And we’re here - the finale. With over 600 characters nominated and 61 participants, we’re down to the final 2 competitors for the 2021 Character Cup. Thank you to everyone who has participated in any form - nominating, collecting pictures, voting, commenting, using social media to promote the contest. I appreciate you all and I hope you have had a good time. In the end, it is down to Malcolm Bright and Sam Winchester, who were also the most nominated characters. I don’t think that has happened before. To get here, Malcolm had to defeat Michaela Stone, Buffy Summers, Marty Deeks, and Jonas Kahnwald (who is in the poll for third place today). Sam had to defeat Olivia Benson, Jake Peralta, Lois Lane, and Lucy Chen (who is also in the third place poll today). Unlike the beginning rounds, round 5 was not very close so it should be interesting to see how the votes go today. Whichever way both polls go, it will be the highest any of these characters have ever ranked in the Cup.
Today, we have 2 TV Talk Topics, as is traditional for the finale. The first discusses mini-series and limited series. Thanks to Amber for the topic suggestion. The second asks for your feedback on the Cup. If you have not participated in any TV Talk Topic, please consider this one. I do value your opinion. Before starting the contest this year, I looked back at the comments from last year to know what to change. Your feedback is important to me.
In the prediction contest, Paola still leads with a score of 104 points, Amber is in second with 100 points, and Elvis and Ivana are tied for third with 95 points each. Fantastic job predicting, all! Good luck to all and happy voting!
Note: There is a third place poll for Jonas Kahnwald vs. Lucy Chen. This will only determine which one is ranked #3 and which one is ranked #4.
Round will end at approximately 3 pm CST on Tuesday, July 20.
Before there were limited series, there was the mini-series. The mini-series in the 70’s and 80’s was a big deal with often record breaking numbers of viewers. They were also less common. Today, limited series are all over the TV landscape and often are not-so-limited, depending on their popularity. For today’s topic, we are going to stick with limited series that are truly only one season and which have fewer episodes (no more than 10-13). Which miniseries or limited series do you most remember and why? Which characters most stood out? Do you think limited series have changed TV for the better or not? (Thanks to Amber Lacy for the topic idea.)
1. The only major tweak to the Cup this year was not holding polls on Saturdays, which is traditionally the slowest viewership day on SpoilerTV and the day with the least number of votes in the Cup. Did you like this or did it hinder our momentum?
TV Talk Topic: Good Things in Small Packages
Before there were limited series, there was the mini-series. The mini-series in the 70’s and 80’s was a big deal with often record breaking numbers of viewers. They were also less common. Today, limited series are all over the TV landscape and often are not-so-limited, depending on their popularity. For today’s topic, we are going to stick with limited series that are truly only one season and which have fewer episodes (no more than 10-13). Which miniseries or limited series do you most remember and why? Which characters most stood out? Do you think limited series have changed TV for the better or not? (Thanks to Amber Lacy for the topic idea.)
TV Talk Topic #2: Review This Year’s Cup
1. The only major tweak to the Cup this year was not holding polls on Saturdays, which is traditionally the slowest viewership day on SpoilerTV and the day with the least number of votes in the Cup. Did you like this or did it hinder our momentum?
2. Ranking polls - We usually have ranking polls before the Cup begins to determine the brackets for several tying characters. Would you like to continue this or should any tying nominations be decided through a random number generator?
3. What else would you change about the Cup or do you think we should tweak? Note - Having your favorite character win is not something I can change. ;-)
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