A weekly feature highlighting the best quotes on TV as picked by the SpoilerTV team. We'd love to hear your picks too so please sound off in the comments below.
The Bold Type -
1. Sutton: “I'm not a fancy champagne. I'm a craft beer from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and I'm never gonna be a fancy lawyer with an Ivy League degree. But I love Richard and Richard chose me. Richard chose beer.” (Folie-lex)
2. Claire: “I'm going to throw you two the best wedding that you can imagine, and if it means Hogwash Beer, so be it. Welcome to the family, Sutton.” Sutton: “Thank you. It's Hogsmith, though. In case you hashtag it.” Claire: “I'm not going to hashtag it, sweetie.” Sutton: “Okay.” (Folie-lex)
3. Alex: “I have a confession to make. I find you intimidating. You're amazing. I mean you're smart, insanely successful... As much as I want to be the kind of guy who isn't insecure about all that, I don't know if I am.” Alicia: “I get it. You're not ready for me.” Alex: “I wish I was.” Alicia: “So do I.” (Folie-lex)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine -
1. Terry: “Okay... I normally don't encourage such childish competitions, but this might help things go faster. My only question is: Holt are you sure your old a** eyes are up to the challenge?” Holt: “I know you're just trying to motivate me, but these old a** eyes will be reading your tombstone... son!” (Folie-lex)
2. Jake: “The point is we all think Mr.Bean is sexy as hell and wish we looked exactly like him.” Debbie: “You're a lot closer than you think.” (Folie-lex)
God Friended Me -
1. Rakesh: “Hey, you don’t think we made a mistake, reaching out like this, do you?” Miles: “What are you talking about?” Rakesh: “Look around. I mean, government suits, high tech security. The guy could be CIA for all we know. What if we just blackmailed Jason Bourne.” Miles: “We? This was your idea.” Rakesh: “I kind of signed the private message, The Real Miles Finer, so in this together, bro.”
Lincoln Rhyme -
1. Danielle: “You made the one mistake you could never afford to make. You let me find those photos.” Peter: “I didn’t let you find anything.” Danielle: “Any psychologist would say that that was a sublimated desire to be caught, so that I would stop you.” Peter: “It was a fluke, but it's done and now I’m gonna fix it.” Danielle: “And if you could, you would have done it already but you can’t ‘cause you know that if you kill me, it will torture you. You’ll spiral. Whatever you are, what we had was real. You love me.”
2. Peter: “You do soothe me. You always have.” Danielle: “Whatever happens, I hope you don’t lose the good parts. I’d be scared to think what would happen if the Bone Collector is all you become.” Peter: “You shouldn’t have found the photographs.”
3. Sellitto: “I get it, but you weren’t brought onto this team to be as reckless and impulsive as Lincoln. You don’t help anyone if you get hurt.” Amelia: “That’s not fair.” Sellitto: “Me losing a second partner that wouldn’t be fair. Okay, so congratulations on saving the evidence. Maybe next time, take a minute and think before risking everything.”
4. Peter: “I am the man you know, but...there are parts that...that I’ve hidden. It’s just something I do. It soothes me.” Danielle: “But you’re not soothed. You’re agitated. I can see it. You’re...you’re gonna kill me, aren’t you?”
Prodigal Son -
1. Malcolm: “Wouldn’t we all like that? Someone who’s always there, sitting on the couch with us. Without the weirdness.” JT: “And the homicide.” Malcolm: “That goes without saying.” JT: “Just checking.”
2. JT and Gil together: “Don’t say it.” Malcolm: “We may be looking for a necrophiliac. Necrophilia doesn’t have to be sexual. There are actually 10 types as per the last classification, and at its core, the impulse is understandable.” Gil: “Uh Bright, how worried should we be about you?” JT: “You know, more than the usual amount.”
3. Dani to Malcolm: “Only you would find it therapeutic, talking to a killer.”
The Rookie -
1. Nolan: “Which makes Caleb's timeline from abduction to death approximately 24 hours.” Jackson: “So we have less than 10 hours to find Lucy.” Armstrong: “Unless we're wrong, and she's dead already.” Harper: “No. Look, I know I haven't known Lucy as long as the rest of you, but I do know that she is a fighter. She is going to do everything she can to stay alive until we save her.” (Folie-lex)
2. Caleb: “You weren't conscious for your birth, but you will feel every second of your death.” Lucy: “That's some greeting card level villainy.” (Folie-lex)
3. Lucy: “What are you reading, Teen Rebel?” Tim: “They actually have some really insightful political articles.” Lucy: “Mmhm...oh! Which BTS member is your soulmate? It's gotta be Suga right.” Tim: “Totally!... What's a BTS?” (Folie-lex)