It's a new Teen Wolf episode so that means a new Teen Wolf Bingo card. Play along and if you are live tweeting tonight, let me know how you are doing. I probably won't be able to watch live tonight but I'll tweet it when I get back. So excited that Stiles will be back on my screen. This week's new Bingo squares include "Stiles is seen or mentioned" and "Mason sighs deeply or talks to himself". Since I'm always on the hunt for great new Bingo squares, if you have a suggestion either comment below or tweet me @dahne1. Also if you get Bingo let me know and I'll shout you out on the podcast. You can play online, print out a few choices, or create your own. It's twice the fun and half the danger of a drinking game. Or as Merry Merino does it, mark a square and eat a cookie.
Bingo Card Links:
Set of 8
Make Your Own
Official Card: