Monday, March 6, 2017

Quote of the Week - Week of Feb. 26

A weekly feature highlighting the best quotes on TV as picked by the Spoiler TV team. We'd love to hear your picks too so please sound off in the comments below.

Baskets -
1. Cody: "But, Mom, while you're there, do not do any MDMA, okay?" Christine: "MDMA?" Cody: "Yeah." Christine: "It sounds terrible." Cody: "Yeah, it was." (Bradley)

Bates Motel -
1. Sam: “I don't have the patience to get through most movies. I guess I'm more of a doer.” Norman: “What is it you're always doing, Sam?” (Nirat)
2. Mother: “I’m a caretaker for a mentally ill person.” (Nirat)
3. Norman: “Mother, are you smoking?” Mother: “I’m dead. I can do that if I want to.” (Nirat)

Big Little Lies -
1. Madeline: “No. I love my grudges. I tend to them like little pets.” (Nirat)
2. Madeline: “You know what? I'm a lady and I've never said this to anyone in my entire life, but you can go f*** yourself right on the head.” (Nirat)

Black Sails -
1. Jack Rackham: "I watched him defeat Edward Teach, in battle...outnumbered and through sheer force of will, saw his bloodlust with my own eyes. That man will never surrender his position here. He will never allow himself to be defeated by you or I. Not because we bribed him, not because Eleanor Guthrie told him so. He simply will not allow it to happen. I don’t know where that man went or what designs drew him there. But this I know: Woodes Rogers will be returning. And this fight isn’t nearly over." (Milo)

The Expanse -
1. Solomon Epstein: “Mars had been a colony for a long time and it was filled with the best scientists and technologists humanity had to offer. We were ready to govern ourselves and start a new nation of our own, but everything we built or mined or made was still the property of old mother Earth.” (Nirat)

Legion -
1. Oliver: “In times of peace the warlike man attacks himself, this is the root of all our problems, and by this, I mean we, we are the root of all our problems, our confession, our anger, our fear of things we don’t understand. Violence, in other words, is ignorance… figure your sh** out.” (Nirat and Milo)
2. Oliver: “I wouldn't go out there. It's waiting: the monster. It's waiting. You brought it in here, and now it's hunting you.” David: “There is no monster, It's just me. I know that. It's my psychology.” Oliver: “Monster as metaphor: I like it, but wrong. It's part of you, but not like a symptom. More like a parasite.” (Nirat and Milo)
3. Syd: “I was looking for the man I loved or did I just love the idea of him, the face he showed me?” (Nirat and Milo)
4. Oliver: "There's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is, it's not the drug. You're here, in the astral plane. You went too far in the make believe and got lost in your mind, consciousness, and now you're trapped in this, no place. Where every day is the same, where you can imagine yourself a kingdom. but nothing is ever real." David: "And what's the good news?" Oliver: "I'm not alone anymore." (Milo)

The Magicians -
1. Prince Ess: “And to seal the alliance, I, Crown Prince of Loria, offer my hand in marriage to the virgin Queen Margo.” Eliot (laughs): "Um, okay.” Margo: “Did he just call me a virgin?” (Nirat)

Modern Family -
1. Kaplan: "In my culture, they say: Loco en la cabeza." Cam: "Knock it off you're from Canada." (Marko)

Star Wars Rebels -
1. Mon Mothma: "This My Friends, This Is Our Rebellion." (Milo)

Suits -
1. Mike: "You're trying to bribe me." Harvey: "I'm trying to close you." (Laura)
2. Harvey: "Thank you for flying in." Jessica: "I wouldn't miss this for the world." (Laura)
3. Mike: "I'm not getting into the Bar if it means getting you kicked out." Harvey: "Mike, she wants me. She always has." Mike: "No, Harvey. She wants both of us and she's not going to stop until she gets both of us."
Harvey: "You don't know that." Mike: "Yes, I do and if you don't get that, then she's got you right where she wants you." Harvey: "So you're just gonna sit there tomorrow and let her take everything away from you?" Mike: "She's not taking anything away. She's keeping things exactly the way they are." Harvey: "You mean working for that clinic." Mike: "Harvey, I'm lucky to still have a job at that clinic. So tomorrow morning, I'm gonna go in there with my head held high. But what I'm not gonna do is let her strip you of everything that you are." (Laura)

Supergirl -
1. Maggie: "I'm here. You can tell me anything. What happened with your Dad?" (Donna) ~ A teary eyed Alex looked up, uttered a heavy sigh, then a shuddered sob, and then a complete emotional collapse into Maggie's arms with heart rending sobs. Without a single word Alex told Maggie how completely devastated she was by her father's betrayal. Chyler's Leigh's face spoke volumes!

The Vampire Diaries -
1. Damon: "Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to witness the joining of these two epic love birds in official matrimony." (Marko)
2. Stefan: "Caroline, you've been my friend, my conscience, my sounding board. You've seen light in me when all I saw was darkness. You saved me from despair. You've said I would fall madly in love without realizing and I did." (Marko)
3. Caroline: "I remember how you told me when I was ready for you, you will be ready for me. I'm ready now." (Marko)

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and/or creates polls for Teen Wolf, The 100, Grimm, How to Get Away with Murder, The Librarians, and others. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."