
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Librarians - 1.05 - And the Apple of Discord - Roundtable Review

Welcome back to The Librarians Roundtable Review.  We are officially half way through season 1 and this time we have even more people joining us.  Woo hoo!  If you would like to join, questions are posted on Monday or Tuesday on Google + or my Twitter.   All you have to do is fill out some questions.   Easy peasy.  This week we have Alouzon, Blue Star, Col, Gavin, Justyna, Robert, Suzana, and me, Dahne.  After reading our thoughts, don't forget to sound off in the comments below with your own.  Happy New Year to everyone!

What was your favorite part of this episode?

Alouzon - The "confrontation" between Jenkins & Dulaque towards the end (I don't know what to call it). Definitely implies a history, and not just as enemies. I NEED TO KNOW MORE!
Blue Star - Ezekiel tries to convince Jenkins to stay and help, Cassandra takes down Lamia, and Flynn and Eve at the end of the episode. The end scene was probably my absolute favorite of the episode. I liked that Flynn gave Eve the choice to leave and she recognized he needed to be out there searching for the Library.
Col - My favourite part of this episode was how our characters became the worse part of themselves when holding the apple. In particular the scene with Flynn and Baird.
Gavin - Loved the humour yet again. "We have Jasmine tea", cracked me up. "Was that the pope?!" was another one when they ended up on top of the Vatican and a random pope just strolls on by. The Librarians will always be entertaining when it delivers these zingers. Seeing the teamwork, like when Jacob helped Cassandra control her memory again, was wonderful to see. I love it when you see those character interactions that show they are really starting to develop. I love the whole arbitrar stuff; it was very interesting actually and a good concept. But my absolute favourite parts were when the characters were affected by the apple of discord. Cassandra was so unexpectedly devious!
Justyna K - I really enjoyed seeing a different side of Ezekiel and him staying behind with Jenkins, doing his best to help. Now I actually can't wait for Jones to become a better version of himself. I would certainly like this guy a lot. Also, Flynn's back and I have a soft spot for him so it's always good to have the Librarian back.
Robert - I loved the interaction between Jenkins and Ezekiel. You wouldn't normally see them two share an individual scene together, which is why I loved it so much as we are now starting to see some character development happen, and them bonding with each other and growing into a better, and stronger team. I also liked the meeting of the dragon lords at the table, and how all Ezekiel cared for was his pizza; I can always rely on him to add a bit of comedy to the episode. The worst side of the Librarians was also enjoyable to see, and it gave us the chance to see them in a whole different way. Everyone seemed so evil!
Suzana - Evil Jake followed by Evil Cassandra kicking Lamia's butt. Cassandra calculating the weak spot to put pressure on was quite impressive. But my favourite part of the episode was Jenkins' speech to Ezekiel about his choices. It was top-notch acting from John Larroquette. It was really powerful. I could see and hear his pain and sorrow. I want to know what happened to this man. He is way more broken that I ever noticed.
Dahne - I actually really liked the evil librarian bits. It was a fun way to explore their characters without any real consequences. I also loved Jenkins in this episode. The whole mystery between Dulaque and him is the best thing about the series so far for me.

If you could change anything about this episode, what would it be?

Alouzon - Cassandra's weird meltdown. If the apple makes you your worst self, what she did doesn't make much sense. Her purpose would have been linked to her 'brain-grape' not just random destruction.
Blue Star - Cassandra's evil version coming off over the top even for a fun show like this.
Col - More exploration with the characters sitting at the conclave, I know there wasn't time but would have been nice to understand who they actually were
Gavin - I was very sad to learn that I could not speak for the library, only Ezekiel. Damn it. I'd change that of course, but yet again I can't seem to think of anything that I'd change.
Robert - There isn't actually anything I would change; it was the best episode of the series so far. The only thing that comes to mind, which is quite minor, is to have gotten the chance to see a bit more of an actual dragon.
Suzana - Lamia who won my Useless Character Award. The fact that Ezekiel was so clueless at first was annoying. The line between annoying and fun is thin. Evil Cassandra was way too excessive at times. I mean I love Evil Cassandra but it would have been even greater if she hadn't been that much over-the-top. The first part was with Lamia was great but after she started losing a bit and was really over over-the-top at times.
Dahne - Ezekiel was well beyond obnoxious this time and I had an increasing desire to throw socks at him. I'm also not sure that Cassandra's high-pitched squeal worked well with her evil persona.

Flynn returns in this one. Do you think the timing was right, too soon, or too late? How did you feel about him in the regular mix?

Alouzon - It was good to see him back, but I thought it was a little soon. Also surprised that in his case the apple merely made him more arrogant.
Blue Star - I think it was timed well. I love his character so I'm quite happy with him in the regular mix.
Col - Considering I just finished watching all 3 movies I liked the fact Flynn came back.  I'm happy for him to appear every so often, though maybe a few scenes showing him find a lead on where The Library and Judson is would be good too.
Gavin - I have really grown used to him not being there to the point where I couldn't care if he came back or not, but I do like him, I'm just enjoying the main characters more at the minute and seeing how they're coping with this new world. It did feel like a lot of power shifted from the Librarians and Eve to him, so it felt like the main characters were actually secondary whenever he was in a scene with them. Having said that, it was a good appearance.
Justyna K - It might have been too soon but since he's easily one of my favorite characters in the story and I really enjoy his dynamics with the team, I won't be complaining.
Robert - I thought that he fit in perfectly.  He could literally show up in any episode and it wouldn't change anything, the episode would still be great. Flynn is the main reason why the librarians were such fun movies so seeing more of him is never a bad thing. The timing of his appearance I will admit felt a bit out of the blue, especially after we just got used to seeing the others work without him, but I do think that the librarians work better with him, and the episodes with him flow a lot better. I am actually hoping once Falling Skies ends, Noah will become a series regular.
Suzana - I think the timing was okay. Flynn allowed the Jenkins/Ezekiel development to happen, and I think him coming only time to time is a good way to process. This show is not about Flynn after all. There's is only five main characters in this show, so most of the time Jenkins finds himself alone when they are going on a chase. Flynn filled in for Ezekiel this episode while the boy was teamed up with Jenkins. I think he fit nicely but I was glad Baird reminded him he isn't exactly in charge.
Dahne - I actually thought it was too soon for him to come back. I get that he is a fan favorite but the team has not quite gelled yet and so he ended up being a distraction from that bonding. To be honest, he didn't really add anything to the plot except another body until the very end.  I also agree with Gavin in that he turned the main cast into secondary characters with his appearance.

This episode introduced us to a variety of supernatural beings. What did you think about the conclave? Were there any beings you would like to know more about in particular?

Alouzon - It was too many for me. I would have rather seen only 3 or so, and gotten to know more about them.
Blue Star - The conclave was humorous. It certainly opened up a lot of possible story lines. More exploration of the warring dragon factions would be interesting.
Col - As I stated earlier, I would love to know about each of the conclave characters and who they actually are and where they fit in this universe.
Gavin - The Fae, I would love to know more about as the female seemed like she was being far too nice, even Flynn picked up on her self-esteem problems. I'm guessing they would be a very interesting species. I'd like to see more of the dragons.  I was actually a little scared when that huge eye appeared.
Justyna K - I liked the concept but it doesn't usually work too well on my shows when there's a council (or in this case - conclave) made up of people who are not aware of the reality of the situation and still have control over everything.  But I'd like to know more about its members for sure; it would certainly make things more interesting.
Robert - I would have liked to have seen a bit more of the actual dragons roaming the skies or something like that. The episode was centred on the dragons, but we didn't see much of an actual dragon which would have made the episode even better, well for me at least. Dragons are my favourite mythical creatures, so it was a little underwhelming not seeing them.
Suzana - The organization of the magic world is always interesting, with Santa last week and this week with the conclave. Too bad they didn't invite him, though. The Library is a neutral party chosen to regulate magic issues. There's so much potential. Those civilizations would be good reccuring material. I really want to know who the giant woman is.
Dahne - I loved the idea of a conclave and that they have officially introduced certain beings to the show's canon. I wish we had learned more about them, but there is plenty of time for that. I did like that dragons could take human form. That idea was weird for me when I first saw it done on Supernatural, but I actually prefer it now because it keeps me from being distracted by so-so CGI. I loved the idea that the dragons were in a turf war though. There is much that could be done with that subplot alone.

The apple introduced us to the worst sides of the Librarians. Did you like these new incarnations? Did you like one better than the others?

Alouzon - It just didn't make a lot of sense. Ezekiel seemed unaffected by it, and if that is his 'worst' self, then he is probably the best and kindest of all the librarians in their regular state - he just doesn't bother hiding his flaws.
Blue Star - I liked seeing all their worst sides. Cassandra was my least favorite. Her worst side when fighting was great but otherwise was a bit annoying. I think Flynn's and Eve's incarnations were my favorites. Also Ezekiel, because if he's already his worst self, his worst self was the least worst of them all and I liked that.
Col - Stone's incarnation was the funniest, I mean really the worse part of him was worrying about what painting was hung with which painting was just funny.  The other incarnation was Flynn's, so over the top it just worked.  Yet again I am probably bringing a bias after watching the movies but it just seemed very true to his character, the power being the thing he wants the most.  Have to wonder if the apple would have affected Dulaque or if he would have been like Ezekiel.
Gavin - Cassandra's was very cartoonish and old school villain-of-the-week, and I found myself enjoying it. She was very evil. Her voice was a tad too squeaky for my tastes during her moments but I did like how she broke free of her good girl image and took off the flower dress. I'd love to see Cassandra really let loose in the future. Jacob's wasn't too bad, if not a little comical even though he was very serious about the painting. Loved the power play between Eve and Flynn.  I found it quite touching (oddly enough) that Ezekiel wasn't affected by the apple considering he already was "his worst self".
Justyna K - Most of them were quite predictable but I loved how Stone's worst side just couldn't stand people placing the wrong paintings next to each other. It was the funniest and only made me like his character even more. Also, I liked the fact that Ezekiel is currently showing us his worst side. It means that he has a great potential!
Robert - It was good to see each character in a different perspective, and it provided some really fun scenes. Cassandra's worst side was the standout for me.  Considering her character is the sweetest one among them, seeing her worst side was a bit of a shock.  She was just so evil.
Suzana - All of them were fun. First Jake, who could not stand to see a paintaing misplaced. That was just hilarious. And I liked Cassandra's a little too much. She was over the top at times and not necessarily in a good way, but even with that, I just love Evil Cassie.  I can't help it.
Dahne - This is actually the first time since the middle of the pilot that I liked Cassandra, so I am good with it. It was also a lot of fun to see Jake becoming personally affronted by poor landscape placement. If that's his worst side, he's doing pretty well. Like Alouzon, I was confused by Cassandra's worst side since it seemed fairly random. However the Ezekiel reveal was a nice little twist for me. I would have loved to how Jenkins would be affected if he had touched it, but he was smart enough to avoid it.

For the first time, Jenkins and Ezekiel spend an extended amount of time together and in doing so, they have some tough conversations. What did you think of their interactions?

Alouzon - I think Ezekiel works well with just about everyone. A character that honest about himself is a great foil to play against. I believe Jenkins and Ezekiel have figured out where they stand with each other, and will consequently work better together.
Blue Star - Their interactions were great. I loved the scene where Ezekiel tries to convince Jenkins to stay and saying that he changed.
Col - Personally I haven't warmed up to Ezekiel as yet, especially in this episode.  I think they could have explored his character a little more, especially when he was calling Jenkins a coward. The only thing their interaction achieved was me wanting to know about Jenkins.
Gavin - I was pleasantly surprised by the serious conversations they had as this show wasn't something I could take seriously before. It shows that they can sell it when they have good actors. I'm guessing the choice Jenkins made was the choice to be good as later indicated by his conversation with Dulaque and their past. But the whole Jenkins and Ezekiel dynamic was nice to see grow to the point where they could depend on each other to get the apple from Flynn. They worked together.
Justyna K - They were one of my favorite parts of the episode. Tough conversations like that give us all a great chance to get to know the characters better and really understand their motivations and what drives them.
Robert - It is clear that Jenkins is troubled by his past involving the library, so it was good that he could get some of it out in the open. It was also great to see the two interact since we haven't had many interactions between just two characters. The interactions also allowed Jenkins to create a bond with Ezekiel that wouldn't normally have happened.
Suzana - Ezekiel annoyed me a great deal by being so clueless at first, but it was worth it since we got fun and terrific interactions between the two with Jenkins response to Ezekiel cluelessness for fun. Jenkins' speech about his choices was magnificiently delivered by Larroquette. They ended up helping each other. Ezekiel grew up a little and Jenkins, well we don't exactly know what happened to him to make him run away so quickly so we don't know exactly what Ezekiel's speech triggered in him, but he decided not to run. To fight one more time. His comeback was another terrific moment. They make a surprisingly good pair.
Dahne - I actually could not stand Ezekiel for much of the episode, so I wanted Jenkins to Gibbs' slap him silly. Still at the end, they did seem to come to an acceptance of each other and when they actually worked together instead of Ezekiel acting like a hyperactive twit, they accomplished great things. I did love that Jenkins had a main role in this episode though and I hope he gets to interact with the other characters too.

It is now confirmed that Jenkins and Dulaque have a long history together. Any theories about what supernatural beings they are or what their relationship is?

Alouzon - I don't know what to think, quite frankly. Two angels, one fallen? Who knows?
Blue Star - I have no idea what supernatural creatures they could be, but I'm thinking they were definitely at the least friends in the past. My first thought was maybe they are brothers.
Col - Seeing as how the hints about how old Judson was in the movies,, the mind boggles as to what the relationship between Jenkins and Dulaque was.  Maybe Jenkins was to Dulaque what Judson was to Flynn.
Gavin - I have no clue as to what supernatural beings they are, but I'm guessing they were probably childhood friends or at least grew up together.  Jenkins dipped his toe in the other side and made the choice to be good, thus severing his friendship with Dulaque. I can't really call what happened in the past but I do hope it's good. As a side note, I loved Ezekiel's "he IS evil" when Dulaque eats his double cheese and pepperoni pizza. I wasn't convinced of Dulaque being the Big Bad but now I am. Pure evil!
Justyna K - No idea about the supernatural beings.  They might be immortal warlocks, but my first thought was that they have to be brothers, family.  I really expected them to call each other "brother" at one point.
Robert - We know that Jenkins has a long history with the library, and I am thinking that Dulaque could have been a librarian at one point or at least been involved with it. It is obvious that they knew each other, but it seemed like they had known each other for a long while which is why I think they worked together at some point or were good friends. I am thinking they both were involved with the library at the same time, and Dulaque perhaps betrayed the library and Jenkins.
Suzana - Their relashionship might have been a romantic one, but since they have lived a great deal of time, Dulaque could be Jenkins' father for all we know. But I rather leant toward the romantic relationship explanation.  I still think it is Library connected. As for what they are, I have no idea, but Dulaque was called "The son of Ban"" during the conclave. In the Arthurian legend, Ban, King of Benoïc, is the father of Lancelot "Du Lac". Do you think it is only a funny coincidence?
Dahne - I'm with Justyna and Blue Star. I think they are family, perhaps a Cain vs. Abel kind of thing. I'm guessing that they are immortal beings from some famous ancient story. Perhaps they are even twins. They obviously have a history with the Library itself and it would be cool if Judson was part of the lore as well.  I also love the theory Suzana mentioned about it being tied to the Arthur story.

What grade would you give this episode and why?

Alouzon - 7.5/10.  I found this story to be the weakest, plot-wise, for many of the reasons mentioned above. I think the whole point was to get Jenkins and Dulaque together in a room and show they know each other.
Blue Star - I'd give it an A-. It gave us more information on Jenkins and opened up the possibility of more story with the conclave characters. I also loved the teamwork in the episode. This is my favorite episode after "And the Sword in the Stone" so far.
Col - I would give it a solid B+.  Cassandra was a little annoying and Ezekiel really didn't do anything for me with this episode,
Gavin - C+.  It wasn't as good an episode as last week's Christmas episode (which I totally fell in love with due to my love for the holiday season) but it was still an entertaining episode that introduced more interesting mythology and supernatural species. I don't think this show could get any more magical!
Robert - I would give this an A. It was by far the best episode.  We finally got to see some character development from one of our characters, and the episode itself was a great one. I loved each individual characters' worst side.  It showed each of them in a different perspective, but one of the standouts was the interactions between Jenkins and Ezekiel, and Jenkins and Dulaque where we finally got to know a little about Jenkins and his past.  Before the episode, we knew nothing much about him. The episode as always was action packed and had comedic aspects to it, which is something I have come to expect from the show.
Dahne - B+. This one was actually pretty good for me. I liked delving into their darker sides a bit and since Jenkins is rapidly becoming my favorite character, this whole mystery surrounding him and Dulaque is the highlight of series for me. I really enjoyed the increased screen time Jenkins had. Plus this was the first time I enjoyed both Cassandra and Dulaque.

We are now halfway through season 1 of The Librarians.  What do you think so far? What is the greatest success of the show so far?

Alouzon - The relationship between characters. Also, I think Ezekiel is the surprise jewel of the ensemble. He's a fantastic character.
Blue Star - I think this show is awesome - for lack of a better term. Its greatest success is balancing humor with serious moments. One moment you're laughing, the next on the edge of your seat. It does great bonding moments too.
Col - I am personally loving the show.  It could be some bias as I am a Librarian by trade, though working for "The Library" would be very different. I also love the small in jokes about Librarians both in the movies and the TV series. I think it works because the writers don't take things too seriously.  Also for me, it fills the gap Warehouse 13 left behind.  It doesn't hurt with the cast they have or the guest stars they have used so far either.
Gavin - I wanted a Christmas episode. I got one. I wanted an episode to do with fairy tales, and this Sunday's episode there's going to be one. The season so far is going through solid material to make exciting episodes, and the pace is going along very nicely.  I just hope it won't burn up too quickly if the show gets renewed. The greatest success of the show so far, for me, is the magic and how they're organising it through this library to bring us fantasy-filled episodes each week. The characters too. The fact that "the things that come out of my mouth don't bother me anymore" for Eve shows how far they've come in half a season and even though the show is bonkers at times, now I also feel comfortable with what the show throws at me. I'm getting used to its wackiness and I like the fact that it's a journey for the viewers as well as the characters within this Librarian universe.
Justyna K - It's going great. It's just such a fun show. A bit crazy and all, but it's interesting, entertaining and makes you want to come back for another episode and care about the characters.
Robert - I think the chemistry the group shares is one of the biggest successes, and how none of the characters are unlikable. When a new show starts, it is very rare to like every single main character.  There is always one that everyone dislikes, but this show doesn't have that. They all are interesting characters that have strong personalities and work well together, and most importantly they are all likable.
Suzana - It's fun and light and rather well balanced. All the characters interactions continue to be great, and the magic world keeps getting more and more interesting. The greatest success of the show is Jenkins and the characters interactions too.
Dahne - I also am a librarian, so it's good to see them reflected in a positive light even if I don't have these kind of adventures. Still I think the best thing about this show is that it does not take itself the least bit seriously. It knows that it is a goofy, fluffy piece of entertainment and it sets out to do just that. Incorporating different myths and legends is also cool. I like seeing the twists they give familiar stories.

What would you like to see in the back half of the season?

Alouzon - Some clue as to what's happened to the library. Some North American mythology would be excellent too.
Blue Star - More backstory on the main characters and more of the humor and adventure the first half brought.
Col - I definitely need some more exploration and back stories of the Lits.  I would also love to see Eddie McClintock and Colin Ferguson guest star, Colin is a great method actor and is great at exaggerated comedy and doing his own stunts, A hole in the wall at a Melbourne Uni lecture theatre can attest to that.  Eddie is just Eddie; he speaks for himself.
Gavin - I would like to see some answers to the Jenkins and Dulaque history. I'd like to see more magic. The special effects may not be top quality stuff but I can live with that. The title card that appears in every episode when the name of the episode appears reminds me of old school fantasy and that reminds me this show is purely here to entertain, not blow our minds away with the SFX. So I want the show to go all out, guns blazing. I need TNT to renew this show and they'll only do that if it keeps up the viewers, so more people better watch!
Justyna K - I'd love to meet more magical beings and see some great references to other stories. Maybe add a new recurring character (ally or a villain). Also, an episode with high stakes (like an attempt to save one of the main characters) is always a fantastic chance to make a show shine. It's very often a turning point and works well for the series.
Robert -Some more character development is the main thing that I want to see. I feel that we don't really know any of them or anything much about their pasts. To know a little bit more about them would help their characters grow as librarians which would be ideal.
Suzana - I want to know who Jenkins is, what happened to him and what his connection to Dulaque is. Also to learn more about Jake and I want to know how Cassandra end up being a hospital caretaker.  I would like to know more about all the civilizations we learnt about at the conclave.
Dahne - They definitely need to keep growing the characters and making them more of team. For me, Cassandra and Ezekiel are the weakest links so maturing them up a bit is the first order of business. Like Col and Robert, I would love to see more of their back story and maybe even have cases that take them back home. I think they need to keep Flynn out until the season finale and focus on the team instead. Of course, I also would love answers on who Jenkins is and how he fits into the larger mythology of the show.

Screencaps by Springfield Springfield, FilmBook,and me.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts the Sleepy Hollow "Headless" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
Recent Reviews (All Reviews)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Last Week in TV - Week of Dec. 21 - Reviews, Episode Awards, and 2014 Top 10

It was a really short week and that was a good thing, since this is when my computer decided to die.  As such, this is late and short.  Normally I would add marathoned shows but since I watch them on my computer, that couldn't happen.  Instead I have added my Top 10 Moments of 2015 that was originally posted to my blog instead.  What were your favorites?  I hope your Christmas was lovely and that you've been able to catch up on a few shows too.  Don't forget to let me know in the comments how your hiatus TV viewing is going.  Hopefully you've gotten more off your to-watch list than I have.

Dahne's Top 10 TV Moments of 2014:

SpoilerTV is doing an article on the top moments in TV this year, so of course I had to participate but it was much harder than I expected. I went through all my Last Week in TV articles and compiled a list that was 4 pages with over 30 shows represented. Of course it didn't include those few weeks in the summer when I didn't do Last Week in TV due to vacation or our big Character Cup contest. Therefore I'm sure there are even more great moments I forgot. Below you will find the top 10 I submitted for SpoilerTV.

PS - I only allowed myself one per show or else half would be from Teen Wolf season 3B.  It was that good.
PPS - Below the regular column are other moments/scenes that almost made the top 10 list.

1. Teen Wolf - 3.18 - Riddled - Stiles goes in for an MRI to see if he's dying and Scott tells him that they will figure it out together.
~In all honesty, I could have filled 5 out of the 10 from season 3 B in Teen Wolf alone. The season was that engrossing. Still I promised to share the spotlight, so I chose this hearfelt moment. It is the 2nd best scene in Teen Wolf history and one of the best of all TV I have seen. I love this scene because it emphasizes the brother bond between Scott and Stiles. The acting is superb as Stiles is clearly terrified of what the test results might be and Scott is trying so hard to stay strong for his best friend. When they hug and the camera turns to their parents watching the whole thing, it gets me straight in the heart. Best Scene of the entire year.

2. Sleepy Hollow - 1.13 - Bad Blood - Henry reveals that he is actually Jeremy Crane and the Horseman of War
~Nothing was more shocking all year than Henry telling Ichabod and Katrina that he is their son. Then to top it off, he is working with their biggest nemesis. The whole reveal blew my mind and is one of the best twists in TV.

3. The 100 - 1.05 - Twilight's Last Gleaming - 320 Ark residents choose to die so that their loved ones might live
~The 100 has had many fantastic moments but this one sticks out to me because of the complete selflessness of these 320 people. It proved the best in human nature and had me tearing up. When that dad says goodbye to his daughter but can't tell her that he is about to die, it broke my heart.

4. Community - 5.05 - Geothermal Escapism - Abed creates a campus-wide Hot Lava game to say goodbye to Troy
~It is rare that a comedy have the best drama scene in a TV week, but this was a masterful way to say goodbye to a fan favorite character and it was done in true Community style. I loved when Abed admitted that he couldn't let Troy go, so they both become clones in Abed's mind to make the transition a little easier. This episode not only allowed Abed to say goodbye, but it allowed the audience to do so as well.

5. Helix - 1.12 - The Reaping - Daniel chooses to die in order to spare his father from having to make a decision
~One of the best character interactions of the season was the tense relationship between Hatake and his adopted son, Daniel. A once ultraloyal and obedient son, things got rocky when he learned Hatake kidnapped him from a loving family. Just when they were reaching a turning point, a psycho kidnapped both of Hatake's kids and gave him time to only save one of them. It was Sophie's Choice and Hatake was clearly distressed. Daniel took the choice out of Hatake's hands, said his goodbyes, and then triggered the bomb around his neck.

6. Enlisted - 1.04 - Homecoming - the Hill Brothers watch their dad's solider homecoming video and then help Derrick create one for his girlfriend's ex
~Enlisted was the best comedy no one watched last year. As such it was really hard to narrow this down to one moment. I strongly suggest everyone watch it. In this episode, the Hill brothers watch a video of their own dad coming home together and then plan a special homecoming for Derrick's girlfrind's ex-husband as a special gift for her son. It's one of the few comedies that had me laughing until I cried and touched my heart as well.

7. Scorpion - 1.12 - Dominoes - The team works together to save a child from a sinkhole
~The most recently aired of all my nominations, the entire episode more than deserves to be in this list. In fact, I can't choose just one scene since each team member got a chance to shine. There's something about the clock ticking down on a child's life that adds extra tension and the pacing of this episode was superb. If you haven't tried Scorpion yet, check out this episode.

8. How to Get Away with Murder - 1.04 - Let's Get to Snooping - Keating removes her wig and makeup, breaks down, and confronts her husband
~This one makes the list on sheer scting talent alone. First it is rather shocking to see someone become so real on screen both physically and emotionally. Keating let herself be completely raw and vulnerable and we saw this strong woman break with every step of her nightly routine. Then the sheer anguish and rage that poured from her made this the most powerful performance of the year.

9. The Goldbergs - 2.03 - The Facts of Bleeping Life - Murray throws Beverly a spontaneous vow renewal ceremony
~The Goldbergs is my favorite comedy for 2 years running because it does such a great job of combining laughs and heart. While there were times more heartfelt than this one, I chose it because it was the big gesture. Murray is not one to stand on ceremony so when Beverly tells him she wants to renew their vows while the whole world celebrates Princess Diana's wedding, he is not into it. However after watching his wedding video with Barry, he explains how much Beverly means to him and rallies the entire family to create a thoroughly Goldberg cermeony and it's beautifully funny.

10. Graceland - 2.02 - Connects - Jakes demolishes the room he made for his son.

~Jakes, a normally dour man, thinks that he may be a part of his son's life so with unusual joy and care, he moves into an apartment and creates the perfect room for his son. However when he goes to meet with his ex about it, she has him arrested for violating the restraining order. A devastated Jakes comes home and takes a baseball bat to the room he spent so much time and money creating, utterly desolate. It a powerful, physical scene that takes no words.

Nominated Show:

The Walking Dead - 5.01 - No Sanctuary

Again I have zero idea what in the world is going on, but man is it disgusting. They have human slaughter down to a science on this show and in this so-called sanctuary. I originally dropped The Walking Dead after season 1 because I found it came in 2 flavors, gross and boring. Nothing here changes my mind about that and this episode felt 6 hours long. I did like seeing the flashbacks, allowing viewers to see how the butchers became like they were. If I hadn't just sit through an hour of nasty, I might have even felt a bit sorry for them. They did start as peacemakers until rapists and murders twisted them into the same people they originally fought off. It's rare to see a show devote much back story to the villains, so that last 45 second scene was even more powerful. I also liked that they have some strong females in this show. Maggie is a cool character and not just because she is played by Lauren Cohen. Michonne has the best weapon in a dystopian show ever. The dichotomy between Carol and Tyreese was refreshing, although I hate that Tyreese had to become a killer. It was nice to hope for a moment, in between all the guts. Still I generally find The Walking Dead boring with a plot that creeps around when they aren't trying to gross everyone out. I need more action and less gore.

Grade: C-
Ranking: 1
Audience - those who find artistry in gore and have a high tolerance for watching people walk

Happiest Moment - Carol meets up with Rick's party and I guess they thought she was dead because everyone is amazed / I guess the baby is Rick's because he's also very happy to see her.
Best Character - Carol, that's one grandma who knows what it takes to survive
Most Clever - all the people locked in the train making weapons out of their clothing
Best Switch - the grandma looking woman has to kill the zombie because the football player looking guy can't do it
Best Reveal - Dr. Eugene thinks he has a way to kill the zombies
Biggest Question - How are there still so many bullets around? Haven't they been in this zombie apocalypse for years now? With the amount of shooting done in one episode, I'm surprised they got through half a year with any ammunition left.
Most Kick Butt - that double-sided sword thing Michonne uses
The "Welcome Back" Award - Lauren Cohan, aka the totally awesome Bela from Supernatural
The "Wow, It's Been Awhile" Award - I would never have recognized Denise Crosby in this if it weren't for her face begging me to look her up in IMDb. She was Tasha Yar from ST:NG. I never would have guessed.
Best Visual Effects - the makeup people doing the zombie effects should really get a pay raise
Coldest Move - Carol lets the zombies have Mary
Biggest Huh? - Zombies can't climb fences? Who knew?
The "I Don't Get It" Award - Why are all these people yelling when the noise attracts the zombies. Should they take a page from Bugs Bunny cartoons and be "vewy, vewy qwiet"?
Most Disgusting - Considering there was a trough to contain people's gushing blood in an assembly line of death, it takes something special to win this award. I thought the close-up of the zombie eating the guy's face off was taking it, but I'm pretty sure these people were cannibals and that's so much worse.
Most Evil - Alex makes Tyreese go outside with the zombies and now I need him to die. Now.
The "Payback Sucks" Award - pardon me while I don't mourn Rick killing the two death squad members
Best Plan - Not listening to Rick. Forget about those people and just leave.
Best Visual - Rick changes the sign to warn others that there is no sanctuary there
Best Quotes -
1. Glenn: "We've got to let those people out. That's still who we are. It's got to be."
2. Tyreese: "Nobody's got to die today." Alex: "Man, if you believe that then it's definitely going to be you and the kid, even if that place is burned to the ground."
3. Dr. Eugene: "I'm keenly aware of all the details behind failsafe delivery systems to kill every living person on this planet. I believe with a little tweaking on the terminals in DC, we can flip the script. Take out every last dead one of them. Fire with fire. All things being equal, it does sound pretty bada**."
4. Alex: "You're a good guy. That's why you're going to die today. That's why the baby's going to die. Or you can get in that car, get out of here, keep on being lucky." Tyreese: "You think you're going to kill me?" Alex: "Why haven't you killed me? How…how does having me alive help you? Why the hell you even talking to me? Take her, take the car, and go. I don't want to do this today."
5. Carol: "What happened?" Tyreese: "There were a bunch of walkers out here and he got his hands around Judith's neck. No, he's dead. I..I had to so I did. I could."

Weekly Shows:

The Librarians - 1.04 - And Santa's Midnight Run

The Librarians gave its viewers an early present over the weekend, their own piece of holiday fluff designed to make them cheer. This was a fun, sweet episode that managed to incorporate its own take on the Santa legend, making it original and compelling. Simply put, Santa is an “avatar of goodwill” that comes in many different incarnations throughout the world. It was an effective way to make the episode a bit more multicultural and a whole lot more fun. Getting Bruce Campbell to play Santa was a genius stroke as well. While speaking in third person and Cassandra’s high-pitched squeal did drive me nuts, I found my Christmas cheer returned and ample goodwill to the show.

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch – great twist on the Santa myth and his various incarnations
Best Hint – Jenkins knows a lot more about Dulaque than we do. There’s history there.
Best Scene / Best Plan – Jake starts throwing around priceless art to distract the bad guys so Ezekiel and Cassandra can go down the chimney to save Santa
Best Moment – Fake Santa just keeps on eating chili while real Santa talks the guy down / Jake refocuses Cassandra / Jake and Santa fist bump after the bar brawl
Most Far-Fetched – In a show starring Santa, the biggest implausibility is every single thing that happens on the plane. Every single person would have been sucked right out and that’s only the first problem.
Most Annoying – Cassandra’s high pitched happy voice / overuse of third person / Baird’s constant negativity
Best Honorary Blind Person (according to the movie Sneakers) - Cassandra
Best Silent Conversation – Cassandra tells Jake that her parents told her about Santa at 3 years old / Jake pulls out his knife and twirls it while Ezekiel picks up the presents he’s wrapping
Most Fun – Ezekiel in the Santa hat plays with kids on the steps / Ezekiel in the apron bringing in hot chocolate
Sweetest Gesture – the LiT’s throw Baird a surprise birthday party
Best Reveal – Jake speaks multiple languages, including Cockney slang
Best Reaction – Jake is proud when Lamia calls him special, which causes Baird to hit him
Best Santa Power – Super speed. I could use that in traffic.
Best Save – Apparently Google can tell you how to land a damaged plane. Good to know.
Best Quotes –
1. Baird: “And you’re going to talk in the third person all day. Awesome.”
2. Jake: “He’s Odin, the Viking god of battle and death.” Baird: “What? The hell kind of Santa is that?”
3. Cassandra: “Mrs. Claus is real.” Jenkins: “Oh shiny balls, yes.”
4. Baird: “Great. Road trip with a psychotic, shape-shifting avatar of goodwill.”
5. Ezekiel: “So that’s why everyone’s always cranky around the holidays. Because we’re running low on goodwill.”
6. Santa: “Somebody jacked Santa’s ride.”
7. Baird: “You suck at being subtle. Work with that.”
8. Jenkins: “The being often called Santa…” Baird: “Not calling him Santa.” Jenkins: “…is an immortal avatar of goodwill. All year long he travels around the world, witnessing, participating in acts of kindness, humanity…absorbing all of that good spirit. On Christmas Eve, he rises into the atmosphere, releases all of that goodwill back into the human race, recharging our karmic battery as it were.”

State of Affairs - 1.06 – Masquerade

State of Affairs is getting more interesting every week. Now that we know what really happened the day Aaron died and all the information on Fatah is out to us at least, it should pick up the pace even more. While the stuff with Charlie and PotUS is fascinating, I am actually more interested in New Hacker. She’s playing with Kurt, likely to get him busted as the mole to cover up the real mole. Since Kurt is one of my favorite characters on this show, I hope he turns the money in and informs Charlie about his concern about Hacker’s info. Since they used it to corroborate that Kamal’s info was false, it seems like it was given to them just to debunk his info, which was probably true. I think Hacker works for the same group that kidnapped Nick, who gets his own bonus points for not revealing anything about Charlie’s involvement with Fatah.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch – Charlie gets demoted so she has Maureen drug her to find out the truth about the night Aaron died and we finally see the truth of what happened
Most Interesting Subplot – Melissa
Best Scene – Kurt confronts Lucas about trying to sober up in a crisis
Most Annoying – the voice changer of the guy who is torturing Nick
The “Are You Kidding Me?” Award – Kurt blackmails Lucas to stay away from Maureen. Are you kidding me? What is this? A soap opera?
Best New Addition – the computer hacker
Smartest Guy in the Room – Kurt, who realizes Bullwinkle had surgery, Lucas is off the wagon, and that the hacker’s timing is suspicious
Most Intense – Nick’s torture scene
Best Awww Moment – Charlie offers Kamal asylum in Canada
Biggest Reveal – Fatah is still an asset
Best Quotes –
1. David: “It’s never a sunny day with you, is it Charlie? Huh? It’s never simple. You never make anybody’s job any easier. You’re just lucky that you were right this time.”
2. PotUS: “She’s hiding something, David. I get the feeling that she is buying time.” David: “Well then stop selling it. Why do you trust her so much anyway? Because she was going to marry Eric?” PotUS: “Because she’s family. She’s almost family.”
3. Kurt: “You’re sweating, you’re glassy eyed, and your hands are shaking. I don’t know how many nights you’re into this bender, but trying to sober up now is slowing us down.”
4. Nick: “What is my relationship with Omar Fatah? Oh it was just a one-time thing.
5. Dash: “That boy’s got it so bad for Maureen I can’t even enjoy mocking him anymore.”
6. David: “So you want to smuggle the most wanted man in Qatar out of the most watched location in Qatar and bring him to the most popular shopping center in the country.” Charlie: “That about sums it up, yeah. Would you like to know more?” David: “No, sounds great.”
7. David: “You’ve thought this through.” PotUS: “I’m not just a pretty face, David.”
8. Maureen: “Okay Charlie, if you absolutely need to remember this, there is a way to do it. It’s painful, it’s dangerous, and it’s totally illegal.” Charlie: “How are you going to get it?”
9. Lucas: “What’s that going to give us?” Kurt: “What’s that going to give…It’s going to give us his known associates, his current location, a cure to cancer. Who knows?”
10. PotUS: “And you trust Kamal?” Charlie: “I’m inclined to.” PotUS: “Based on what?” Charlie: “Training, instinct, faith.” PotUS: “So once again, I should just take your word.”

Benched - 1.10 - Solitary Refinement

Benched continues to impress based on the interactions of the characters. Still this was not as funny as last week. They had 2 topnotch guest stars and yet they seemed to be wasted in their parts. Last week we had a less known comic with an outstanding part. I'm also not a fan of turning this into the Phil and Nina relationship show, so I'd rather they back off this typical and fast forward the funny. There was nothing funny about the double date from hell or Harold, who comes across as a much bigger douche than Trent ever did. I do like Francine though and I hope we see more of her. She keeps Nina from verbal vomit and seems like a lot of fun.

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch - Nina gets out of her funk for a little while / Nina and Phil do NOT hook up
Biggest Douche - Harold, who is a complete jerk to Nina and it's completely uncalled for. Worst date ever!
Best Moment - Nina's client pushes her rolling chair back to Micah and represents himself
Worst Moment - Harold actually puts his hand out to keep Nina from talking / Phil takes a selfie of himself and boxed wine
Best Sob Story - Judge and all her dead husband stories
Biggest Mess - Nina, who is even crying at car commercials
The "Yeah, You Know You're in Trouble" Award - …when you use The Bachelor being on the night before as your final argument
MVP - Francine, who gets Nina out of her slump…kind of, stops Nina ranting for my sanity, and in effect keeps Nina and Phil apart after her shindig with Harold fell apart
Least Used - Who gets Molly Shannon on their show and then uses her for less than 5 minutes?
Most Confusing Gestures - I don't blame Nina for not getting "fancy" out of Phil's charades
Least Knowledgeable about Liquor - I didn't know what a Malbec was or how to spell it until I Googled it. In my defense, neither did my spell check.
The "Way to Go" Award - Boring Larry maces the sexual harassment judge twice
Sweetest Gesture - while inviting Nina to go to the restaurant she's always wanted to go to is sweet, I still think Phil offering to help clean up from the date was even better
Best Meltdown - Morris when he finds out the judge has been sexually harassing him more than Carlos
Coolest Spot - hey, a speakeasy Laundromat sounds pretty cool to me too
The "Welcome Back" Award - Nat Faxon, who played Ben in Ben & Kate and Sad Steve in Trophy Wife. Both were vastly superior to this schmuck.
Most Clueless - Carlos
The “Welcome Back” Award – Molly Shannon, best known from SNL, and Jim Rash from Community
Best Quotes –
1. Phil: Did you really cry in a car commercial?" Nina: You know what? Everyone hugged, even the Wheaton terrier." Phil: "Well that is a very lovable breed."
2. Nina: "She's a divorcée with no standards. I told her that you were like the hit it and quit it, one and done, woof it and hoof it, love 'em and leave 'em, lick it, stick it, leave before you get a ticket, kind of guy. She was all about it."
3. Judge: "It's an emotional rollercoaster huh? It's like a season pass to Tragic Mountain."
4. Carlos: “No one’s going to laugh, Phil. Did they laugh at Susan B. Anthony? Did they laugh at Rosa Parks?” Phil: “In what universe is this the same as either of those?” Carlos: “Did they laugh at the ladies from 9 to 5?” Phil: “Yes, it was a very popular comedy film.”
5. Micah: “Wild weekend?” Nina: “What? No, no, I stayed in. I stayed in and I uh, watched some TV. Got caught up on my old DVR. I cyberstalked a few people from high school so they’re doing well.” Micah: “I was being sarcastic.”
6. Nina: "What did you think of Francine?" Phil: "What, like a number?" Nina: "Yeah or words like an adult."
7. Harold: “You’re a person, you know, and then you’re just so many objects on the sidewalk.”
8. Phil: “Uh, do you need any help?” Nina: “Oh no, no, no. I mean there’s probably still time. You can go find a rando. You guys could find some secret tequila bar inside of a post office or whatever cool guy thing you do on a Saturday night.” Phil: “Well you know it’s not going to be cool if dorks like you know about it.”
9. Carlos: "Micah, what does she mean overruled?" Micah: "I think she's means, didn't I get you a sex tie."
10. Nina: "Wow, I don't know what's more surprising, the fact you didn't strip her or that you know what Malbec is."
11. Phil: “So it seems that the key to this case is just don’t be you.”

Other Great TV Moments from 2014:

24:LAD - 9.04 - (2-3 pm) - Momma Terrorist has her own daughter's finger chopped off to get her husband to start the terrorist attack

The 100 - 1.04 - Murphy's Law - Murphy demands that Charlotte be hung for killing Wells

The 100 - 1.09 - Unity Day - introduction of the Grounder Queen

The 100 - 1.13 - We are Grounders 2 - Abby describes earth to Jaha, who opens a scotch

The 100 - 2.02 - Inclement Weather - Clarke learns the Mountain Men are draining grounders of their blood

The 100 - 2.08 - Spacewalker - Clarke kills Finn to keep him from being tortured to death

Benched - 1.01 - Pilot - Nina's first day as a defense lawyer

TBBT - 7.15 - The Locomotion Manipulation - Sheldon and Amy kiss

TBBT - 8.08 - The Prom Equivalency - Sheldon tells Amy that he loves her.

Black-ish - 1.02 - The Talk - Dre is uncomfortable with his son sharing his sex thoughts with him

The Blacklist - 1.19 - The Pavlovich Brothers - Elizabeth interrogates Tom

Community - 5.13 - Basic Sandwich - At the very end, they run a fake commercial for new NBC shows with the tagline, "Depends on What Fails"

The Crazy Ones - 1.13 - Outbreak - Andrew risks contagion to get Sydney her phone

The Crazy Ones - 1.15 - Dead and Improved - Simon has to give the eulogy for a man universally hated and he ends up making it a tribute to the father-daughter bond with much pomp and circumstance.

Dominion - 1.02 - Godspeed - Arika kills everyone in her party

Elementary - 2.13 - All in the Family - Bell and Sherlock air their grievances

Elementary -2.20 - No Lack Of Void - Sherlock grieves the loss of a friend who OD's after years of sobriety

Elementary - 2.22 - Paint It Black - The Holmes brothers work together to find a kidnapped Joan

Enlisted - 1.03 - Airstream - Randy, with help from Cody, realizes Pete needs time alone so he organizes a quiet housewarming party

Enlisted - 1.08 - Vets - The Hill brothers have to show a trio of vets around and learn more about themselves in the process.

Enlisted - 1.13 - Alive Day - everyone joins Pete on the beach / the company creates a ball in Cody's honor

The Flash -1.08 - Flash vs. Arrow - the actual fight between them

The Flash - 1.09 - The Man in the Yellow Suit - Joe tells Barry not to lose the light within him

The Goldbergs - 1.18 - For Your Own Good - Murray waxes poetic about his old chair to the tune of Glory of Love

The Goldbergs - 1.21 - The Age of Darkness - Murray tells Erica that time will heal her broken heart

The Goldbergs 2.09 - The Most Handsome Boy on the Planet - Murray reassures Adam that he will always be there, even if his own father was not there for him

Grimm - 3.12 - Wild Hunt - The episode ends on a cliffhanger so the end card says To Be Continued. Then another end card pops up with cursing symbology. / Monroe proposes via cuckoo clock

Grimm - 3.17 - Synchronicity - Mama Grimm returns and brings Adalind and the baby with her

Grimm - 3.19 - Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen - introduction of Trubel to Grimm

Grimm - 3.22 - Blond Ambition - Rosalee and Monroe get married only to cause a Grimm panic and find Nick has lost his powers / DeEtta ruins Rosalee's horrid wedding dress

Grimm - 4.02 - Octopus Head - introduction of Hexen Mom

Grimm - 4.07 - The Grimm who Stole Christmas - Rosalee and Juliet save the train

Growing Up Fisher - 1.13 - Growing Up Fairbanks - Joyce and Mel team up to ream the hotel manager only to have it backfire when Elvis gets into breakfast

Helix - 1.01 - Pilot - Rat frenching = one of the most disgusting things I've seen this year

H2GAwM - 2.09 - Kill Me, Kill Me, Kill Me - it's revealed that Keating knows Wes killed her husband and is helping him get away with murder

Jane the Virgin - 1.04 - Chapter 4 - Xiomara tells Alba that she's afraid of losing Jane if she tells the truth

The Last Ship - 1.02 - Welcome to Gitmo - warehouse standoff with terrorists and introduction on Tex

The Musketeers - 1.01 - Pilot - Swordfight when D'Artagnan challenges Athos...and every other sword fight in the series that follows.  I love the action in this series.

Red Band Society - 1.07 - Know Thyself - Nurse Jackson gets suspended and the teens, led by Dash, protest

Resurrection - 1.05 - Insomnia - Henry breaks down over Jacob's photo album

Resurrection - 2.03 - Multiple - Deputy shoots his horror of a returned brother and then eats his dinner

Resurrection - 2.04 - Old Scars - Lu breaks down in front of Margaret on the anniversary of Jacob's death

Resurrection - 2.05 - Will - Margaret convinces Barbara to literally disappear

Rizzoli &Isles - 5.02 - Goodbye - Jane gives the eulogy for Frost

Scorpion - 1.06 - True Colors - Sylvester little kids out over his favorite comic, Super Fun Guy

SHIELD - 1.11 - The Magical Place - Coulson's brain surgery reveal

SHIELD - 1.17 - Turn, Turn. Turn - SHIELD falls apart and Garrett reveals himself to be Hydra

SHIELD - 1.21 - Ward ejects Fitz and Simmons from the plane to their death

SHIELD - 1.22 - Beginning of the End - May vs. Ward fight

SHIELD - 2.04 - Face My Enemy - May vs. May fight

Sleepy Hollow - 2.06 - And the Abyss gazes Back - Irving confronts the man who crippled his daughter

Sleepy Hollow - 2.09 - Mama - The ghost of Mama Mills says goodbye to Abbie and Jenny

Sleepy Hollow - 2.10 - Magnus Opus - Ichabod vs. Abraham sword fighting

Stalker - 1.08 - Skin - the team protects a former skin head from a stalker

Stalker - 1.10 - A Cry for Help - Perry confronts Beth and Beth finally reveals what is going on to Janice

Star-Crossed - 1.12 - This Trick May Chance to Scathe You - Teri takes out Castor

State of Affairs - 1.02 - Secrets & Lives - a former spy for the US tells Charlie his last words for his daughter

Supernatural - 10.01 - Black - Demon Dean has a great time complete with karaoke

Surviving Jack - 1.01 - Pilot - Jack teaches Frankie to drive through extreme pressure

Teen Wolf - 3.13 - Anchors - Mama McCall's "Be Your Own Anchor" Speech and Sheriff Dad holds Stiles as he screams in terror from a nightmare

Teen Wolf - 3.14 - Scott talks Stiles down from a panic attack / Lydia pep talks Stiles into releasing her foot from the trap

Teen Wolf - 3.17 - Silverfinger - Mama McCall helps a terrified Stiles fall asleep and he calls her, "Mom" in his delirium.

Teen Wolf - 3.20 - Eichen House - Sheriff Dad flips out over forgetting to bring Stiles' pillow but he's really upset about leaving his son in a mental hospital even for a short period.

Teen Wolf - 3.24 - The Divine Move - Dark Stiles stalks Lydia and Real Stiles down the hallway saying that they can't kill him / Danny reveals he knew about werewolves all along / Bad Moon Rising hospital slaughter

Teen Wolf - 4.01 - The Dark Moon - Malia tells Stiles she would never leave him but she'd leave the others in a heartbeat

Teen Wolf - 4.02 - Sheriff dad asks if time travel is real

Trophy Wife - 1.12 - The Punisher - Diane and Kate mock fight for the kids' benefit

TURN - 1.07 - Mercy Moment Murder Measure - Abraham explains that he is responsible for the death of his brother

TURN - 1.10 - The Battle of Setauket - Mary confronts Abraham about being a spy

Warehouse 13 - 5.06 - Endless - everyone tap dances to 42nd Street

White Collar - 5.10 - the depths of Rebecca's con are revealed

White Collar - 5.13 - Diamond Exchange - Neal tells Peter that Mozzie comes before anything, even the most important diamond in the world

White Collar - 6.03 - Uncontrolled Variables - end scene where Keller tells Neal the Panthers won't stop coming after them

White Collar - 6.06 - Au Revoir - episode wrapup:  baby Neal Burke, Peter and Mozzie talk in teh park, Diana promotion, Neal fakes his death and moves to Paris

Z Nation - 1.02- zombie baby attack

Screencaps from Tumblr, TV Ate My Baby, SpoilerTV, Zap2It, Showcase, Really Late Reviews, CPR Kids, Scraping the Edge, Tumblr, and me.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts the Sleepy Hollow "Headless" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
Recent Reviews (All Reviews)

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Librarians - 1.05 - And the Apple of Discord - Roundtable Review Questions

Want to join in our The Librarians roundtable review at SpoilerTV? Just answer the following questions, as many or few as you wish.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts the Sleepy Hollow "Headless" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
Recent Reviews (All Reviews)

Second Annual "Pitch Your Show" Results

A huge thanks to everyone who participated in this year's Pitch Your Show nominations. We had around 300 nominations with 31 shows represented. That should be enough for everyone to find a new show or two to try over hiatus. Thanks to the awesome turnout, it was difficult to determine which nominations to choose for the article. Everyone did such a great job articulating why they loved their shows. However, with over 100 nominations for The 100 and over 60 for Reign, it had to be narrowed down. To see all the nominations, click here.

Again, thanks for all the nominations. It was fantastic reading through them all, which led me to adding some new shows to my to-watch list. I can't wait to check them out. Sound off in the comments below if you found any new show to watch or if there is a brilliant show that wasn't nominated. I'd also love to hear what your TV plans for the hiatus are.

The 100 -

Currently airs on The CW on Wednesdays at 9/8 C
Season 1 streaming on Netflix / Season 2 streaming on the CW online and Hulu

1. Taylor - The 100. Ah.. where do I begin? With a show like The 100 I could go on and on about all the reasons why it deserves more exposure and viewers, but I'll try not to talk forever. I personally believe it is overlooked by most people because it airs on The CW (Which has a reputation for being a teen drama-filled network with low quality shows). However, there are a couple shows that actually break that stereotype and The 100 is definitely in that category. The 100 is about the last survivors from Earth 97 years after a nuclear war that made life on Earth unsurvivable. The show starts off with the survivors living in space on an ark but they are becoming desperate as they are losing oxygen and won't survive in space much longer. With no other options, they decide to send 100 juvenile delinquents (because they are expendable for their crimes) to the ground to see if the humans can survive on Earth once again. There's so many different struggles the characters face throughout the show. The thin line between good versus evil, the constant need to survive, and suffering are just a few things the characters face. The 100 is a show that pushes the limits and will make you question your own morals and your way of thinking. Seeing what the characters face on a day-to-day basis makes us viewers wonder what we would truly do if we were in their situation. With the first season being only 13 episodes and the second (which is still currently airing) being 16 episodes, there is no room for filler episodes. Every moment on the show counts and the plot is fast paced. The characters are extremely complex and constantly make you question whether or not they are truly good or bad at heart. The struggles seen throughout the show let us see firsthand the true development of each character. Some go down dark paths and others see the light and become leaders. One thing that is also amazing about this show is the fact that it is brutally honest. There is no escape for these characters and they must face their problems head on. Consequences will always follow their actions and the writers create no easy outlets. Death, war and suffering is a constant throughout this show but with the pain, there is also friendship, love, and family. The cast individually is great but together they are phenomenal. The characters cannot survive without each other and they bring the best (and worst) out of one another. The interactions is one of my favorite parts of the show. Some characters you hate in the pilot, will grow to become one of your favorites in Season 2 and vice versa. I have heard some say that they think the show starts out slow in the first few episodes but it's just because they are setting up the story for a very eventful rest of the season. Season 1 is amazing and brings a lightness to the show, while Season 2 becomes dark when the characters learn to deal with life on Earth and all the consequences of their actions. So, if you have read this to the very end I truly appreciate it and hope you will give The 100 a chance. I have much more I could say but I will finish with this: The writers are phenomenal, the acting is beautifully done and the show overall demands to be seen. The 100 pushes the limits, forces you to question your own morals, and keeps you on your toes. It is a heartbreaking, cruel, fascinating, beautiful show and I urge you to witness it for yourself. It will rip your heart out and then slowly mend it back together for you (but I promise it's worth it).

2. Zara Noelle - The 100 not only has an interesting premise (It's set 97 years after a nuclear war devastated the earth. The last of humanity resides on a space station called "The Ark" but they're running out of oxygen, so they send down 100 'expendable' delinquents to the surface to see if it's inhabitable or not.) It has a diverse cast, and lots of leading ladies who are well written and aren't defined by or exist for the men on the show. It's a really dark and gritty show that's not afraid to take risks. Romance takes a back seat to everything else on the show, which is fantastic and realistic in their situation. There are also some really amazing relationships on the show, whether it's mother/daughter, brother/sister, or boyfriend/girlfriend, not to mention the amazing lady friendships on the show. And one of my favorite things about this show is its realistic character development. The story arcs of individual characters are so well done and I am continuously impressed by them. This show is very underrated and deserves far more recognition than it gets. Just give it a chance. If you're not hooked within the first four episodes, then fine, at least you tried.

3. Hope - Do you like strong, unapologetic storytelling? Complex, multifaceted characters with incredible development? Amazing female leads with agency and independence? Tired of waiting 32 months for Game of Thrones to come back on? Try The 100, The CW's post-apocalyptic drama that you will binge in two days in its entirety, or your money back. This show goes places no other network drama will; The 100 is practically on par with HBO in terms of violence and disregard for the lives of their main characters. It's fast paced, sharply written, deeply complex and perfectly entertaining. Every friend I've recommended it to has binged it, loved it, and threatened to flay me alive if it gets cancelled. It's honestly one of the best shows on TV right now, and you don't want to miss out on this amazing new season.

4. Emma - I'm not the most eloquent so I'm just going to break it down by episode grouping: Season 1, Episodes 1-3: What do you think would happen when you send 100 preteen/teenagers that had been living in what appeared to be solitary confinement for unknown amounts of time to a place where there are no adults and no rules? (hint: 90210 meets Gossip Girl) Season 1, Episode 4: What happens when all those hormonal teens realize that they need to eat too? (hint: Lord of the Flies) Season 1, Episode 5: sh*t gets real. From this episode thru to the current Season 2 mid-season finale that just aired, you get a story about survival, loss of innocence, unlikely allies and enemies who smile and offer chocolate cake while planning how to best use you. Our heroes/heroines are forced to make difficult choices, oftentimes choosing between the lesser of two evils in order to minimize the loss of life. There are no last minutes rescues, no Hail Mary that saves the day – there are actions and consequences. The story moves fast, the action never quits and we, the viewers, get to witness all The 100’s character growth that results – teens become adults, bullies become protectors, peacemakers become murders. So, by this point, you may be thinking “Well then, guess I’ll just queue up Netflix and start at episode 5”. Please don’t. Episodes 1-4 may have more “teen angst” than the entire rest of the series combined but they are necessary for you to understand the perspectives of both the teens and the adults and they are absolutely vital for you to appreciate how far all of the characters, teen and adult alike, have come.

5. Emily - There are so many reasons why this show needs to stay on television. First of all, it has an amazing female lead: Clarke is a multi-dimensional character who exudes a tremendous amount of strength and wisdom. Her ability to lead her people goes against common belief that leaders must be older and more experienced in order to make wise decisions. Even Chancellor Griffin, Clarke's mother, looks to her when making decisions for her people as she has come to recognize her capabilities. Clarke doesn't hesitate to make difficult choices for the greater good. Beyond just Clarke, The 100 has a fantastic cast of characters in general. Even the more minor characters that we see less of - such as Lincoln, President Wallace, and Lexa - have interesting, multi-faceted dynamics to their personalities. In terms of plot, every episode is packed with action and suspense. Even the so-called "slow" episodes keep me on the edge of my seat. There are multiple story lines currently taking place in season 2, and all of them have me fully engaged and interested to see how they'll turn out. The show explores complex issues including justice, survival, prejudice/racism, power, war, and violence. These themes are tackled in such a way that, in my opinion, do not necessarily make concrete statements about what is morally right or wrong but allow for viewers to make their own interpretations and think about the grey areas that exist within these themes. As a very analytical thinker, I love to pick apart the decisions the characters make, trying to decipher which characters my own views align with and what that says about them and about me. Finally, the show takes risks. Main characters have been killed off to further the storyline and the female lead's character. The writers go to dark places such as torture, suicide, guilt, and human experimentation. Characters take measures that directly conflict with their own moral values in order to survive. I love that I repeatedly find myself saying "wow, I can't believe they actually went there" at the end of many episodes.

About a Boy -

Currently airs on NBC on Tuesdays at 9:30/8:30 C
Season 1 streaming on Netflix / Season 2 streaming on and Hulu

1. Dan Mullen - Unlike a lot of sitcoms that rely on curse words or crude humor to get a joke across, About a Boy provides a heartwarming, easy to watch sitcom. The leads Marcus (Benjamin Stockham), Will (David Walton), and Fiona (Minnie Driver) are so genuine and are some of the most likeable characters on TV. Every week you witness Marcus' and Will's relationship grow into some of the best character chemistry on television. Is it the best comedy you will ever watch? No probably not, but it is a comedy worth watching and I highly recommend it.

2. Omabin - This is possibly the most underrated comedy on television right now. It's not that I've heard people badmouthing it or criticizing it. It's simply that I don't hear people talking about it at all. This little dramedy has tones of heart and will leave you with a smile on your face at the end of its episodes. It explores the unconventional relationship between a typical single guy, a little boy and his somehow crazy mother. There are no romantic feelings even hinted between Will and Fiona so it's even more interesting to watch the unconventional family that the three of them end up forming. The acting is great and the scripts are on point almost all the episodes, so it's really a shame that more people aren't watching. About a Boy may be suffering from a sophomore slump in the ratings, but quality wise, I can attest that it's very much at the top of its game. I urge anyone who enjoys a light comedy with a lot of heart and the exploration of unconventional yet lovely relationships between human beings to try this one out!

The Americans -

Season 3 premieres on FX on January 28 at 10/9 C
Seasons 1 and 2 streaming on Amazon Prime

1. Paola Andrade - While I'm not sure if it is in risk of cancellation, the fact that it is a cable show makes people less aware of it. I truly believe this show is a masterpiece. It revolves around the lives of two Russian spies living in America in the time of the Cold War. It is an action packed series that keeps you on the edge of your seat without sacrificing character development. In fact the psychological aspect of it is one of its strengths. One roots for the characters one would normally root against. It is a morally ambiguous multi-layered show. The protagonists are people you enjoy having in front of your screen, and that's always a plus. The season long arcs always get satisfactorily resolved. They are thirteen episodes long and there are only two seasons as of right now which makes it easy to catch up.

Beauty and the Beast -

Season 3 does not have a premiere date yet but should premiere in 2015
Season 1 streaming Netflix / Season 2 not streaming as far as I can tell

1. Empress Beastie - Beauty and the Beast is a very underrated show. Most people who see the promo automatically judge it thinking it's all about romance in a fairy tale sense but it's not. Yes there is romance but it's not all the show is about. There is friendship, action, comedy. Everyone should watch this show because it's not like other shows on TV. Beauty and the Beast is a show that blew me away. I never in my life loved a show as much as I love this show. If people give it a chance they will love it too. I promise.

2. Michelle Allen - A beautifully interesting retelling of the old age story, Beauty and The Beast. Very loosely based on the 1987 series of the same name, this series really hits you in all the right spots. You'll find yourself emotionally invested in the show because of how real it is. A tale of betrayal, heartbreak, and justice which we can all relate to on some level through our own experiences in life. This show really moved me like no other show has before. It has the right amount of romance, humor, trials and tribulations for it to be believable. If that doesn't persuade you to watch it, I think the actors will do just that. The series' main actors, Jay Ryan & Kristin Kreuk, are so present with their characters that you can't help but drown in their stories. Excellent supporting actors too, all characters brings something special to the series. Give it a go, give it a real go; you won't be disappointed. I promise!

3. Rosely - It's a wonderful series that despite being fiction, shows us much of reality. For example this internal struggle that lives between Vincent acting like an animal or more rationally is the struggle of all of us and here comes Catherine to show us that with love you can win over this dark side that we have, our animal part, that good overcomes evil. It also shows the great value of true friendship. Anyway, Beauty and the Beast is fiction, mythology, drama, humor, and romance. It's a number which can be fitted into any of these categories; it is complete.

4. Anna - I love this show as it has heart. It is romantic, sexy, funny and has some great action too. The main leads have the greatest chemistry I have seen on screen and I have watched many shows/movies, etc. It is just magic. This show is unique, different from other shows out there and deserves more recognition, hence I am nominating it.

5. Fernada - We love BatB because is a thriller, a fantasy, a love story, and a friendship story. The characters are so good and the chemistry between the protagonists is an invitation to dream. Maybe the title doesn't represent the story so well. It is not a transposition of the fable, but a modern reinterpretation of it, more "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" than "Beauty and the Beast". There is no Prince, but a normal boy, even a doctor. In his body lives a demon, a fair, and the boy fights against him in order to preserve his humanity and save his soul. And there is a girl, a strong and determined one, who loves and defends him against all odds, and they fight together against enemies and for justice.

Bones -

Currently airs on FOX on Thursdays at 8/7 C
Seasons 1-9 streaming on Netflix
Season 10 streaming on and Hulu

1. Anna - Because it has everything a fan wants: love, crime, drama, comedy, murder and bones. Chemistry between our protagonists also makes it more real. If you see it, you will not regret it = D

Chicago PD -

Currently airs on NBC on Wednesdays at 10/9 C
Season 1 not available for streaming that I found / Season 2 streaming on and Hulu

1. Pat - Keeps you on the edge of your seat, has very good action and stunts, and it's realistic to Chicago crime. If you enjoy watching an action filled hour of TV, PD is the way to go.

Constantine -

Currently airs on NBC on Fridays at 8/7 C
Season 1 streaming on and Hulu

1. Patrick Maloney - A lot of shows claim to be centered around a "complex" character and only half of those shows ever come close to fulfilling that claim, while even less actually do center around a complex character. So when I say John Constantine is one of those characters that truly makes you question what it means to be a hero, you know it's a compliment. Plot wise, I believe fans of The Flash and Arrow will enjoy it because I have a theory, theory being the operative word, that Constantine is at least showing a different side of the plots going on in both those shows. Arrow's OMAC program, Flash's Red Skies, and Constantine's Rising Darkness are all connected to DC Comics' famous Crisis storylines. Therefore, I believe the studios are planning to share a lot of motifs and plots, if not a full blown crossover between the three shows is coming.

2. JuTereno - I know many people said the show isn't entirely sure which genre it follows and that the story itself is a little weak, but it most definitely grows on you. It's a suspense/terror show with bits of comic relief, and the guy who plays Constantine is very, very likeable.. I heard you can't judge a show if you don't watch at least 5 episodes. I'm pretty sure that by the time you get to the 5th, you'll want to watch the 6th. It's not the best show ever, not gonna lie, but it's not as bad as everyone's saying either. I mean, look at where Under The Dome got! In my opinion, Dome has much more amateur writing than Constantine.

3. Brenda Benton - I usually don't go for shows like this but each week the leads of the show, Matt Ryan and Angelica Celaya, make you feel the plight they're caught up in. It's a supernatural show with spine tingling action that captivates, leaving you on the edge of your seat, and the superior acting of the cast just makes you root for them - great entertainment that I wish more people were exposed to it. I consider it great escape for an hour and the special effects are amazing!!!

4. Benjamin Brcina - It's a great show and it would really be a shame if it gets cancelled. It is intriguing, has an awesome mystery setting and awesome characters.

Cristela -

Currently airs on ABC on Fridays at 8:30/7:30 C
Season 1 streaming on and Hulu

1. Bill 2 - The show is a smart, witty, fun comedy full with hilarious one-liners and great comedic timing, especially by the lead. It is the only show with a laugh track I can stand watching, and relationships between Cristela and the other characters are always showcased. I absolutely love Cristela's sense of humor and think that it deserves a chance to succeed.

Elementary -

Currently airs on CBS on Thursdays at 10/9 C
Seasons 1 and 2 are not currently streaming that I can tell / Season 3 streaming at

1. Suzana - Elementary has great characters first and foremost. It's a show of great words and dialogues. It has also great comedic relief. Elementary is also a show about recovery. First because in this adaptation Sherlock is a drug addict in recovery but not only. In its three seasons, the show and its character has evolved. In opposition to some procedurals, Elementary is not a stagnating show. Jonny Lee Miller does a terrific job of portraying Sherlock. So does Lucy Liu with Joan Watson. And no worry, there is no romantic relationship between Holmes and Watson. Thank God.

2. ??? - All fans of detective stories and mysteries should watch this show. It is delightful. Cast is pure perfection. It will not leave you indifferent.

The Flash -

Currently airs on The CW on Tuesdays at 8/7 C
Season 1 streaming and Hulu

1. Brooklyn Jones - Okay, I'm gonna sum this up for's Barry freaking Allan! Um hello? Hot dude who's in love with a girl he can't have, may I just say E.P.IC. It's romantic and mysterious and sometimes depressing. This show has got it all, I man gosh. Who doesn't love a show that is based on a sorta classic hero.

Forever -

Currently airs on ABC on Tuesdays at 10/9 C
Season 1 streaming on and Hulu

1. Paola Andrade - Despite being a procedural (I usually don't watch those), the pilot caught my attention because I liked the lead actor and the main plotline revolved around him being immortal. After the pilot I stayed however because of the characters interactions which to me are the heart of the show. The relationship between Henry (the protagonist) and Abe (his son) is the absolute best thing in it; seeing them care for each other is a delight. The rest of the cast is also entertaining, and to this point there is no character I don't like (which is rare). The show mixes the humor with profound reflections regarding life and death. It is a feel-good show with a lot of heart.

2. Leah - The characters are rich and diverse: we have a strong female director Lt. Reece (played by Lorraine Toussaint, OITNB's Vee), a great female partner to Henry (the main character), Jo Martinez, of course Henry himself (played Ioan Gruffudd, who you may know from Fantastic Four or Titanic), a hilarious & youthful old Abe (Judd Hirsch) and the adorable & witty assistant Lucas Wahl (played by Joel David Moore, who you may know from Avatar and Bones). The lead, Ioan Gruffudd, is a brilliant actor whose Sherlockian attitude is hilarious and also plays with our heartstrings when things get dramatic (plus he has a cute British accent). The plot is entertaining with both procedural crime, comedy and fantasy clashing together in a very interesting way. It basically asks the question: would you really want to live forever?

3. Maloose - A fun and adventurous procedural show. An amazing combination of criminal catching, time traveling (flashbacks), educational dialogue (Henry spewing scientific facts all the time), non-romantic relationships, lovable characters, funny situations, mystery and family love.

4. Vicki - I was hooked on the show from its inception. It not only has a great cast and brilliant writers, the story of the immortal Doctor Henry Morgan puts a bit of a wrinkle into the traditional crime drama. This show not only has mystery and intrigue, but there is also an element of humor included. I particularly enjoy the chemistry between the actors. They make the characters believable.

5. Derryth - Great chemistry among the cast members, especially Ioan Gruffudd and Judd Hirsch. There has already been significant character development in our hero since the pilot episode. He's expanded his circle of friends from one foster son to a family including his lab assistant and three people with the police department. Despite his quirks, these people like, trust and respect him. In future we should learn more about the consequences of eternal life and maybe more about the resurrection process as it affects "Adam." Given more time, I expect great things from this series.

The Good Wife -

Currently airs on CBS on Sundays at 9/8 C
Seasons 1-5 streaming on Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime
Season 6 streaming on

1. Tom Scavo - The Good Wife, currently in its 6th season, is the best thing to happen to network television in the last decade. If the recently announced Golden Globe nominations aren't enough to persuade you, here's a few more: The storylines have never been more compelling, the show has been on a creative high for the last two years (that doesn't mean the prior seasons are somehow inferior to the more recent ones), the cast is unbelievable (Julianna Margulies, Christine Baranski and Alan Cumming - do I need to say more?) and the major shake-ups that re-invented the show last year have proven to be extremely successful. Therefore, watch the Good Wife continue in its (presumably last and) 7th season so you can tell your children one day: I saw it while it was on the air.

Hannibal -

Season premieres on NBC in 2015
Season 1 streaming on Amazon Prime / Season 2 streaming on and Hulu

1. Sarah - I think Hannibal is one of the most remarkable yet underrated TV shows of our time. Bryan Fuller has finally received the critical acclaim he deserves. Like every show he creates, Hannibal is built on its characters and visual style. But I think he's reached a peak here. As you watch, you can feel the mechanisms of the plot ticking in perfect synch(a precision almost like the one Hannibal has), culminating in an epic, breathtaking harmony between the fully fleshed out characters and the world in their eyes, which the show portrays.
This isn't your typical cop show, it isn't a typical psychological thriller. Hannibal surpasses every expectation and delves into the workings of an ill mind, so overwhelming it makes you question your own morality. The first season starts out like a produceral but makes sure to show you that's not the intention. After a thrilling season finale comes the second season, incomparable and even more epic than the first one. You can actually feel the energy this show has when it just gets better and better with every single episode. I just wish more people would suffer the wait between season along with me and the small but loyal fanbase Hannibal has. XD

Hart of Dixie -

Currently airs on The CW on Fridays at 8/7 C
Seasons 1-3 streaming on Netflix
Season 4 streaming on Hulu and

1. Jill - Hart of Dixie is one of the most charming and unifying shows on TV. The citizens of Bluebell could be a model for the rest of us in these troubled times. Besides being the most attractive citizenry on TV, they work together for the good of the town and are an excellent example of how diversity should work. Please renew Hart of Dixie.


Hawaii 5-O -

Currently airs on CBS on Fridays at 9/8 C
Seasons 1-4 not currently streaming that I can tell / Season 5 streaming on

1. Sue - Great action show. Terrific bromances. They always put family first. Alex and Scott are great together. They seem to get along well. Beautiful shots of Hawaii. Fantastic car chases.

Jane the Virgin -

Currently airs on The CW on Mondays at 9/8 C
Season 1 streaming on Hulu and

1. Renee - I was at first skeptical to give Jane the Virgin a view but once I watched the first episode I was hooked. The series is well-written and has a talented cast. While the show has elements of drama and comedy, it gives a positive look at female relationships, especially among Jane, her mother, and grandmother. It is well worth a look!

2. Deneene - Jane the Virgin is such a charming show. I found myself watching mostly grime, crime and slime shows. Don't get me wrong, they are entertaining and I will continue to watch them. However, I decided to give Jane the Virgin a try and I am extremely glad I did. I was hooked after watching the first episode. The acting is superb. The plot twists are amazing and the show moves the story along quickly. What's not to love?! Oh did I mention, the show and the lead actress, Gina Rodriguez, received Golden Globe nominations? C'mon people, get past the title of the show and watch it.

3. Misscar - Do you love a little comedy in your drama or drama in your comedy? Do you enjoy shows with well-developed characters and intriguing plot lines? Do you enjoy a good ministry? Do you enjoy snarky Latin lover narrators and self-absorbed narcissistic celebrities with a heart of gold underneath the celebrity bravado? Are you still pissed off that you've waited four years for Betty and Daniel to finally get together only to end with you throwing a shoe at your television when they don't even kiss in the last episode? (Not that I did that because really I didn't.*) Then may I recommend Jane the Virgin. You're probably saying to yourself, "I do not want to watch a show called Jane the Virgin. That has to be the most ridiculous name for a show since Homeboys in Space." I say to you do not judge a book by its cover. Underneath the strange name is a beautifully entertaining show. I was halfway tempted to pitch Agents of Shield but it's in nowhere near as much danger and it has the force of the Avengers behind it if it ever does become seriously endangered. But Jane needs all the help she can get. Also aren't you just a little bit curious to see what type of show on the CW was actually excellent enough to garner a Golden Globe nomination?

*Latin lover narrator: It should be noted that Misscar really did throw a shoe at her television during the final episode of Ugly Betty. She may have also wrote a fanfic or three to fix this.

4. Jasmin - This show follows the life of Jane who is a virgin, who is also a badass strong willed woman who isn't afraid to stay a virgin because she made a promise to her grandmother when she was a child, and intends to keep it. The show does not revolve around religious factors and adult pressure to stay a virgin, rather her virginity isn't the main focus at all. WHICH IS GREAT. Females, teenagers, they need to see this sort of portrayal because deciding whether to stay a virgin or not can be really stressful when a person has to consider their reasoning behind the choice. This show is funny and humorous. There is such great banter between the characters. It's basically following Jane doing her own thing in life as well as the people in her life. The ethnic diversity is great, the plot is entertaining and still leaves more questions than answers, thus encouraging the audience to come back for more. This show definitely should stay; it's so new, it's practically a fetus! It needs more views! Fingers crossed it won't get cancelled.

5. Alex - I know many of you have judged Jane just because of its ridiculous name and that's because it is ridiculously funny and heartwarming; it is truly a gem in the rough. And if it's so bad why did it get a Golden Globe Nomination? It's only been 9 episodes and yet I'm hooked. You should try it. I know it's not for everyone but maybe it's for you. Hope you like it!

The Leftovers -

Season 2 will premiere on HBO in 2015
Season 1 not available for streaming that I can tell

1. Luana - This new show is just quality TV. It is not that much about why people just suddenly vanished but about how the people that remain are able to live in a world where such a thing could happen. It has brilliant dialogues, performances and scenes, and the character and world construction is amazing and thorough. It does have a slow pace but it's absolutely amazing and worth watching with your full attention. The things you start discovering along the way make it that much more enjoyable. If you like really good TV it will definitely be worth your time.

Mad Men -

Season 7 premieres on AMC in spring 2015
Seasons 1-6 streaming on Netflix

1. DoubleJ - A show you MUST watch for so many reasons, starting with its amazing actors, its beautiful and nostalgic music, its so-well written dialogues...but also its silences that often mean more than the words pronounced by the characters. Copied but never equaled, this is by far one of the best series on TV at the moment, the one you CAN'T miss.

The Middle -

Currently airs on ABC on Wednesdays at 8/7 C
Seasons 1-5 not available for streaming that I can tell / Season 6 streaming on and Hulu

1. Mihail Petrov - I think "The Middle" is so underrated. It is a good and funny show about a strange family. And what's more important, it's DIFFERENT from the other family comedies like "Modern Family", "The Millers" etc.

The Mindy Project -

Currently airs on FOX on Tuesdays at 9:30 / 8:30 C
Seasons 1-2 streaming on Hulu Plus
Season 3 streaming on FOX.xom and Hulu

1. Alexandra - As a lifelong sit-com freak, I'm disappointed to say my choices for intelligent fare with more than 10 episodes per season are waning. The Office is gone, as are 30 Rock, How I Met Your Mother, and soon, Parks and Rec. Many of the remaining shows either aren't on that level or are cute but simply aren't that funny. Among the few exceptions is The Mindy Project. This is a show I watch with the remote in my hand to pause and rewind to catch every joke -- and generally watch a second time before bed! Yes, it is a star vehicle for Mindy Kaling, rather than a true ensemble comedy, but Mindy is hilarious, as is her costar (and co-writer) Ike Barinholtz. Chris Messina, as Mindy's boyfriend, Danny, is a brilliant actor, and Danny and Mindy's relationship is one of the cutest things on television right now, as recently recognized by People Magazine, which chose them as cutest television couple. Mindy Project also flirts with the boundaries of comedy and is one of the few shows on air that can lead to discussion and even arguments. The esthetic of the show, also, is spectacular -- I've told friends it is worth watching for Mindy's accessories alone! Finally, viewers will root for Mindy in spite of her flaws. She's a great character. I legit look forward to this show every week and am so happy it got a full season. Renewal for Mindy!

2. Grace - It takes a little while to get warmed up to the show and its characters (it did to me, anyway) but it's worth it. It's not perfect, not even close, but the show has a lot of genuine emotion that I didn't see much on TV, and the good parts are worth going through the not-so-great parts. The leading couple's relationship is wonderfully written and fun to watch. I know it sounds shallow (somehow) but the lead is a woman who is the size of an average woman rather than unrealistically thin, and she is dressed colorfully instead of "thinning" colors and that kind of representation is important. Lastly, it's really funny and TV tropes are used the right way; it's not repetitive and predictable. Give it a shot.

3. Nurse Tookers - Mindy Kaling and her writing team have nailed the concept of an updated romantic comedy. This show is hilarious one moment, tear jerking the next. Mindy and Danny have defied the odds, and their relationship is even more exciting now than it was for the first two years of will-they-won't-they. They just won PEOPLE Magazine's TV couple of the year award! This show has really come together and is stronger than ever in its third season. Please tune in and help it get the fourth season it deserves!

4. Libi - Well there are many reasons everyone should be watching The Mindy Project...I'll settle for sending these in:
1) it's excellently written with a dash of everything to suit everyone's style
2) brilliantly acted especially by Chris Messina and Mindy Kaling
3) it's not an endless stream of crass sex jokes; the comedy is real here people
4) it's a feminist show without preaching to you or talking down to you and without male bashing (we love all men on the show)
5) amazing guest stars who have an arc and not just fillers
6) Chris Messina's dancing - if you haven't seen it you have no idea what you're missing!!!!
7) an excellent way to spend a half hour on a Tuesday night while relaxing with loved ones...there's so much more but not enough time..thanks...hope people tune in and keep this show going :)

5. Mady - The Mindy Project is simply delightful. You turn on your TV and you are greeted with sharp, quick wit, and insane chemistry between Mindy Kaling and Chris Messina. I've watched all 2 1/2 seasons three times because it's just so delicious!!! The music, the fashion, the actors- all of it combines to create a mosh posh of great television. You will NOT regret tuning in!

Mom -

Currently airs on CBS on Thursdays at 8:30/7:30 C
Season 1 not currently available for streaming that I can tell / Season 2 streaming on

1. Pop Culture Guy - Because it's an ambitious comedy that handles tough subject matters - addiction, teen pregnancy, poverty - with humor, but without undercutting the seriousness, if that makes sense. And the chemistry between the underrated Anna Faris and Allison Janney is spectacular.

Nashville -

Currently airs on ABC on Wednesdays at 10/9 C
Seasons 1-2 streaming on Hulu Plus
Season 3 streaming on  and Hulu

1. J Lynn - Jonathan Jackson and Hayden Panettiere! Really it's just a great show, not just about country music though there are some original pieces to enjoy. It's also about drama....cheating, lies, $, love triangles, gay person afraid to face facts, pregnancy, engagements, etc. There's always something good brewing on Nashville. Plus the cast is a great mix and always easy on the eyes!!!!

The Night Shift -

Season 2 premieres on NBC on February 23 at 10/9 C
Season 1 streaming on

1. Abby Hannaford - The show is a great medical drama that keeps you on the edge of you seat most of the time. The chemistry between the characters is amazing and the story lines behind each episode are great, fun and exciting. It's nothing like any of the other medical dramas on TV because it is based in the emergency rooms of a hospital close to an army base with a lot of ex-army medics working as doctors and nurses in the trauma department of the hospital.

Person of Interest -

Currently airs on CBS on Tuesdays at 10/9 C
Seasons 1-3 not currently available on streaming that I can tell / Season 4 streaming on

1. Double J - This is one of the best series on networks right now, one that you really have to try, because it at the same time looks and isn't like the series you've watched before. It is much more than a cop show, much more than a drama, much more than a sci-fi series... It's all and none of them at the same time, a great mix of what I personally love to see on TV. Can't say more without going into spoilers, but you really have to give it a try.

2. Fringenos - Person of Interest is a serialized mix of crime drama and science fiction. It isn't in immediate cancellation danger but often overlooked - which it shouldn't be. The Setting: The show revolves around a worldwide (automated) surveillance network, built after 9/11 to prevent further attacks. This system, called The Machine, shares the social security number(s) of people involved in "relevant" events, meaning terrorist attacks, with the government. However, The Machine sees everything - also "irrelevant" events, meaning murder of (or by) people like you. These irrelevant numbers are not something the government cares about - but two people do. Harold Finch, who built The Machine, and John Reese, ex-CIA ggent, try to figure out what's about to happen - and stop it, if they can. This is not always as easy as it might sound - and of course, they won't be able to do this alone.

What This Show Can Give You: During the course of the series, the writers explore the background of The Machine, the people working "relevant numbers", special people they come across and also people who want to abuse The Machine for their own purposes. All this is packed in an increasingly tight (and intense, in a good way) main plot, which also gets more screen time as the series progresses. While you could say that in its 1st season it is mostly procedural, this definitely won't apply for Season 2 and ongoing. If you like to be challenged by smart, intelligent and intense writing, you will enjoy the plots this show offers. Also, you'll get to see a lot of great supporting characters you'll remember - which is something a lot of shows have problems with. POI doesn't.

The Cast: Here's also some words about the cast - which I am very happy with. Michael Emerson (LOST) and Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ) get this thing going and are joined by Taraji P. Henson and Kevin Chapman, with Sarah Shahi and Amy Acker joining later. I am very convinced by their work; they do a great job portraying their characters. So, if you are interested in stories connecting people, technology and the 'Brave New World' post-9/11, this is a show for you. Personally, as a fan of Fringe, LOST, Alias and The X-Files, this is my favorite show on the air. Give it a chance. ;)

Please Like Me -

Currently airs on Pivot
Seasons 1-2 is not currently streaming that I can tell, but it may be on DISH On Demand

1. Gio - Well, first of all, SpoilerTV needs to start covering PLM so people will have a new source of info and details about this wonderful dramedy. It's an Australian product that was bought by the cable channel Pivot and has become a co-production between the Aussies and the Americans. It's aired two seasons so far and was renewed for season 3 before second year's premiere. Following Joshua's quirky life as a young adult (portrayed by the amazing stand-up comedian Josh Thomas) who has found out he's gay after his girlfriend broke up with him, the show is just a delightful half hour full of humor and reflection on what it's like to be a flawed person discovering a new side of himself. The supporting characters are also pretty funny, including Joshua's parents, his roomie (and best friend), his ex-girl-now-just-friend, stepmom and a couple of romantic interests. Please, give it a try, you won't regret it. Please, like me!

2. Christopher DeBono - Please Like Me is everything I feel HBO's 'Girls' should be. It's funny, unpretentious and natural while rooted in reality. Each character has a charm that makes everyone enjoyable to watch. If you want something quirky yet fun, give 'Please Like Me' a look.

Rectify -

Season 3 will premiere on the Sundance Channel in 2015
Season 1 streaming on Netflix
Season 2 streaming on for 3 more days

1. S1xthStr33t - - Great cast. Good writing. The show takes the time for plot development so maybe it could be little slow at first but proceeding apace.

Reign -

Currently airs on The CW on Thursdays at 9/8 C
Season 1 streaming on Netflix
Season 2 streaming on and Hulu

1. Lori - Try Reign if you love historical fantasy fiction. Loosely based on the life of young Mary, Queen of Scots during her years in France. Mary is played by Adelaide Kane. Outstanding actress, Megan Follows of 'Anne of Green Gables' fame, plays her mother-in-law, Queen Catherine de Medici. At that time, women had nothing and were nothing except what either their fathers or husbands gave them. Mary and her ladies are challenged to not only survive but also thrive and wield power of their own design, especially when cultural mores demand so much from them. Season 1 is available on Netflix. It is light and hopeful, full of promise. Season 2 is darker and more realistic. Mary learns to rule through the pain, putting on a brave face while inwardly she's fragile and insecure. I'm anticipating great things upon the show's return Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 9 pm on The CW network.

2. Emily - Reign is a highly intelligent show. The subject matter leaves me in mind of the Tudors which was a similar 'fanciful retelling' of the Tudor dynasty. As popular as the Tudors was, it surprises me that this show does not get similar ratings. The costuming and scripting are beautiful. The performances are amazing with some oft unseen actors like Megan Follows. It is interesting to watch how they retell the stories, seamlessly blending historical fact and legend. A fun and fanciful, if somewhat loose, retelling of historical events, I highly recommend this show.

3. Aggie - Ok, so Reign isn't so accurate with their costumes. However, none of the current shows can make you feel a mix of emotions all in one episode. What makes the show great is the awesome dialogue where character talk to each other like equals and confide in each other like we do in real life. The story line also moves fast so conflicts aren't drag out for too long. But don't think just because one conflict is resolved, the story gets boring. The next one could be even worse than the first and the reason why you'll want to keep watching is to see how everything works out. Besides it wouldn't be a normal day in French Court without drama-from the citizens to the nobles and ladies-in-waiting to the royal family.

4. Danielle Paquette - A historical fiction show on the life of Mary, Queen of Scots. They are not afraid to show what you may not usually see on network television. If you are a fan of The Tudors, The White Queen, or Outlander, you will love this show as well. Megan Follows from Anne of Green Gables is amazing as Queen Catherine and Adelaide Kane will take your breath away as Mary. It's worth a shot. The cast chemistry is wonderful.

5. Hannah - I've never stumbled across a show quite like Reign before but I am so very glad I did. This fast paced series is one of those rare few that makes you long impatiently for the next installment and always leaves you wanting more. Without fail this show delivers something very special and dynamic every week. For approximately 42 minutes the audience is submerged into a splendid world of beautiful clothing ensembles, stunning sets, breathtaking musical tracks, complex character arcs, political intrigue, mystery and utterly outstanding acting from an international cast. The characters are so engaging because they are so wonderfully flawed. This show is not afraid to address controversial and challenging topics and always keeps the audience thinking by blending known historical milestones with all of the possible in between moments surrounding them. Overall what this show does so well is bring together the past and the present seamlessly. All involved deserve more recognition for this. This is not a play by play of history but rather what engaging drama and art should be. The juxtaposition between the beauty and the turmoil is rather memorizing and I would highly recommend this show if you are looking for that new addiction.

Revenge -

Currently airs on ABC on Sundays at 10/9 C
Seasons 1-3 streaming on Netflix
Season 4 streaming on and Hulu

1. Kal Epic - TV Drama at its best! Elegance, charm, sex, corruption, take-downs, death, fear, and the list goes on. One of the few shows out there that actually keeps you on the edge of your seat for 40 minutes. Great cast, acting, character development, plot and masterfully plotted twists and turns will take down your jaw and leave you utterly shocked. The deaths in Revenge are very emotional and heart-wrenching. I can go all day talking about the greatness of this show. Give it a shot. I assure you, you WILL thank me.

2. Nuala - It's had a great father/daughter relationship, great friendship, and could help on how to deal/not to deal with a situation. There are so many amazing story lines that show how good the writers are and the actors themselves are so amazing that they give me mixed emotions when watching it. I never know whose side I want to be on in the show, but everyone should watch it because of Nolan Ross!! He is a hilarious genius.

3. Revenge And OUaT - Revenge is one of the most thrilling shows on TV. They do deaths very well and they have the best fighting scenes I have ever seen on television. This show can make you scream, cry and make your heart pound. The two lead actresses are absolutely amazing and have had excellent performances. Revenge is the best show on television and will not disappoint you. In addition, Tommy Flanagan and Gina Torres are joining the cast

4. James - I think that people have misconceptions about this show being a ridiculous soap opera that makes no sense. While the show does have soapy elements, it balances it out with well written characters, an original concept, intriguing storylines and just overall entertainment value.

Saving Hope -

Returns on January 7, 2015 on CTV
Seasons 1-2 are no currently streaming as far as I can tell
Season 2 streaming on

1. Jana Ke - It is quite difficult for me to find a new show to watch when an old one has ended or I just don't like the storylines anymore. For example, I started some shows that a lot of people seem to love (Scandal, OUAT,...), but never got to sharing their opinion. With Saving Hope, it wasn't "love at first sight" at all. I watched about six or seven episodes before I came to the conclusion that it is a truly good show and that I will continue watching. To me, most of the characters are very relatable in their own way. The idea behind the show is a bit different, as it is somehow supernatural. I would definitely recommend Saving Hope to anyone who is looking for a show that is not too sad or tragic, but still has some drama!

Stalker -

Currently airs on CBS on Wednesdays at 10/9 C
Season 1 streaming on

1. Valentin - The show is not only a basic procedural, it's one of the best handled-procedural shows ever. Maggie Q is stunning in the role and you should not make your opinion only by watching the pilot because there is so much more. The storylines are well-handled and very clever. The show is full of potential and you should really watch it to be scared but also to be entertained :)

2. Laura Markus - It's a great show with intense subject matter and cool mysteries related to stalkers. The writing is pretty great, the acting is stellar, and the soundtrack is freakishly haunting. Maggie Q and Dylan McDermott work very well together and all in all, it's just a great show. If it ever had a crossover with, say Criminal Minds, it would be phenomenal. Great show, not enough recognition.

3. Nevid - Don't let the critics fool you, this show is really good and I'm not usually into procedurals. T There's a lot of character development and the cases are actually intriguing.

4. Amy Daveries - Networks are flooded with shows about police/FBI inquiries about people who are often already dead or soon to be. And I mean, good for us, forensics and police officers' inner thoughts are a strong TV show subjects, but for once, let's deal with people who are very much alive. Stalker has been wrongly shot down by critics for its so called hate towards women. This could not be more wrong. It has been criticized for its violence. It's far from being the most violent show, and everything lies within the lines of the story. In fact, the critics could not be more wrong-but then again, they're nothing more than a single opinion that's been used to reflect a so-called panel. Stalker is pretty much the Criminal Minds for people being stalked. It happens in LA, showing how sick and twisted the rich and famous world sometimes is, and it digs into people's darkest secrets and fantasies. The main characters, Beth and Jack, could have fit either a nemesis-pattern or a lovers-pattern, but somehow they fall right in the middle, despite an obvious chemistry between their actors, Maggie Q and Dylan McDermott (who is at his best in Jack's shoes). Secondary characters are solid, and each and every week, you're up to a new story that will keep you breathless until the very last minute. But Stalker is so much more than this. It highlights strong characters, often women, who are not really pale victims anymore, but strongly willed people who are not afraid to get what they want. Showing that women can be criminals is anything but hate towards them; it's actually putting them at the same level as men, with men sometimes lying there as their victims. And there are the red-line stories of our main characters, and why they behave the way they do, and how they're going to survive whatever's thrown at them. Stalker is one of the best surprises of this season, and it's worth giving it a go...Because, just like me, you're going to take each and every episode like a slap in the face. A good one.

5. Ewelina - Such a great show! fresh and full of cool cases

State of Affairs -

Currently airs on NBC on Mondays at 10/9 C
Season 1 streaming and Hulu

1. Tal - This is great a show maligned by Katherine Heigl naysayers. It gives an in-depth look at the inner workings of the CIA, and having a sensible woman President is pretty cool too.

2.  Dahne - To be honest, the pilot bored me and I didn't like the main character.  Then episodes 2 and 3 had great cases of the week and it drew me in.  Now the mytharc alone is worth watching.  I'm usually not a fan of political thrillers, but this one gets better each week.

Supernatural -

Currently airs on The CW on Tuesdays at 9/8 C
Seasons 1-9 streaming on Netflix
Season 10 streaming on and Hulu

1. Eleanor - This is hands down one of the best shows on television, and it just keeps getting better.

The Vampire Diaries -

Currently airs on The CW on Thursdays at 8/7 C
Seasons 1-5 streaming on Netflix
Season 6 streaming on and Hulu

1. Brooklyn Jones - Um did u miss the word "vampire" ??? Or the sexy as all get out brothers who are both desperately in love with the lovely heroine ??? This show is simply heaven. I've watched this show from the beginning and rewatched every episode at least 5 times. To be totally honest I want Stelena and Caroline and Klaus back but don't see that happening but anyways this show is amazing and it has everything from vampires to doppelgangers. Who doesn't love mixed fantasy?

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts the Sleepy Hollow "Headless" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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