
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Supernatural - Ultimate Episode Contest - My Predictions

Before the contest started I made predictions of how each poll would play out. So far I am doing well, having predicted all but one. These are those predictions and boy was I wrong at the end. I did pretty well in teh first 3 rounds but round 4 and on kicked my butt.

Moving on to round 2 - Death's Door, Heart, Frontierland, Home, No Rest for the Wicked, Scarecrow, Bad Day at Black Rock, Yellow Fever, Mystery Spot, The Man Who Would be King, Devil's Trap, On the Head of a Pin, Swan Song, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Abandon All Hope, My Heart Will Go On, Changing Channels, Simon Said, Croatoan, Jus in Bello, The Born-Again Identity, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Girl with the Dungeons & Dragons Tattoo, The Monster at the End of This Book, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, Sympathy for the Devil, Dark Side of the Moon, Caged Heat, The End, Folsom Prison Blues, The Pilot, My Bloody Valentine, A Very Supernatural Christmas, The Usual Suspects, Something Wicked, Time After Time, Lucifer Rising, Crossroad Blues, Weekend at Bobby's, 2 Minutes to Midnight, Lazarus Rising, In the Beginning, Appointment in Samara, Skin, What is and What Should Never Be, Asylum, Faith, Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie, The French Mistake, Wishful Thinking, Slash Fiction, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1, Survival of the Fittest, It's a Terrible Life, Meet the New Boss, Repo Man, In my Time of Dying, When the Levee Breaks, Heaven and Hell, Hello Cruel World, Born Under a Bad Sign, And Then There Were None, Point of No Return, and Tall Tales

Moving on to round 3 - Death's Door, Frontierland, No Rest for the Wicked, Bad Day at Black Rock, Mystery Spot, On the Head of a Pin, Swan Song, Abandon All Hope, Changing Channels, Jus in Bello, The Born-Again Identity, The Girl with the Dungeons & Dragons Tattoo, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, Dark Side of the Moon, The End, The Pilot, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Time After Time, Lucifer Rising, 2 Minutes to Midnight, Lazarus Rising, Skin, What is and What Should Never Be, Faith, The French Mistake, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1, Survival of the Fittest, Meet the New Boss, In My Time of Dying, Hello Cruel World, Born Under a Bad Sign, and Tall Tales

Moving on to round 4 - Death's Door, Bad Day at Black Rock, Mystery Spot, Swan Song, Changing Channels, The Girl with the Dungeons & Dragons Tattoo, All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, The End, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Lucifer Rising, Lazarus Rising, What is and What Should Never Be, The French Mistake, Meet the New Boss, In My Time of Dying, and Born Under a Bad Sign

Moving on to round 5 - Death's Door, Mystery Spot, Changing Channels, The End, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Lazarus Rising, The French Mistake, and In My Time of Dying

Moving on to round 6 - Mystery Spot, The End, A Very Supernatural Christmas, The French Mistake

Finals - The End, A Very Supernatural Christmas

Winner - The End

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