A weekly feature highlighting the best quotes on TV as picked by the SpoilerTV team. We'd love to hear your picks too so please sound off in the comments below.
The Big Leap - Jessica
1. Mike: "Am I really that predictable?" Wayne: "May we all be lucky enough to find someone who knows us so well." (Jessica and Dahne)
2. Monica: "Sometimes things happen that require us to stop and reflect and feel." Nick: "I know." Monica: "Paula died. And no one is okay, including you. It seems to me that you can either make something beautiful in her honor...or continue to produce garbage television to chase ratings."
3. Paula: "Hi, Mike. This is it. I assume it's just before curtain. Listen, baby...all our friends, everyone on that show, they're helping us go through something so hard. So, even if you don't want to go out there tonight, do it for them. Do it for me. Most important, do it for you. Be a part of something. And then keep being a part of more things. I wish I had something more profound to say. But that's all I got. Just keep doing stuff with people, 'cause that's what life is, my beautiful husband. Break a leg. I love you so, so much. And I want you to dance like I'm watching...'cause I am."
4. Nick: "I'm renting a cottage in the English countryside for the holiday to see Henri. Come with me, all right? We'll stay for six weeks. We can put on wellies and we'll hike and shoot a 9-point buck and whatever else they do on The Crown, I don't know. If those dancers can walk out onto a pitch-black stage, and make something gorgeous...why can't we give us a shot?"
5. Monica: "Not everything worked out, of course, but um...We did pull off something great. And I'm very proud of all of my dancers. I hope we get to do it again."
Bob Hearts Abishola - Dahne
Bob Hearts Abishola - Dahne
1. Dottie to Dele, when he is put in the middle between his mom and his grandma: “How are you not nuts?”
2. Dottie: “Honey, what’s going on?” Bob: “I just feel like I could do more.” Dottie: “You’ve done plenty. You took over a business that was barely hanging on in a city that had already let go, and you made it work. No layoffs for 25 years and that was through 2 recessions. That’s an achievement.”
3. Abishola, describing the articles that reminded her about Dele: “I thought about you a lot. This one is about a dance troupe in Ghana and this one is about how terrible the Detroit Pistons are. Did you know they were so bad?” Dele: “Yeah, I knew.” Abishola: “You should think about following a team that wins.” Dele: “I think about it every season.” ~~sentiments every long-suffering sports fan can relate to
Bull - Dahne
Bull - Dahne
1. Danny: “Get a drug dealer to rat on his customers and incriminate himself. No problem. Anything else you want to ask Santa for while you’re at it?” Chunk: “An acquittal, maybe.”
2. ADA Rob: “Cheese puff? They’re the perfect blend of chemical and crunch.”
3. Guard: “Still trying to make it to Aruba?” Danny: “At this point, I would just settle for getting home.” Guard: “Well, get in. You’re making that flight.” Danny squeals like a teenager: “Let’s roll!” ~~to see the normally serious Danny squeal like a teen brought me joy
Chicago PD - Jessica
Chicago PD - Jessica
1. Jay Halstead: "You want to protect your family, the city. So do I."
2. Jay Halstead: "It's over. But it's going to be different now, you and me. You always say, 'Tell me the truth so I can lie for you.' From here on out, you tell me the truth. You bring me in...so we don't have to lie anymore. So I can protect you from yourself. You understand me?"
3. Jay: "I, Jay Halstead, take you, Hailey Upton, as my wife." Hailey: "I promise to faithfully love you in sickness and in health." Jay: "In sorrow and in joy." Hailey: "From this day forward, I choose to join my life with yours." Jay: "From this day forward, I choose to join my life with yours."
The Equalizer - Dahne
The Equalizer - Dahne
1. Vi to Delilah, when she asks to wear her mom’s earrings: “My darling, you should never lose that cheerful optimism, however untethered to reality it may be.”
2. Harry: “Where’d you hide the back door?” Mel: “Babe, no, no.” Harry: “He’s like family to Rob, which means he’s basically our family, and in spite of what the Feds say, I released that classified intel for one reason. I actually love my country, so if finding Bishop’s son means stopping a terrorist, it’s really not a…it’s not a choice. It’s an obligation.” Bishop: “Harry, you’re a good man.” Mel: “Yes, sometimes I hate how good you are.” Harry: “Yeah, sometimes I do too. For instance, now.”
3. Robyn to Bishop: “Look, you’ve been going through this by yourself for too long. That ends now!”
Ghosts - Dahne
Ghosts - Dahne
1. Alberta, seeing her living stalker’s tattoo of her face: “No! Oh, don’t make me hate my own face, Todd, you creepy nut.” ~~This quote and the way it was said made me laugh through the commercials.
2. Pete to Alberta: “Well, if you’re excited about being murdered, I am excited for you.”
Hawkeye - Folie-lex
Hawkeye - Folie-lex
1. Kazi [translating for Maya]: "You rely too much on technology." Clint: "Well, my go-to weapon is two sticks and a string, so..." Kazi: "No she means your hearing aid." Clint: "Ah."
2. Kate: "Oh, we gotta walk the dog." Clint: "You're not wrong..." Kate: "He's been cooped up all day. Not quite sure how long a dog can...--" Clint: "... to call yourself one of the world's greatest archers." Kate: "Oh my God. You really think so? I won't lie, I wasn't sure how I'd do under all that pressure, but I...--" Clint: "Probably should walk the dog, don't you think? Been cooped up all day."
3. Clint: "There are several reasons why I'd never wear a flashy costume. My job is to be, number one, a ghost. Number two, my wife would divorce me if I put something like this on. And number three, uh...I'm not a role model. I'm sorry, Kate. I'm not a role model to anyone. Never have been."
United States of Al - Dahne
United States of Al - Dahne
1. Lizzie: “You guys are running away from home? Are you 10?” Riley: “How did you find us?” Lizzie: “With my eyeballs. You’re across the street.” Al: “I can’t live in your dad’s house anymore.” Lizzie: “So you decided to build a fort? Should I even be here? Are girls allowed?
2. Al: “You never take a man’s remote.”
3. Lizzie: “Al, aren’t you the reasonable one?” Al: “Mr. Al doesn’t want me there.” Lizzie: “He doesn’t want any of us there.” Al: “No, his respect for me has collapsed like a cup.” Lizzie: “Ugh, I wish I lived with girls.”
What We’re Watching:
1. Drew: “I’m sorry. Look, I want you to know something. Your money does not bother me at all.” Gina: “Thanks.” Drew: “I’m serious. You want to be my sugar mamma, I am a diabetic, baby.”
2. Norma: “So Gina, is Drew a good kisser?” Gina: “You take the safety bars out of the showers, this place is just a high school.”