Bob Hearts Abishola -
1. Goodwin: “He has really become a valuable part of the company. Your mother was very wise to send him to the warehouse floor. Mr. Wheeler?” Bob: “Sorry. Douglas is valuable. My mother is wise. It’s hard to wrap my head around.” Goodwin: “Hmm, it does fornicate with one’s mind.” (Prpleight and Dahne)
2. Dottie: “You’re missing Norma Rae: The Musical.” Bob: “Oh yeah, now that Douglas is on the floor he’s trying to spice Mondays up for everybody.” Dottie: “Spice ‘em up? They just had 2 days off. What do they need spice for?” Bob: “Come on. It’s good for morale.” Dottie: “And that matters because…” Bob: “The employees might actually enjoy working…” Dottie: “Enjoy working? When did you become a communist?” (Dahne)
Call Your Mother - Dahne
1. Freddie: “I really don’t want you to get tired of me, Celia.” Celia: “Why would I get tired of you?” Freddie: “Because you want...you want variety and exotic locations and adventure. I’m just a straight, white man.” Celia: “Yeah, I can tell by the way you’re telling me what I want.”
2. Lane: “This you and Danny thing is becoming a ‘you waiting around for him’ thing. You’re like a booty call without the booty.”
3. Lane: “Don’t encourage the vest. We’re trying to get her to branch out and look a little less Fargo and a little more ‘not embarrassed to be seen with her.’ “
Chicago Fire - Jessica C
1. Matt Casey: "The fact is, Gallo, I'm your Captain. I'm answerable for your safety. Losing a firefighter is the worst thing that can happen to an officer, and I would know. If anything had happened to you under that canopy, I wouldn't have even known you were there. I couldn't have done a thing to help you. You robbed me of my accountability, and that can't happen again.
2. Stella Kidd: "Kelly, I didn't become a firefighter as a white guy with my father at the top of the chain. I came up alone, fighting every step of the way with people looking down on me and doing whatever they could to shake my confidence. I have a built-in armor that you will never understand, and no one like Conway is gonna knock me down."
Chicago PD - Jessica C
1. Jay Halstead: "But Latrell is a good guy. He loved his kid. More than anything. He just couldn't let it go. He couldn't find closure. So he just went and he did what he thought he had to do. Which is something that I might do. Something that I'm thinking you might do too."
2. Hank Voight: "We're different people, Jay. You gotta do what makes sense for you. But whatever that choice is, just make sure it's something that you can live with for the rest of your life."
3. Jay Halstead: "But you remind me of him...he wasn't much for praise or compliments but man, he loved his sons. And he wanted us to succeed more than anything."
The Equalizer -
1. Melody, after watching Robin use a clipboard to take down 2 armed gunmen: “You learned a few things since we were in Kandahar.” (Prpleight)
2. Robyn McCall: “I don’t exactly like what that dress is saying.” Delilah: “Buy me. It’s saying, ‘Buy me.’ “ Robyn: “Yeah, it’s saying, ‘Buy me,’ just not in the way you’re thinking. Can’t we find something with a little more fabric.” (Dahne)
3. Vi, to Robyn after a particularly intense workout: “Who won? You or your demons?” Robyn: “Split decision.” (Dahne)
Nancy Drew - Prpleight
1. Nancy: “How could you love something that was never really yours?” Carson: “From the moment Lucy put you in my arms and made me promise to protect you, you are what I've lived for. That love is my life.” Nancy: “But it was a lie.” Carson: “Not the love. Whatever you need to call us: father, daughter, Carson, Nancy. That love lives in me forever.”
NCIS - Jessica C
1. Jack Sloane: "The last ten months really have me rethinking what's important."
2. Nick Torres: "I'm always so focused about, you know, trying to catch the bad guy, I never think about the other side."
3. Jimmy Palmer: "I feel like I'm going through the motions. I feel like I'm in a nightmare. At any moment I'm gonna wake up, and my wife is gonna be right there."
Resident Alien -
1. Harry: “Definitely my foot. It's amazing how my people have developed the ability to mimic other life forms on a molecular level. We are an incredible...and I forgot to close the door.” (Prpleight)
2. Harry: “Not knowing fear allowed me to make bold fashion choices.” (Prpleight)
3. Sheriff: “Keep your hands on the handle bars where I can see 'em. You know why I pulled you over?” Max: “Speed?” Sahar: “Boredom?” Sheriff: “You made a left turn back there without using your hand signals. What the heck are you kids doing so far outta town anyway?” Sahar: “We heard Big Foot was on the loose.” Sheriff: “Bigfoot? Whatchu talkin' bout? Everybody knows that damn Big Foot up in Seattle. Sorry about cussing just then. I try not to do that shit around kids.” Sahar: “That's okay. I'm not allowed to say the D-word or the S-word, but I can hear them without getting in trouble.” (Prpleight)
4. Max: “Cookies. This must be bad.” Mom: “Your dad and I have something we want to talk to you about.” Max: “I knew this day was gonna come, and I just want you to know I'm okay with it.” Mom: “You are?” Max: “Yeah. I'll live with Dad Monday to Wednesday and every other weekend. And I'm with Mom on Thanksgiving cause she can cook turkey.” Dad: “Wait. Wait. You think that we're getting a divorce?” Max: “It's okay. Love is fleeting.” Mom: “Honey, we aren't getting a divorce.” Dad: “We just wanted to tell you that Dr. Vanderspegle is coming to dinner tonight.” Max: “What? No! Why can't you just be getting a divorce! AAAAaaaaaa!!!!” (Prpleight)
5. Max: “His pockets are empty. No house keys. Over.” Sahar: “He probably uses mind control to unlock doors.” Max: “Or he can shape shift his fingers into a key.” (Prpleight)
6. Asta: “Do you ever meditate?’ Harry, in his head: “By meditate, do you mean sit peacefully and think of all the people I want to kill?” Harry, out loud: “Yes, I liked it very much.” (Dahne)
7. Asta: “So this is our night? A floater watch party?” D’Arcy: “In this town, I’ll take what I can get.” (Dahne)
Walker - Dahne
1. Trey: “Hugging’s one of my superpowers.”
2. Trey: “You needed a hero so you drew one, and then you became one. Don’t you forget that.”
What Else We’re Watching -
Bob Hearts Abishola - 2.07
Bob: “This isn’t about him or me. This is about you. You have a life you’ve created. You’ve got a job you love. You are in charge of your own destiny. You’re not going to give all that up to go back to Nigeria and be some rich guy’s second wife.” Abishola: “First wife.” Bob: “Whatever. You’re not the same woman he left 8 years ago. Tayo doesn’t know it, but I do.” Abishola: “So, you have me all figured out…” Bob: “Not at all.” Abishola: “Good answer.” Bob: “Yes, it was.” (Dahne)
Mr. Mayor - 1.06
1. Tommy: “She’s saying she wants you to retire and go home, because you’re the Pelosi to her low-res AOC.” Arpi, outraged: “You know what, Mr. Tomas…” Mikaela: “...There is a special place in hell for gays that encourage women not to support other women.” Tommy: “I know. It’s called Bravo and we’re doing amazing on it.” (Dahne)