Look I…I'm down with sending the angels back to heaven just 'cause they're d**, but the demons…this is on us."
10. Dean: "Sam? I've got you little brother. You're going to be just fine. Sam? Sam. Sam."
9. Naomi: "As for you Castiel, I beg of you. Stop this path. Metatron has been neutralized. If you want back in truly, I will listen."
8. Dean: "No, no. He's not signing anything until I read the fine print." Sam: "I can read it." Dean: "Hey you wanted me here. I'm here but I'll be damned if I'm going to let him screw us even more." Crowley: "What's this? Trouble in paradise boys?"
7. Dean: "Metatron lied. You finish this trial…you're dead Sam." Sam: "So?"
6. Dean: "I can do this all day 'cause you know what? Damn it feels good!"
5. Naomi: "Our mission was to protect what God created. I don't know when we forgot that. I want nothing more than to see you shut the gates of hell but I told you that you could trust me. If Sam completes those trials, he is going to die."
4. Crowley: "Would it be possible Moose…I'd like…to ask you a…a favor Sam. Earlier when you were confessing back there, what did you say? I only ask because given my history, it raises the question where do I start to even look for forgiveness."
3. Kevin: "I don't have any friends."
2. Sam: "That's exactly what you meant. You want to know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was…was how many times I'd let you down. I can't do that again."
1. Dean: "Just hold on. Hold on. You seriously think that because none of it…none of it is true. Listen man, I know we've had our disagreements. Okay hell I know I've said some junk that's set you back on your heels. But Sammy, come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this b** and all the SoB's that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything past or present that I would put in front of you. It has never been like that…ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you."
Quote Awards:
The "Way to Sum Up the Entire Season" Award:
Crowley: "Is this a joke?"
Kevin: "Is this a joke?"
Dean: "What show you've been watching?"
The "It's Not Secret If You Keep Letting People In" Award:
Dean: "Alright listen, this is a secret lair you understand me. No keggers."
The "Shut Up, Dean, Shut the Heck Up" Award:
Dean: "Well I mean I can give you suggestions if you want." Sam: "Oh, okay…yeah. Sure." Dean: "Alright well I'm spit balling here but if I were you uh….Ruby? Killing Lilith. Letting Lucifer out. Losing your soul. Not looking for me when I went to Purgatory."
Dean: "Look Cas that's all well and good okay but you're asking me to leave Sam and we've got Crowley in there tied and tressed. Now if anybody needs a chaperone while doing the heavy lifting it's Sam."
The "Oops, You Jinxed It" Award:
Sam: "Honestly, for the first time in a long time it feels like we're going to win. I'm good."
The "You Can Steal My Throne, but You Can't Steal My Trademark" Award:
Abaddon: "Hello boys." Crowley: "That's my line."
The "Someone Wants a Side Project with HBO" Award:
Crowley: "Band of Brothers...The Pacific. None of this means anything to you. All those motels, you never once watched HBO. Not once. Girls. You're my Marnie, Moose….and…and Hannah, she just…she needs to be loved."
The "Actually He Already has a Wife…Remember Her?" Award:
Metatron: "Find a wife, make babies, and when you die and your soul comes to heaven, find me and tell me your story."
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Grimm - Bree Turner Interview
Bree Turner, who plays Rosalee on Grimm, is very thankful for the role and for the "committed, supportive, and protective" fans that have blown her away like nothing else in her career. Calling it a "lightning in a bottle" experience, she shared a few spoilers, her favorite things, what she would like to see in season 3, and in her own words, what it is like to "be on a show I sincerely love with people I sincerely care about."
Spoiler Warning: If you have read previous spoilers, you already know that the season finale of Grimm ends on a cliffhanger with a main character no longer 100% alive. While Turner could not reveal the person, she did reiterate in previous interviews that the zombies were targeting Nick. She added that it was "very scary" to be the person who was no longer living and she doesn't know exactly how the writers are going to resolve the cliffhanger. She also stated that fans of the Rosalee and Monroe relationship would be very happy with the payoff in the finale, which she called, "well worth the wait." Previously, Silas Weir Mitchell, who plays Monroe, hinted that the two would finally have sex. However in a somewhat new spoiler, Turner said that Rosalee "becomes more of an authority in the issue at hand." Instead of bumbling through with a lack of confidence like in her character's beginning, Rosalee is now "one of the most powerful apothecaries" in the Wesen world, which gets her in trouble in the finale. There are a lot of people counting on her and she feels pressured to find answers. Rosalee is also more physically involved in the finale, which was a lot of fun for Turner. Rosalee knows a little bit about everything which boosts her confidence and gives her more of a sure standing in the group. (End of spoilers)
In fact, Rosalee's steady growth into a confident, powerful, and talented part of the Grimm Scooby gang is what most surprised and delighted Turner. She feels Rosalee started as the most talented Wesen in her family with the biggest gift but she also felt the most lost and insecure. "Her talent scared her." By joining forces with Nick and Monroe, she has grown into an authority on healing. She also has enjoyed the layers of Rosalee fans have slowly been seeing, especially that her father and brother were leaders on the Wesen Council. She likens it to being Colin Powell's daughter. She is "a major authority in the Wesen world" even if she doesn't take advantage of it. Turner hopes the writers explore the Council and Rosalee's connection to it more in season 3 but she hasn't gotten season 3 plot information yet.
Another aspect Turner enjoys is the relationship between Rosalee and Monroe. She feels it embraces Rosalee's lightness and compassion. When Rosalee first arrived in Portland, she was recovering from addiction and closed off to everyone. She was in a dark place. Turner played the character as damaged and purposely made her standoffish to Nick and Monroe as Rosalee slowly warmed up to the foreign concept of working with a Grimm and getting back into the Wesen world she forsook. Season 2 was more about becoming an established member of the group and allowing herself to be vulnerable again. The relationship with Monroe has allowed her to put her skeletons and demons in the past and be a lighter character. One such lighter fare were the 3 short webisodes NBC released over the winter hiatus starring Rosalee and Monroe. Turner really enjoyed making these frothy shorts but has not been approached about doing any for the summer hiatus. (Fans should start bombarding NBC with petitions for more webisodes now or else it will be a long hiatus this summer.)

Turner is also delighted that Juliette now knows about the Wesen and seems to be embracing Nick's role. She says it was "a breath of fresh air for everyone" when Juliette got her memory back. Turner feels Rosalee will be instrumental in Juliette's new world because she has felt responsible for Juliette's unraveling ever since she gave her the potion, spending time to get everyone on board with helping Juliette cope with the aftermath and learning about the Wesen world. Turner loved Juliette's reaction to seeing them woge the first time and thinks it will be a great friendship to explore. Personally she is also excited to have another female in the group to help balance it.
Originally, Turner had no plans to become an actress. She moved to LA when she was 18 to attend UCLA and started as a pro dancer in movies such as Austin Powers. Through that, she "fell in love with the whole process" of movie and TV production. She credits her previous struggles in the industry for making this point of her life so sweet. When she got the role, she didn't know anything about Grimm and since she had to be on set within 48 hours, she played the role mostly on instinct. The creators and writers knew who Rosalee was in-depth right from the start, which it made things easier. Although she initially thought Rosalee would have more of an attitude on the show, she says that focusing of the lightness of the character was the right choice. One unexpected twist was when Turner got pregnant with her second child. This season has been a "really wild year" both professionally and personally for her. She states that it "is so funny to think that he was in my belly during all those crazy episodes." Her son is definitely a part of the show to her.
When Turner first got the job, she had little experience in the sci-fi genre except for doing a small horror movie. She says sci-fi is different because you "really have to commit to the world you're imagining." Since there is so much CGI on Grimm, what fans see on screen is rarely what the actors see. Her hardest time is having serious scenes when people are wearing little white dots all over their faces. Her favorite Wesen so far was the Mauvais Dentes (saber-toothed tiger Weesen) of the season 2 premiere. She thought that the special effects, make up and CGI for this Wesen was one of the best in the show. As a child she was fond of Clash of the Titans and she still prefers the "animatronic quality of the original" to the recent movie. However, she wasn't really into the sci fi scene. Now since being on Grimm, she is more excited about sci fi than she's ever been. She understands the obsession people have with it and considers herself a "card carrying member" of the sci fi fandom. She specifically mentioned Warehouse 13 and Doctor Who for getting sci fi on her radar again.
Don't forget to tune into the Grimm season 2 finale on Thursday at 10/9 C on NBC. Turner describes it as "feature film quality" in effects and the story. She states that every storyline gets "blown up, exposed, and challenged." So much so that she doesn't know what else they could have put in. Plus she gets to fight zombies now that she's not pregnant and who doesn't want to see Rosalee kick some zombie butt. It sounds like the season finale is a not-to-be-missed episode. Tune in Tuesday at 10/9 C on NBC and don't forget to stop by SpoilerTV afterwards to share your thoughts.
You can find Bree Turner on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. You can find information about Grimm on the official website, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter.
Screencaps and pictures provided from Zap to It, GrimmNBC, NBC, Oregon Live, Side Reel, Collider, and Monsters and Critics.
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Friday, May 17, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Grimm - Bree Turner "Rosalee" Interview - Need Questions

Hey Grimsters, I will be participating in a conference call with Bree Turner, who plays Rosalee, tomorrow. Please comment below or tweet me @Dahne1 your burning questions and I will try to get you answers. Expect a post about the interview up tomorrow night and a transcript of the event when NBC sends it out. Can't wait to hear your questions.
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Monday, May 13, 2013
Supernatural - 8.22 - Clip Show - Podcast
Hey there all you wayward sons and daughters. Welcome back to another edition of the Team Winchester Podcast. Up for discussion today is episode 8.22: Clip Show. Due to Lilith forgetting to write the script this week, the podcast is a stripped down format. The gals found some things to like and some things to nitpick. Caution: Strong, brutally honest opinions ahead.
Disclaimer - As always the opinions on this podcast are merely Lilith and/or Dahne's opinions. They do not reflect the fandom as a whole or SpoilerTV.
Podcast Break-Down (All times are estimated):
Intro and Basics -
Favorite Things - 5:20
Least Favorites - 21:00
Discussion Points - 36:00
Contact Info - 54:25
Shameless Plugs - 55:55
Outro - 57:00
Podcast Links:
Voice mail - 502-233-1351
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Sunday, May 12, 2013
Supernatural - 8.22 - Clip Show - Quotes
Ah, it was so good to see clips of the previous seasons. Provenance is still one of my favorite standalone episodes and "Hearts in my cupcakes," will never stop be funny. It was good to be reminded of the Supernatural I knew and loved. If only it could have been a true clip show and not ventured into stupid brother territory again. Thanks so much Dabb! Today we start season 6 quote nominations. Season 5 nominations are now closed. I will also be closing the first half of the season 8 nominations in the next couple of days in order to start processing those nominations too. I will have a better idea of the contest timetable once I see how many quotes are going to be in the competition. I am hoping for 64 but it might be 128 like the ultimate episode contest last summer. It will depend on where the natural breaks in nominations lie. Regardless, we will go back to daily quote nominations for seasons 6 and 7 by a week after season 8 concludes.
Funny/Snarky quotes:
8. Sam: "So you really think this will work?" Dean: "Dude we've got needles, we've got thread, we've seen Young Frankenstein about a thousand times…yeah, we're golden."
7. Dean: "How do you even know…" Crowley: "I have my sources. A cracking research team…"
6. Cas: "You don't understand. I need pie."
5. Metatron: "Put the virgin down Castiel. We need to talk."
4. Dean: "Oh yeah, 'cause that was the most freaky thing - was the vocabulary. What about the uh…the bloody high 5 or the…the chest burst…"
3. Sarah: "I do miss the old haircut though."
2. Dean: "Well that was weird…with 3 exclamation points."
1. Dean: "Son of a b**." Crowley: "Son of a witch actually. My mommy taught me a few tricks."
Story-moving quotes:

11. Dean: "Not even close. You see the uh…the Men of Letters kept files on every demonic possession for the last 300 years. I mean we've got uh…Borden, Lizzie all the way to Crane, Ichabod."
10. Cas: "So you know the trials to close heaven." Metatron: "I wrote them down. It's not something you forget."
9. Crowley: "You want to keep those people alive. I want complete and utter surrender. The tablet, the trials…you'll give them up or we'll keep doing this dance. Your choice, my darlings."
8. Sam: "Dean everything in those folders - the possessions, the deals…all of it, we've seen them before but that…that was all new. Yeah it's worth the drive."
7. Dean: "Alright, let's roll. Not you." Cas: "Sam is more damaged than I am." Dean: "Yeah well you know, even banged up Sammy comes through." Cas: "Dean I just want to help." Dean: "We don't need your help. Just stay here and…and get better."
6. Crowley: "I'm gonna gut one person every 12 hours until you bring me the demon tablet and stop this whole trials nonsense." Sam: "We don't have the tablet. Kevin took it and…" Crowley: "I took Kevin. Then someone took him back. Word from the cloud is it wasn't heaven so either the cutest little prophet in the world is with you two lugs or you better find him tout bloody suite because time, she is a wasting."
5. Sam: "Look I know this is…insane but insane is kind of what we do. We'll keep you safe." Sarah: "Okay." Dean: "Okay? That's it?" Sarah: "You've done it before."
4. Sam: "Is that a devil's trap?" Dean: "It takes up half the room. These chains…there's spell work etched into them." Sam: "So we have a dungeon." Dean: "Finally."
3. Crowley: "They're your life's work and I'm going to rip it apart. Piece by piece. Because I can. Because you can't stop me. Because when they're all gone, what will you have left?"
2. Sam: "What are you doing Crowley?" Crowley: "Oh Moosey, isn't it obvious. I'm killing everyone you've ever saved. The damsels in distress. The innocent whippersnappers. The would be vampire chow. All of them."
1. Metatron: "Exactly, which is why we've got to shut down heaven."
Emotional quotes:

5. Cas: "Dean, I'm sorry." Dean: "For what?" Cas: "For everything." Dean: "Everything? Like uh…like ignoring us." Cas: "Yes." Dean: "Or like bolting off with the angel tablet, then losing it because you didn't trust me. You didn't trust me." Cas: "Yes." Dean: "Yeah, nah that's not going to cut it. Not this time. So you can take your little apology and you can cram it up your a**." Cas: "Dean I thought I was doing the right thing." Dean: "Yeah, you always do."
4. Crowley: "Well I think the people you save, they're how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcoholism, the collateral damage, the pain you've caused. The one thing that allows you to sleep at night, the one thing is knowing that these folks are out there, still out there. Happy and healthy because of you, you great big bloody heroes."
3. Dean: "Well short story is uh…Sammy there's going to take whatever shredded your friend and every other black eyed b** out there and he's going to get rid of them…for good." Priest: "He is? In his condition?" Dean: "Father over the past couple of months I've seen him do cr** that I didn't even think was possible. I mean sure he's miserable and he's hurting, but you know what? There's not a doubt in my mind that he's going to cross that finish line. Not one. So will you help us?"
2. Dean: "Dude if anybody else…I mean anybody, pulled that kind of cr**, I would stab them in their neck on principle. Why should I give him a free pass?"
1. Sam: "You heard Crowley. He's not going to let one near us and without a demon all we can do is sit back and watch people we know…people we saved, die. Like Sarah." Dean: "So what're you saying?" Sam: "I'm saying…maybe this isn't one we can win. Maybe we should just take the deal." Dean: "We'll figure this out. We will and we'll get it done. We'll kick it in the a** like we always do. Are you with me?"
Quote Awards:
The "Now That's a Catchphrase" Award: Sorry Charlie, but yours plain sucks. These are much better.
Abaddon: "Morning sunshines."
Crowley: "Hello boys."
The "Would Have Been Nice if Jeremy Carver Would Have Remembered This Earlier" Award:
Crowley: "About now you're thinking of ways to stop me. You won't be able to but you'll try because that's what you do. You…you try."
The "Go Ahead and Rub It In; We Know Dean has No Place in This Mytharc" Award:
Dean: "Well I'll go get you some grub. Keep your strength up."
Sam: "Half drunk beer, um jerky and um 3 peanut butter cups?" Dean: "Yeah well we're…we're running a little low…..I'll make a run."
The "Wow, You Sound Just Like Season 6 Crowley and We All Know How that Ended" Award:
Metatron: "Now the angels…heaven…need someone to come to their rescue. They need us."
Metatron: "Just picture it. We ride to the rescue. Save the day. Make a great story."
Metatron: "Heaven needs your help Castiel."

The "Season 8, You are Too Unworthy to Utter These Lines" Award:
Crowley: "What's the line? Saving people, hunting things - the family business."
Dean: "We'll kick it in the a** like we always do."
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Saturday, May 11, 2013
Poll: Favorite Scene from Arrow - 1.22 - Darkness on the Edge of Town
Sorry this is a day late. Late nights at work and family commitments got in the way. This time I scaled back on the scene choices so if there is a scene you liked best that isn't listed, please check the other box and describe it in the comments.
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Thursday, May 9, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Supernatural - 8.21 - The Great Escapist - Quotes
Changing the format around a little for this one, mostly because I don't want to watch the episode again and I have less time because of work right now. I've put story moving and emotional quotes together and put in my least favorite lines as a category instead of Quote Awards. Feel free to give your opinion about this new format below. I can go back to the original format for my last two episodes if people prefer it. Just let me know. Also attached are the last nomination forms for season 5. All of season 5 nominations close shortly. We will proceed to season 6 next time and finish nominations during the hiatus. The nominations will most likely be attached to the first set of polls we do similar to how we did it last summer when nominations began. Once all nominations have been tallied, we may have a run-off for the last quotes to make it into the contest but it should begin sometime in June.
Funny/Snarky quotes:

7. Crowley: "How'd you figure it out?" Kevin: "Ah it started when they forgot the secret knock. Really it…it was the way they acted. I don't think on their best day Sam and Dean would go into own and get me a BBQ dinner. Not…not when there are leftover burritos in the fridge." Crowley: "So…my demons were too polite." Kevin: "Yeah."
6. Dean: "Come on man, it's me. Now it's wet me." Kevin; "You forgot the secret knock. What's the point of a secret knock if you don't use it."
5. Crowley: "Those guys aren't half bad." Brown Noser Demon (BND): "No sir. You chose well." Crowley: "Of course if I wasn't running everything, I could have played Dean myself."
4. Server: "I swear to God Lance, the guy just disappeared." Lance: "You on that crack again Perry?"
3. Dean: "They taught word of God at Stanford?"
2. Crowley: "This is the king."
1. Crowley: "I was born to direct."
Story-Moving/Emotional quotes:

7. Dean: "We thought we lost you kiddo." Kevin: "I'm good. Second half of the tablet and I got it. 3rd trial. I didn't tell Crowley."
6. Crowley: "You, Fake Sam. If you're going to tip our hand, I'll have to scrub Kevin's short term memory again and that's risky so watch the patois in there." FakeSam: "Patois?" Crowley: "Your slang. "Special K, nose to the Godstone." That's the way Dean speaks. Sam is…more basic, more sincere. Remember I want 2 distinct, authentic characterizations." Fake Sam: "Yes sir."
5. Crowley: "Hi C as. That's right Cas. I've got me an angel on the payroll. It's that kind of universe these days."
4. Crowley: "You think I can't make you tell?" Kevin: "I know you can't. And you do too." Crowley: "You know what? I've already won. I have the angel tablet, you little smudge and I've got deals and plans up the jacksie. I don't need you."
3. Kevin: "There's only one reason I wouldn't. Which means if you're watching this then I…then I'm…I'm dead. I'm dead you b***. So screw you, screw God, and everybody in between."
2. Kevin: "You know the Winchesters are up to the third trial. That they're going to shut the door on hell." Crowley: "I'm not worried kid." Kevin: "You have no idea what's on this demon tablet. Think of the power you could have gotten with this if you weren't running around like a chicken with its head cut off."
1. Crowley: "You like it? I had my R & D people melt down one of your angel blades. Cast it into bullets. Seems to do the trick." Naomi: "How dare you?" Crowley: "I'm the daringest devil you ever met luv."
Least Favorite Quotes:
10. Every part of the brothers debating over taking care of Sam.
9. Metatron: "I'm the scribe of God. I erased it." - Why not throw paint on it like earlier? Argh!
8. Cas: "How…how many times have you torn into my head and washed it clean." Naomi: "Frankly, too damn many. You're the famous spanner in the works. Honestly I think you came off the line with a crack in your chassis. You have never done what you were told, not completely. You don't even die right do you?" - There goes canon.
7. Naomi: "I'm just going to have to pull you apart aren't I?" - Did Amanda tick off Ben? Terrible lines!
6. Sam: "We're heading somewhere….the end." - Yeah right Sam. You've got at least 2 more seasons.
5. Cas: "In the words of a good friend, bite me." Naomi: "Oh we'll bite. Don't worry."
4. Cas: "We were supposed to be their shepherds, not their murderers." Naomi: "Not always Angel."
3. Everything about farting mules - 10 year old humor
2. Dean: "We should have moved him here." -Duh.
1. Miscellaneous - "Well if you talk to Garth…." "Garth still MIA?" "Garth says there's a good little place on the other side of town." - Garth mentions, need I say more
Screencaps by Home of the Nutty
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Friday, May 3, 2013
Poll: Favorite Scene from Arrow - 1.21 - The Undertaking
Let's face it. This Arrow episode was filled with memorable scenes. Since I have no idea what people will vote for and I'm too lazy to narrow choices down today, I'm breaking my rule of not having too many choices. So…here is almost everything that happened in The Undertaking. You still only get one vote though; happy voting!
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Thursday, May 2, 2013
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