Monday, November 25, 2019

Quote of the Week - Week of November 17

A weekly feature highlighting the best quotes on TV as picked by the SpoilerTV team. We'd love to hear your picks too so please sound off in the comments below.

Arrow -
1. Oliver: "I'm your father, all right? It is my primary job in the world to protect you." Mia: "We don't need that. In the future, we're the ones that are saving the city." Oliver: "Well, this isn't the future! This is months after I was heartbroken right before I left... that I couldn't get you on the phone at your grandparents'. So I walked into your room to look at you one last time, and you looked back at me from your crib." Mia: "And because you made the choice to protect us, I had to spend my whole life alone. I didn't have a chance to get to know my brother, get to know you." Oliver: "I'm sorry that it worked out that way. And both of you can decide on your own how much... How much you want to hate me and how much blame you want to assign. But I made a promise to your mother to keep you safe. And there... there is no world, there is no universe, there's no past, present, or future where I break it." (Justyna)
2. Mia: "Every time I try and live up to my dad or to prove that I can do what it is you all do, I... I fail." Laurel: "Do you think your father is any better? If you're trying to live up to us, don't. We are just as flawed as anyone, especially me. All you can do is live up to yourself." (Justyna)

Bob Hearts Abishola -
1. Kofo: “Mr. Wheeler, Goodwin and I are spicy tuna on crispy rice. Don’t treat us like supermarket muffins.”
2. Dottie: “You love this, don’t you?” Abishola: “Love what?” Dottie: “Being mean to me.” Abishola: “It’s not mean to want you to get well, but yes, I enjoy it.”
3. Abishola: “Finish your food and I’ll be right back.” Dottie: “When I die, I’m gonna haunt you.” Abishola: “You are haunting me now.”

God Friended Me -
1. Miles: “Gideon, I know you made peace with the God Account but Audrey needs your help.” Gideon: “I haven’t made my peace. I thought I did but...uh, six months ago, I was watching the news, and I saw one of my friend suggestions. She’s a police officer and she had just saved someone’s life. When I first met her, she was thinking about leaving her job.
I helped her reconsider. It just reminded me that I used to make a difference.” Cara: “You miss it.” Gideon: “Ever since I’ve seen that report, I’ve felt lost and shut off, disconnected from my family. I don’t know how to move on.” Cara: “Well maybe helping Audrey can let you do that.”
2. Rakesh: “It’s just this whole birthday thing with Jaya. She doesn’t want me there. I keep telling myself it’s no big deal but that’s just a lie so I don’t freak out, you know?” Ali: “Of course, but just so you know this has nothing to do with you and Jaya. This is about you. Rakesh, you’re not built for this. You’re not built to pretend you don’t care when you do.”
3. Audrey: “You’re asking me to trust the God Account? Is that it?” Miles: “No. Audrey, I want you to trust me.”

The Good Place -
1. Michael: "You're sure you want to do this?" Chidi: "I finally make up my mind about one damn thing, and you try to talk me out of it? I'm sure. Can I ask you a question? Soulmates aren't real, are they?" Michael: "Chidi, in all honesty, I don't know, but I don't think so. I knew what you expected to find when you got here: answers. Also, if I recall from your file, a magic blackboard?" Chidi: "One that anticipates your lesson flow. That's the dream." Michael: "But mostly you wanted answers. The soulmate one, in particular. So, I used it to torture you, which, again, sorry. If soulmates do exist, they're not found. They're made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship, like your parents. They didn't magically stay together because you proved they should." Chidi: "It wasn't my logic or my representation. It was the feeling they got watching me... this scared little kid telling them that he needed them." Michael: "It was also what you made them remember. You know, they loved each other. Sometimes people forget. You reminded them of what they already had. It convinced them to go to counseling." Chidi: "I never knew they went to counseling." Michael: "Yeah, kids are idiots. If they knew half the stuff their folks were up to, they'd lose their minds." Chidi: "Turns out life isn't a puzzle that can just be solved one time and... and it's done. You wake up every day and you solve it again." Michael: "Terribly inefficient." Chidi: "Wow, what a time to learn." (Justyna)
2. Chidi (in writing): "There is no ‘answer’. But Eleanor is the answer." (Justyna)

The Mandalorian -
1. The Mandalorian: "I gotta get one of those." (Justyna)
2. The Mandalorians: "This is the Way." (Justyna)

A Million Little Things -
1. Gary: "What about this family? My family. Because what you're doing is ripping us apart. Ever since Jon died, I am trying. I'm trying to keep us together. Man, I took you in. I agreed to be the guardian of your kid. And, D... I held you in that driveway. I told you he was gone. And I promised that I would be there and that we would still be a family. I have stood by you through everything, even when I didn't agree with you, because you are like a sister to me. I've spent so much time helping people through cancer and depression and divorce that... here's an interesting little fact. I lost my job! But I would do it all over again if it meant keeping us together. Because I can get another job. But I cannot get... another family!" (Justyna)
2. PJ: "These last few weeks, just spending time with you and Sophie and Delilah, I... I felt like I finally had a family. I don't... I don't have that anymore." Rome: "Okay, look, PJ, what does it mean to be family? Huh? You helped me bury my mom. You stood right next to me and Eddie and Gary and my brother because you are my family. Family's not just the people who had you. Family's the people who... who raise you, the people who love you. You don't think Mitch loves you?" PJ: "He lied to me my whole life!" Rome: "You heard your mom. This guy wanted to be your dad. He stepped up. And he... he might not show up in all the ways that you want him to. Hell, neither does my dad. But these two men are our fathers! And they are trying to love us the best way they can. And you know what? Sometimes... we can be a little hard to love." PJ: "No, it... it's just, for as far back as I can remember, there's been this... this weight, and I didn't know why. And then I found out a-about Jon and his depression, and I thought I finally figured out the reason. I thought I finally figured out why I feel this way. But I was wrong, and I don't, and I... God, no matter what I do, it's just... It's never gonna go away." Rome: "PJ, don't!" PJ: "What are you doing?!" Rome: "Same thing you're doing. A year ago, I was right where you are. Wasn't a rooftop. It was a mouthful of pills. Just like that script you read. Yes, man, there are some dark days! But there's also tomorrow. And I'm here for you! We are all here for you. I will not lose you. I will not lose you. I got you. I got you. I got you." (Justyna)

1. Sam: “Deeks, you know you can’t go 20 days without complaining. It’s impossible.” Deeks: “It doesn’t matter. You know why? Because happiness is gratitude minus complaining. So less complaining, more gratitude, super happy.” Sam: “Yeah, I’ll buy that.”
2. Deeks: “Well, that’s interesting, Sam Hanna, because complaining, my friend, is a lot like bad breath. When it’s you, no, you don’t notice. When it’s somebody else, it stinks.”
3. Callen: “I’m very happy, and I’m going to be even more so when I finish this beer.” Kensi: “Seriously.” Callen: “I don’t complain. I’m...uh, I am grateful.” Deeks: “What are you...uh, what are you grateful for?” Callen: “I’m grateful that we took care of business today.” Sam: “Mmm hmm.” Callen: “I am...uh, grateful for...uh, luxurious accommodations upstairs.” Deeks: “Five stars.” Callen: “And I am grateful for my very talented co-workers.” Sam: “Never heard you say that.” Callen: “Well, I don’t have to say it ‘cause I think it.” Kensi: “Well, here is to the thoughts of G. Callen.”

Young Sheldon -
1. Mary: “There are more important things than money.” George: “That's cute. You should knit that on a pillow.” Mary: “Maybe I'll push that pillow over your face.” (Julia)
2. Mary: “I just want to keep my family safe.” Connie: “I know. But at some point, you got to let them go. And then one day, if you're lucky, they'll move across the street from you and absolutely ruin your life." (JUlia)

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she reviews and/or creates polls for Teen Wolf, How to Get Away with Murder, The Librarians, and others. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She's addicted to Twitter, loves live tweeting, and co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Previously she wrote a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."