
Monday, June 28, 2021

2021 Character Cup - Nominations

With the Favorite Episode crowned, it’s time to start the 2021 Character Cup.  Woooo hooo!  This is my favorite part of the summer hiatus and I hope you’ll join with me, cheering on your favorite characters and talking TV.  A well-written and well-acted character can transport us to new worlds, inspire us with new experiences, and help us understand new perspectives. A well-crafted character comes alive until we care about them almost like a real person. The Character Cup highlights and honors all those characters. So reflect back on all those characters you just can’t forget, from those whose shows have long ended to those still on the air. It’s nomination time!

Note - I cannot stress enough how important the nomination phase is for your favorite characters to get into the Cup.  It has taken as few as 3-5 nominations for a character to get in some years so don't forget to talk the nomination stage up to others and, of course, let us know who your nominations and honorable mentions are in the comments below. Don’t forget to read the nominating rules so all yours count.  Best wishes to all of your favorites and let the contest begin!

What’s the Same:

The Character Cup works similarly to the Episode and Series Competitions. 64 characters compete head-to-head, with the winner advancing to the next round until only one is left. If you haven't participated in the Character Cup on SpoilerTV before, it's simply a way to show your favorite characters some love and pass the time until the fall season starts. There's nothing serious about it, so please, enjoy.

What’s Different:

To help include more fandoms, each show can only be represented by 1 character and only 1 character per actor. Also, once a character wins the Character Cup, they are retired and cannot be a part of future Cups. This ensures a new victor each year. If we have a tie at the nomination stage, nominating and ranking polls will be held as necessary.

The Character Cup also has 3 added features. There is a prediction contest where you can try to predict the winners. A mini-contest runs concurrent with the Cup as it comes to an end, so more people can stay involved. Previous mini-contests included Favorite Vehicle, Favorite Villain, Favorite TV Theme Song,  Favorite One-Season Show, Favorite Finale, and Favorite TV Animal. I’m looking for suggestions for this year’s contest.

My favorite addition though is TV Talk. Each day there is a new TV topic to discuss so even if you don't have anyone to vote for that day, you can still be part of the conversation. If you have any topic suggestions, please nominate them. I can't wait to talk TV with you.


1. Only 1 submission per person. If you submit multiple times ALL of your submissions will be removed. Only nominations with both the character AND the TV show will be counted. Also please use the character's first and last name if you can. If a character is always called by their nickname, that works too.

2. You have to nominate 3-5 characters on the same nomination form. Any more or less will invalidate ALL of your nominations. They can be from shows currently airing, those long ended, and everything in between. Only characters from scripted, English-language shows or non-English language shows covered by SpoilerTV are eligible though.

3. Nominating more than 1 character from the same show or more than 1 character per actor will invalidate ALL of your nominations. If a character is a main character in a show and its spin-off/sequel, the character will be considered as being from both shows.

4. Please do NOT nominate Jack Shephard (LOST), Dean Winchester or Castiel (Supernatural), Root or Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest), Alex Danvers (Supergirl), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer), Lexa (The 100), or Temo Lopez (Mi marido tiene más familia). These characters are already past winners and therefore cannot run again. Any nominations for them will be invalid.

5. Nominations will close around noon CST on July 1.

6. Questions? Ask in the comments below.

Tentative Schedule:

Nominations - close at noon CST on July 1

Nominating/ranking polls - July 1 or July 2 for less than 24 hours

Prediction contest - begins July 3 and ends July 5

Character Cup - begins July 5 or July 6

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she reviews various shows, coordinates and edits Pitch Your Show, co-edits Quote of the Week, and writes The Monthly Binge. She also runs the annual Character Cup and SpoilerTV Awards. She's addicted to hot chocolate, loves reading and traveling, and co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group.  She can also be found @dahne1 and on her blog. ~ "I speak TV." Blog Twitter

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Throwback Thursday - Jericho - Pilot

Throwback Thursday is a weekly article in which we look back at our favorite TV episodes from the past.

Director - Jon Turteltaub (directed second episode too)
Creators - Jonathan E. Steinberg and Josh Schaer
Writer - Stephen Chbosky (wrote second episode too)

In celebration of being able to get Netflix on my TV again and to practice the sometimes sticky navigation, I took a stroll down Netflix’s sci-fi lane.  Past Supernatural and Stargate SG-1, beyond The 4400 and the super creepy looking The Order, I stumbled upon Jericho.  I thought I had seen a few episodes in the past so I decided to rewatch the pilot and reacquaint myself.  Turns out, I had never seen the pilot and oh, what a ride it is!  The show starts with Jake Green coming back home after a multi-year absence.  He’s not there to reminisce; he wants his inheritance.  Now.  Jake’s ultra shady, telling everyone a different story about where he’s been, so that means he’s gonna save the day.  Yep, we’ve got a full-blown millennial bad boy here, and what’s a bad boy without family drama.  Jake and his father, Mayor Johnston Green, have some deep seeded issues that the pilot only teases about.  Long story short, Jake has to prove he’s grown up before his dad will release his inheritance to him.  Jake:  “When are you going to realize, I’m 32-years-old.”  Dad:  “When you do.”  To prove that he is grown up, Jake basically storms out, visits his grandpa’s grave, refuses money from his mom, and tries to leave town.  I’m not sure that’s gonna convince MayorDad.  Still, with Jake’s sweet Plymouth Road Runner, I’d take every chance for a road trip, too.

California has to wait because Jake’s road trip is stopped short in the most dramatic way possible - a nuclear bomb is detonated in the distance.  That’ll distract your driving!  One car accident later and Jake’s leg is all bloody and the other couple is dead.  Neither car is going anywhere so Jake tries to hoof it back to town, as a crowd gathers at MayorDad’s house.  Knowing the town will be in crisis mode, MayorDad heads to headquarters where people panic and a bus load of kids is missing.  He proves his leadership mettle by being the voice of reason.  MayorDad:  “Folks, folks, folks!  Now look, I know that every part of you wants to just rush out there.  I don’t blame ya’, but as your friend, I’m asking you to think about that.  You’re safe here.  What if, God forbid, you go out there and you get stranded and your child comes back an orphan.  You know the Sheriff and his men.  You know they'll find your kids, so please…”  Having stemmed the chaos, he sends all police out to look for the bus.  Mmm, maybe make volunteer patrols for this, MayorDad.  People with nothing to do will become a problem sooner rather than later.

As daylight starts to fade, Jake hears some kids while he’s hopping down the road.  He follows them back to the missing school bus, where the driver is dead, the teacher’s leg is busted, and a little girl named Stacy can’t breathe.  Things get dire when she becomes unconscious and Jake is forced to problem solve.  (I totally called Jake saving the day.)  In emergency medicine fashion, Jake asks for a ballpoint pen to open Stacy’s airway but this is elementary school and these kids were on a field trip.  Of course they don’t have pens.  One kid, Julie, offers up her CapriSun straw but it’s too small.  Jake has Julie collect straws from all of them and band them together.  Lucas gets the dubious job of holding Stacy down while Jake uses his knife to open a hole in her throat and inserts the straws.  Lucas:  “How’d you learn how to do that?”  Jake:  “Uh, military school.”  Lucas:  “Were you a soldier?”  Jake:  “No, a screw up.”  Bwah!  Stacy starts breathing but she’s not out of the woods yet.  They have to get help.

Meanwhile, the sheriff organizes the police to find the bus when Robert Hawkins introduces himself.  He’s a former St. Louis police officer with a lot of common sense but no internal Jericho GPS since he just moved there.  Without knowledge of Jericho’s streets, the sheriff dismisses Robert’s offer of help.  Robert keeps trying, pointing at the Jericho sign on the police car.  Robert:  “You might want to get some black spray paint.  You know, cover that.  Look, I know you’re telling people it was an accident, and I hope it was but if it was an attack, Sheriff, and it’s chaos out there, you might not want the wrong people knowing that Jericho is still here.”  It’s solid advice that the sheriff ignores but I’m thinking it will come back to haunt the town in subsequent episodes.  Robert, like Jake, is a very mysterious character but with common sense ideas like his, he should team up with the mayor.  

Speaking of, MayorDad is desperate to get news, but the only way to do that is by ham radio.  The only person in town with a ham radio is Oliver, the local conspiracy nut job.  In the funniest scene, Oliver agrees to let them use the radio but MayorDad has to pay him 50 cents first.  Ha!  MayorDad handles it beautifully but Jake’s brother Eric is frustrated.  I am worried about MayorDad though because that coughing fit makes me think he’s ill.  In another part of town, Dale, the teen stocker from the opening, listens to the answering machine over and over again.  His mom explains that she’s staying on vacation a little longer, but in the middle of the recording, there’s a boom and the line goes dead.  Dale takes the tape to MayorDad’s house where Gail, the mayor’s wife, is keeping everyone calm.  Dale plays the tape for them and then destroys all hope.  The bomb that went off was close by but Dale’s mom was in Atlanta.  This was no accident and the damage is more widespread than they thought.

To make matters worse, the sheriff checks out an overturned bus, only to find it is a prison bus with dead guards.  Whoever was being transported kills the sheriff as I groan.  Why does every show with an isolated town, voluntary or not, have to add a killer?  Looking at you, Under the Dome.  Trapped in a town with dwindling resources after a nuclear bomb feels stressful enough.  No need to add killers when the situation itself could drive people to murder.  Like any crisis, this one brings out both the best and the worst of the people in Jericho.  While Dale goes over to help his employer transfer food to the refrigerator so it won’t go bad, the adults of Jericho fight over gas.  Robert suggests that Fire Chief Carroll use construction floodlights to control the mob, but that doesn’t stop the fighting.  

It isn’t until Grey, MayorDad’s main competition in the next election, starts calling people by name that they stop.  Grey:  “Stop it right now!  Yeah, Morty, I’m talking to you.  Michael Stevenson, Carl Meeks...Carl!  Why are you turning on each other?  Stealing from your neighbors?  I mean, you are fighting the wrong people.  We are literally in the dark.  All I’m saying is that I think we need to get organized?”  Lest we think Grey is actually a decent human being, he starts using the moment to shift blame to MayorDad.  What kind of person uses a nuclear bomb to forward their mayoral campaign?  Unfortunately for him, MayorDad shows up at the gas station, too.  When he tries to reassure the crowd, they have none of it.  Especially Shep who accuses MayorDad of regurgitating old speeches.

As things get ugly again at the gas station, Jake has his own set of problems.  He is losing a lot of blood and the bus is almost out of gas but he has to get the kids to safety.  At one point, he almost passes out.  Realizing that they might not make it, Heather, the teacher, tells the kids that they might have to go on foot into town.  It leads to a charming discussion of how to tell your right from your left, something I often employ in my classes.  Luckily Jake and the bus hold it together and just as things reach a breaking point at the gas station, Jake comes honking in.  Now that they have their kids back safely, including Shep, the townspeople calm down enough to hear MayorDad’s awesome speech:  “Hey Shep, you said earlier that you had heard that speech before.  You ever ask yourself why I say it?  ‘Cause I happen to trust you people.  ‘Cause I love my town.  Now something happened in Denver and Atlanta, and it could be that we wake up to find out that’s where it stopped.  But until we know, are we gonna use our imaginations to solve problems or to cause them?  Now we can get the power back on.  We can find out how big this thing is.  If we have to, we can fight.  We can fight anybody; we can fight all enemies.  The only way that’s gonna happen is if we work together.  Now, go on home.  We’ll meet tomorrow at the town hall.  And folks, don’t you break my heart again.”  Wow!

After his speech, MayorDad truly shows leadership by shaking Shep’s hand and showing that there is no grudge between them.  Now all that’s left is to make up with his son.  Jake’s brother and mother help him into an ambulance, where Jake downplays his injury.  Gail:  “Look at you, you’re a mess.”  Jake:  “It’s fine.  Stop worrying about me.”  Gail:  “Well, good luck with that.”  Awww.  A mother’s love knows no age limit.  Gail tearfully tells him that she thought he had left.  Jake:  “Come on.  You think I’d let dad have the last word?”  MayorDad:  “Hey, quit talking about me.  You did a great thing out there tonight.”  Jake:  “Thanks.”  MayorDad:  “Your grandfather would have been proud.”  It’s not reconciliation but it is a step forward and it would have been a great place to end.  However, there is a tag on scene with Jake’s ex, Emily, driving to pick up her fiance and getting stopped by hundreds of dead birds.  Maybe this was supposed to amp up the tension, but it was anticlimactic to me in an episode that excelled at pacing and world-building.  Many times pilots are bogged down by too much backstory or too many characters.  While this does have a lot of characters, the constant action kept the story from collapsing under the weight of exposition, making it one of the better pilots I’ve seen.


Grade:  A

Best Reason to Watch
- the pacing
Best Quotes
1.  Jake to Eric:  “We were both born on third base.  Quit pretending you hit a triple.”
2.  Julie:  “Ms. Lisinski, are we going to have school tomorrow?”  Heather:  “We’ll figure it out, honey.”  Julie:  “I vote no.”
Best Speech - MayorDad
Best Music - Better Days by The Goo Goo Dolls
Best Throwback / Vehicle - late 1960’s Plymouth Road Runner 
Best Timing - Jake drives the bus to town right when the crowd turns worse
Funniest Scene - Mayor and the alien conspiracy theorist
Biggest Eye Roll - it feels like a love triangle on the way between Heather - Jake - Emily

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she coordinates Throwback Thursday, co-coordinates Quote of the Week, and writes the occasional article. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Previously she wrote a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Quote of the Week - Weeks of May 30 and June 6

A weekly feature highlighting the best quotes on TV as picked by the SpoilerTV team. We'd love to hear your picks too so please sound off in the comments below.

- Prpleight
1.  Dante Sr.:  “You're looking for the line between right and wrong, but here's the cold hard truth. There is no line. There's just a grey area, and it's different for everyone. So you have to decide who you're going to be and what you're willing to do to get justice.”

- Julia K
1.  Deborah: "Marty tells me that I’m going to embarrass myself with this new show! What does he know?! His job is just a series of high-cholesterol lunches!“
2.  Deborah: "A lot of people think that Frank started my career. He didn’t, but we did start our careers together and it was a dream. And when you share a sense of humor with someone, it’s like finding someone who speaks your own private little language and you make each other better. But his ambition got in the way and he left me. And I was so scared because I thought I needed someone else and that I would never find anyone like him ever again. But then I found standup. Thank God! I know everyone thinks that standup is so scary because you are up there all alone, but it is the least scary thing in the world ‘cause no one can disappoint you."  Journalist: "Isn’t that a little lonely though?"  Deborah: "It’s just true. We came into this world completely alone and that’s how we leave it. Most people spend their whole lives pretending that’s not true. I don’t pretend. I never have."
3.  Ava: "Being back in this house is just making me remember that I always felt really, really lonely here. I think that’s why I started doing comedy in the first place, because it was just a way for me to feel connected to people who thought about things the way I did. But now I’m just like: maybe I shouldn’t shape my entire existence around a response to a shitty childhood. That’s not a very good reason to pursue a career."  Deborah: "I don’t know if that’s true. I mean, what is a good reason to pursue any career?"  Ava: "Your grandfather owned a cement truck and your name is already on the side of it?"

Law & Order:  SVU
- Jessica C
1.  Carisi:  "A partnership is a lot like a marriage. You fight and then you make up, but at the end of the day, you always have each other’s backs. And if you had to, you'd take a bullet for each other. And a bond like that, that never goes away."

- Maria Sol
1.  Loki: "What if I was a robot and I didn't know it?" Man: "The machine would melt you from the inside out. Please move along, sir." Loki: "Okay, I'm not a robot, so I'll be fine."
2.  Ravonna: "How do you plead?" Loki: "Madam, a god doesn't plead."
3.  Loki: "I don't enjoy hurting people. I...I don't enjoy it. I do it because I have to, because I've had to." Mobius: "Okay, explain that to me." Loki: "Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear."

- Prpleight
1.  God:  “Wow! Did you know that when humans close their eyes they can't see anything? I mean total darkness. But, open these babies and Bam! ...let there be light.”
2.  Lucifer:  “Oh my, Me.”

- Jessica C
1.  Jared Vasquez:  "I've got your back."
2.  Michaela Stone:  "The thing is the rules for the passengers are changing and while the system could always rely on me, I can no longer rely on the system."
3.  Grace Stone:  "Cal? My sweet, sweet boy. Take care of each other."  Cal Stone:  "I love you, mom. It's okay. I know what we need to do now."

Queen of the South
- Folie-lex
1.  Kelly Anne: "Pete lost his job. He's been having a hard time, doesn't really want to leave the house, and I kinda thought this move would help."  Heidi: "Like I said, people can surprise you."  Pete: "Hola, hi. I'm Pete Rodriguez. I'm Angie's husband, and you must be Heidi."
2.  James: "Looks like a cell phone, right? [flips the gadget to gun mode] If anything goes wrong, I want you covered. Two shots. Use them wisely. Here, try it."  Teresa: "I love you."
3.  James [to Devon]: "Is that the story you tell yourself? That you're nice? That you're one of the good guys, out here protecting the American people? No. The CIA is the most evil cartel there is."

- Julia K
1.  Carson:  “I’m not taking the pill and you can't make me!”  Rebel:  “Of for God’s sake! Can I take it?!”  Lana:  “Girl, if he was a cat, I’d grab him by the scruff and shove it down his throat!”
2.  Rebel:  “I need your help, except for you, Cass. You can go back to Satan’s tomb or whatever it is you sleep in these days.”

Superman & Lois
  - Raina
1.  Clark Kent: "Look, I know you can handle anything, but it is okay to ask for help. And I want to be that person for you always, but I also understand if I'm not right now."
2.  Lois Lane: "All this time I thought I was okay...and then just being reminded of the child that I lost and then almost losing you, I lost it, and I said some things I never should've said and that I didn't mean, but that's no excuse, and I never should've yelled at you like that, and I'm so sorry, and I love you so much, and I hope you forgive me."
3.  Lois Lane: "We are the extraordinary humans in a family of superpeople, and we have to stick together."

What We’re Watching:

Good Girls
- 4.06 - Jessica C
1.  Annie:  "You know what's so weird? You didn't go to bed a cop, but you woke up one."
2.  Rio:  "Hey. They like you."

- Season 5A - Prpleight
1.  Maze:  “I had 2 rocks growing up - one sharp, one not. Take the sharp one and try to stab things. Take the dull one and try to make it sharp.”

Prodigal Son
- 2.13 - Dahne
1.  Jessica:  “NO!!!  Sorry, Viv.  It’s gonna take more than 2 martinis and a couple of Valium to take me down.  That’s breakfast in this family.”  Vivian:  “You’re so right.  Mixing booze and pills is such a cliche way to die.   Maybe something more dramatic.”  (A fight ensues.)  Jessica:  “Dramatic?  I study Krav Maga with Grace Jones.  Bring it!”  
2.  Ainsley:  “Sheriff Cooley, you don’t know me but my father is Martin Whitly.  
Growing up I always knew that I was half darkness like my dad, but I also knew I was half my mother - good, kind, brave.  Your daughters won’t be able to say that.  For them, it will be all darkness but you can still redeem yourself.  All you have to do is tell us, where is The Woodsman?”

Queen of the South
- 5.08 - Folie-lex
1.  Teresa: "I'm here. You got what you want, now let them go."  Boaz: "See, that's where you mess up. Always thinking with your heart, not your head. That's why you're here now. I don't think you ever understood the darker side of this business, Teresa.”  Teresa: "You're wrong. I understand perfectly."
2.  Kostya: "You baited my cousin into betraying me. Her blood is on your hands and so is your own. I'm coming for you. You and everyone you love."

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she coordinates Throwback Thursday, co-coordinates Quote of the Week, and writes the occasional article. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Previously she wrote a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."

Monday, June 7, 2021

2021 SpoilerTV Awards - Winners

After 11 days of nominating and voting, it is time to announce the winners of the 2021 SpoilerTV Awards. Just click on the box to see the winner and 2 runners-up, and then sound off in the comments below about your favorites. Total percentages can be seen on the individual voting pages. Also, this year we added "least favorites" to the list and asked for your opinion about these categories. The overall vote was close but more people voted not to include least favorites in this contest. Thanks for sharing your opinion on both sides of the matter.

Also, don’t forget to check out the rest of the SpoilerTV hiatus contests. The Episode Contest nominations are open until Friday. Then comes the Character Cup in July and the huge Favorite Show Competition in August. There’s lots of fun to be had this hiatus so keep checking back with SpoilerTV throughout the summer.

Poll Results:

Tiebreaker Polls 
Day 5 - Least Favorites

Favorite Network Comedy
Winner - Superstore
2nd Place - Young Sheldon
3rd Place - The Neighborhood

Favorite Network Drama
Winner - Walker
2nd Place - MacGyver
3rd Place - Prodigal Son

Favorite NEW Network Comedy
Winner - Mr. Mayor
2nd Place - Call Me Kat
3rd Place - Home Economics

Favorite NEW Network Drama
Winner - Walker
2nd Place - Law and Order: Organized Crime
3rd Place - Big Sky

Show You'll Miss Most
Winner - Supernatural
2nd Place - Agents of SHIELD
3rd Place - MacGyver

Favorite Non-Network Comedy
Winner - What We Do in the Shadows
2nd Place - Ted Lasso
3rd Place - Dickinson

Favorite Non-Network Drama
Winner - Lucifer
2nd Place - When Calls the Heart
3rd Place - The Boys

Favorite NEW Non-Network Comedy
Winner - The Flight Atendant
2nd Place - Resident Alien
3rd Place - Emily in Paris

Favorite NEW Non-Network Drama
Winner - WandaVision
2nd Place - Bridgerton
3rd Place - Shadow and Bone

New Show You're Most Looking Forward To
Winner - House of the Dragon
2nd Place - CSI: Vegas
3rd Place - NCIS: Hawai'i

Favorite Comedy Actor
Winner - Iain Armitage (Young Sheldon)
2nd Place - Tim Allen (Last Man Standing)
3rd Place - Alan Tudyk (Resident Alien)

Favorite Comedy Actress
Winner - Kaley Cuoco (THe Flight Attendant)
2nd Place - Allison Janney (Mom)
3rd Place - Jane Levy (Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist)

Favorite Drama Actor
Winner - Jared Padalecki (Walker)
2nd Place - Jesse Lee Soffer (Chicago PD)
3rd Place - Tom Payne (Prodigal Son)

Favorite Drama Actress
Winner - Elizabeth Olsen (WandaVision)
2nd Place - Bellamy Young (Prodigal Son)
3rd Place - Tristin Mays (MacGyver)

Favorite Young Actor/Actress
Winner - Aidan Gallagher (The Umbrella Academy)
2nd Place - Gavin McHugh (911)
3rd Place - Dafne Keen (His Dark Materials)

Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show
Winner - Lucifer
2nd Place - Superntural
3rd Place - WandaVision

Favorite Crime Drama
Winner - Prodigal Son
2nd Place - Chicago PD
3rd Place - NCIS

Favorite Animated Show
Winner - The Simpsons
2nd Place - Harley Quinn
3rd Place - Invincible

Favorite Finale
Winner - When Calls the Heart
2nd Place - Superstore
3rd Place - Supernatural

Most Disappointing Show
First Place - The 100
2nd Place - When Calls the Heart
3rd Place - Bull

Least Favorite Character
First Place - Castiel (Supernatural)
2nd Place - Lucas Bouchard (When Calls the Heart)
3rd Place - Owen Hunt (Grey's Anatomy)

Least Favorite NEW Show
First Place - Cursed
2nd Place - Clarice
3rd Place - Call Your Mother

Least Favorite Comedy
First Place - The Conners
2nd Place - Bob Hearts Abishola
3rd Place - Young Sheldon

Least Favorite Drama
First Place - Bull
2nd Place - The 100
3rd Place - Grey's Anatomy

Least Favorite Finale
First Place - The 100
2nd Place - When Calls the Heart
3rd Place - Supernatural

Interesting Stats:

-added 8 new categories including New Show You're Most Excited For, Favorite Finale, and 6 "least favorite" categories
-Two shows remained tops in their category for both years:  Prodigal Son for Favorite Crime Drama and The Simpsons for Favorite Animated Show
-6 switched categories:  Prodigal Son was the Favorite New Network Drama winner last year, Bob Hearts Abishola was the Favorite New Network Comedy winner last year, The Mandalorian got 2nd in Favorite NEW Non-Network Drama, Iain Armitage (Young Sheldon) was 2nd place in Favorite Young Actor, Jane Levy (Zoey's) was third place again last year but for Favorite Drama Actress, and The 100 was 2nd for Favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy Show.
-Ted Danson got 4th place in Favorite Comedy Actor this year for Mr. Mayor and 2nd place last year for The Good Place.

~~~Shows Barely Missing the Podium This Year
MacGyver missed 3rd place by 1 vote in Least Favorite Finale
Law & Order:SVU missed 3rd place by 2 votes in Favorite Crime Drama
The Equalizer missed 3rd place by 3 votes in Favorite NEW Network Drama
Family Guy missed 3rd place by 4 votes in Favorite Animated Show

~~~Shows That Won For Both Favorite and Least Favorite Categories
1.  When Calls the Heart:  Favorite Non-Network Drama (2nd), Favorite Finale (winner), Least Favorite Finale (2nd), Most Disappointing (2nd), Least Favorite Character (2nd)  ***This show resolved a longtime love triangle in the finale so reactions were split among shippers.
2.  Supernatural:  Show You'll Miss Most (winner), Favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy Show (2nd), Favorite Finale (3rd), Least Favorite Finale (3rd), Least Favorite Character (winner)
3.  Young Sheldon:  Favorite Comedy Actor (winner), Favorite Comedy (2nd), Least Favorite Comedy (3rd)

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she coordinates Throwback Thursday, co-coordinates Quote of the Week, and writes the occasional article. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Previously she wrote a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."

Friday, June 4, 2021

2021 SpoilerTV Awards, Day 5

Welcome to the last round of voting in the 2021 SpoilerTV Awards! Today we’re looking at our least favorites. Like before, you will have approximately 48 hours to vote so don’t forget to comment below and on social media. Polls will have between 5-6 choices depending on how nominations fell out. Results of all voting should be posted on Monday.

Don’t forget, the Day 4 polls on favorite genre shows are still open so check out the link below. Also, if you already voted in the last poll, it will not let you vote again. Don't forget to read the Basic Information and happy voting!

Open Polls:

Day 4 - Genres and Favorite Finale

Basic Information:

-These polls will be open for approximately 48 hours (June 6 at around 5:30 pm CST). The only exception is the last poll which will remain open for the duration of voting.

-You will not be able to see the results until the winners are announced.

-One vote per person per poll please.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she coordinates Throwback Thursday, co-coordinates Quote of the Week, and writes the occasional article. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Previously she wrote a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."

Thursday, June 3, 2021

2021 SpoilerTV Awards, Day 4 Voting

Welcome to the penultimate round in the voting stage of the 2021 SpoilerTV Awards! Tomorrow the last polls we be posted but today we’re looking at the best of genre categories and the best finale. Like before, you will have approximately 48 hours to vote so don’t forget to talk up your favorites in the comments below and on social media. Polls will have between 5-6 choices depending on how nominations fell out.

Don’t forget, the Day 3 polls on favorite acting are still open so check out the link below. Also, if you already voted in the last poll, it will not let you vote again. Don't forget to read the Basic Information and happy voting!

Open Polls:

Day 3 - Acting Awards

Basic Information:

-These polls will be open for approximately 48 hours (June 4 at around 5:30 pm CST). The only exception is the last poll which will remain open for the duration of voting.

-You will not be able to see the results until the winners are announced.

-One vote per person per poll please.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she coordinates Throwback Thursday, co-coordinates Quote of the Week, and writes the occasional article. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Previously she wrote a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

2021 SpoilerTV Awards, Day 3 Voting


We’re halfway through the voting stage of the 2021 SpoilerTV Awards! Today we’re looking at the acting categories. Like before, you will have approximately 48 hours to vote so don’t forget to talk up your favorites in the comments below and on social media. Polls will have between 5-6 choices depending on how nominations fell out.

Don’t forget, the Day 2 polls on cable/streaming shows are still open so check out the link below. Also, if you already voted in the last poll, it will not let you vote again. Don't forget to read the Basic Information and happy voting!

Open Polls:

Day 2 - Cable/Streaming Shows

Basic Information:

-These polls will be open for approximately 48 hours (June 4 at around 5:30 pm CST). The only exception is the last poll which will remain open for the duration of voting.

-You will not be able to see the results until the winners are announced.

-One vote per person per poll please.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she coordinates Throwback Thursday, co-coordinates Quote of the Week, and writes the occasional article. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Previously she wrote a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

2021 SpoilerTV Awards, Day 2 Voting

The 2010 Spoiler TV Awards continue today with favorite cable/streaming shows. Polls will have between 5-6 choices depending on how the nominations fell. You can still vote in the Day 1 and tie-breaker polls for less than 24 hours as well. See the links below.

Also, if you already voted in the last poll yesterday, it will not let you vote again. Don't forget to read the Basic Information and happy voting!

Open Polls:
Tie-breaker Polls

Basic Information:

-These polls will be open for approximately 48 hours (June 3 at around 5:30 pm CST). The only exception is the last poll which will remain open for the duration of voting. 
-You will not be able to see the results until the winners are announced. 
-One vote per person per poll please.


About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she coordinates Throwback Thursday, co-coordinates Quote of the Week, and writes the occasional article. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Previously she wrote a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."

2021 SpoilerTV Awards - Tie-Breaker Polls for Fav. Comedy Actor and "Least Favs"

In order to make the contest polls more manageable, I don’t like to have more than 5-6 choices in the final polls. However, sometimes the votes don’t break that way. Hence, tie-breaker polls. With some popular shows like Brooklyn 99 and Schitt’s Creek not being eligible this year, we ended up with 5 actors tying for fifth place in the Favorite Comedy Actor category. We also had far fewer nominations in the “Least Favorite” categories, so the threshold to get into the contest was much lower, making it easier to tie. Note - these are just the actors/shows that are tied for 5th place. There are other shows that are already in these categories. Because these polls are tie-breakers, they will only be open for a little less than 24 hours.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she coordinates Throwback Thursday, co-coordinates Quote of the Week, and writes the occasional article. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She co-hosted The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Previously she wrote a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."